Publié sur YouTube, le thème « no fap » exploré en vidéo
Cette vidéo, réalisée par Ali Ben-Hariz et mise en ligne sur YouTube (le ), est une ressource intéressante traitant du thème « no fap ».
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Lors de notre récente consultation de cette vidéo (), elle totalisait des interactions. Le nombre de Likes indiquait: 203.
Nous retranscrivons ici la durée (00:11:10s), le titre (NO FAP : Control Your Urges With FASTING), et les commentaires fournis par l’auteur :
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Visionnez la vidéo directement sous ce texte
L’abstinence impacte la vie des hommes en améliorant leur bien-être global.
L’abstinence offre des bénéfices psychologiques que l’on doit évaluer pour en mesurer l’efficacité.
Les hommes en abstinence rapportent une diminution de l’anxiété et de la dépression, et une plus grande confiance en soi. Les forums NoFap sont remplis de récits similaires.
Observer la relation entre l’abstinence de la masturbation et la baisse des niveaux d’anxiété et de dépression.
L’addiction à la pornographie et à la masturbation crée une anxiété significative chez l’homme. L’arrêt de ces pratiques est associé à une diminution de la dépression et à une meilleure gestion des comportements personnels.
Examiner les effets de l’abstinence sur la fonction sexuelle.
L’abstinence permet de restaurer des circuits neuronaux sains, aidant à traiter les dysfonctions érectiles liées à la masturbation.
Comment réussir sur NoFap : stratégies essentielles
Sites et articles recommandés pour approfondir le sujet.
Des recherches approfondies et des articles scientifiques, y compris les travaux de Nicole Prause, éclairent l’impact de la pornographie et de la masturbation sur la santé, tout en proposant des approches pour les traiter scientifiquement.
Trucs et astuces de NoFap pour lutter contre la masturbation
Pour réussir, il est essentiel de maintenir des habitudes positives, comme le sport et la méditation, afin de renforcer sa concentration et sa motivation.
Adopter des méthodes efficaces permet de surmonter les rechutes dans NoFap.
L’étude scientifique montre que les rechutes sont fréquentes dans NoFap. Les hommes doivent prendre du recul pour comprendre les causes de l’échec et solliciter l’aide de la communauté pour se remettre sur la bonne voie.
Au sein de NoFap, la communauté devient un appui fondamental pour les hommes cherchant à se libérer de leurs addictions.
Étudier comment les forums et les groupes de soutien influencent les résultats des participants.
Les forums de la communauté NoFap, soutenus par des recherches scientifiques, ont démontré leur efficacité dans la lutte contre l’anxiété et la dépression. Ces groupes offrent une solidarité indispensable, permettant aux participants de surmonter la masturbation de façon scientifique.
Les forums NoFap sont un lieu où l’on peut trouver des stratégies pratiques et des encouragements.
Les forums servent de lien entre les hommes cherchant à arrêter la masturbation, en leur offrant des témoignages, des conseils et des recherches scientifiques pertinentes.
Mettre en lumière l’importance du soutien social et émotionnel dans le parcours d’abstinence.
En rejoignant la communauté Nofap et ses forums, les hommes peuvent trouver l’aide nécessaire pour surmonter l’anxiété, la dépression, et les rechutes éventuelles en échangeant des solutions pratiques et des idées. Une assistance spécialisée est souvent utile notamment pour le monde entier.
L’impact positif de NoFap sur les hommes modernes
NoFap encourage à s’éloigner de la pornographie pour améliorer le bien-être global.
NoFap, une initiative globale, propose aux hommes de s’abstenir de pornographie et de masturbation afin de réduire leur dépendance. Ce mouvement met en avant les bénéfices pour la santé mentale, la vitalité et l’équilibre émotionnel.
Comprendre ce qui pousse les individus à adopter NoFap permet de mieux saisir ses effets sur le corps et l’esprit.
Le mouvement NoFap vise à lutter contre les effets négatifs de la pornographie, améliorer la fonction érectile et diminuer l’anxiété. Plusieurs hommes sondés signalent une réduction de la dépression et des pensées suicidaires après l’abandon de ces pratiques.
Comprendre les effets de la pornographie sur la santé physique et mentale des hommes.
Des chercheurs ont mis en lumière l’impact destructeur de la pornographie, soulignant qu’elle peut causer la dysfonction érectile, l’anxiété, la dépression et l’addiction. Nicole Prause a d’ailleurs publié une étude détaillant les effets de la masturbation excessive et de la pornographie sur la santé mentale et physique des hommes.
Voici le lien pour visionner la vidéo directement sur YouTube :
la source: Cliquer ici
#Pas #FAP #contrôlez #vos #envies #avec #jeûne
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: are you struggling with your sexual urges are they getting the better of you if that’s the case I encourage you to give Ramadan a Go Ramadan is a month where Muslims observe fasting from sunrise to sunset so during the daylight hours we refrain from eating and drinking amongst many other things such as engaging in Intimate physical relationships with our partners or self-pleasure in fact if you do engage in self-pleasure during Ramadan and you ejaculate it actually nullifies your fast so your fast for that day will basically go to waste and it’s considered a major sin now why am I talking about Ramadan in this video because look I grew up a Muslim and I’ve observed Ramadan since a very young age since probably the ages of seven or eight you know when I was really young I’d fast half of the day and then as I matured of course I’d fast the entire day but one thing I noticed especially in my late teens early 20s is that Ramadan helped me with my sexual urges in fact the prophet peace and blessings be upon Him Prophet Muhammad he encouraged those that were struggling with their urges to fast to abstain from engaging in that which is forbidden and I found that to be incredibly effective myself when you fast it takes away the animal nature in you to want to just satisfy your urges now some may connect that to a lack of food and a lack of energy perhaps that could be one of the reasons but also I I feel like it does something to the mind it starves the mind of thinking of sex all day it does that and I’m not just saying that because I’m a Muslim I like to observe things from a very unbiased perspective I like to challenge my beliefs not in a way of trying to disprove them no no no no but in a way of trying to further cement why this is a good belief and when I heard of many Muslim Brothers back in the day encouraging fasting and obviously the prophet himself peace be upon Him encouraging young men to fast who are struggling with their urges when I did Fast I would pay attention to how I felt and sure enough I didn’t feel the the urge to want to just satisfy myself that went away it went away I was a lot more connected to who I really am during my fasting days I found the desire to want to better myself read books and and really focus on the things that are important look sex is not a bad thing and I don’t want to talk about it as if it’s a a bad or shameful thing to engag in no not at all I mean even Muslims have sex for goodness sakes I mean there’s over a billion of them around the world quite a lot of it right it’s more so self-pleasure which is extremely damaging extremely damaging because of how it affects other areas of your life and and that’s why I’ve always noticed an increased level of productivity during Ramadan when I’m fasting I feel more productive because I’m not distracting myself with just eating and pleasuring myself whether it’s by watching movies listening to music doing things I shouldn’t be doing I have more time to focus on the things that are really important whether it’s getting closer to God or getting closer to achieving my career goals as an example reading more books so I want you guys to consider fasting look I’m not telling you to fast the entire month of Ramadan if you’re not a Muslim I mean give it a go I me here in the UK Sun sets currently because it changes as the month progresses currently it’s around 6:07 p.m. 6:08 well it will be that tomorrow it was 6:06 today so 6:00 p.m. refrain from eating from the hours of around 4: 50 in the morning till about 6:00 p.m. and just see how it feels give it a go for one day just see how you feel do you have the desire to want to if you’re struggling with porn addiction and just satisfying yourself you’ll notice as the day progresses and look if you’ve never fasted before you may find it a little bit tricky in the first day or couple of days you know people have this misconception you guys don’t eat for a month a month it’s like no we do eat otherwise we’ be dead at the end of the month right it’s just between the certain hours of the day that we refrain from eating or drinking but just give it a go between those hours and come back to this video and comment on how it’s made you feel now look you don’t have to be a Muslim to fast you know Christians fast um Jewish people fast of course and so they may also people of those faiths may also comment down below on how it’s made them feel when they fast you know in terms of their sexual urges comment down below how has it impacted you how and you’ve got to approach it with the right mindset as well if you approach something with a very cynical mentality you won’t give yourself enough time to really reap the rewards you know that’s like someone going to the gym for the first time in years and saying all right let’s see what this gym is all about then and they go in and they lift a couple of weights and okay cool now what look at me I still look the same or maybe the next day when they wake up they expect to just be jacked and then they look in the mirror and they look exactly the same which you will do for a long time right the first couple of weeks really you don’t notice any major changes first month maybe and then the gains start kicking in if you’re eating right and you’re training right but it’s the same thing when it comes to fasting in relation to how it tames your sex urges you can’t approach it and then in the first 4 hours think well this is [ __ ] I still feel horny look your mind has been wired a certain way for so long the moment you feel an urge you satisfy it you satisfy it but when you know that if you satisfy the urge you ruin something in the case of Muslims if you satisfy that urge and you ejaculate you ruin your fast then there’s like a punishment Associated to it it’s like a you know something that’s holding you back from from doing it and obviously because so many people are fasting as well there’s a sense of togetherness in that regard it’s not that people are fasting for their sexual urges that’s not the main purpose of Ramadan but this is a video on how it can impact your ability to control those urges because look either those either you control those urges or those urges will control you and they will devastate your life they will but if you know how to control them you will be a dangerous man the important thing to bear in mind is that this is a lifestyle abstaining from self-pleasure and pornography is a decision for life it’s not something you do for a certain period of time however baby steps you got to start off with one day and then two days and then eventually it just becomes part of who you are you’re not a guy who just busts nuts all over himself you’re not that kind of guy you’re a man who has a very fulfilling sex life with a woman that you’re married to because Muslim you know I preach marriage I’m against hookup culture right that’s what you want you want a satisfying sex life with a woman that you’re absolutely in love with and who’s in love with you ultimately choose a woman who chooses you as I’ve spoken about in previous videos a man who’s got something that he’s pursuing in his life a career that’s meaningful that brings him a feeling of fulfillment most importantly it’s not about how much you have in the bank I mean of course it’s nicer to have more money but as I’ve said before success is not a Lambo and a mansion ear Nightingale define success as the progressive realization of a worthy ideal as long as what you’re pursuing is worthy to you it’s it’s fulfilling then whether you’re a cab driver or the CEO of a100 million company you’re going to go to bed satisfied at night okay a lot of people focus on the things that success can buy for you and they see that as success that’s not success that’s a consequence of someone being valuable to the marketplace okay so I want you to give Ramadan a go give it a go or at least get fast for a day fast for for a day if you’ve been struggling with nofap you know and for those of you that are new to noap it’s just basically a term that’s been put together to describe a period of abstaining from fapping which is basically masturbate okay so when we say no fap it means no masturbate essentially which is also coupled with many other things it’s not just about no masturbating it’s also about abstaining from porn because porn is linked to masturbation in most cases no one’s just going to sit there and watch porn without touching themselves I mean that’s it’s [ __ ] weird right um so a lot of people consume porn and masturbate which then doubles the damage that’s a double whammy right there you’re ruining yourself all right so give it a go I just wanted to share this because it’s been really impactful and obviously ramadan’s just started so I thought what better time to make this video than now thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video make sure you give it a like comment let me know what you think down below and if you’re new here consider subscribing for more self-help videos catch you in the next one .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
0.96 are you struggling with your sexual
0.96 urges are they getting the better of
0.96 you if that&;s the case I encourage you
0.96 to give Ramadan a Go Ramadan is a month
0.96 where Muslims observe fasting from
0.96 sunrise to sunset so during the daylight
0.96 hours we refrain from eating and
0.96 drinking amongst many other things such
0.96 as engaging in Intimate physical
0.96 relationships with our partners or
0.96 self-pleasure in fact if you do engage
0.96 in self-pleasure during Ramadan and you
0.96 ejaculate it actually nullifies your
0.96 fast so your fast for that day will
0.96 basically go to waste and it&;s
0.96 considered a major sin now why am I
0.96 talking about Ramadan in this
0.96 video
0.96 because look I grew up a
0.96 Muslim and I&;ve observed Ramadan since a
0.96 very young age since probably the ages
0.96 of seven or eight you know when I was
0.96 really young I&;d fast half of the day
0.96 and then as I matured of course I&;d fast
0.96 the entire day but one thing I noticed
0.96 especially in my late teens early 20s is
0.96 that Ramadan helped me with my sexual
0.96 urges in fact the prophet peace and
0.96 blessings be upon Him Prophet
0.96 Muhammad he encouraged those that were
0.96 struggling with their urges to
0.96 fast to abstain from engaging in that
0.96 which is forbidden
0.96 and I found that to be incredibly
0.96 effective
0.96 myself when you
0.96 fast it takes
0.96 away the animal nature in you to want to
0.96 just satisfy your
0.96 urges now some
0.96 may connect that to a lack of food and a
0.96 lack of energy
0.96 perhaps that could be one of the
0.96 reasons but also I I feel like it does
0.96 something to the mind it starves the
0.96 mind
0.96 of
0.96 thinking of sex all day it does
0.96 that and I&;m not just saying that
0.96 because I&;m a Muslim I like to observe
0.96 things from a very unbiased perspective
0.96 I like to challenge my beliefs not in a
0.96 way of trying to disprove them no no no
0.96 no but in a way of trying to further
0.96 cement why this is a good belief and
0.96 when I heard of many Muslim Brothers
0.96 back in the day encouraging fasting and
0.96 obviously the prophet himself peace be
0.96 upon Him
0.96 encouraging young men to fast who are
0.96 struggling with their
0.96 urges when I did Fast I would pay
0.96 attention to how I felt and sure enough
0.96 I didn&;t feel the the urge to want to
0.96 just satisfy
0.96 myself that went
0.96 away
0.96 it went
0.96 away I was a lot more
0.96 connected to who I really am during my
0.96 fasting
0.96 days I found the desire to want
0.96 to better myself read books and and
0.96 really focus on the things that are
0.96 important look sex is not a bad thing
0.96 and I don&;t want to talk about it as if
0.96 it&;s a a bad or shameful thing to engag
0.96 in no not at all I mean even Muslims
0.96 have sex for goodness sakes I mean
0.96 there&;s over a billion of them around
0.96 the world quite a lot of it
0.96 right it&;s more
0.96 so self-pleasure which is extremely
0.96 damaging extremely
0.96 damaging because of how it affects other
0.96 areas of your life and and that&;s why
0.96 I&;ve always noticed an
0.96 increased level of productivity during
0.96 Ramadan when I&;m fasting I feel more
0.96 productive because I&;m not distracting
0.96 myself with just eating and pleasuring
0.96 myself whether it&;s by watching movies
0.96 listening to music doing things I
0.96 shouldn&;t be
0.96 doing I have more time to focus on the
0.96 things that are really important whether
0.96 it&;s getting closer to
0.96 God
0.96 or getting closer to achieving my career
0.96 goals as an example reading more books
0.96 so I want you guys to consider fasting
0.96 look I&;m not telling you to fast the
0.96 entire month of Ramadan if you&;re not a
0.96 Muslim I mean give it a go I me here in
0.96 the UK Sun sets currently because it
0.96 changes as the month progresses
0.96 currently it&;s around 6:07 p.m.
0.96 6:08 well it will be that tomorrow it
0.96 was 6:06 today so 6:00 p.m. refrain from
0.96 eating from the hours of around 4: 50 in
0.96 the morning till about 6:00 p.m. and
0.96 just see how it feels give it a go for
0.96 one day just see how you feel do you
0.96 have the desire to want to if you&;re
0.96 struggling with porn addiction and just
0.96 satisfying yourself you&;ll
0.96 notice as the day progresses and look if
0.96 you&;ve never fasted before you may find
0.96 it a little bit tricky in the first day
0.96 or couple of
0.96 days you know people have this
0.96 misconception you guys don&;t eat for a
0.96 month a month it&;s like no we do eat
0.96 otherwise we&; be dead at the end of the
0.96 month
0.96 right it&;s just between the certain
0.96 hours of the day that we refrain from
0.96 eating or drinking but just give it a go
0.96 between those
0.96 hours and come back to this video and
0.96 comment on how it&;s made you feel now
0.96 look you don&;t have to be a Muslim to
0.96 fast you know Christians fast um Jewish
0.96 people fast of
0.96 course and so they may also people of
0.96 those faiths may also comment down below
0.96 on how it&;s made them feel when they
0.96 fast you know in terms of their sexual
0.96 urges comment down below how has it
0.96 impacted
0.96 you how and you&;ve got to approach it
0.96 with the right mindset as well if you
0.96 approach something with a very cynical
0.96 mentality you won&;t give yourself enough
0.96 time to really reap the
0.96 rewards you
0.96 know that&;s like someone going to the
0.96 gym for the first time in years and
0.96 saying all right let&;s see what this gym
0.96 is all about then and they go in and
0.96 they lift a couple of weights and okay
0.96 cool now what look at me I still look
0.96 the same or maybe the next day when they
0.96 wake up they expect to just be jacked
0.96 and then they look in the mirror and
0.96 they look exactly the same which you
0.96 will do for a long
0.96 time right the first couple of weeks
0.96 really you don&;t notice any major
0.96 changes first month maybe and then the
0.96 gains start kicking in if you&;re eating
0.96 right and you&;re training right but it&;s
0.96 the same thing when it comes to fasting
0.96 in relation to how it tames your sex
0.96 urges you can&;t approach it and then in
0.96 the first 4 hours think well this is
0.96 [ __ ] I still feel horny look your mind
0.96 has been wired a certain way for so long
0.96 the moment you feel an urge you satisfy
0.96 it you satisfy it but when you know that
0.96 if you satisfy the urge you ruin
0.96 something in the case of Muslims if you
0.96 satisfy that urge and you ejaculate you
0.96 ruin your fast then there&;s like a
0.96 punishment Associated to it it&;s like a
0.96 you know something that&;s holding you
0.96 back from from doing it and obviously
0.96 because so many people are fasting as
0.96 well there&;s a sense of togetherness in
0.96 that regard it&;s not that people are
0.96 fasting for their sexual urges that&;s
0.96 not the main purpose of Ramadan but this
0.96 is a video on how it can
0.96 impact your ability
0.96 to control those urges because look
0.96 either those either you control those
0.96 urges or those urges will control you
0.96 and they will
0.96 devastate your life they
0.96 will but if you know how to control them
0.96 you will be a dangerous
0.96 man the important thing to bear in
0.96 mind is that this is a
0.96 lifestyle abstaining from self-pleasure
0.96 and
0.96 pornography is a decision for life it&;s
0.96 not something you do for a certain
0.96 period of time however baby steps you
0.96 got to start off with one day and then
0.96 two days and then eventually it just
0.96 becomes part of who you are you&;re not a
0.96 guy who just busts nuts all over himself
0.96 you&;re not that kind of guy you&;re a man
0.96 who
0.96 has a very fulfilling sex life with a
0.96 woman that you&;re married to because
0.96 Muslim you know I preach marriage I&;m
0.96 against hookup culture
0.96 right that&;s what you want you want a
0.96 satisfying sex life with a woman that
0.96 you&;re absolutely in love with and who&;s
0.96 in love with you
0.96 ultimately choose a woman who chooses
0.96 you as I&;ve spoken about in previous
0.96 videos a man who&;s got something that
0.96 he&;s
0.96 pursuing in his life a career that&;s
0.96 meaningful that brings him a feeling of
0.96 fulfillment most importantly it&;s not
0.96 about how much you have in the bank I
0.96 mean of course it&;s nicer to have more
0.96 money but as I&;ve said before success is
0.96 not a Lambo and a
0.96 mansion ear Nightingale define success
0.96 as the progressive realization of a
0.96 worthy ideal as long as what you&;re
0.96 pursuing is worthy to you it&;s it&;s
0.96 fulfilling then whether you&;re a cab
0.96 driver or the CEO of a100 million
0.96 company
0.96 you&;re going to go to bed satisfied at
0.96 night
0.96 okay a lot of people focus on the things
0.96 that success can buy for you and they
0.96 see that as success that&;s not success
0.96 that&;s a consequence of someone being
0.96 valuable to the
0.96 marketplace
0.96 okay so I want you to give Ramadan a go
0.96 give it a
0.96 go or at least get fast for a day fast
0.96 for for a day if you&;ve been struggling
0.96 with
0.96 nofap you know and for those of you that
0.96 are new to noap it&;s just
0.96 basically a term that&;s been put
0.96 together to describe a period of
0.96 abstaining from fapping which is
0.96 basically masturbate okay so when we say
0.96 no fap it means no masturbate
0.96 essentially which is also coupled with
0.96 many other things it&;s not just about no
0.96 masturbating it&;s also about abstaining
0.96 from porn because porn is linked to
0.96 masturbation in most cases no one&;s just
0.96 going to sit there and watch porn
0.96 without touching themselves I mean
0.96 that&;s it&;s [ __ ] weird
0.96 right um so a lot of people consume porn
0.96 and masturbate which then doubles the
0.96 damage that&;s a double whammy right
0.96 there you&;re ruining
0.96 yourself all right so give it a go I
0.96 just wanted to share this because it&;s
0.96 been really impactful and obviously
0.96 ramadan&;s just started so I thought what
0.96 better time to make this video than now
0.96 thanks for watching if you enjoyed this
0.96 video make sure you give it a like
0.96 comment let me know what you think down
0.96 below and if you&;re new here consider
0.96 subscribing for more self-help videos
0.96 catch you in the next one
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