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« La tentation est partout, et cela peut ressembler à une bataille difficile pour rester pur dans un monde plein de distractions si vous n’êtes pas ancré dans votre foi. « La masturbation est-elle un péché selon la Bible ? » C’est une question avec laquelle beaucoup se posent, et dans cette vidéo, nous en parlons honnêtement. Nous examinerons ce que dit la Bible et partagerons la vérité honnête pour vous aider à trouver clarté et force face à ces défis. GEAR DLM pour hommes dans cette vidéo : VICTORY –
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2ÈME CHAÎNE YOUTUBE : DLM CHRISTIAN LIFESTYLE — Sur cette chaîne, je donne des enseignements bibliques en Vérité et en Amour aux hommes et aux femmes. Si vous souhaitez vous rapprocher spirituellement de Dieu, alors abonnez-vous et commencez à grandir.
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Vous pouvez regarder la vidéo juste en dessous
Déterminer une approche pour interrompre cette pratique
Présenter des solutions pour réduire de manière efficace cette pratique
- Détecter les facteurs déclencheurs : Identifiez les situations qui suscitent l’envie.
- Substituer cette pratique par de nouvelles passions : Faites du sport ou explorez d’autres centres d’intérêts.
- Remplacer par des alternatives saines : Essayez le sport ou explorez de nouveaux hobbies.
Donner des recommandations pour prévenir les rechutes
- Restreindre l’accès à la pornographie : Activez des logiciels ou extensions pour bloquer les sites explicites.
- Planifier une journée équilibrée : Remplissez vos journées avec des activités variées et planifiées.
Insister sur le rôle essentiel du soutien de la communauté
- Consulter un sexologue : Un expert peut fournir des conseils personnalisés. (par exemple ce leader de cage de chasteté)
- S’engager dans des groupes de soutien : L’interaction avec d’autres vous aide à maintenir votre motivation.
Évaluer les résultats d’un arrêt réussi
Expliquer le trajet vers une joie persistante
Diminuer la dépendance permet de vivre des bénéfices durables dans la vie privée, professionnelle et sociale.
Raconter le cheminement vers une santé mentale renforcée
Lorsque l’on arrête, on peut observer une meilleure énergie, une humeur plus stable et une concentration renforcée.
Présenter les changements positifs dans les relations humaines
Les relations de couple gagnent en intensité, avec une meilleure connexion émotionnelle et physique.
Explorer les causes et les effets de la dépendance à la masturbation
Dresser un portrait des pratiques associées à la masturbation
La masturbation est une activité sexuelle qui, dans des limites raisonnables, contribue à réduire le stress et à améliorer la connaissance de soi. Cependant, une pratique instinctive peut être source de difficultés.
Noter les signaux d’une dépendance croissante
Lorsque la masturbation devient une habitude compulsive, elle se manifeste par une fréquence élevée et un manque de contrôle, ce qui peut perturber les interactions avec son partenaire.
Enquêter sur les effets sur la santé psychique et corporelle
La consommation compulsive de pornographie, couplée à l’addiction à la masturbation, crée une stimulation continue du système dopaminergique, pouvant engendrer des troubles comme l’éjaculation précoce, une fatigue générale ou une insatisfaction sexuelle.
Évaluer les explications de l’augmentation de cette pratique
Observer l’effet de la solitude sur les désirs
L’isolement et un désir non comblé, que ce soit dans une relation amoureuse ou dans la vie personnelle, sont des moteurs de cette pratique.
Évoquer les facteurs mentaux et affectifs
Des niveaux élevés de stress, d’anxiété ou d’insatisfaction dans d’autres domaines peuvent alimenter cette pratique instinctive.
Évaluer l’impact de la consommation de pornographie sur les comportements
La pornographie représente un facteur fondamental. Elle nourrit fréquemment l’envie de se masturber et peut fausser la vision de la sexualité.
Masturbation, désir et équilibre : le défi d’un nouveau départ
Masturbation et sexualité vont souvent de pair, et cette pratique est largement considérée comme normale et bénéfique. Cependant, lorsqu’elle devient instinctive et se transforme en addiction, elle peut représenter un véritable challenge à surmonter pour préserver des éléments clés de la vie comme la santé mentale, les relations et l’équilibre au travail.
Pour conclure
Cesser la masturbation excessive nécessite du temps et de la détermination. En adoptant un plan bien conçu et avec un soutien approprié, ce défi peut être relevé, ouvrant la voie à une vie plus équilibrée et centrée sur des objectifs significatifs.
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la publication originale: Cliquer ici
#MASTURBATION #estelle #PÉCHÉ #selon #Bible #vérité #honnête
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: There are millions of marriages destroyed because of this. Lusting after other people or in our day, you know, mostly pornography. And people are objectifying other people, so it’s like, you just look at them as not a person but as something to use. It’s evil. A lot of people today are addicted to this. They rely on it for self-gratification, fulfillment. Society teaches self-gratification. Sex, sex, it’s all about me me me me. I want want want want. Pleasure. The Bible teaches it’s about the other person and about us and about God. You might have the desire to overcome sin, to please God, because you love Him but you fail. Let me ask you – can you masturbate to the glory of God? If you have been struggling with this, how long have you been struggling? What have you tried and how is that working out for you? Hey guys, Welcome back to DLM Lifestyle. My name is Daniel Maritz for those of you who are here for the very first time. And today we’re going to do a video request. The question is – is it a sin to masturbate according to the Bible? Now this question might make some of you feel uncomfortable, but we need to look at the truth in everything we do, right? So let’s dig into this. Let’s look at Scripture. We’re going to look at a few passages so please follow me. First of all, Romans 13:14: But put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh to gratify its desires. Now let me make this very, very clear. Do not, do not, seek desire, sexual gratification, through habitual masturbation. It is extremely dangerous. Why Daniel, why is this so dangerous? Because it will lead to a lot of different types of sin and cause a lot of hurt, not just for you, but the people around you, those you are in relationships with, your wife, your kids. It will influence your life which brings us to the second verse. Matthew 5:27: You have heard that it was said, « You shall not commit adultery but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart ». Now the first thing you need to realize is that this is an evil sin for married and unmarried people because both – you’re not thinking really of your wife right or your husband lusting after other people or in our day, you know, mostly pornography? And people are objectifying other people so it’s like you just look at them as not a person but as something to use. It’s evil. But now just the fact that you care about this, that you’re probably watching this video, is probably a sign that the Holy Spirit is convicting you about this and it’s not a bad thing. You need to be convicted because God wants you to stop before it gets too far and causes a lot of pain and suffering. And it does. In a lot of marriages today, a lot of people today are addicted to this – pornography – masturbation – and so they rely on it for self-gratification, fulfillment instead of their wives or their husband because it’s both, right? Male and female that are struggling with this, even Christians and this causes a lot of issues in marriage because it is about the self-life now, right? Marriage is not about the self life. It’s about agape love – sacrificial love – and so when you focus on masturbation – pornography – and you just want to gratify yourself, it is selfish. It’s all about me me me, it’s not about the other person. The third passage of today says in 1 Corinthians 7:4: For the wife does not have authority over her own body but the husband does. Likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body but the wife does. Let me just stop here. You see, it is not as the world says, that you have to have sex because it’s about you, right? You want to have pleasure. No, let me say it as it is. Sex is not just about you. It is mainly for your partner to give them fulfillment. It’s a sacrificial relationship. That is what marriage is, right? Two that become one. Yes there is pleasure in it as well but it’s mostly focused on the other person. Then it says: Do not deprive one another except perhaps by agreement for a limited time that you may devote yourselves to prayer. But then come together again. Now listen to this and this is important for all those husbands or wives who are always saying no to your partner. Listen to this warning: So that Satan may not tempt you because of your lack of self-control. I want to emphasize this point because it is so important. There’s almost nothing in this world that teaches a man or a woman how to live a sacrificial love because that is what agape love is. Eros love is not going to carry you through all the way in your marriage. That’s what people focus on – just the love – the attraction right? That’s not going to help you in the long run. In the long run it’s all about sacrificial love. Storge and Phileo is also their family love, friendship love. That’s important. But agape love is the most important. Society teaches – you have sex sex sex, self gratification sex sex, it’s all about me me me me. I want want want want. Pleasure. The Bible teaches it’s about the other person, and about us, and about God. The fourth verse says: 1 Corinthians 10:31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. Can you masturbate to the glory of God? Yeah, I don’t think so. Can you have sex with your wife or husband to the glory of God? Yes, of course you can, that is why the Bible says God created it and wants it that way. Sex is for inside the marriage between a man and a woman. That is the right way to do it. And that connects with our next verse. Number five: James 4:17 So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it for Him, it is sin. If you are convicted by the Holy Spirit not to do it, but you go ahead and you masturbate anyway, then it is a sin, right? That is part of the reason why the Holy Spirit came to convict the world of sin, right? So the Holy Spirit will convict you if you go ahead with something while you know what is the right thing to do. You don’t do it and you actually do the wrong thing, it is a sin, right? And so you got to be careful here because it can quickly become a monster. Look, sin festers. It grows. If you just let it go,right? Over time it becomes this monster, and it feels so big that you cannot control it anymore. And as I said it grows, right, so there will become a point where it almost feels like masturbation is not enough and the desire would be to go and do the actual deed and cheat on your husband or your wife. Let me tell you there are millions of marriages destroyed because of this. Think about the kids. The consequences of broken families is what is mostly wrong with society. The sixth verse is 1 Corinthians 6:18: Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. I want you to put that thought into your head from now on always. Whenever there’s lust, right, or this idea of you want to feel like you want to masturbate, it comes from your sinful nature. Think about this. Your body is the temple of God. You are grieving the Holy Spirit that is in you. He sees what you’re doing while you’re doing it. God sees everything. He discerns the thoughts of all of us, those secret thoughts we think nobody can see. God sees everything. And you will feel it because the Holy Spirit will convict you of it. God hates especially sexual sin. Verse 19 then says: Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own for you’re bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. Now, the Bible does not say specifically in these words it is a sin to masturbate, right? But with everything we’ve looked at so far, is it possible that you can masturbate without doing sin? I doubt it. You know it is dangerous and the Bible clearly says flee all temptation so never put yourself in that position. Now look at Isaiah 64:6: We have all become like one who is unclean. The Bible also says we have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God. It means that you are not alone. We will all struggle with sin. It is a daily battle until the day we die. People struggle with different types of sin. Some people more with gluttony right? One of the sins that’s not really addressed in most of the churches today, especially when we look at America. Look at how many people are obese not because of it’s a health condition because they are gluttonous eaters. The Bible even says put a knife to your throat if you are given to appetite. That’s how serious God is against appetite. So sin is sin. Sexual sin is also sin. Some people struggle with it more than others, so first you need to understand this. We all struggle with sin. If you’re wondering what is wrong with me, it’s all of us. You’re not alone in this and for those of you who think that you are better than others, read the next verse of Isaiah. And all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment. So the first thing we understand and that we need to accept is that we are not perfect. We never will be in this life and we have this sinful nature that we need to fight daily. And so I want to encourage you not to give up, especially if maybe your husband is struggling with this or your wife, Sometimes, you know, we can be terrible. We judge them and they feel even more alone instead of helping them. Yeah, we can tell them it is wrong, right? But we need to help them. We need to help each other, build each other up, pray for one another, understand that no one is perfect. Some people even try to take the splinter out of their husband or wife’s eyes while they have a log in their own. They struggle with something else like pride thinking they are better. Or unforgiveness. Sin is sin. And so this is what we need to understand. We are not perfect but we need to overcome the fleshly nature through the Spirit and you can do that through Christ that gives you strength. Paul said in Romans 7:15: For I do not understand my own actions, for I do not do what I want but I do the very thing I hate. You see, even Paul explained how this works and how he struggles with this. You are not alone. Verse 16: Now if I do what I do not want, I agree with the law that is good. So now it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me. For I know that nothing good dwells in me that is in my flesh. You see, clearly here Paul accepted it. He understands it. When he looks at himself, he sees a wretch. When he looks to Christ, he sees the Savior, the one who made us free from sin and death. And so we need to look at Christ. But we also need to come to the truth of ourselves, to accept it right? The Word of God says that we can only worship God in truth and in Spirit. What does the truth mean? Truth of ourselves, our sinful condition, and the truth of God. Because here’s the thing. You might have the desire to overcome sin through the Spirit and because you are a reborn Christian, you have the desire to please God because you love Him but you fail. Listen to what Paul says exactly about this. For I know that nothing good dwells in me that is in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right but not the ability to carry it out. So with this, is it hopeless? Yes. Might shock you, people like what, there’s no hope? There’s no hope if you do it through your own power for your soul level, there’s no hope. But there is hope if you do it through Christ that is in you. You can only overcome sin through Christ, through the Holy Spirit. And we see this. Paul asked the same question. Verse 24: Wretched man that I am. Who will deliver me from this body of death? And then here comes the solution. Verse 25: Thanks be to God, through Jesus Christ Our Lord, so then I myself serve the law of God with my mind, but with my flesh, I serve the law of sin. You see? Actually, let me ask you. If you have been struggling with this, how long have you been struggling? What have you tried and how is that working out for you? You see, if you keep on trying to do it through your own power you will fail time and time again. But instead you need to deny yourself that fleshly nature, rely only 100 percent on the power of God that is in you. Philippians 4:13 says: I can do all things – not some things – all things – that includes overcoming sin – through Him who strengthens me. Now, if you want to understand this better, how to act in the Spirit and not the flesh, how to overcome sin, then please watch this video here. I’ll see you there. Remember to subscribe as well and click that notification bell so you’ll know when I upload new videos. Otherwise YouTube won’t send it to you. And always remember, life is short. So do not waste yours. Live in victory. Cheers guys. .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
1.52 There are millions of marriages
destroyed because of this.
1.52 Lusting after other people or in our
day, you know, mostly pornography.
1.52 And people are objectifying other people, so it&;s
like, you just look at them as not a person but
1.52 as something to use.
It&;s evil.
1.52 A lot of people today are addicted to this.
1.52 They rely on it for
self-gratification, fulfillment.
1.52 Society teaches self-gratification.
Sex, sex, it&;s all about me me me me.
1.52 I want want want want.
1.52 The Bible teaches it&;s about the other
person and about us and about God.
1.52 You might have the desire to overcome sin, to
please God, because you love Him but you fail.
1.52 Let me ask you – can you
masturbate to the glory of God?
1.52 If you have been struggling with this,
how long have you been struggling?
1.52 What have you tried and how
is that working out for you?
1.52 Hey guys,
1.52 Welcome back to DLM Lifestyle.
My name is Daniel Maritz for those
1.52 of you who are here for the very first time.
And today we&;re going to do a video request.
1.52 The question is – is it a sin to masturbate
according to the Bible? Now this question might
1.52 make some of you feel uncomfortable, but we need
to look at the truth in everything we do, right?
1.52 So let&;s dig into this.
Let&;s look at Scripture.
1.52 We&;re going to look at a few
passages so please follow me.
1.52 First of all, Romans 13:14:
1.52 But put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no
provision for the flesh to gratify its desires.
1.52 Now let me make this very, very clear.
Do not, do not, seek desire, sexual gratification,
1.52 through habitual masturbation.
It is extremely dangerous.
1.52 Why Daniel, why is this so dangerous?
Because it will lead to a lot of
1.52 different types of sin and cause
a lot of hurt, not just for you,
1.52 but the people around you, those you are in
relationships with, your wife, your kids.
1.52 It will influence your life which
brings us to the second verse.
1.52 Matthew 5:27:
1.52 You have heard that it was said, "You shall not
commit adultery but I say to you that everyone
1.52 who looks at a woman with lustful intent has
already committed adultery with her in his heart".
1.52 Now the first thing you need to realize
is that this is an evil sin for married
1.52 and unmarried people because both – you&;re
not thinking really of your wife right or
1.52 your husband lusting after other people or
in our day, you know, mostly pornography?
1.52 And people are objectifying other people so it&;s
like you just look at them as not a person but
1.52 as something to use.
It&;s evil.
1.52 But now just the fact that you care about this,
that you&;re probably watching this video, is
1.52 probably a sign that the Holy Spirit is convicting
you about this and it&;s not a bad thing.
1.52 You need to be convicted because God wants you
to stop before it gets too far and causes a lot
1.52 of pain and suffering.
And it does.
1.52 In a lot of marriages today, a
lot of people today are addicted
1.52 to this – pornography – masturbation – and
so they rely on it for self-gratification,
1.52 fulfillment instead of their wives or
their husband because it&;s both, right?
1.52 Male and female that are struggling with
this, even Christians and this causes a
1.52 lot of issues in marriage because it
is about the self-life now, right?
1.52 Marriage is not about the self life.
It&;s about agape love – sacrificial love – and so
1.52 when you focus on masturbation – pornography – and
you just want to gratify yourself, it is selfish.
1.52 It&;s all about me me me, it&;s
not about the other person.
1.52 The third passage of today
says in 1 Corinthians 7:4:
1.52 For the wife does not have authority
over her own body but the husband does.
1.52 Likewise the husband does not
have authority over his own
1.52 body but the wife does.
Let me just stop here.
1.52 You see, it is not as the world says, that you
have to have sex because it&;s about you, right?
1.52 You want to have pleasure.
No, let me say it as it is.
1.52 Sex is not just about you.
It is mainly for your
1.52 partner to give them fulfillment.
It&;s a sacrificial relationship.
1.52 That is what marriage is, right?
Two that become one.
1.52 Yes there is pleasure in it as well but
it&;s mostly focused on the other person.
1.52 Then it says:
1.52 Do not deprive one another except perhaps
by agreement for a limited time that you
1.52 may devote yourselves to prayer.
But then come together again.
1.52 Now listen to this and this is important for
all those husbands or wives who are always
1.52 saying no to your partner.
Listen to this warning:
1.52 So that Satan may not tempt you
because of your lack of self-control.
1.52 I want to emphasize this point
because it is so important.
1.52 There&;s almost nothing in this
world that teaches a man or a
1.52 woman how to live a sacrificial love
because that is what agape love is.
1.52 Eros love is not going to carry you
through all the way in your marriage.
1.52 That&;s what people focus on – just
the love – the attraction right?
1.52 That&;s not going to help you in the long run.
In the long run it&;s all about sacrificial love.
1.52 Storge and Phileo is also their
family love, friendship love.
1.52 That&;s important.
But agape love is the most important.
1.52 Society teaches – you have sex sex sex, self
gratification sex sex, it&;s all about me me me me.
1.52 I want want want want.
1.52 The Bible teaches it&;s about the other
person, and about us, and about God.
1.52 The fourth verse says: 1 Corinthians 10:31
1.52 So whether you eat or drink or whatever
you do, do all to the glory of God.
1.52 Can you masturbate to the glory of God?
Yeah, I don&;t think so.
1.52 Can you have sex with your wife
or husband to the glory of God?
1.52 Yes, of course you can, that is why the Bible
says God created it and wants it that way.
1.52 Sex is for inside the marriage
between a man and a woman.
1.52 That is the right way to do it.
And that connects with our next verse.
1.52 Number five: James 4:17
1.52 So whoever knows the right thing to do
and fails to do it for Him, it is sin.
1.52 If you are convicted by the Holy Spirit
not to do it, but you go ahead and you
1.52 masturbate anyway, then it is a sin, right?
That is part of the reason why the Holy Spirit
1.52 came to convict the world of sin, right?
So the Holy Spirit will convict you if
1.52 you go ahead with something while you
know what is the right thing to do.
1.52 You don&;t do it and you actually
do the wrong thing, it is a sin,
1.52 right? And so you got to be careful here
because it can quickly become a monster.
1.52 Look, sin festers.
It grows.
1.52 If you just let it go,right?
Over time it becomes this monster,
1.52 and it feels so big that you
cannot control it anymore.
1.52 And as I said it grows, right, so there will
become a point where it almost feels like
1.52 masturbation is not enough and the desire would
be to go and do the actual deed and cheat on your
1.52 husband or your
1.52 Let me tell you there are millions of
marriages destroyed because of this.
1.52 Think about the kids.
The consequences of broken
1.52 families is what is mostly wrong with society.
The sixth verse is 1 Corinthians 6:18:
1.52 Flee from sexual immorality.
Every other sin a person commits
1.52 is outside the body but the sexually
immoral person sins against his own body.
1.52 I want you to put that thought into your head
from now on always. Whenever there&;s lust, right,
1.52 or this idea of you want to feel like you want
to masturbate, it comes from your sinful nature.
1.52 Think about this.
Your body is the temple of God.
1.52 You are grieving the Holy Spirit that is in you.
He sees what you&;re doing while you&;re doing it.
1.52 God sees everything.
He discerns the thoughts of all of us,
1.52 those secret thoughts we think nobody can see.
God sees everything.
1.52 And you will feel it because the
Holy Spirit will convict you of it.
1.52 God hates especially sexual sin.
Verse 19 then says:
1.52 Or do you not know that your body is a
temple of the Holy Spirit within you,
1.52 whom you have from God?
You are not your own for
1.52 you&;re bought with a price.
So glorify God in your body.
1.52 Now, the Bible does not say
specifically in these words
1.52 it is a sin to masturbate, right?
But with everything we&;ve looked
1.52 at so far, is it possible that you
can masturbate without doing sin?
1.52 I doubt it.
You know it
1.52 is dangerous and the Bible clearly says flee all
temptation so never put yourself in that position.
1.52 Now look at Isaiah 64:6:
1.52 We have all become like one who is unclean.
1.52 The Bible also says we have all sinned
and fall short of the glory of God.
1.52 It means that you are not alone.
We will all struggle with sin.
1.52 It is a daily battle until the day we die.
People struggle with different types of sin.
1.52 Some people more with gluttony right?
One of the sins that&;s not really
1.52 addressed in most of the churches today,
especially when we look at America.
1.52 Look at how many people are obese not
because of it&;s a health condition
1.52 because they are gluttonous eaters.
The Bible even says put a knife to
1.52 your throat if you are given to appetite.
That&;s how serious God is against appetite.
1.52 So sin is sin.
Sexual sin is also sin.
1.52 Some people struggle with it more than
others, so first you need to understand this.
1.52 We all struggle with sin.
If you&;re wondering what
1.52 is wrong with me, it&;s all of us.
You&;re not alone in this and for
1.52 those of you who think that you are better
than others, read the next verse of Isaiah.
1.52 And all our righteous deeds
are like a polluted garment.
1.52 So the first thing we understand and that we
need to accept is that we are not perfect.
1.52 We never will be in this life and we have this
sinful nature that we need to fight daily.
1.52 And so I want to encourage you not to
give up, especially if maybe your husband
1.52 is struggling with this or your wife,
Sometimes, you know, we can be terrible.
1.52 We judge them and they feel even
more alone instead of helping them.
1.52 Yeah, we can tell them it is wrong, right?
But we need to help them.
1.52 We need to help each other, build
each other up, pray for one another,
1.52 understand that no one is perfect.
Some people even try to take the
1.52 splinter out of their husband or wife&;s
eyes while they have a log in their own.
1.52 They struggle with something else
like pride thinking they are better.
1.52 Or unforgiveness.
Sin is sin.
1.52 And so this is what we need to understand.
We are not perfect but we need to overcome
1.52 the fleshly nature through the Spirit
and you can do that through Christ
1.52 that gives you strength.
Paul said in Romans 7:15:
1.52 For I do not understand my own actions, for I do
not do what I want but I do the very thing I hate.
1.52 You see, even Paul explained how this
works and how he struggles with this.
1.52 You are not alone.
1.52 Verse 16:
1.52 Now if I do what I do not want, I
agree with the law that is good.
1.52 So now it is no longer I who do
it, but sin that dwells within me.
1.52 For I know that nothing good
dwells in me that is in my flesh.
1.52 You see, clearly here Paul accepted it.
He understands it.
1.52 When he looks at himself, he sees a wretch.
When he looks to Christ, he sees the Savior,
1.52 the one who made us free from sin and death.
And so we need to look at Christ.
1.52 But we also need to come to the truth
of ourselves, to accept it right?
1.52 The Word of God says that we can only
worship God in truth and in Spirit.
1.52 What does the truth mean?
1.52 Truth of ourselves, our sinful
condition, and the truth of God.
1.52 Because here&;s the thing.
You might have the desire to
1.52 overcome sin through the Spirit and because you
are a reborn Christian, you have the desire to
1.52 please God because you love Him but you fail.
Listen to what Paul says exactly about this.
1.52 For I know that nothing good
dwells in me that is in my flesh.
1.52 For I have the desire to do what is
right but not the ability to carry it
1.52 out.
1.52 So with this, is it hopeless?
1.52 Might shock you, people
like what, there&;s no hope?
1.52 There&;s no hope if you do it through
your own power for your soul level,
1.52 there&;s no hope.
But there is hope if
1.52 you do it through Christ that is in you.
You can only overcome sin through Christ,
1.52 through the Holy Spirit. And we see this.
Paul asked the same question.
1.52 Verse 24:
1.52 Wretched man that I am.
Who will deliver me from this body of death?
1.52 And then here comes the solution.
1.52 Verse 25:
1.52 Thanks be to God, through Jesus Christ Our Lord,
1.52 so then I myself serve the law of God with my
mind, but with my flesh, I serve the law of sin.
1.52 You see?
Actually, let me ask you.
1.52 If you have been struggling with this,
how long have you been struggling?
1.52 What have you tried and how
is that working out for you?
1.52 You see, if you keep on trying to do it through
your own power you will fail time and time again.
1.52 But instead you need to deny
yourself that fleshly nature,
1.52 rely only 100 percent on the
power of God that is in you.
1.52 Philippians 4:13 says:
1.52 I can do all things – not some
things – all things – that includes
1.52 overcoming sin – through Him who strengthens me.
1.52 Now, if you want to understand this better, how
to act in the Spirit and not the flesh, how to
1.52 overcome sin, then please watch this video here.
I&;ll see you there.
1.52 Remember to subscribe as well and
click that notification bell so
1.52 you&;ll know when I upload new videos.
Otherwise YouTube won&;t send it to you.
1.52 And always remember, life is short.
So do not waste yours.
1.52 Live in victory.
Cheers guys.
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