Youtube (no fap): Pourquoi vous continuez à échouer Nofap

Pourquoi vous continuez à échouer Nofap

YouTube : du nouveau sur le thème « no fap »

Un film sur le thème « no fap » présenté par iamLucid

Sur YouTube, publié par iamLucid (), cette vidéo offre un angle nouveau dans le thème « no fap ».

Avec ses algorithmes de recommandation sophistiqués, YouTube personnalise votre expérience en vous suggérant des vidéos correspondant à nos intérêts et à notre historique de visionnage.

À la date de notre visionnage (), la vidéo avait accumulé un certain nombre d’interactions. Le décompte de Likes indiquait: 24801.

La durée (00:07:07s) de la vidéo, le titre (Why you keep failing Nofap), sont à prendre en compte de même que la description publiée par l’auteur :« C’est ainsi que j’ai su dès le premier jour que j’atteindrais plus de 1000 ↣ Obtenez des avantages réservés aux membres sur, abonnez-vous : ★ RESTEZ LUCIDE ↣ Obtenez une V-Card réelle – https :// ↣ Faites un don de crypto à lucid – ↣ Chaîne WhatsApp – – – – – #iamLucid À propos d’iamLucid : Je fais des vidéos sur Lucid Dreaming, le Dark web, Self- croissance, réalité virtuelle et autres contenus qui suscitent la réflexion, car Internet en a besoin. mon secret pour plus de 1000 jours nofap iamLucid ».

Le player de la vidéo est situé juste en dessous

Découvrir le NoFap : un nouveau départ pour les hommes

NoFap propose de remplacer ces habitudes par des pratiques favorisant l’équilibre.

Le mouvement NoFap encourage les hommes à éviter la pornographie et la masturbation pour briser le cercle de la dépendance. Il s’agit d’une approche visant à favoriser une meilleure santé mentale et un bien-être physique durable.

Examiner les conséquences de la pornographie sur la santé des hommes.

L’étude de la pornographie par des scientifiques montre que cette pratique peut entraîner des troubles comme la dysfonction érectile, la dépression, l’anxiété et l’addiction. Nicole Prause a publié une étude sur l’influence de la consommation excessive de pornographie et de masturbation sur le cerveau et le bien-être des hommes.

Découvrir les raisons derrière NoFap permet de mieux apprécier les changements qu’il peut entraîner dans la vie quotidienne.

La communauté NoFap se distingue par son engagement à éradiquer les effets négatifs de la pornographie sur les hommes, tout en visant une amélioration de la performance érectile et de la gestion de l’anxiété. De nombreux participants ont noté une réduction de la dépression et des pensées suicidaires après l’abandon de ces comportements.

Réussir sur NoFap : les stratégies à adopter

Ressources fiables pour approfondir le parcours NoFap.

Les recherches menées par des experts comme Nicole Prause, soutenues par des études scientifiques, permettent de mieux comprendre les effets de l’addiction à la pornographie et à la masturbation, tout en offrant des solutions fondées sur la science.

Astuces et stratégies de NoFap pour l’abstinence durable

Pour maintenir la motivation, il est crucial d’incorporer des habitudes saines comme l’exercice et la méditation tout en évitant les pièges.

Les rechutes sont courantes, mais des techniques peuvent aider à les éviter.

Les rechutes ne sont pas un échec, mais un défi normal dans NoFap, comme le montre une étude scientifique. Les participants doivent analyser leurs erreurs, comprendre ce qui a causé la rechute et utiliser le soutien de la communauté pour progresser.

Au sein de NoFap, la communauté devient un appui fondamental pour les hommes cherchant à se libérer de leurs addictions.

Explorer comment le soutien social et émotionnel facilite la pratique de l’abstinence.

Les forums de la communauté Nofap aident les hommes à surmonter les défis liés à l’anxiété, à la dépression et à l’abstinence, en favorisant le partage d’idées et de stratégies pour gérer les risques de rechutes. Faire appel à un expert est parfois nécessairecomme ce spécialiste du Nofap.

Analyser l’efficacité des plateformes d’entraide et des forums dans l’accompagnement des individus.

Les groupes de soutien en ligne, comme ceux de la communauté NoFap, sont efficaces pour aider les participants à lutter contre l’anxiété et la dépression, comme le prouvent les recherches scientifiques. Ces forums permettent d’apporter une aide précieuse à ceux qui cherchent à arrêter la masturbation.

Naviguer sur les forums NoFap permet de mieux comprendre les expériences des membres.

Les forums offrent un soutien social crucial pour les hommes qui pratiquent l’abstinence, et proposent également des études scientifiques pour enrichir leur expérience.

Choisir l’abstinence impacte considérablement la vie quotidienne des hommes.

Examiner comment l’abstinence de la masturbation contribue à la réduction des troubles anxieux et dépressifs.

Les hommes confrontés à la dépendance à la pornographie et à la masturbation subissent une anxiété accrue. En s’abstenant, ils rapportent souvent une baisse de la dépression et une plus grande capacité à contrôler leurs actions.

Évaluer les bénéfices de l’abstinence pour la performance érectile.

Les problèmes érectiles associés à la masturbation sont courants chez l’homme, mais l’abstinence offre des solutions.

Analyser les bénéfices psychologiques de l’abstinence pour l’homme révèle des résultats significatifs.

L’abstinence chez l’homme réduit l’anxiété, la dépression et améliore la confiance en soi. Les forums NoFap témoignent de ces progrès psychologiques.

Pour visionner la vidéo directement sur YouTube, veuillez suivre ce lien :
la publication originale: Cliquer ici

#Pourquoi #vous #continuez #échouer #Nofap

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: behind me are your thoughts that your desires they’re your habits you’re looking directly at them there’s a lot of green there’s a lot of beautiful over here you do a lot of good things every day that might be you working out that might be you being a good person and helping other people out or even being there for your neighbors and this right here is the elephant in the room you never wanted to look at this or tackle it or even touch it because look how prickly this thing is dude it has a lot of spiky pokey prickly stuff that you do not want to get near so to even get close to this you have to wear gloves because it will definitely poke through your skin and it’s going to be really dangerous this is your addiction whether it be to anything in life even on nofap even if you continually and compulsively view pornography that you even don’t want to view this is it this is the habit right here now what anybody else on the internet in real life your friends or family will tell you if you ever do feel like opening up to them which you most likely won’t because look how prickly that thing is dude you don’t want to show anybody how pokey the weeds are in your mind so you just stay back from it and let it grow and you continue to water it and feed it compulsively even though you don’t want it to grow anybody else will tell you because they’re not a trained psychiatrist psychologist or therapist they’re not professional in this area they’ll just tell you to and ah [ __ ] dude it hurts me even hurts me saying this find a hobby fill your time with something else learn a sport learn a language do something that will get your mind off of it now your friends want the best for you the people that you’re watching on youtube want the best for you everybody does genuinely want you to be a better person right it’s just built into human nature i don’t want you to have this in your mind but when they tell you to look away which is practically what they’re telling you to do just look away from it or better yet go to the gym or learn a language or play the piano it’s still there and next week all of these little leaves that i’ve cut off are going to grow back to where they just were at right now before i cut them matter of fact they might even grow bigger and taller than they did when you try to run away from your problems you will never ever solve them and that’s common sense i never had to tell you about this because you already knew it however when the problem has a lot of prickly leaves that hurt and poke you and stab you that you don’t want to even get near that you have to wear gloves to carefully examine you somehow learn to walk away and keep on watering it and act like it’s not even there so what you have to do instead to completely end an addiction or a horrible habit or something that you don’t want to do anymore that you know is bad for you and that you don’t want to do like you genuinely don’t want for yourself but somehow you compulsively keep on feeding it and it gets worse and worse no matter how much it hurts you have to reach out into its roots find them deeply hidden under these bushes somewhere if i can even see where this help oh my god this thing is really deep in there jesus oh there it is you have to pull it out of its roots this is your addiction not this not this this is your addiction and you haven’t looked at this for years only you know what’s right here only you know what the seed planted in your subconscious mind is and only you can pull it out nobody else can do it for you unless you go to a trained professional which i highly recommend if you can do it by yourself definitely go to it there’s no shame in it but a lot of you like 98 of you watching this right now have this in your subconscious mind and all you’ve been doing over the years watching the nofap videos watching the how to quit videos you’ve just been taking a little snip at the leafs you’ve been maybe working out more good job dude maybe you’ve been playing basketball nice you’ve been going for walks good stuff you’ve been learning how to code learning a new language no matter how many times i snip these leaves as long as this is still planted in my subconscious mind it will grow back next week i promise you you have to ask yourself what happened to you when you were 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 years old that planted this into your subconscious mind what kind of void was there in your heart that allowed you to become addicted to this in the first place what is the root cause the root cause of your problem and this is going to take many many hours of meditation of introspective and self-reflecting thought that a lot of people don’t do because they’re [ __ ] scrolling on their phone you have to sit down by yourself in a room put your phone outside of the room do not disturb turn it off no distractions whatsoever and dig deep within your own thoughts within your own heart you have to ask yourself why do i continue to do the things that i don’t want to do that’s horrible that’s destroying me that is draining me i know i don’t want this i’m watching this video right now which means that i really really don’t want this that means that i’m down really really low and i don’t want to do this anymore but somehow i keep on doing it i keep on feeding these horrible weeds in my life so what starts at the root what happened to me when i was 9 years old or 10 years old that allowed me to plant this into my subconscious mind to run away from what what was i hiding from what was i feeling the pain with once you find that then you can pull this right out of your thoughts right out of your subconscious mind and this will leave your flower bed now you’ll be free there are almost no more bad habits in there there are almost no more addictions in there and now you can live the life that you want to live if you want to do something you will be able to do it you’ll be able to move forward and achieve it because you’re not feeding the elephant in the room anymore you’re not acting like it doesn’t exist that it’s not going to poke you if you touch it and squeeze it only you can solve this problem i can’t do it for you people ask me for no fap advice all the time and i tell them at the very very root of it you only you can help yourself find the root in your life meditate think introspective thought is what’s going to help you finally get rid of your addiction for good forever that’s what i did i used to sit down for literally 30 minutes minimum to an hour every single day in a room by myself meditating every single day during the deepest parts of my no fat problem right where i was compulsively viewing and eventually i found out what the root was and i pulled it from right out of itself at day zero i knew i would be at day 1400 or wherever i’m on i stopped counting the days at day zero i knew i would be here today as far as subscriber count as far as nofap streak whatever it is i knew i would be standing here today or sitting here today literally right now from the very very first second i started because i pulled it out from its roots and i wasn’t just snipping the leaves thank you for watching this video stay dreaming stay lucid i’m out peace that was [ __ ] fire bro holy [ __ ] .

Image YouTube

Déroulement de la vidéo:

0 behind me are your thoughts that your
0 desires they&;re your habits you&;re
0 looking directly at them there&;s a lot
0 of green there&;s a lot of beautiful over
0 here you do a lot of good things every
0 day that might be you working out that
0 might be you being a good person and
0 helping other people out or even being
0 there for your neighbors
0 and this right here
0 is the elephant in the room you never
0 wanted to look at this or tackle it or
0 even touch it because look how prickly
0 this thing is dude
0 it has a lot of spiky pokey prickly
0 stuff that you do not want to get near
0 so to even get close to this you have to
0 wear gloves because it will definitely
0 poke through your skin and it&;s going to
0 be really dangerous
0 this is your addiction
0 whether it be to anything in life
0 even on nofap even if you continually
0 and compulsively
0 view pornography that you even don&;t
0 want to view this is it this is the
0 habit right here
0 now what anybody else on the internet in
0 real life your friends or family will
0 tell you if you ever do feel like
0 opening up to them which you most likely
0 won&;t because look how prickly that
0 thing is dude you don&;t want to show
0 anybody how pokey the weeds are in your
0 mind so you just stay back from it and
0 let it grow and you continue to water it
0 and feed it compulsively even though you
0 don&;t want it to grow
0 anybody else will tell you because
0 they&;re not a trained psychiatrist
0 psychologist or therapist they&;re not
0 professional in this area they&;ll just
0 tell you to
0 and ah [ __ ] dude it hurts me even hurts
0 me saying this
0 find a hobby
0 fill your time with something else
0 learn a sport
0 learn a language do something that will
0 get your mind off of it
0 now your friends want the best for you
0 the people that you&;re watching on
0 youtube want the best for you everybody
0 does genuinely want you to be a better
0 person right it&;s just built into human
0 nature i don&;t want you to have this in
0 your mind but when they tell you to look
0 away
0 which is practically what they&;re
0 telling you to do just look away from it
0 or better yet
0 go to the gym
0 or
0 learn a language
0 or
0 play the piano
0 it&;s still there and next week all of
0 these little leaves that i&;ve cut off
0 are going to grow back to where they
0 just were at right now before i cut them
0 matter of fact they might even grow
0 bigger and taller than they did
0 when you try to run away from your
0 problems
0 you will never ever solve them and
0 that&;s common sense i never had to tell
0 you about this because you already knew
0 it
0 however when the problem has a lot of
0 prickly leaves that
0 hurt and poke you and stab you that you
0 don&;t want to even get near that you
0 have to wear gloves
0 to carefully examine
0 you somehow learn to walk away and keep
0 on watering it and act like it&;s not
0 even there
0 so what you have to do instead to
0 completely end an addiction
0 or a horrible habit or something that
0 you don&;t want to do anymore that you
0 know is bad for you and that you don&;t
0 want to do like you genuinely don&;t want
0 for yourself but somehow you
0 compulsively keep on feeding it and it
0 gets worse and worse
0 no matter how much it hurts
0 you have to reach out into its roots
0 find them deeply hidden
0 under these bushes somewhere if i can
0 even see where this help oh my god this
0 thing is really deep in there jesus
0 oh there it is
0 you have to pull it
0 out of its roots
0 this is your addiction not this
0 not this
0 this is your addiction
0 and you haven&;t looked at this for years
0 only you know what&;s right here only you
0 know what the seed planted in your
0 subconscious mind is and only you can
0 pull it out nobody else can do it for
0 you unless you go to a trained
0 professional which i highly recommend if
0 you can do it by yourself definitely go
0 to it there&;s no shame in it
0 but a lot of you like 98 of you watching
0 this right now
0 have this in your subconscious mind
0 and all you&;ve been doing over the years
0 watching the nofap videos watching the
0 how to quit videos
0 you&;ve just been taking a little snip at
0 the leafs you&;ve been maybe working out
0 more
0 good job dude maybe you&;ve been playing
0 basketball nice you&;ve been going for
0 walks good stuff you&;ve been learning
0 how to code learning a new language
0 no matter how many times i snip these
0 leaves
0 as long as this is still planted in my
0 subconscious mind it will grow back next
0 week i promise you
0 you have to ask yourself what happened
0 to you when you were 5 6 7 8 12 13 14
0 years old that planted this into your
0 subconscious mind what kind of void was
0 there in your heart that allowed you to
0 become addicted to this in the first
0 place what is the root cause
0 the root cause of your problem
0 and this is going to take many many
0 hours of meditation of introspective and
0 self-reflecting thought that a lot of
0 people don&;t do because they&;re [ __ ]
0 scrolling on their phone
0 you have to sit down by yourself in a
0 room
0 put your phone outside of the room do
0 not disturb turn it off no distractions
0 whatsoever and dig deep within your own
0 thoughts within your own heart
0 you have to ask yourself why do i
0 continue to do the things that i don&;t
0 want to do that&;s horrible that&;s
0 destroying me that is draining me i know
0 i don&;t want this i&;m watching this
0 video right now which means that i
0 really really don&;t want this that means
0 that i&;m down
0 really really low and i don&;t want to do
0 this anymore but somehow i keep on doing
0 it i keep on feeding these horrible
0 weeds in my life
0 so what starts at the root
0 what happened to me when i was 9 years
0 old or 10 years old
0 that allowed me to plant this into my
0 subconscious mind to run away from what
0 what was i hiding from what was i
0 feeling the pain with
0 once you find that then you can pull
0 this right out of your
0 thoughts right out of your subconscious
0 mind and this will leave your flower bed
0 now you&;ll be free there are almost
0 no more
0 bad habits in there there are almost no
0 more addictions in there and now you can
0 live the life that you want to live if
0 you want to do something you will be
0 able to do it you&;ll be able to move
0 forward and achieve it because
0 you&;re not feeding the elephant in the
0 room anymore you&;re not acting like it
0 doesn&;t exist that it&;s not going to
0 poke you if you touch it and squeeze it
0 only you can solve this problem i can&;t
0 do it for you people ask me for no fap
0 advice all the time and i tell them
0 at the very very root of it you only you
0 can help yourself
0 find the root in your life meditate
0 think introspective thought is what&;s
0 going to help you finally get rid of
0 your addiction for good forever
0 that&;s what i did i used to sit down for
0 literally 30 minutes
0 minimum to an hour every single day in a
0 room by myself
0 meditating every single day during the
0 deepest parts of my no fat problem right
0 where i was compulsively viewing and
0 eventually i found out
0 what the root was and i pulled it from
0 right out of itself at day zero i knew i
0 would be at day 1400 or wherever i&;m on
0 i stopped counting the days
0 at day zero i knew i would be here today
0 as far as subscriber count as far as
0 nofap streak whatever it is i knew i
0 would be standing here today or sitting
0 here today literally right now from the
0 very very first second i started because
0 i pulled it out from its roots and i
0 wasn&;t just snipping the leaves
0 thank you for watching this video stay
0 dreaming stay lucid i&;m out peace
0 that was [ __ ] fire bro holy [ __ ]

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