À propos du thème «nofap» : Une exploration vidéo sur YouTube
Le thème « nofap » par Rob Mulder
Cette vidéo, partagée par Rob Mulder sur YouTube ( ), est intéressante pour ceux qui s’intéressent au thème «nofap ».
La diversité des créateurs sur YouTube assure une richesse de perspectives et d’approches, rendant chaque visionnage unique et intéressant.
Lorsque nous avons examiné la vidéo (), elle avait déjà cumulé quelques interactions.
Le compteur de Likes indiquait: 9952.
Notez la durée de la vidéo (00:05:33s), le titre (Nofap – A relapse does not mean all progress is lost), et les commentaires qui accompagnent le contenu de l’auteur :« Rechuter sur nofap ne signifie pas que tous les progrès sont perdus. Même en cas de rechute, vous pouvez toujours progresser dans votre parcours nofap. ».
Visionnez la vidéo directement sous ce texte
La vie des hommes change avec l’abstinence, notamment en termes de santé et de concentration.
Examiner les effets de l’abstinence sur la fonction sexuelle.
Les dysfonctions érectiles fréquentes chez les hommes peuvent être atténuées par l’abstinence, comme le montrent diverses études.
Évaluer les bénéfices psychologiques de l’abstinence chez l’homme permet de mieux comprendre ses effets positifs.
L’abstinence réduit l’anxiété et la dépression, tout en améliorant la confiance en soi. Les forums NoFap regorgent de témoignages montrant de réels progrès psychologiques.
Discuter de la réduction de l’anxiété et de la dépression provoquées par la dépendance à la masturbation.
Les hommes souffrent fréquemment d’anxiété en raison de la dépendance à la pornographie et à la masturbation. En s’abstenant, ils constatent une diminution de leur dépression et un renforcement de leur capacité à contrôler leurs comportements.
Approches clés pour réussir sur NoFap
Livres et ressources en ligne pour mieux comprendre NoFap.
Des recherches approfondies et des articles scientifiques, y compris les travaux de Nicole Prause, éclairent l’impact de la pornographie et de la masturbation sur la santé, tout en proposant des approches pour les traiter scientifiquement.
Stratégies de la communauté NoFap pour éviter la masturbation
Les habitudes comme l’exercice, la méditation et éviter les déclencheurs sont essentielles pour maintenir une motivation forte et une concentration optimale.
La gestion des rechutes passe par des techniques simples et efficaces.
Les rechutes ne sont pas une fin en soi, elles font partie intégrante du processus, selon une étude scientifique. L’important est d’en tirer des leçons, de s’appuyer sur ses objectifs et de chercher de l’aide dans la communauté Nofap.
Hommes et NoFap : une approche moderne du bien-être
Examiner l’influence de la pornographie sur la santé mentale et physique des hommes.
Des études scientifiques ont démontré que la pornographie peut avoir des conséquences graves, notamment la dysfonction érectile, l’anxiété, la dépression, les troubles émotionnels et l’addiction. Nicole Prause, par exemple, a publié une étude sur les effets négatifs de la masturbation et de la pornographie sur la santé mentale et physique des hommes.
Il s’agit, dans NoFap, de se détacher de la masturbation pour retrouver sa clarté mentale.
NoFap, une initiative globale, propose aux hommes de s’abstenir de pornographie et de masturbation afin de réduire leur dépendance. Ce mouvement met en avant les bénéfices pour la santé mentale, la vitalité et l’équilibre émotionnel.
Les motivations des pratiquants de NoFap sont diverses, mais toutes sont tournées vers l’amélioration personnelle.
Les membres de NoFap s’unissent pour combattre les effets de la pornographie, améliorer leur fonction érectile et réduire l’anxiété. Des études montrent qu’après l’arrêt de la pornographie, plusieurs hommes sondés ont connu une réduction des symptômes de dépression et de pensées suicidaires.
La plateforme NoFap offre un soutien crucial aux hommes qui souhaitent améliorer leur bien-être.
Explorer comment les forums et les groupes de soutien contribuent à l’amélioration des résultats pour les participants.
Les groupes de soutien en ligne, comme ceux de la communauté NoFap, sont efficaces pour aider les participants à lutter contre l’anxiété et la dépression, comme le prouvent les recherches scientifiques. Ces forums permettent d’apporter une aide précieuse à ceux qui cherchent à arrêter la masturbation.
Les forums NoFap permettent d’accéder à une communauté de soutien avec des discussions ouvertes.
Les forums sont essentiels pour aider les hommes à partager leurs histoires, obtenir des conseils et renforcer leur engagement envers l’abstinence.
Souligner le rôle essentiel du soutien social et émotionnel pour ceux qui s’engagent dans l’abstinence.
Les forums de Nofap constituent un outil précieux pour les hommes, leur permettant de surmonter l’anxiété, la dépression, et les défis du parcours d’abstinence en partageant des conseils et des solutions pour éviter les rechutes. Recourir à un accompagnement professionnel est souvent utilenotamment cette sociétépour le monde entier.
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#Nofap #Une #rechute #signifie #pas #tous #les #progrès #sont #perdus
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: do you guys recognize the following situation you’ve been doing nofap for a while and you feel great about it because you’ve got this nice streak going on but then eventually you do end up relapsing and you feel horrible about it you think to yourself it has all been for nothing now because i need to start all over again and it is as if all my progress is lost now if you feel like this after relapsing then this is the exact video for you to watch because i’m gonna tell you guys things will get better relapsing is probably not as bad as you think it is because a relapse does not mean that all progress is lost you see relapsing is part of the process and it is quite normal in fact i think it is quite unrealistic to think that you will never relapse again i’ve had a lot of people comment on my videos or message me directly saying something like okay now i’m motivated you know this was my last relapse now i am never going to relapse again and the truth is well you probably are going to relapse again and that is fine because people relapse even people like me you know we are not some kind of nofap gods who just decided to do nofap at one point in life and then never relapsed again relapsing is normal and is actually part of the process so let me tell you guys about my experiences how i have experienced my nofap journey so i’ve been doing nofap for a long time like 10 years or something and over those 10 years i have relapsed a lot especially at the beginning i have relapsed a lot and i have so often thought to myself oh no now i’ve relapsed now i need to start all over again and you know all my progress is lost i’ve thought that so many times guess what guys over time over the years i did start to relapse less frequently the streaks got longer and longer maybe not every streak you know maybe sometimes i had a very short streak but on average the streaks got longer when i did relapse the relapses were let’s say less bad because in the beginning you know my addiction was pretty bad i’ve had these relapses where i would like edge for several hours a day and then several days in a row so a relapse session used to be pretty bad but it got less bad over time it got more to the point where it was like more like a single viewing session you know a relatively short viewing session and so even though i did relapse relatively often i did still make process and now years later i am at a point in my life where things are fine i would still not say that i am someone that will never relapse again i will probably relapse again and it’s fine because even if i do relapse sometimes even if i relapse a couple of times a year maybe even like once a month even then it is still not at that point where you know it numbs my brain it is still not at that point where the dirty videos the whole fapping addiction has this negative influence on my life i have genuinely gotten to a point in my life where i have largely gotten rid of all the negative side effects of this addiction and i’ve gone there by relapsing every now and then now i’m not trying to say that the actual relapses helped me to got there but what i’m trying to say is that relapsing is part of the process and relapsing does not mean that all process is lost and i’m very sure that if you actually choose to do this and you don’t have any unrealistic expectations that you can get to that point as well now yes maybe this is a long journey you know maybe it will take years but guys don’t get demotivated let me guys let me give you a little secret now this does not just apply to nofap but this is more like a live wisdom you see it is not achieving our goals that makes us happy but it is working towards our goals that makes us happy and so even if it will take you several years to get to that point where you would ideally want to be in your nofap journey the point that i am at right now right now even if it takes several years these will still be years where you are working towards your goals and so if you don’t have unrealistic expectations and you actually choose to do this the following years of your life can be amazing years when you feel proud of yourself and you actually feel happy now if you guys like this video click the like button leave a comment below click the subscribe button if you want to see more of my videos thank you for watching and i’ll see you in the next video [Music] .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
0.16 do you guys recognize the following
0.16 situation
0.16 you&;ve been doing nofap for a while and
0.16 you feel great about it because you&;ve
0.16 got this nice streak going on
0.16 but then eventually you do end up
0.16 relapsing
0.16 and you feel horrible about it you think
0.16 to yourself
0.16 it has all been for nothing now because
0.16 i need to start all over again
0.16 and it is as if all my progress is lost
0.16 now
0.16 if you feel like this after relapsing
0.16 then this is the exact video for you to
0.16 watch
0.16 because i&;m gonna tell you guys things
0.16 will get
0.16 better relapsing is probably not as bad
0.16 as you think it is because
0.16 a relapse does not mean that all
0.16 progress is lost you see
0.16 relapsing is part of the process
0.16 and it is quite normal in fact i think
0.16 it is quite unrealistic to think that
0.16 you will
0.16 never relapse again i&;ve had a lot of
0.16 people
0.16 comment on my videos or message me
0.16 directly saying something like
0.16 okay now i&;m motivated you know this was
0.16 my last relapse
0.16 now i am never going to relapse again
0.16 and the truth is well you probably
0.16 are going to relapse again and that is
0.16 fine because people relapse even people
0.16 like me you know we are not some kind of
0.16 nofap gods who
0.16 just decided to do nofap at one point in
0.16 life and then
0.16 never relapsed again relapsing is normal
0.16 and is actually
0.16 part of the process so let me tell you
0.16 guys about
0.16 my experiences how i have experienced my
0.16 nofap journey so i&;ve been doing nofap
0.16 for a long time like 10 years or
0.16 something
0.16 and over those 10 years i have relapsed
0.16 a lot especially at the beginning i have
0.16 relapsed a lot
0.16 and i have so often thought to myself oh
0.16 no now i&;ve relapsed now
0.16 i need to start all over again and you
0.16 know all my progress
0.16 is lost i&;ve thought that so many times
0.16 guess what guys over time over the years
0.16 i did start to relapse less frequently
0.16 the streaks got longer and longer maybe
0.16 not every streak you know maybe
0.16 sometimes i had a
0.16 very short streak but on average the
0.16 streaks
0.16 got longer when i did relapse the
0.16 relapses were
0.16 let&;s say less bad because in the
0.16 beginning you know
0.16 my addiction was pretty bad i&;ve had
0.16 these relapses where
0.16 i would like edge for several hours a
0.16 day and then several days in a row so
0.16 a relapse session used to be pretty bad
0.16 but it got less bad over time it got
0.16 more to the point where it was like
0.16 more like a single viewing session you
0.16 know a relatively short
0.16 viewing session and so even though i did
0.16 relapse
0.16 relatively often i did still make
0.16 process
0.16 and now years later i am at a point in
0.16 my life
0.16 where things are fine
0.16 i would still not say that i am someone
0.16 that will never relapse again i will
0.16 probably relapse again
0.16 and it&;s fine because even if i do
0.16 relapse sometimes even if i relapse a
0.16 couple of times a year
0.16 maybe even like once a month even then
0.16 it is still not at that point where you
0.16 know it numbs my brain
0.16 it is still not at that point where the
0.16 dirty videos the whole fapping addiction
0.16 has this
0.16 negative influence on my life i have
0.16 genuinely gotten to a point in my life
0.16 where i have largely gotten rid of all
0.16 the
0.16 negative side effects of this addiction
0.16 and i&;ve gone there by relapsing
0.16 every now and then now i&;m not trying to
0.16 say that the actual relapses helped me
0.16 to got there
0.16 but what i&;m trying to say is that
0.16 relapsing is part of the process
0.16 and relapsing does not mean that all
0.16 process
0.16 is lost and i&;m very sure that if you
0.16 actually choose to do this and you don&;t
0.16 have any
0.16 unrealistic expectations that you can
0.16 get
0.16 to that point as well now yes
0.16 maybe this is a long journey you know
0.16 maybe it will take years
0.16 but guys don&;t get demotivated let me
0.16 guys let me give you a little secret now
0.16 this
0.16 does not just apply to nofap but this is
0.16 more like a live
0.16 wisdom you see
0.16 it is not achieving our goals
0.16 that makes us happy but it is working
0.16 towards our goals that makes us happy
0.16 and so even if
0.16 it will take you several years to get to
0.16 that point where you would
0.16 ideally want to be in your nofap journey
0.16 the point that i am at right now
0.16 right now even if it takes several years
0.16 these will still be years where you are
0.16 working
0.16 towards your goals and so if you don&;t
0.16 have unrealistic expectations
0.16 and you actually choose to do this the
0.16 following years
0.16 of your life can be amazing
0.16 years when you feel proud of yourself
0.16 and you actually feel
0.16 happy now if you guys like this video
0.16 click the like button leave a comment
0.16 below
0.16 click the subscribe button if you want
0.16 to see more of my videos thank you for
0.16 watching and i&;ll see you
0.16 in the next video
0.16 [Music]
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