Publié sur YouTube, le thème « no fap » exploré en vidéo
Le thème « no fap » mis en image par Hamza
Cette vidéo, partagée par Hamza sur YouTube ( ), est une ressource intéressante traitant du thème « no fap ».
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La durée (00:09:22s) de la vidéo, le titre (Why The People Of NoFap Become Successful), sont à prendre en compte de même que la description publiée par l’auteur :« J’ai rempli ma mission pour ce canal. Si vous voulez vérifier mon nouveau chemin ici, c’est … ma chaîne de vlog quotidienne: ma chaîne pour les débutants: @Hamzabeginners ma chaîne pour les gars avancés et plus âgés: recevez des e-mails pour vous aider à améliorer votre vie: mon produit payant adonis adonis adonis adonis adonis École: faites le travail dur, surtout lorsque vous n’en avez pas envie. (Tagstotranslate) Hamza Ahmed ».
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L’abstinence transforme la vie des hommes, notamment en améliorant leur énergie et humeur.
Les avantages psychologiques de l’abstinence pour l’homme méritent une analyse approfondie.
Pratiquer l’abstinence aide les hommes à réduire l’anxiété, la dépression et à renforcer leur confiance en soi. Les forums NoFap regorgent d’histoires inspirantes.
Explorer les effets de l’abstinence sur la diminution de l’anxiété et de la dépression causées par la dépendance à la masturbation.
La dépendance à la pornographie et à la masturbation chez l’homme provoque souvent une anxiété importante. En cessant ces comportements, il est courant de voir une réduction de la dépression et une meilleure gestion des actions personnelles.
Observer les progrès érectiles après l’abstinence.
Les problèmes érectiles associés à la masturbation sont courants chez l’homme, mais l’abstinence offre des solutions.
Les hommes trouvent un soutien essentiel au sein de la communauté NoFap pour faire face à leurs défis.
Les plateformes d’échange NoFap sont essentielles pour ceux qui souhaitent partager leurs progrès et se soutenir mutuellement.
Les espaces communautaires, comme les forums, offrent une plateforme de soutien et des études scientifiques utiles aux hommes qui souhaitent réussir leur abstinence.
Mettre l’accent sur l’influence positive du soutien social et émotionnel sur la réussite de l’abstinence.
La communauté Nofap et ses forums soutiennent activement les hommes dans leur parcours d’abstinence, en aidant à gérer l’anxiété et la dépression. Ils offrent un espace pour échanger des solutions et des stratégies contre les rechutes. Un encadrement professionnel est parfois crucial (à ce sujet voir ce site très connu
Étudier l’importance des forums et des groupes de soutien pour renforcer la résilience des participants.
Les groupes de soutien en ligne, comme ceux de la communauté NoFap, sont efficaces pour aider les participants à lutter contre l’anxiété et la dépression, comme le prouvent les recherches scientifiques. Ces forums permettent d’apporter une aide précieuse à ceux qui cherchent à arrêter la masturbation.
NoFap : une démarche révolutionnaire pour les hommes
Savoir ce qui motive ceux qui pratiquent NoFap permet de comprendre les résultats attendus de cette abstinence.
Les membres de NoFap s’unissent pour combattre les effets de la pornographie, améliorer leur fonction érectile et réduire l’anxiété. Des études montrent qu’après l’arrêt de la pornographie, plusieurs hommes sondés ont connu une réduction des symptômes de dépression et de pensées suicidaires.
Comprendre l’impact de la pornographie sur la santé des hommes est crucial.
Les recherches menées par des experts ont révélé que la pornographie peut engendrer des troubles tels que la dysfonction érectile, l’anxiété, la dépression, des problèmes émotionnels et l’addiction. Nicole Prause a effectué une étude scientifique sur les effets de la pornographie excessive sur le bien-être mental et physique des hommes.
NoFap est un mouvement prônant l’abstinence de pornographie et de masturbation.
Le mouvement NoFap propose de rompre avec la pornographie et la masturbation afin de réduire l’addiction. Il s’agit d’une initiative permettant aux hommes d’améliorer leur bien-être mental et physique.
Comment réussir son parcours NoFap
Ressources fiables pour approfondir le parcours NoFap.
Les études de Nicole Prause et autres travaux scientifiques éclairent les mécanismes de l’addiction à la pornographie et à la masturbation, tout en offrant des solutions scientifiques pour remédier à ce phénomène.
Rester motivé sur NoFap : les meilleurs conseils
L’exercice, la méditation et l’évitement des déclencheurs sont des habitudes efficaces pour maintenir la motivation et atteindre ses objectifs.
Des outils pratiques aident à gérer les rechutes et à rester sur la voie.
Une étude scientifique a révélé que les rechutes font partie du processus NoFap. Pour les surmonter, les participants doivent se concentrer sur leurs objectifs et utiliser le soutien de la communauté pour persévérer.
Cliquez ici pour accéder directement à la vidéo sur YouTube :
la source: Cliquer ici
#Pourquoi #les #habitants #nofap #réussissent
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: you’re really gonna go for the third relapse of the day Jeffrey the third relapse yo cut the intro bro [ __ ] me man I did a podcast interview like Discord call there was a point when I was like live streaming and one of the guys who I invited up to come speak to me whilst I was live streaming was a 13 year old kid he said that he was given an iPad at the age of four and that he discovered I think he said age nine or ten and that he had an addiction before he was 11 years old I will say that again an 11 year old had a pawn addiction you want to do something interesting close your eyes see yourself as a father a few years from now and just see your son in his room with an addiction to porn a bad addiction to porn and maybe video games too and imagine seeing that in your son and imagine not even being able to help him because of how hyper stimulating and addicting it is and I think what makes it so much harder now is that it’s no longer even like these porn companies that are pushing this onto kids it’s kids putting it onto other kids it’s some little girl 12 years olds working on Tick Tock kids in high school like the boys in high school bro a lot of them are addicted to like Tick Tock and stuff imaginable imagine literally if you see this like generation of high school boys on Tick Tock literally seeing their generation of girls showing their bodies sexually and when you think about the age of the girls who are going viral on Tick Tock that’s when it gets really [ __ ] bro I remember the day that I got into nofap like I knew about it for a little while but I was age 17 I’m 25 now I knew about it for a while people talking about it online or day 90 and you’ll be able to levitate and [ __ ] right you know I tried it here and there one day two day relapse whatever I don’t really care yeah whatever I remember the day that I took it seriously bro I woke up and this was somewhat of like a habit for me I’d wake up and just grab my phone and just go on like Reddit and Instagram and stuff and fact once cleaned up stayed in bed or lying down just scrolled more and more and more click on some more porn on Instagram you see ass or on Reddit it’s like a sexual post or some [ __ ] even talking about this [ __ ] I don’t want to take you out this story but even just describing the story to you and you know just describing over on Reddit there’s like a sexual thing I promise you I literally just had like a little bit of a desire to go and watch porn right now years after I’ve watched that [ __ ] the second time still I haven’t left the bed yet it’s the second time fap I remember the third time was when I went on to Pornhub and watched like this video of like this blonde girl getting railed and how [ __ ] is that as well not like seeing a sexual picture it’s like it’s still not good for you and stuff but you know of like a girl or seeing like some video of her twerking or some [ __ ] yeah fine but like actual porn where you see like a man [ __ ] a woman and you’re like the little monkey in the corner just checking off to that what does that do to your brain and your beliefs just everything about you you’re kind of conditioning yourself to just be like this weirdo who isn’t having sex but who’s just watching bro the third time by the time that I finished I wasn’t even fully hard I’m looking down at my semi-limp dick and thinking this is [ __ ] bro I was 17 years old and my PP wasn’t even getting hard I took no Fab seriously after that because bro that is gut-wrenching as a man that’s your manhood your PP is your manhood to see that it’s not working well because you’ve been death gripping it whilst watching porn oh that is so upsetting you need to stop castrating yourself because that’s what this is I always give this analogy and it always opens people’s eyes so I’m gonna tell you it what happens if you have a male cat and you castrate it and essentially castrate you like chop off it’s peanuts and balls or something you castrate it it goes from being like this adventurous cat that’s almost challenging you jumping around everywhere being a bit aggressive to this like docile weak lazy submissive little being we know this oh yeah we get pets castrated it’s like a normal thing right and we see the transformation oh yeah you know if your cat’s being misbehaving yeah go get a castrate it is a normal thing have you ever really stopped to just think like [ __ ] like that’s kind of what I’m doing to myself when I check off you’re castrating yourself that life that you’re supposed to have inside of you that drive that you’re supposed to have to either go and get women or go and work yourself up to be attractive and successful enough to get women that drive inside of you just gets diminished and thrown into Kleenex I can’t tell if this is a conspiracy theory but you’ll remember being told that masturbating and watching porn was good for you I swear so many guys can remember that being like a general consensus by teachers perhaps by parents for some reason it feels like the government told me that masturbating and watching porn was good for me so many guys have been able to agree we can’t pinpoint whether we were told to this by the government but it feels like that was the message that they conveyed to us is this a conspiracy theory to think that was convey to us because they want a generation of like submissive men especially men of like the warrior class the younger men full of testosterone to just castrate themselves so they’re easier to control you’re probably thinking well yeah like I want to stop I want to stop but like I keep fapping I keep messing up I keep relapsing and honestly yeah of course you do it’s normal that when you’re trying to stop a habit you still keep doing that thing for some time it took me a couple of years to really actually make nofap work because it’s not just like you can just declare yeah I’m on nofap now I’m not gonna fap anymore it’s more so that if you’ve been fapping for 10 years it’s gonna take you some time to be able to fully quit because it’s just like counteracting those bad habits so a lot of young guys really do get obsessed with this and you know they say like oh you know Hamza Ramon no fap and I get to day seven then I keep relapse and I keep relapsing keep relapsing and I tell them how long have you been fapping for when did you start at all like you know 12 years old 13 years old so you’ve been fapping for four years five years and you’ve been on Nova like two months bro so it’s like you can’t just expect it to be perfect overnight it’s like are you fapping like once a week that’s probably like a good level of progress perhaps a month from now fap every eight days nine days ten days perhaps six months from now up every three weeks perhaps a year from now fap less than once a month and at that point it’s like yeah it’s fine bro why do the people of nofa become successful and of course this is a little bit cringe it’s like other guys who get onto nofap still stay losers but generally a lot of the successful men have this in common they stopped masturbating and what’s important the greatest motivator that you have is the drive to [ __ ] women honestly like I know it’s kind of offensive or controversial but it is true the greatest motivator as a matter but if you really think of yourself as an animal what’s your motivator bro because this too there’s one to survive so if you’re hungry or thirsty or some [ __ ] or you need shelter that’s the biggest motivator you have to survive but once your survival needs a met which it is for 99.99 of guys here then what’s left is the biggest need the biggest desire to [ __ ] and when you get rid of that desire it’s like well you’ve achieved like most of what you needed to do with your life and so of course you feel kind of lethargic and lazy and shameful and just tired of course you don’t feel motivated to do hard work of course you don’t even enjoy hard work after you’ve just bust 50 nuts over the last two months the men with no fat become successful because they’re able to harness their sexual energy which is so incred incredibly important and I know it does sound cringe I’ll have the men of no [ __ ] stuff it sounds cringe but the thing is your sexual desire is incredibly important and it’s being Stripped Away from you by your own hand but by the cause I think of external influences which are telling young men that it’s okay to just spill their seed just because it’s normal I gave this analogy once and I think you’ll be interested imagine you put two men in a cage this weird [ __ ] up Social experiments and you tell them fight and don’t stop till one of you are dead imagine you did this like psychological experiments and you wanted to see what mine would fight harder one of the men we fill him up with food first and we also tell them yeah you’re a masturbate oh you know here’s a woman have sex so he’s empty of nut and full of belly the other guy no food for you and also full balls for you no nothing he’s got an empty stomach and full heavy balls I know this sounds silly but I really just want you to imagine this competition this fight we have this man with a full stomach his digesting [ __ ] refined carbs right now and empty balls and this man with an empty stomach and full balls and we tell them fight to the death honestly bro do I even have to ask you who’s gonna win all of us right now I think every single person right now would say this guy right some nerd might come in oh but this guy’s got more Cubs and cubs like it just shut the [ __ ] up if you really imagine like a realistic scenario of some guy eating a big meal and then like nothing and the other guy staying faster bro this guy who stayed fasted he’s literally hungry and he’s horny bro he’s gonna [ __ ] this guy like not like that but he’s gonna [ __ ] him up though right now okay this experiment’s like really weird and stuff right but is it that different from what’s just happening in normal life anyway because we as men we’re in competition bro if you want to study and get good grades your grades are not just in a vacuum your grade is based on what other people get your grade is actually a competition against other people in your business in your career you’re competing against other people to attract women you’re competing against other men why are we spilling our drive to compete why not hold that and actually use it for something that’s worth more than just a few seconds of hedonistic pleasure that’s why the men of nofap become more successful because they’re able to harness what may be the greatest drive we have is our sexual drive and this isn’t some like weird ass advice I get a day 90 or some [ __ ] I’m not saying to get to a particular day I’ve never been one of these guys I hate that advice advice of like yeah I get to day 90 or something I don’t think the benefit of nofa comes in streaks I think the benefit of nofap comes when you just reduce the quantity of like nuts per month per year I have a problem with most of the nofap YouTubers you can think of a nofap YouTuber right now chances are I don’t like them I think they’re bad for you even though that’s weird to say it’s like I think they’re actually bad influences because their pressure needs to stay on the street and they’ve convinced you that if you relapse if you you know mess up the streak you lose all the benefits and you have to start again bro that sounds [ __ ] up to me because imagine a fitness channel telling a fat guy of all these benefits that he could get if he gets onto exercise and then tells him like oh yeah by the way like if you mess up your streak and you miss one workout all of the benefits reset imagine telling a fat guy that he has to go to the gym every single day and if he misses one day all of the benefits reset that is inhumane and that’s what these nofap YouTubers do to you and they convince you that you need to be on a streak you don’t need to be on a streak you just need to reduce how often you fap per month per six months per three months per week keep your balls full bro like nice and happy click on this video right now do the hard work especially when you don’t feel like it mmm .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
0 you&;re really gonna go for the third
0 relapse of the day Jeffrey
0 the third relapse
0 yo cut the intro bro [ __ ] me man I did a
0 podcast interview like Discord call
0 there was a point when I was like live
0 streaming and one of the guys who I
0 invited up to come speak to me whilst I
0 was live streaming was a 13 year old kid
0 he said that he was given an iPad at the
0 age of four and that he discovered I
0 think he said age nine or ten and that
0 he had an addiction before he was 11
0 years old I will say that again an 11
0 year old had a pawn addiction you want
0 to do something interesting close your
0 eyes see yourself as a father a few
0 years from now and just see your son in
0 his room with an addiction to porn a bad
0 addiction to porn and maybe video games
0 too and imagine seeing that in your son
0 and imagine not even being able to help
0 him because of how hyper stimulating and
0 addicting it is and I think what makes
0 it so much harder now is that it&;s no
0 longer even like these porn companies
0 that are pushing this onto kids it&;s
0 kids putting it onto other kids it&;s
0 some little girl 12 years olds working
0 on Tick Tock kids in high school like
0 the boys in high school bro a lot of
0 them are addicted to like Tick Tock and
0 stuff imaginable imagine literally if
0 you see this like generation of high
0 school boys on Tick Tock literally
0 seeing their generation of girls showing
0 their bodies sexually and when you think
0 about the age of the girls who are going
0 viral on Tick Tock that&;s when it gets
0 really [ __ ] bro I remember the day
0 that I got into nofap like I knew about
0 it for a little while but I was age 17
0 I&;m 25 now I knew about it for a while
0 people talking about it online or day 90
0 and you&;ll be able to levitate and [ __ ]
0 right you know I tried it here and there
0 one day two day relapse whatever I don&;t
0 really care yeah whatever I remember the
0 day that I took it seriously bro I woke
0 up and this was somewhat of like a habit
0 for me I&;d wake up and just grab my
0 phone and just go on like Reddit and
0 Instagram and stuff and fact once
0 cleaned up stayed in bed or lying down
0 just scrolled more and more and more
0 click on some more porn on Instagram you
0 see ass or on Reddit it&;s like a sexual
0 post or some [ __ ] even talking about
0 this [ __ ] I don&;t want to take you out
0 this story but even just describing the
0 story to you and you know just
0 describing over on Reddit there&;s like a
0 sexual thing I promise you I literally
0 just had like a little bit of a desire
0 to go and watch porn right now years
0 after I&;ve watched that [ __ ] the second
0 time still I haven&;t left the bed yet
0 it&;s the second time fap I remember the
0 third time was when I went on to Pornhub
0 and watched like this video of like this
0 blonde girl getting railed and how
0 [ __ ] is that as well not like seeing a
0 sexual picture it&;s like it&;s still not
0 good for you and stuff but you know of
0 like a girl or seeing like some video of
0 her twerking or some [ __ ] yeah fine but
0 like actual porn where you see like a
0 man [ __ ] a woman and you&;re like the
0 little monkey in the corner just
0 checking off to that what does that do
0 to your brain and your beliefs just
0 everything about you you&;re kind of
0 conditioning yourself to just be like
0 this weirdo who isn&;t having sex but
0 who&;s just watching bro the third time
0 by the time that I finished I wasn&;t
0 even fully hard I&;m looking down at my
0 semi-limp dick and thinking this is
0 [ __ ] bro I was 17 years old and my PP
0 wasn&;t even getting hard I took no Fab
0 seriously after that because bro that is
0 gut-wrenching as a man that&;s your
0 manhood your PP is your manhood to see
0 that it&;s not working well because
0 you&;ve been death gripping it whilst
0 watching porn oh that is so upsetting
0 you need to stop castrating yourself
0 because that&;s what this is I always
0 give this analogy and it always opens
0 people&;s eyes so I&;m gonna tell you it
0 what happens if you have a male cat and
0 you castrate it and essentially castrate
0 you like chop off it&;s peanuts and balls
0 or something you castrate it it goes
0 from being like this adventurous cat
0 that&;s almost challenging you jumping
0 around everywhere being a bit aggressive
0 to this like docile weak lazy submissive
0 little being we know this oh yeah we get
0 pets castrated it&;s like a normal thing
0 right and we see the transformation oh
0 yeah you know if your cat&;s being
0 misbehaving yeah go get a castrate it is
0 a normal thing have you ever really
0 stopped to just think like [ __ ] like
0 that&;s kind of what I&;m doing to myself
0 when I check off you&;re castrating
0 yourself that life that you&;re supposed
0 to have inside of you that drive that
0 you&;re supposed to have to either go and
0 get women or go and work yourself up to
0 be attractive and successful enough to
0 get women that drive inside of you just
0 gets diminished and thrown into Kleenex
0 I can&;t tell if this is a conspiracy
0 theory but you&;ll remember being told
0 that masturbating and watching porn was
0 good for you I swear so many guys can
0 remember that being like a general
0 consensus by teachers perhaps by parents
0 for some reason it feels like the
0 government told me that masturbating and
0 watching porn was good for me so many
0 guys have been able to agree we can&;t
0 pinpoint whether we were told to this by
0 the government but it feels like that
0 was the message that they conveyed to us
0 is this a conspiracy theory to think
0 that was convey to us because they want
0 a generation of like submissive men
0 especially men of like the warrior class
0 the younger men full of testosterone to
0 just castrate themselves so they&;re
0 easier to control you&;re probably
0 thinking well yeah like I want to stop I
0 want to stop but like I keep fapping I
0 keep messing up I keep relapsing and
0 honestly yeah of course you do it&;s
0 normal that when you&;re trying to stop a
0 habit you still keep doing that thing
0 for some time it took me a couple of
0 years to really actually make nofap work
0 because it&;s not just like you can just
0 declare yeah I&;m on nofap now I&;m not
0 gonna fap anymore it&;s more so that if
0 you&;ve been fapping for 10 years it&;s
0 gonna take you some time to be able to
0 fully quit because it&;s just like
0 counteracting those bad habits so a lot
0 of young guys really do get obsessed
0 with this and you know they say like oh
0 you know Hamza Ramon no fap and I get to
0 day seven then I keep relapse and I keep
0 relapsing keep relapsing and I tell them
0 how long have you been fapping for when
0 did you start at all like you know 12
0 years old 13 years old so you&;ve been
0 fapping for four years five years and
0 you&;ve been on Nova like two months bro
0 so it&;s like you can&;t just expect it to
0 be perfect overnight it&;s like are you
0 fapping like once a week that&;s probably
0 like a good level of progress perhaps a
0 month from now fap every eight days nine
0 days ten days perhaps six months from
0 now up every three weeks perhaps a year
0 from now fap less than once a month and
0 at that point it&;s like yeah it&;s fine
0 bro why do the people of nofa become
0 successful and of course this is a
0 little bit cringe it&;s like other guys
0 who get onto nofap still stay losers but
0 generally a lot of the successful men
0 have this in common they stopped
0 masturbating and what&;s important the
0 greatest motivator that you have is the
0 drive to [ __ ] women honestly like I know
0 it&;s kind of offensive or controversial
0 but it is true the greatest motivator as
0 a matter but if you really think of
0 yourself as an animal what&;s your
0 motivator bro because this too there&;s
0 one to survive so if you&;re hungry or
0 thirsty or some [ __ ] or you need shelter
0 that&;s the biggest motivator you have to
0 survive but once your survival needs a
0 met which it is for 99.99 of guys here
0 then what&;s left is the biggest need the
0 biggest desire to [ __ ] and when you get
0 rid of that desire it&;s like well you&;ve
0 achieved like most of what you needed to
0 do with your life and so of course you
0 feel kind of lethargic and lazy and
0 shameful and just tired of course you
0 don&;t feel motivated to do hard work of
0 course you don&;t even enjoy hard work
0 after you&;ve just bust 50 nuts over the
0 last two months the men with no fat
0 become successful because they&;re able
0 to harness their sexual energy which is
0 so incred incredibly important and I
0 know it does sound cringe I&;ll have the
0 men of no [ __ ] stuff it sounds cringe
0 but the thing is your sexual desire is
0 incredibly important and it&;s being
0 Stripped Away from you by your own hand
0 but by the cause I think of external
0 influences which are telling young men
0 that it&;s okay to just spill their seed
0 just because it&;s normal I gave this
0 analogy once and I think you&;ll be
0 interested imagine you put two men in a
0 cage this weird [ __ ] up Social
0 experiments and you tell them fight and
0 don&;t stop till one of you are dead
0 imagine you did this like psychological
0 experiments and you wanted to see what
0 mine would fight harder one of the men
0 we fill him up with food first and we
0 also tell them yeah you&;re a masturbate
0 oh you know here&;s a woman have sex so
0 he&;s empty of nut and full of belly the
0 other guy no food for you and also full
0 balls for you no nothing he&;s got an
0 empty stomach and full heavy balls I
0 know this sounds silly but I really just
0 want you to imagine this competition
0 this fight we have this man with a full
0 stomach his digesting [ __ ] refined
0 carbs right now and empty balls and this
0 man with an empty stomach and full balls
0 and we tell them fight to the death
0 honestly bro do I even have to ask you
0 who&;s gonna win all of us right now I
0 think every single person right now
0 would say this guy right some nerd might
0 come in oh but this guy&;s got more Cubs
0 and cubs like it just shut the [ __ ] up
0 if you really imagine like a realistic
0 scenario of some guy eating a big meal
0 and then like nothing and the other guy
0 staying faster bro this guy who stayed
0 fasted he&;s literally hungry and he&;s
0 horny bro he&;s gonna [ __ ] this guy like
0 not like that but he&;s gonna [ __ ] him up
0 though right now okay this experiment&;s
0 like really weird and stuff right but is
0 it that different from what&;s just
0 happening in normal life anyway because
0 we as men we&;re in competition bro if
0 you want to study and get good grades
0 your grades are not just in a vacuum
0 your grade is based on what other people
0 get your grade is actually a competition
0 against other people in your business in
0 your career you&;re competing against
0 other people to attract women you&;re
0 competing against other men why are we
0 spilling our drive to compete why not
0 hold that and actually use it for
0 something that&;s worth more than just a
0 few seconds of hedonistic pleasure
0 that&;s why the men of nofap become more
0 successful because they&;re able to
0 harness what may be the greatest drive
0 we have is our sexual drive and this
0 isn&;t some like weird ass advice I get a
0 day 90 or some [ __ ] I&;m not saying to
0 get to a particular day I&;ve never been
0 one of these guys I hate that advice
0 advice of like yeah I get to day 90 or
0 something I don&;t think the benefit of
0 nofa comes in streaks I think the
0 benefit of nofap comes when you just
0 reduce the quantity of like nuts per
0 month per year I have a problem with
0 most of the nofap YouTubers you can
0 think of a nofap YouTuber right now
0 chances are I don&;t like them I think
0 they&;re bad for you even though that&;s
0 weird to say it&;s like I think they&;re
0 actually bad influences because their
0 pressure needs to stay on the street and
0 they&;ve convinced you that if you
0 relapse if you you know mess up the
0 streak you lose all the benefits and you
0 have to start again bro that sounds
0 [ __ ] up to me because imagine a
0 fitness channel telling a fat guy of all
0 these benefits that he could get if he
0 gets onto exercise and then tells him
0 like oh yeah by the way like if you mess
0 up your streak and you miss one workout
0 all of the benefits reset imagine
0 telling a fat guy that he has to go to
0 the gym every single day and if he
0 misses one day all of the benefits reset
0 that is inhumane and that&;s what these
0 nofap YouTubers do to you and they
0 convince you that you need to be on a
0 streak you don&;t need to be on a streak
0 you just need to reduce how often you
0 fap per month per six months per three
0 months per week keep your balls full bro
0 like nice and happy click on this video
0 right now do the hard work especially
0 when you don&;t feel like it mmm
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