Youtube (nofap): J’ai quitté nofap instantanément après avoir découvert cela…

J'ai quitté nofap instantanément après avoir découvert cela…

Disponible sur la plateforme YouTube, vidéo sur le thème « nofap »

Le thème « nofap » mis en image par Abe Ott

Une vidéo, produite par Abe Ott et mise en ligne sur YouTube (le ), est consacrée au thème « nofap » et en présente quelques aspects.

YouTube offre une plateforme dynamique où chacun peut découvrir et partager des contenus variés, allant des vidéos simples aux discussions approfondies.

À l’instant où nous avons visionné la vidéo (), elle comptait déjà plusieurs interactions cumulées. Le nombre de Likes indiquait: 192.

Notez la durée de la vidéo (00:08:41s), le titre (I quit NoFap instantly after discovering this…), et les commentaires qui accompagnent le contenu de l’auteur :« Ce sera probablement la vidéo la plus précieuse que vous regardez sur nofap. #Selfrivance #selfdevelopment #nofap ».

La vidéo se trouve juste en dessous de cette phrase

Optimiser ses chances de succès sur NoFap

Des lectures et plateformes en ligne pour approfondir le mouvement.

Des recherches approfondies et des articles scientifiques, y compris les travaux de Nicole Prause, éclairent l’impact de la pornographie et de la masturbation sur la santé, tout en proposant des approches pour les traiter scientifiquement.

Stratégies de la communauté NoFap pour éviter la masturbation

Pour rester motivé, il est important d’adopter des habitudes comme l’exercice et la méditation, tout en évitant les déclencheurs de tentation.

Apprendre à gérer les rechutes est une compétence clé du parcours NoFap.

Les rechutes ne sont pas une fin mais un obstacle naturel dans NoFap. Une étude a montré qu’en analysant les échecs et en sollicitant la communauté, les participants peuvent réussir à surmonter ces défis.

Les hommes qui pratiquent l’abstinence constatent des effets sur leur bien-être général.

Vérifier l’impact de l’abstinence sur la fonction érectile.

Selon des recherches, l’abstinence masculine permet de surmonter les dysfonctions érectiles associées à la masturbation.

Discuter de la réduction de l’anxiété et de la dépression provoquées par la dépendance à la masturbation.

Chez l’homme, la dépendance à la pornographie et à la masturbation entraîne des niveaux élevés d’anxiété. L’arrêt de ces comportements permet souvent une réduction notable de la dépression et une reprise du contrôle sur leurs habitudes.

Les bénéfices psychologiques de l’abstinence chez l’homme se manifestent de manière positive.

L’abstinence permet de réduire l’anxiété et la dépression chez l’homme, tout en favorisant la confiance en soi. Les discussions sur les forums NoFap révèlent des progrès psychologiques.

Hommes et NoFap : une approche moderne du bien-être

Comprendre les objectifs qui motivent la pratique du NoFap permet de mieux en saisir ses bienfaits.

Les membres de la communauté NoFap sont motivés par la volonté de combattre les effets néfastes de la pornographie, d’améliorer leur performance érectile et de réduire l’anxiété. De nombreux hommes sondés ont rapporté une diminution de la dépression et des pensées suicidaires après avoir cessé ces comportements.

Étudier l’impact de la pornographie sur la santé mentale et physique des hommes est important.

Des chercheurs ont mis en lumière l’impact destructeur de la pornographie, soulignant qu’elle peut causer la dysfonction érectile, l’anxiété, la dépression et l’addiction. Nicole Prause a d’ailleurs publié une étude détaillant les effets de la masturbation excessive et de la pornographie sur la santé mentale et physique des hommes.

NoFap encourage à s’éloigner de la pornographie pour améliorer le bien-être global.

NoFap repose sur une abstinence volontaire de pornographie et de masturbation, offrant aux hommes un moyen de surmonter leur dépendance. Cette approche favorise un équilibre émotionnel et une vitalité accrue.

La force de la communauté NoFap réside dans son rôle crucial pour aider les hommes à se reconstruire.

Explorer les forums NoFap permet de se nourrir d’expériences partagées par ceux qui ont surmonté la dépendance.

Les forums sont des ressources précieuses, où les hommes échangent sur leurs défis et trouvent des études scientifiques adaptées à leurs besoins.

Mettre l’accent sur l’influence positive du soutien social et émotionnel sur la réussite de l’abstinence.

Les forums de la communauté Nofap fournissent une aide concrète aux hommes pour lutter contre l’anxiété et la dépression tout en offrant des conseils pour surmonter les obstacles et éviter les rechutes. Faire appel à un expert est parfois nécessaire (voir à ce sujet ce lien).

Étudier l’importance des forums et des groupes de soutien pour renforcer la résilience des participants.

Des études ont montré que la participation aux forums de la communauté NoFap augmente les chances de succès pour les hommes cherchant à surmonter la masturbation, l’anxiété et la dépression. L’appui de la communauté est essentiel pour lutter contre ce comportement de façon scientifique.

Pour visionner la vidéo directement sur YouTube, veuillez suivre ce lien :
la source: Cliquer ici

#Jai #quitté #nofap #instantanément #après #avoir #découvert #cela

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: if I did not learn this one lesson about nofap I would still be addicted to masturbation but before we talk about that lesson I need to share where my problem with masturbation all started for that lesson to make more sense so I remember the first time I ever masturbated I was on my bed and I was just you know going at it and all of a sudden my load explodes and at first when that happened I was like what the [ __ ] cuz nothing like that ever happened before so I genuinely thought something was like wrong with me but when I was thinking about okay I need to talk to somebody about this to figure out if there’s something wrong with me I was like how am I going to explain how I got to this situation like there was no way I could have explained it in a way that sounded normal but the thing was the main thing I remembered about that experience was the feeling I got from it at this time in my life I had suspicions that something might be wrong with me because of what just happened but at the same time something about it felt good and that was when I basically just got consumed it just became this thing where I was constantly thinking about and constantly trying to do wherever I was that was all I was looking forward to in my mind when I was at school I couldn’t even focus a lot of the times on what my teacher was saying because I was just focused on different ways that I could masturbate or how I’m going to do it once I get home and not get caught my entire life and mind just got consumed by that lust and the thing was at this time of my life I was also very unaware of the consequences that this problem would bring I went to church and everything so I knew about the whole lust side of things and how that stuff was bad and how you shouldn’t do it but at the same time I didn’t really know why like I hadn’t actually experience the consequences yet so I was just very unaware of what those consequences would look like and that was where my problem with masturbation all started but I ended up going down a rabbit hole that changed my entire perspective on love for the better at first anyway so after I was just basically consumed by my lust and masturbation for a while I ended up going on YouTube and I came across these certain type of videos and these videos were talking about this concept I’ve never heard before which was noof fap and I remember after I came across these type of videos I started binging them and they were all just talking about the different consequences that you would experience if you continued down the path of masturbation but also all of the benefits that you would see if you quit masturbation and after hearing about all those consequences and benefits and watching the nofap timelines and things like that I fully realized how important it was for me to quit so I started to try everything I possibly could I binged the videos for how to quit masturbation and implemented so many of the things they talked about like taking cold showers doing push-ups changing your identity and just doing all all these different types of things and I even had this nofap streak Journal that I would just write down like day one of noof FAP day two of noof FAP and I was like keeping track of my progress and what I was doing like I was doing everything I possibly could to quit my addiction and I ended up just fixating on this problem that I needed to conquer it was like from the second I woke up to the second I went to bed I had this mindset of I am going to have to fight this problem today and I’m going to succeed it just felt like I was some kind of Knight in a way and this was my dragon that I needed to slay I just rhymed bars and that was the rabbit hole I went down realizing how bad masturbation was for me and getting on to noof fap but even though I was trying almost everything to quit my addiction to masturbation ended up just getting even worse than before in multiple ways so after I was trying everything I possibly could to quit I ended up just falling back to my addiction over and over and over again and it would literally be like while I was doing it I would have the conscious thought that after I get done I am going to regret it I am going to hate myself I am going to just you know experience all the consequences that come after masturbating but I would still be doing it it was like as soon as I started to get the temptation to masturbate all of my care for the consequences that I experience experience or the benefits that I would have if I didn’t do it went out the window it was like I just didn’t care in the moment and when I would do it it would be even worse than before because the thing was after I did it once I would just be like oh well I guess I already messed up my noof fap streak today so I might as well do it three more times or do it as much as I possibly can today and then start back on my noof fap tomorrow but it didn’t just stop at falling into the addiction over and over and over again but where things got even worse was I started to punish myself for falling into those problems I remember that a lot of the time after I did it I would just go into my bathroom grab a razor and I would cut myself because for a lot of my life I’ve had a lot of problems with self harm and I knew that I didn’t want any more scars on my body so I thought that if I just were to cut myself every single time after I masturbated then it would teach myself a lesson to the point where I just wouldn’t do it anymore but even that that didn’t work it was genuinely like nothing worked I talked to people I watched all the videos I implemented all the advice and it was just almost useless and that was how my addiction got even worse than before but after that time in my life I learned something about nofap that has been helping me masturbate so much less so after I tried noap for a long time and I’m talking like years eventually it got to the point where I was just like okay [ __ ] this like I’m done because it just was not working for me and ironically when I quit noap that was when I started to fap less but I didn’t just quit noof fap what I also did was I started to focus on the things in life that I should be doing I started training more MMA I started focusing on taking my YouTube career more seriously and actually making it work and I even started to just focus on developing real connections with women instead of just being in my own fake reality and have my own fake perspective of what women are and combining those two things of quitting noof fap and focusing on the things I should be doing has helped me to progressively masturbate less and less with time and that made me realize that the more you focus on not masturbating the more likely you will be to do it because the thing is if you focus on not doing it what you do is you basically create this perspective of it that it’s this way bigger problem than it actually is which makes it seem like it’s harder to conquer and also when you focus on quitting it you’re just going to think about it more which is going to create more temptation to do it to the point where that Temptation becomes so strong where it’s almost impossible to resist and I’m not saying that I’m perfect like I literally masturbated last month and I also literally watched porn last month like I’m not going to sit here and pretend like I’m this perfect self-improvement G Guru who knows everything about nofap but what matters is the fact that I have improved so much from where I have started and that’s what is currently helping me masturbate less not focusing on quitting and instead focusing on the things in life that I should be doing and I also just want to say that if you do mess up please do not be all hard on yourself and end up doing the type of things that I did which was just punish yourself in different ways like please do not be hard on yourself when you mess up because the thing is if you do that then the same thing is going to happen you’re going to fix it on the fact that you messed up to the point where you start thinking about masturbating more and then the temptation to do it again is just going to get stronger and stronger to the point where it’s impossible to resist and if you do fall into that Temptation again which you might just be like yeah I [ __ ] up then move on and go back to focusing on the things that you should be doing but there’s still another lesson I wish I learned sooner having to do with lust in a relationship so click and watch this right now to learn that lesson and as always remember to be one of the few who chooses to fight their demons I’ll see you in the next video .

Image YouTube

Déroulement de la vidéo:

0.04 if I did not learn this one lesson about
0.04 nofap I would still be addicted to
0.04 masturbation but before we talk about
0.04 that lesson I need to share where my
0.04 problem with masturbation all started
0.04 for that lesson to make more sense so I
0.04 remember the first time I ever
0.04 masturbated I was on my bed and I was
0.04 just you know going at it and all of a
0.04 sudden my load explodes and at first
0.04 when that happened I was like what the
0.04 [ __ ] cuz nothing like that ever happened
0.04 before so I genuinely thought something
0.04 was like wrong with me but when I was
0.04 thinking about okay I need to talk to
0.04 somebody about this to figure out if
0.04 there&;s something wrong with me I was
0.04 like how am I going to explain how I got
0.04 to this situation like there was no way
0.04 I could have explained it in a way that
0.04 sounded normal but the thing was the
0.04 main thing I remembered about that
0.04 experience was the feeling I got from it
0.04 at this time in my life I had suspicions
0.04 that something might be wrong with me
0.04 because of what just happened but at the
0.04 same time something about it felt good
0.04 and that was when I basically just got
0.04 consumed it just became this thing where
0.04 I was constantly thinking about and
0.04 constantly trying to do wherever I was
0.04 that was all I was looking forward to in
0.04 my mind when I was at school I couldn&;t
0.04 even focus a lot of the times on what my
0.04 teacher was saying because I was just
0.04 focused on different ways that I could
0.04 masturbate or how I&;m going to do it
0.04 once I get home and not get caught my
0.04 entire life and mind just got consumed
0.04 by that lust and the thing was at this
0.04 time of my life I was also very unaware
0.04 of the consequences that this problem
0.04 would bring I went to church and
0.04 everything so I knew about the whole
0.04 lust side of things and how that stuff
0.04 was bad and how you shouldn&;t do it but
0.04 at the same time I didn&;t really know
0.04 why like I hadn&;t actually experience
0.04 the consequences yet so I was just very
0.04 unaware of what those consequences would
0.04 look like and that was where my problem
0.04 with masturbation all started but I
0.04 ended up going down a rabbit hole that
0.04 changed my entire perspective on love
0.04 for the better at first anyway so after
0.04 I was just basically consumed by my lust
0.04 and masturbation for a while I ended up
0.04 going on YouTube and I came across these
0.04 certain type of videos and these videos
0.04 were talking about this concept I&;ve
0.04 never heard before which was noof fap
0.04 and I remember after I came across these
0.04 type of videos I started binging them
0.04 and they were all just talking about the
0.04 different consequences that you would
0.04 experience if you continued down the
0.04 path of masturbation but also all of the
0.04 benefits that you would see if you quit
0.04 masturbation and after hearing about all
0.04 those consequences and benefits and
0.04 watching the nofap timelines and things
0.04 like that I fully realized how important
0.04 it was for me to quit so I started to
0.04 try everything I possibly could I binged
0.04 the videos for how to quit masturbation
0.04 and implemented so many of the things
0.04 they talked about like taking cold
0.04 showers doing push-ups changing your
0.04 identity and just doing all all these
0.04 different types of things and I even had
0.04 this nofap streak Journal that I would
0.04 just write down like day one of noof FAP
0.04 day two of noof FAP and I was like
0.04 keeping track of my progress and what I
0.04 was doing like I was doing everything I
0.04 possibly could to quit my addiction and
0.04 I ended up just fixating on this problem
0.04 that I needed to conquer it was like
0.04 from the second I woke up to the second
0.04 I went to bed I had this mindset of I am
0.04 going to have to fight this problem
0.04 today and I&;m going to succeed it just
0.04 felt like I was some kind of Knight in a
0.04 way and this was my dragon that I needed
0.04 to slay I just rhymed bars and that was
0.04 the rabbit hole I went down realizing
0.04 how bad masturbation was for me and
0.04 getting on to noof fap but even though I
0.04 was trying almost everything to quit my
0.04 addiction to masturbation ended up just
0.04 getting even worse than before in
0.04 multiple ways so after I was trying
0.04 everything I possibly could to quit I
0.04 ended up just falling back to my
0.04 addiction over and over and over again
0.04 and it would literally be like while I
0.04 was doing it I would have the conscious
0.04 thought that after I get done I am going
0.04 to regret it I am going to hate myself I
0.04 am going to just you know experience all
0.04 the consequences that come after
0.04 masturbating but I would still be doing
0.04 it it was like as soon as I started to
0.04 get the temptation to masturbate all of
0.04 my care for the consequences that I
0.04 experience experience or the benefits
0.04 that I would have if I didn&;t do it went
0.04 out the window it was like I just didn&;t
0.04 care in the moment and when I would do
0.04 it it would be even worse than before
0.04 because the thing was after I did it
0.04 once I would just be like oh well I
0.04 guess I already messed up my noof fap
0.04 streak today so I might as well do it
0.04 three more times or do it as much as I
0.04 possibly can today and then start back
0.04 on my noof fap tomorrow but it didn&;t
0.04 just stop at falling into the addiction
0.04 over and over and over again but where
0.04 things got even worse was I started to
0.04 punish myself for falling into those
0.04 problems I remember that a lot of the
0.04 time after I did it I would just go into
0.04 my bathroom grab a razor and I would cut
0.04 myself because for a lot of my life I&;ve
0.04 had a lot of problems with self harm and
0.04 I knew that I didn&;t want any more scars
0.04 on my body so I thought that if I just
0.04 were to cut myself every single time
0.04 after I masturbated then it would teach
0.04 myself a lesson to the point where I
0.04 just wouldn&;t do it anymore but even
0.04 that that didn&;t work it was genuinely
0.04 like nothing worked I talked to people I
0.04 watched all the videos I implemented all
0.04 the advice and it was just almost
0.04 useless and that was how my addiction
0.04 got even worse than before but after
0.04 that time in my life I learned something
0.04 about nofap that has been helping me
0.04 masturbate so much less so after I tried
0.04 noap for a long time and I&;m talking
0.04 like years eventually it got to the
0.04 point where I was just like okay [ __ ]
0.04 this like I&;m done because it just was
0.04 not working for me and ironically when I
0.04 quit noap that was when I started to fap
0.04 less but I didn&;t just quit noof fap
0.04 what I also did was I started to focus
0.04 on the things in life that I should be
0.04 doing I started training more MMA I
0.04 started focusing on taking my YouTube
0.04 career more seriously and actually
0.04 making it work and I even started to
0.04 just focus on developing real
0.04 connections with women instead of just
0.04 being in my own fake reality and have my
0.04 own fake perspective of what women are
0.04 and combining those two things of
0.04 quitting noof fap and focusing on the
0.04 things I should be doing has helped me
0.04 to progressively masturbate less and
0.04 less with time and that made me realize
0.04 that the more you focus on not
0.04 masturbating the more likely you will be
0.04 to do it because the thing is if you
0.04 focus on not doing it what you do is you
0.04 basically create this perspective of it
0.04 that it&;s this way bigger problem than
0.04 it actually is which makes it seem like
0.04 it&;s harder to conquer and also when you
0.04 focus on quitting it you&;re just going
0.04 to think about it more which is going to
0.04 create more temptation to do it to the
0.04 point where that Temptation becomes so
0.04 strong where it&;s almost impossible to
0.04 resist and I&;m not saying that I&;m
0.04 perfect like I literally masturbated
0.04 last month and I also literally watched
0.04 porn last month like I&;m not going to
0.04 sit here and pretend like I&;m this
0.04 perfect self-improvement G Guru who
0.04 knows everything about nofap but what
0.04 matters is the fact that I have improved
0.04 so much from where I have started and
0.04 that&;s what is currently helping me
0.04 masturbate less not focusing on quitting
0.04 and instead focusing on the things in
0.04 life that I should be doing and I also
0.04 just want to say that if you do mess up
0.04 please do not be all hard on yourself
0.04 and end up doing the type of things that
0.04 I did which was just punish yourself in
0.04 different ways like please do not be
0.04 hard on yourself when you mess up
0.04 because the thing is if you do that then
0.04 the same thing is going to happen you&;re
0.04 going to fix it on the fact that you
0.04 messed up to the point where you start
0.04 thinking about masturbating more and
0.04 then the temptation to do it again is
0.04 just going to get stronger and stronger
0.04 to the point where it&;s impossible to
0.04 resist and if you do fall into that
0.04 Temptation again which you might just be
0.04 like yeah I [ __ ] up then move on and
0.04 go back to focusing on the things that
0.04 you should be doing but there&;s still
0.04 another lesson I wish I learned sooner
0.04 having to do with lust in a relationship
0.04 so click and watch this right now to
0.04 learn that lesson and as always remember
0.04 to be one of the few who chooses to
0.04 fight their demons I&;ll see you in the
0.04 next video

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