Disponible sur la plateforme YouTube, vidéo sur le thème « no porn »
Vidéo sur le thème « no porn » par Psych2Go
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Il est important de prendre en compte la durée (00:05:51s), le titre (What Happens When You MASTURBATE Without Porn), et les observations mentionnées par l’auteur :« Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé ce qui se passe lorsque vous séparez la masturbation du porno? Alors que la pornographie est devenue normalisée dans notre monde numérique, ses effets sur la santé mentale et physique sont souvent négligés. Dans cette vidéo, nous explorerons l’impact de la masturbation sans porno et comment il peut transformer votre relation avec vous-même, votre sexualité et même votre bien-être mental. Découvrez comment la consommation porno peut influencer: – vos attentes et votre satisfaction dans les relations. – Défis de santé mentale tels que la dépression, l’anxiété et la solitude. – Santé physique, y compris des problèmes comme la dysfonction érectile. En vous libérant de la dépendance à l’égard du porno, vous pourriez trouver plus d’épanouissement dans vos relations personnelles et un sentiment de motivation renouvelé pour l’auto-amélioration. Que vous soyez curieux des effets ou de la recherche de moyens de créer des habitudes plus saines, cette vidéo vous guidera à travers les avantages potentiels de cette modification. Si vous avez apprécié cette vidéo, n’oubliez pas d’aimer et de partager vos réflexions dans les commentaires! Abonnez-vous à Psych2Go pour plus d’informations sur la santé mentale et l’auto-amélioration. 1). Relation avec la sexualité 1:12 2). Santé mentale 3:06 3). Amélioration de la santé 4:23 * Références ou sources pour d’autres lectures * Wright, PJ, Paul, B., Herbenick, D., et Tokunaga, RS (2021). Pornographie et insatisfaction sexuelle: le rôle de l’excitation pornographique, des comparaisons pornographiques ascendantes et la préférence pour la masturbation pornographique. Human Communication Research, 47 (2), 192-214. Altin, M., De Leo, D., Tribbia, N., Ronconi, L., et Cipolletta, S. (2024). Utilisation de la pornographie problématique, santé mentale et suicidalité chez les jeunes adultes. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 21 (9), 1228. Whelan, G., et Brown, J. (2021). Tendiction de la pornographie: exploration de l’association entre l’utilisation, la dépendance perçue, la dysfonction érectile, l’éjaculation prématurée (précoce) et la satisfaction sexuelle chez les hommes âgés de 18 à 44 ans. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 18 (9), 1582-1591. Merci spécial à: Écrivain: Dylan Swanepoel Script Editor & Manager: Kelly Soong Voice Over: Amanda Silvera – www.youtube.com/amandasillvera Animator: Zuzia YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong Références: Wright, PJ, Paul, B., Herbenick, D ., & Tokunaga, RS (2021). Pornographie et insatisfaction sexuelle: le rôle de l’excitation pornographique, des comparaisons pornographiques ascendantes et la préférence pour la masturbation pornographique. Human Communication Research, 47 (2), 192-214. Altin, M., De Leo, D., Tribbia, N., Ronconi, L., et Cipolletta, S. (2024). Utilisation de la pornographie problématique, santé mentale et suicidalité chez les jeunes adultes. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 21 (9), 1228. Whelan, G., et Brown, J. (2021). Tendiction de la pornographie: exploration de l’association entre l’utilisation, la dépendance perçue, la dysfonction érectile, l’éjaculation prématurée (précoce) et la satisfaction sexuelle chez les hommes âgés de 18 à 44 ans. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 18 (9), 1582-1591. (Tagstotranslate) Addiction porno ».
Le player de la vidéo est situé juste en dessous
Bâtir une identité nouvelle, exempte de la pornographie
Créer des liens positifs renforce le bien-être émotionnel
Construire une relation intime permet de rétablir une sexualité authentique, plus riche en expériences réelles
Pratiquer des actions positives et réfléchies pour un bien-être durable
Pratiquer la méditation ou le yoga renforce la synergie entre le corps et l’esprit, ce qui aide à maîtriser les désirs compulsifs
Adopter une approche éthique de la sexualité
Privilégier une approche éthique de la sexualité aide à construire des relations solides et respectueuses Se défaire de la pornographie demande un travail de conscience, des outils spécifiques et un soutien constant. En suivant une approche structurée, il est possible de surmonter cette dépendance et de se reconnecter à une sexualité plus saine et respectueuse. Des ressources numériques, comme des applications de suivi, sont aussi efficaces , à définir avec chate-t.com .
Établir une méthodologie progressive pour réduire les comportements addictifs
Organiser un lieu qui soutient la récupération
Empêcher l’accès aux contenus pornographiques en utilisant des extensions de navigateur ou des applications de contrôle parental est un moyen utile. S’engager dans des activités constructives et positives est également une solution efficace pour réduire les compulsions.
Adopter des stratégies pour mieux gérer les pulsions
Il est important de savoir identifier et éviter les situations qui incitent à la consommation, avec des stratégies comme la thérapie cognitive et comportementale, la pratique d’activités saines et l’appui d’un entourage bienveillant.
Déterminer des objectifs pratiques et facilement atteignables
Le succès du sevrage passe par des objectifs clairs, par exemple réduire le temps passé devant des contenus pornographiques. Cette démarche doit également comprendre une réflexion sur les origines de la dépendance et les avantages durables de l’arrêt.
Identifier les facteurs de l’addiction au porno
Comprendre comment la consommation de porno modifie le quotidien
L’addiction nuit à la qualité des relations sexuelles, à la perception de soi et à la capacité de développer des relations significatives. Une surconsommation de porno peut provoquer une fixation émotionnelle sur ces supports
Observer les indices de dépendance
L’utilisation abusive de contenu pornographique, caractéristique de l’addiction, entraîne fréquemment une détérioration de la qualité de vie et des relations sociales.
Analyser les processus émotionnels et psychiques
La pornographie active des réactions dopaminergiques dans le cerveau, créant une association renforcée entre les stimuli sexuels et des habitudes compulsives difficiles à briser.
Chercher les aides possibles pour le soutien
S’appuyer sur des outils numériques et des applications pour suivre les progrès
Certaines applications et outils numériques aident à suivre les progrès, en envoyant des rappels motivants et en favorisant l’adoption d’habitudes positives pour réduire l’exposition à des contenus pornographiques.
Prendre rendez-vous avec un professionnel de la santé mentale
Consulter un thérapeute expérimenté dans les dépendances comportementales, comme un psychologue utilisant la TCC, permet de cerner les facteurs sous-jacents et d’obtenir un accompagnement personnalisé.
Intégrer un groupe d’accompagnement et de soutien
Les groupes de soutien sont des espaces sécurisés où l’on peut partager son vécu, apprendre des stratégies éprouvées et se soutenir mutuellement dans le processus de guérison.
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#passetil #lorsque #vous #vous #masturbez #sans #porno
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: have you noticed that the reputation of porn has changed a lot over the years looking at porn magazines used to be an embarrassing secret but when porn became a big part of the internet people started to realize that everyone watches porn the conversation around it changed and became a private but accepted thing now the conversation is changing once again now that we’ve been able to be open about the reality of porn we can evaluate it with more honesty we now know that porn can be unhealthy but masturbation is still a fact of life so naturally the issue arises what happens when we try to separate them masturbation and porn are often so closely linked that many people don’t consider one without the other today we’re exploring what happens when you masturbate without using porn how does it impact your mental health positively or negatively our goal is to raise awareness and encourage more open discussions about these taboo topics that aren’t talked about enough especially when it comes to their connection to mental Wellness relationship with sexuality masturbating without porn can change your relationship with sexuality porn can make you want more porn likee sex this means engaging in things that may look more visually appealing but without being as fun functional or satisfying porn likee sex could also mean more aggressive sex that could be dangerous or inconsiderate towards your partner watching porn while masturbating can also mess with your expectations in other ways Men start to expect women to act and look more like they do in pornography which has been linked to relationship dissatisfaction the overstimulation of your senses also makes sex itself less enjoyable or sad satisfying have you ever had to picture someone or something else in your mind to really enjoy sex that might be because of porn but not everyone is having sex so you might think porn won’t be that bad as a single person porn can still affect your relationships in negative ways if you have any friends of the gender you’re attracted to you might find yourself sexualizing them more often porn condition us to look for things that appeal to the sexual side of our brain and reduce our desire for partnered sex over masturbation so ultimately porn makes you want sexual intimacy less but look for sexual things more masturbation without porn can reduce the harm of pornography addiction hypersexuality and sexual Cravings while still addressing the health benefits associated with masturbation if you stop masturbating with porn the world may start to feel like a different place and your relationships will feel more fulfilling mental health porn can affect your mental health negatively It’s usually the last thing we consider when dealing with depression anxiety and fatigue but porn can be responsible of course not every person that watches porn has related mental health issues but the mental health problems that come from porn are prevalent enough to be mentioned the chances of pornography habits leading to issues like depression increase the more problematic your porn use becomes problematic use is when you struggle to control the frequency duration or intensity of your porn habit or when it starts to disrupt relationships or your well-being men and women struggling with problematic porn use reported worsened loneliness stress anxiety depression and life satisfaction according to this recent study so choosing not to use porn when you masturbate can help your mind relax porn has an addictive nature which comes with various risks to your mental health breaking away from porn might help you feel less Restless anxious and depressed this way the benefits of masturbation don’t come with mental health baggage improved Health it isn’t just your mental health that you have to consider your phys physical health and sexual functioning can also improve when porn is taken out of the equation an overreliance on porn has been found to lead to issues such as erectile dysfunction without porn you can slowly build up that healthy sexual function porn kills your motivation to seek out a partner so for some people cutting out porn could give them the motivation for self-improvement and good physical health and hygiene horn has tricked people into thinking that it’s the only way to make masturbating fun or exciting masturbating without porn doesn’t have to be a cold clinical thing that you only do for the base function masturbation is just as fun without the visual stimulation over time you might even start to enjoy it more when porn isn’t involved without those dependencies cravings and other downsides of porn you can focus more on how it feels rather than the quality of what you’re looking at your mind body and your relationships will all benefit from making this change if you enjoyed this video let us know by leaving a like for more videos like this subscribe to Psy too and we’ll see you next time .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
0.52 have you noticed that the reputation of
0.52 porn has changed a lot over the years
0.52 looking at porn magazines used to be an
0.52 embarrassing secret but when porn became
0.52 a big part of the internet people
0.52 started to realize that everyone watches
0.52 porn the conversation around it changed
0.52 and became a private but accepted thing
0.52 now the conversation is changing once
0.52 again now that we&;ve been able to be
0.52 open about the reality of porn we can
0.52 evaluate it with more
0.52 honesty we now know that porn can be
0.52 unhealthy but masturbation is still a
0.52 fact of life so naturally the issue
0.52 arises what happens when we try to
0.52 separate them masturbation and porn are
0.52 often so closely linked that many people
0.52 don&;t consider one without the other
0.52 today we&;re exploring what happens when
0.52 you masturbate without using porn how
0.52 does it impact your mental health
0.52 positively or negatively
0.52 our goal is to raise awareness and
0.52 encourage more open discussions about
0.52 these taboo topics that aren&;t talked
0.52 about enough especially when it comes to
0.52 their connection to mental
0.52 Wellness relationship with
0.52 sexuality masturbating without porn can
0.52 change your relationship with
0.52 sexuality porn can make you want more
0.52 porn likee sex this means engaging in
0.52 things that may look more visually
0.52 appealing but without being as fun
0.52 functional or
0.52 satisfying porn likee sex could also
0.52 mean more aggressive sex that could be
0.52 dangerous or inconsiderate towards your
0.52 partner watching porn while masturbating
0.52 can also mess with your expectations in
0.52 other ways Men start to expect women to
0.52 act and look more like they do in
0.52 pornography which has been linked to
0.52 relationship
0.52 dissatisfaction the overstimulation of
0.52 your senses also makes sex itself less
0.52 enjoyable or sad
0.52 satisfying have you ever had to picture
0.52 someone or something else in your mind
0.52 to really enjoy sex that might be
0.52 because of porn but not everyone is
0.52 having sex so you might think porn won&;t
0.52 be that bad as a single person porn can
0.52 still affect your relationships in
0.52 negative
0.52 ways if you have any friends of the
0.52 gender you&;re attracted to you might
0.52 find yourself sexualizing them more
0.52 often porn condition us to look for
0.52 things that appeal to the sexual side of
0.52 our brain and reduce our desire for
0.52 partnered sex over masturbation so
0.52 ultimately porn makes you want sexual
0.52 intimacy less but look for sexual things
0.52 more masturbation without porn can
0.52 reduce the harm of pornography addiction
0.52 hypersexuality and sexual Cravings while
0.52 still addressing the health benefits
0.52 associated with
0.52 masturbation if you stop masturbating
0.52 with porn the world may start to feel
0.52 like a different place and your
0.52 relationships will feel more
0.52 fulfilling mental health porn can affect
0.52 your mental health negatively It&;s
0.52 usually the last thing we consider when
0.52 dealing with depression anxiety and
0.52 fatigue but porn can be responsible of
0.52 course not every person that watches
0.52 porn has related mental health issues
0.52 but the mental health problems that come
0.52 from porn are prevalent enough to be
0.52 mentioned the chances of pornography
0.52 habits leading to issues like depression
0.52 increase the more problematic your porn
0.52 use
0.52 becomes problematic use is when you
0.52 struggle to control the frequency
0.52 duration or intensity of your porn habit
0.52 or when it starts to disrupt
0.52 relationships or your
0.52 well-being men and women struggling with
0.52 problematic porn use reported worsened
0.52 loneliness stress anxiety depression and
0.52 life satisfaction according to this
0.52 recent study so choosing not to use porn
0.52 when you masturbate can help your mind
0.52 relax porn has an addictive nature which
0.52 comes with various risks to your mental
0.52 health breaking away from porn might
0.52 help you feel less Restless anxious and
0.52 depressed this way the benefits of
0.52 masturbation don&;t come with mental
0.52 health
0.52 baggage improved Health it isn&;t just
0.52 your mental health that you have to
0.52 consider your phys physical health and
0.52 sexual functioning can also improve when
0.52 porn is taken out of the equation an
0.52 overreliance on porn has been found to
0.52 lead to issues such as erectile
0.52 dysfunction without porn you can slowly
0.52 build up that healthy sexual function
0.52 porn kills your motivation to seek out a
0.52 partner so for some people cutting out
0.52 porn could give them the motivation for
0.52 self-improvement and good physical
0.52 health and hygiene horn has tricked
0.52 people into thinking that it&;s the only
0.52 way to make masturbating fun or exciting
0.52 masturbating without porn doesn&;t have
0.52 to be a cold clinical thing that you
0.52 only do for the base function
0.52 masturbation is just as fun without the
0.52 visual stimulation over time you might
0.52 even start to enjoy it more when porn
0.52 isn&;t involved without those
0.52 dependencies cravings and other
0.52 downsides of porn you can focus more on
0.52 how it feels rather than the quality of
0.52 what you&;re looking at your mind body
0.52 and your relationships will all benefit
0.52 from making this
0.52 change if you enjoyed this video let us
0.52 know by leaving a like for more videos
0.52 like this subscribe to Psy too and we&;ll
0.52 see you next time
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