Youtube (masturbate): Psychologie choquante de la masturbation

Psychologie choquante de la masturbation

YouTube : Nouvelle exploration du thème « masturbate » en vidéo

Vidéo sur le thème « masturbate » par Psych2Go

Cette vidéo, partagée par Psych2Go sur YouTube (depuis le ),
traite du thème « masturbate ».

YouTube permet à tous dans le monde entier de partager leurs passions, leurs talents et leurs idées, offrant une plateforme unique pour s’exprimer.

Lorsque nous avons examiné la vidéo (), elle avait déjà cumulé quelques interactions.
Le compteur de Likes indiquait: 24756.

Nous retranscrivons ici la durée (00:06:41s), le titre (Shocking Psychology of Masturbation), et les commentaires fournis par l’auteur :
« La masturbation, avouons-le, c’est un sujet qui a tendance à rester à huis clos. Même si elle fait partie intégrante de la sexualité, la société la traite souvent comme un sujet tabou. Dans cette vidéo, nous brisons les murs de l’inconfort pour explorer les questions que vous pourriez vous poser mais que vous vous sentez trop timides pour les poser. Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé quel impact la masturbation avait sur vos émotions, vos relations ou votre bien-être général ? Ou pourquoi cela peut parfois susciter un sentiment de culpabilité, même lorsqu’il s’agit d’un acte privé ? Que vous soyez célibataire, en couple ou simplement curieux, nous explorerons les complexités de ce sujet, de ses avantages psychologiques aux moments où il peut créer des défis. Avertissement rapide : nous avons discuté des aspects les plus sombres de la masturbation, comme la dépendance, dans des vidéos précédentes. Cette fois, nous adoptons une perspective plus équilibrée, montrant à la fois les avantages et les inconvénients. Donc, si vous vous êtes déjà senti confus ou en conflit à propos de ce sujet, restez dans les parages, nous avons ce qu’il vous faut. ✨ Les sujets abordés dans cette vidéo incluent : – Comment les croyances culturelles ou personnelles peuvent rendre la masturbation culpabilisante – Pourquoi les gens se masturbent même dans des relations satisfaisantes – Le rôle de la masturbation comme mécanisme d’adaptation au stress – Ses avantages pour les célibataires, des avantages pour la santé à découverte de soi sexuelle – Comment la thérapie sexuelle utilise la masturbation comme outil de guérison Nous espérons que cette vidéo vous donnera de nouveaux aperçus sur un sujet souvent balayé sous le tapis. La masturbation n’est pas seulement une question de plaisir ; il s’agit aussi de se comprendre soi-même, son corps et ses émotions. 💬 Avez-vous été en résonance avec l’un de ces points ? Faites-le nous savoir dans les commentaires ! Partagez vos réflexions, posez vos questions ou rejoignez simplement la conversation. Votre voix compte et nous sommes là pour créer un espace sûr et solidaire afin de déstigmatiser ce sujet important. Merci d’avoir regardé et de faire partie de ce voyage avec nous. 💕 **Ressources utiles :** 👉 (Trouver une ligne d’assistance)( 👉 Pour plus d’informations sur le cerveau et la sexualité, regardez nos vidéos connexes ! L’équipe pour ce projet : Scénariste : Stela Košić Éditeur et gérante du scénario : Kelly Soong Voix off : Brandon Animateur : Zuzia Responsable YouTube : Cindy Cheong **Références :** Dictionnaire de psychologie APA. (sd). Trouble du désir sexuel hypoactif. Extrait le 1er septembre 2024 de Burri, A. et Carvalheira, A. (2019). Comportement masturbatoire dans un échantillon de population de femmes allemandes. Le Journal de médecine sexuelle, 16(7), 963-974. Castellini, G., Fanni, E., Corona, G., Maseroli, E., Ricca, V. et Maggi, M. (2016) . Corrélats psychologiques, relationnels et biologiques de la masturbation ego-dystonique en milieu clinique. Médecine sexuelle, 4(3), e156-65. ».

La vidéo est accessible directement sous ce paragraphe

Analyser les influences responsables de l’accroissement de cette pratique

Analyser les effets comportementaux de l’exposition à la pornographie

La pornographie joue un rôle déterminant. Elle suscite souvent le besoin de se masturber et peut altérer la vision de la sexualité.

Étudier l’influence de l’isolement et du désir

Le désir insatisfait et la solitude, qu’elles soient relationnelles ou personnelles, peuvent pousser à une pratique fréquente.

Mettre en lumière les éléments psychologiques et émotionnels

L’anxiété, le stress ou un vide dans d’autres aspects de la vie peuvent engendrer cette pratique compulsive.

Mettre en place une stratégie pour cesser

Indiquer les étapes essentielles pour éviter les rechutes

  • Désactiver l’accès à la pornographie : Utilisez des filtres ou bloqueurs pour limiter l’accès aux contenus explicites.
  • Bloquer les sites pornographiques : Utilisez des applications ou extensions pour restreindre l’accès aux contenus explicites.

Présenter des solutions pour réduire de manière efficace cette pratique

  • Substituer par d’autres activités : Faites du sport ou explorez de nouvelles passions.
  • Se fixer des objectifs précis : Engagez-vous dans des stratégies progressives ou suivez le mouvement « nofap » pour une abstinence totale.
  • Analyser les déclencheurs : Soyez attentif à ce qui provoque ce besoin.

Faire ressortir la nécessité de l’entraide sociale

  • Discuter avec un sexologue : Un expert en la matière pourra vous aider à avancer. (c’est le cas dece lien)
  • S’impliquer dans des groupes de soutien : Échanger ses expériences renforce l’engagement.

Surmonter la masturbation : un challenge pour votre sexualité

Mettre un terme à la masturbation représente un véritable défi pour de nombreuses personnes, indépendamment de leur genre. Bien qu’elle soit souvent perçue comme un acte normal et sain pour comprendre sa sexualité, elle peut devenir un problème sérieux lorsqu’elle impacte négativement le travail, les relations ou la santé psychologique.

Évaluer les répercussions positives d’un arrêt réussi

Expliquer comment les interactions sociales deviennent plus harmonieuses

Les rapports amoureux deviennent plus épanouissants, avec une connexion plus intense sur les plans émotionnel et physique.

Illustrer l’évolution vers une meilleure gestion de la santé mentale

Abandonner cette habitude favorise souvent une plus grande énergie, une meilleure humeur et une concentration accrue.

Illustrer la route qui mène à une satisfaction durable

En diminuant la dépendance, des bénéfices à long terme peuvent se manifester dans la vie personnelle, professionnelle et sociale.

Démystifier la dépendance à la masturbation pour mieux la combattre

Noter les signaux d’une dépendance croissante

La dépendance se caractérise par une pratique de plus en plus fréquente, accompagnée d’une incapacité à contrôler cette activité, au détriment d’autres engagements. Cela peut engendrer des problèmes dans les relations avec un partenaire.

Enquêter sur les effets sur la santé psychique et corporelle

La consommation fréquente de pornographie, couplée à une dépendance à la masturbation, stimule constamment le système dopaminergique, ce qui peut entraîner des conséquences comme l’éjaculation précoce, une diminution de l’énergie ou des frustrations sexuelles.

Explorer la masturbation et les façons dont elle est pratiquée

Bien que souvent bénéfique pour diminuer le stress et mieux comprendre son propre corps, la masturbation, lorsqu’elle devient instinctive, peut causer des problèmes importants.

En synthèse

Renoncer à la masturbation instinctive est un processus qui nécessite du temps et de la persévérance. Grâce à un plan structuré et au soutien adéquat, il est possible de franchir ce défi et de profiter d’une existence plus équilibrée, axée sur des objectifs plus enrichissants.

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#Psychologie #choquante #masturbation

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: masturbation is one of those topics that tends to stay quite literally behind closed doors even though it’s a completely normal and healthy sexual activity we often shy away from discussing it openly treating it like a taboo subject in this video we’d like to tackle some of the questions you might have but feel too uncomfortable to ask so if you’re curious about how masturbation impacts your emotions relationships and overall well-being stick around and keep watching quick disclaimer we know we’ve explored the darker aspects of masturbation in previous videos especially the ones related to sex and porn addictions while this one presents it more positively it’s important to remember that it’s not just all good or all bad the subject depends on how you frame it and we aim to find that balance with that said let’s get started number one the Dark Side of pleasure masturbation is often seen as a path to relaxation and pleasure but for some it can lead to unexpected feelings of guilt in psychological research this is referred to as ego distonic masturbation ever felt a touch of Shame after exploring your body these feelings usually surface when your actions clash with your internal beliefs maybe you grew up in a culture that stigmatizes sex or perhaps your religious views suggest it’s something to avoid sometimes it’s just a deeply ingrained notion that what you’re doing is somehow wrong but here’s the truth there’s absolutely nothing to feel guilty about you deserve to enjoy your own body without thought guilt or shame after all it’s a private matter and no one else needs to know number two a sexual strategy while masturbation is usually a solo act it’s closely tied to your experiences with partnered sex and how you feel about those experiences psychologists came up with two theories that explain why people use masturbation with partnered sex compensatory model and complimentary model if you feel like your partner isn’t meeting all of your sexual needs you might turn to master ation as a way to fill in the gaps finding satisfaction where they fall short this is a compensatory model since you compensate for the lack of satisfaction on the flip side the complimentary model states that even if your partner is a rock star in bed masturbation can still play a role this time as an enhancer it can add an extra layer of fun and pleasure to an already great sex life making the experience even more satisfying number three Worlds Apart one scenario where masturbation might become your go-to for satisfaction is when sexual incompatibility comes into play this happens when you and your partner just aren’t aligned in the bedroom maybe your kinks don’t quite match you prefer different positions or your ideas about foreplay and after care are miles apart research suggests that sexual incompatibility is a common reason why some people turn to solo play instead of partnering up after all you’re the one who knows your body best so when your desires aren’t fully met masturbation becomes a reliable way to bridge that Gap and find the pleasure that you crave apart from sexual compatibility people choose to masturbate for a variety of different reasons despite Pure Pleasure such as imagining their sexual fantasies out of compulsion or even to avoid risky sexual activities in which they’d engage if it wasn’t for solo sessions number four single and ready to mingle whether you’re using masturbation to fill the gaps in your sexual life or to boost your pleasure it can play a significant role in your overall sexual satisfaction but do you necessarily need to be in a relationship to experience this satisfaction research suggests that singles might actually benefit more from masturbation than those in relationships Studies have shown that single women who masturbate regularly often experience more intense orgasms and according to one study women usually masturbate two to three times per week single men who often masturbate report improved erectile function and those who ejaculate around 21 times per month or more are less likely to develop prostate cancer this means that even if you’re flying solo you can still enjoy a fulfilling sexual life and also gain some health benefits sometimes it’s just about enjoying the company of Me Myself and I number five finding relief in crisis in addition to its effects on emotions relationships and sexual pleasure masturbation is also a powerful stress relief strategy it can help you unwind from everyday pressures and serve as a coping mechanism during particularly stressful times for example research from the covid-19 lockdown revealed that many people turned to masturbation to manage the anxiety and stress that built up during the pandemic out of more than 2,000 participants from the study 177% used some form of sexual behavior as a coping strategy with masturbation being the most frequent one besides being a natural way to alleviate stress masturbation can also relieve pain and stimulate the release of Happiness inducing hormones in the brain if you’re interested in exploring how masturbation affects the brain check out this video for more insights number six the toolbox recently masturbation has gained recognition as a valuable tool in sexual therapy sex therapists may suggest it as a remedy for conditions like hyposexual desire disorder the lack of sexual interest and desire to engage in sexual activity masturbation can help in this case because it allows people to explore what feels good without the pressure of pleasing a partner helping to reduce anxiety about sex it can change negative feelings about sex by creating positive relaxed experiences for those with low sexual desire it can be a gentle way to reconnect with sexual pleasure and gradually increase interest in sex with a partner not only that many sex Educators and self-help resources also advocate for masturbation as a means to explore and understand your own body identifying what brings pleasure and what doesn’t this self-discovery not only enhances your personal experience but also improves communication with your partner once you know what you enjoy it’s easier to express your desires and preferences leading to a more fulfilling sexual connection with someone else did you resonate with any of these points share your thoughts in the comments below we hope this video gave you some new perspective on how masturbation can enrich your personal and sexual life remember understanding and accepting these aspects of yourself can be freeing and empowering if you have some more questions about this topic please don’t hesitate to ask we’ll give our best to help you understand your sexuality and hopefully destigmatize this important topic thank you for watching and see you in another video .

Image YouTube

Déroulement de la vidéo:

0.08 masturbation is one of those topics that
0.08 tends to stay quite literally behind
0.08 closed doors even though it&;s a
0.08 completely normal and healthy sexual
0.08 activity we often shy away from
0.08 discussing it openly treating it like a
0.08 taboo subject in this video we&;d like to
0.08 tackle some of the questions you might
0.08 have but feel too uncomfortable to ask
0.08 so if you&;re curious about how
0.08 masturbation impacts your emotions
0.08 relationships and overall well-being
0.08 stick around and keep watching quick
0.08 disclaimer we know we&;ve explored the
0.08 darker aspects of masturbation in
0.08 previous videos especially the ones
0.08 related to sex and porn addictions while
0.08 this one presents it more positively
0.08 it&;s important to remember that it&;s not
0.08 just all good or all bad the subject
0.08 depends on how you frame it and we aim
0.08 to find that balance with that said
0.08 let&;s get
0.08 started number one the Dark Side of
0.08 pleasure masturbation is often seen as a
0.08 path to relaxation and pleasure but for
0.08 some it can lead to unexpected feelings
0.08 of guilt in psychological research this
0.08 is referred to as ego distonic
0.08 masturbation ever felt a touch of Shame
0.08 after exploring your body these feelings
0.08 usually surface when your actions clash
0.08 with your internal beliefs maybe you
0.08 grew up in a culture that stigmatizes
0.08 sex or perhaps your religious views
0.08 suggest it&;s something to avoid
0.08 sometimes it&;s just a deeply ingrained
0.08 notion that what you&;re doing is somehow
0.08 wrong but here&;s the truth there&;s
0.08 absolutely nothing to feel guilty about
0.08 you deserve to enjoy your own body
0.08 without thought guilt or shame after all
0.08 it&;s a private matter and no one else
0.08 needs to know number two a sexual
0.08 strategy while masturbation is usually a
0.08 solo act it&;s closely tied to your
0.08 experiences with partnered sex and how
0.08 you feel about those experiences
0.08 psychologists came up with two theories
0.08 that explain why people use masturbation
0.08 with partnered sex compensatory model
0.08 and complimentary model if you feel like
0.08 your partner isn&;t meeting all of your
0.08 sexual needs you might turn to master
0.08 ation as a way to fill in the gaps
0.08 finding satisfaction where they fall
0.08 short this is a compensatory model since
0.08 you compensate for the lack of
0.08 satisfaction on the flip side the
0.08 complimentary model states that even if
0.08 your partner is a rock star in bed
0.08 masturbation can still play a role this
0.08 time as an enhancer it can add an extra
0.08 layer of fun and pleasure to an already
0.08 great sex life making the experience
0.08 even more
0.08 satisfying number three Worlds Apart one
0.08 scenario where masturbation might become
0.08 your go-to for satisfaction is when
0.08 sexual incompatibility comes into play
0.08 this happens when you and your partner
0.08 just aren&;t aligned in the bedroom maybe
0.08 your kinks don&;t quite match you prefer
0.08 different positions or your ideas about
0.08 foreplay and after care are miles apart
0.08 research suggests that sexual
0.08 incompatibility is a common reason why
0.08 some people turn to solo play instead of
0.08 partnering up after all you&;re the one
0.08 who knows your body best so when your
0.08 desires aren&;t fully met masturbation
0.08 becomes a reliable way to bridge that
0.08 Gap and find the pleasure that you crave
0.08 apart from sexual compatibility people
0.08 choose to masturbate for a variety of
0.08 different reasons despite Pure Pleasure
0.08 such as imagining their sexual fantasies
0.08 out of compulsion or even to avoid risky
0.08 sexual activities in which they&;d engage
0.08 if it wasn&;t for solo
0.08 sessions number four single and ready to
0.08 mingle whether you&;re using masturbation
0.08 to fill the gaps in your sexual life or
0.08 to boost your pleasure it can play a
0.08 significant role in your overall sexual
0.08 satisfaction but do you necessarily need
0.08 to be in a relationship to experience
0.08 this satisfaction research suggests that
0.08 singles might actually benefit more from
0.08 masturbation than those in relationships
0.08 Studies have shown that single women who
0.08 masturbate regularly often experience
0.08 more intense orgasms and according to
0.08 one study women usually masturbate two
0.08 to three times per week single men who
0.08 often masturbate report improved
0.08 erectile function and those who
0.08 ejaculate around 21 times per month or
0.08 more are less likely to develop prostate
0.08 cancer this means that even if you&;re
0.08 flying solo you can still enjoy a
0.08 fulfilling sexual life and also gain
0.08 some health benefits sometimes it&;s just
0.08 about enjoying the company of Me Myself
0.08 and I number five finding relief in
0.08 crisis in addition to its effects on
0.08 emotions relationships and sexual
0.08 pleasure masturbation is also a powerful
0.08 stress relief strategy it can help you
0.08 unwind from everyday pressures and serve
0.08 as a coping mechanism during
0.08 particularly stressful times for example
0.08 research from the covid-19 lockdown
0.08 revealed that many people turned to
0.08 masturbation to manage the anxiety and
0.08 stress that built up during the pandemic
0.08 out of more than 2,000 participants from
0.08 the study 177% used some form of sexual
0.08 behavior as a coping strategy with
0.08 masturbation being the most frequent one
0.08 besides being a natural way to alleviate
0.08 stress masturbation can also relieve
0.08 pain and stimulate the release of
0.08 Happiness inducing hormones in the brain
0.08 if you&;re interested in exploring how
0.08 masturbation affects the brain check out
0.08 this video for more
0.08 insights number six the toolbox recently
0.08 masturbation has gained recognition as a
0.08 valuable tool in sexual therapy sex
0.08 therapists may suggest it as a remedy
0.08 for conditions like hyposexual desire
0.08 disorder the lack of sexual interest and
0.08 desire to engage in sexual activity
0.08 masturbation can help in this case
0.08 because it allows people to explore what
0.08 feels good without the pressure of
0.08 pleasing a partner helping to reduce
0.08 anxiety about sex it can change negative
0.08 feelings about sex by creating positive
0.08 relaxed experiences for those with low
0.08 sexual desire it can be a gentle way to
0.08 reconnect with sexual pleasure and
0.08 gradually increase interest in sex with
0.08 a partner not only that many sex
0.08 Educators and self-help resources also
0.08 advocate for masturbation as a means to
0.08 explore and understand your own body
0.08 identifying what brings pleasure and
0.08 what doesn&;t this self-discovery not
0.08 only enhances your personal experience
0.08 but also improves communication with
0.08 your partner once you know what you
0.08 enjoy it&;s easier to express your
0.08 desires and preferences leading to a
0.08 more fulfilling sexual connection with
0.08 someone else did you resonate with any
0.08 of these points share your thoughts in
0.08 the comments below we hope this video
0.08 gave you some new perspective on how
0.08 masturbation can enrich your personal
0.08 and sexual life remember understanding
0.08 and accepting these aspects of yourself
0.08 can be freeing and empowering if you
0.08 have some more questions about this
0.08 topic please don&;t hesitate to ask we&;ll
0.08 give our best to help you understand
0.08 your sexuality and hopefully
0.08 destigmatize this important topic thank
0.08 you for watching and see you in another
0.08 video

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