masturbate; Et si vous arrêtiez de vous masturber ?

Et si vous arrêtiez de vous masturber ?

A voir sur YouTube, le thème « masturbate » avec cette vidéo

Publication sur le thème « masturbate » par Teachingmensfashion

Publiée sur YouTube par Teachingmensfashion (), cette vidéo est destinée aux passionnés du thème «masturbate ».

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À l’instant où nous avons visionné la vidéo (), elle comptait déjà plusieurs interactions cumulées. Le nombre de Likes indiquait: 53636.

Notez la durée de la vidéo (00:11:00s), le titre (What If You Stopped Masturbating?), et les commentaires qui accompagnent le contenu de l’auteur :« Les gars, allez voir Bathmate ici : Il n’est pas nécessaire d’avoir un code de réduction, 10 % seront automatiquement appliqués à la caisse. Merci à BATHMATE d’avoir sponsorisé cette vidéo ! Rejoignez la communauté des meilleurs hommes du MONDE, The Institute, pour réserver votre place pour seulement 1 $ : Ce n’est PAS un cours : c’est une expérience/une communauté unique conçue pour le plaisir, la croissance et la connexion. SUIVEZ-NOUS SUR LES MÉDIAS SOCIAUX : Site Web : Snapchat : Joseczuniga Instagram : Email : Facebook : Twitter : ».

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Explorer les causes et les effets de la dépendance à la masturbation

Détecter les signes qui témoignent d’une dépendance

La dépendance à la masturbation peut se traduire par une fréquence croissante et une difficulté à limiter l’activité, ce qui peut entraîner des problèmes dans la vie intime et affective.

Analyser les transformations de la santé mentale et physique

La consommation compulsive de pornographie, couplée à l’addiction à la masturbation, crée une stimulation continue du système dopaminergique, pouvant engendrer des troubles comme l’éjaculation précoce, une fatigue générale ou une insatisfaction sexuelle.

Clarifier la notion de masturbation et les diverses façons de la pratiquer

Souvent associée à des bienfaits comme une gestion accrue du stress et une meilleure compréhension de son corps, la masturbation, lorsqu’elle est fréquente, peut engendrer certains problèmes.

Rechercher les causes de l’intensification de cette pratique

Analyser les éléments psychologiques et émotionnels

Le manque de satisfaction, le stress ou l’anxiété dans d’autres sphères peuvent rendre cette pratique instinctive plus fréquente.

Réfléchir à l’influence de la pornographie sur les comportements sociaux

La pornographie représente un facteur fondamental. Elle nourrit fréquemment l’envie de se masturber et peut fausser la vision de la sexualité.

Réfléchir à l’influence de la solitude et du désir sur le comportement

L’isolement et un désir non satisfait dans une relation ou dans la vie personnelle sont des éléments clés dans l’engagement dans cette pratique.

Peser les avantages d’une réussite dans l’abstinence

Mettre en évidence les progrès dans les relations avec les autres

Les rapports avec un partenaire se transforment, favorisant une complicité émotionnelle et physique plus forte.

Illustrer la route qui mène à une satisfaction durable

Réduire la dépendance ouvre la porte à des avantages durables dans la vie quotidienne, professionnelle et sociale.

Exposer le chemin vers une santé mentale plus équilibrée

Lorsque l’on arrête, on constate souvent une énergie renouvelée, une humeur plus équilibrée et une concentration plus soutenue.

Établir une feuille de route pour arrêter

Proposer des étapes à suivre pour prévenir les rechutes

  • Bloquer l’accès à la pornographie : Activez des outils de filtrage pour limiter l’accès aux sites explicites.
  • Fermer l’accès à la pornographie : Mettez en place des protections pour limiter l’accès aux contenus adultes.

Offrir des approches efficaces pour diminuer cette pratique

  • Se fixer des objectifs précis : Utilisez des méthodes progressives ou participez au mouvement « nofap » pour une abstinence complète.
  • Mettre en place des objectifs clairs : Suivez des stratégies progressives ou rejoignez le mouvement « nofap » pour une abstinence totale.
  • Définir des objectifs clairs : Suivez des actions progressives ou intégrez le mouvement « nofap » pour un sevrage complet.

Soulever l’importance de l’accompagnement social

  • Discuter avec un sexologue : Un expert en la matière pourra vous aider à avancer. (notammentce service)
  • Rejoindre des groupes de soutien : Partager ses objectifs avec d’autres aide à rester motivé.

Sexualité épanouie : surmonter le défi de la masturbation

La masturbation, considérée par beaucoup comme un moyen sain d’explorer leur sexualité, peut néanmoins poser problème lorsqu’elle devient une habitude compulsive. Ce défi touche hommes et femmes, interférant alors avec des aspects essentiels de la vie, comme la stabilité mentale, la performance professionnelle et les interactions sociales.

En fin de compte

L’arrêt de la masturbation excessive est un travail de longue haleine. Avec un plan rigoureux et un soutien approprié, il devient réalisable de surmonter cette difficulté et de découvrir les avantages d’une vie plus équilibrée, centrée sur des objectifs plus gratifiants.

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le post original: Cliquer ici

#vous #arrêtiez #vous #masturber

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: what is the best way to overcome your corn addiction and then heal your brain from all the negative effect it’s had on you no fap so today I’m going to show you what your first 100 days of noap will look like while giving you tips to make it 10 times easier but before you even beginning this journey you need to rewire your brain you need to understand that these noap streaks don’t work the way that you think most men believe that it’s all about the number of days that you last and one single relapse means that you have to start all over again but this isn’t true because your brain adapts to new Behavior so even if you relapsed after a certain number of days you’ve still weaken the pathway in your brain that would urge you towards fapping therefore to do this correctly you’re not just going to track the streak of days of no fap I want you to track the percentage of days that you stay clean for example if you do one month of noof FAP and then you relapse one day but then you go back to a whole month of no fat that means you’re at a 98% clean rate and this is just as impressive as a 60-day streak so let’s go to the first 24 hours of noof FAP today is the day you decide to stop you’re going to use activation energy to not get horny this day one’s actually going to be pretty easy because you’re going to be filled with motivation and energy that scientists call activation energy this is when your brain is flooded with dopamine due to the anticipated rewards from this new challenge however relapses can still happen so I want you to implement these four strategies today to make sure you stay clean till tomorrow tomorrow first start your nofap journey on a Monday when you’re going back to school or to work second meet up with friends or family right after school or work third I want you to finish your day with an intense workout and fourth I want you to stay away from all homes of social media especially Twitter and Reddit these surface level strategies are just to help you keep busy and distracted day one reducing their chances of failing The Challenge on the first day however these tricks they’re not going to do anything for you as the days progress into your challenge into what I call the danger zone you can’t get past days two and three of nofap this is where most relapse this is because you’re using surface level techniques to try to stop but this only addresses the symptoms and not the root cause as to why you fat so I’m going to show you the surface level techniques which are helpful but then I’m going to show you how to address the root cause so most of the surface level techniques are the ones that you use to keep busy which we kind of went over but you also have porn blockers that you can put on your phone or computer you can watch motivational videos or you can just try to rely on sheer willpower the problem is that these techniques will help you fight your urge but willpower is limited and it’s going to get to a point that when you just use brute willpower you’re going to end up relapsing between Day 2 and three so instead of using willpower to fight your urges I want you to track on a notepad every time you feel the urge to Fat I want you to know where you are what time of the day it is what you’re doing and what you could do to avoid it now after writing a few of these notes you can try and then find a common trigger for most people this will be your environment this will be boredom lack of sex stress or an inability to cope with emotion now even if you do relapse in days 2 and three you have at least learned what trigger you need to avoid that’s the root cause that urges you to fat but now we move on to days 4 through 7 to complete your first week of noof FAP we’re going to go over the negative side effect it is through days four and seven of noof FAP that you’re going to start to realize all the long-term negative effect of all the fapping and corn addiction you’ve had for years now these negative side effects depend on two things it depends on how long you’ve been watching corn and fapping and how you handle these negative side effects from least to most concerning the side effects of heavy fapping and corn use are a DE initation to real life women next a decreased satisfaction being next to real life women and finally the worst one of them an inability to get an erection if you’re just experiencing minor to moderate symptoms look the the more you can say off PN the quicker you can fix these negative side effects however the worst side effect which is just having an inability to get an erection this one you need a quick method to fix it and what I recommended last time I’ve been using a game change it it’s called a penis pump I had a fan that had an inability to get an erection bro you feel like you got a micro on you yeah how does that feel like the Run of he also suffered from confidence issu because of his package size what happens when when you’re with a girl like you have you have issues there uh a little bit just like they take advantage of the the insecurities so I had him tried a bath mate penis PP now this is an actual medical device this is not a toy as a matter of fact it is the only snaa regulated device for your personal area here’s the added bonus his private parts increased in size what what type of uh performance improvements that you see sizewise sizewise um a bit of length and a lot of girth a lot of girth that’s that’s what I always hear now that girth boost your confidence definitely with me feel I couldn’t believe this even though I read all the reviews I read all the forums I saw all the studies I had to guinea pig this myself look your boy had no problem with directions your boy did Iron Rod but I think every man wants extra size so I had to check this out myself bro he wasn’t kidding I’ve been using this for the past few weeks when you use it essentially what the pump is doing it’s drawing blood into that region I’m not even exaggerating here I want to say I put about an extra 1/ inch to inch in size down there I am amazed but what I’m more amazed about is just how healthy the guy is bro I am getting the strongest and hardest erections I’ve ever had in my life this thing is incredible it’s all natural it has no side effect and it’s easy to use look if you’re anything like me and a little bit cautious go read the reviews insane everybody says it gets bigger it gets harder I have to try it myself I think you’re going to have to try it yourself as well if you want to get stronger Erectors if you want to even increase size down there I want you guys to check out bath M this thing is incredible I’m going to have it linked down below I’m also going to include the discount this is the best pump in the market you won’t find a better one in the discount it’s going to make it more affordable for you if you guys want to check it out it’ll be linked down below now let’s move on to day seven to 30 of your nofap I call this the Flatline when you do nofap long enough a scary thing might happen that might cause you to relapse if you don’t know about it the first 7 days they’re filled with intense urges and temptation but the next 3 weeks are often marked by what experts call the Flatline and I’m telling you right now I got freaked out when this happened to me the first time because you go from having all the urges you’re like this sexual machine to all of a sudden having no urges at all it’s like you become asexual that you’re not interested in anymore it almost gets to a point that it feels like your liido disappears like you even stop waking up with morning wood I’m telling you this because many men will use this as an excuse to relapse to see if if it’s still good do not fall for that trap you just cleansing yourself instead you need to recognize this that this is a good side that your mind is healing from all that over sexual stimulation you’ve been feeding it for years now if after the 30-day mark Mark you notice yo I can’t get an erection or you’re actually intimate with the girl during that time you’re kissing her and nothing’s happening down there this is a more serious sign and even then don’t even be freaked out the bath made penis pump I just recommended might be the end I know my boys that listen and already are going to go try this out think add size if you have this in your cabinet and you are ever in that position use this thing I’m telling you it’s amazing as to what it can do for your erections on top of adding extra size like who doesn’t want that but the one thing you don’t want to do is go back to pornography now we’re moving on to day 30 to 100 what we call The Sweet Spot from day 30 onward the benefits of nofap they just keep coming to keep it simple here’s a quick rundown of all the benefits you’ll expect once you reach this Mark by day 30 you’re going to notice an increase of interest from women around you by day 40 you’re going to see a significant boost in strength in the gym or when you’re playing sports by day 50 you’re going to start feeling extremely confident because of all these changes by day 60 your Lial and sex drive will be so high that any anxiety you had about talking to girls will disappear because you’re going to need to conquer real life women by day 80 your emotional resilience will be impenetrable by day 90 your mental Clarity will be superior and by day 100 all urges to relapse will have fully subsided the thought of fappy will disgust you the that of just opening a porn act will be so disgusting to you that you will have all the willpower necessary to not relapse again now that you understand your journey right day one you’re going to have activation energy that motivation to actually do it Day 2 to three we’re going to apply strategies to understand the root triggers days 4 to 7 you’re going to see all the long-term negative side effects on your body from all the damage you had done to it day 7 to 30 you’ll experience that livido Flatline and then from day 30 to 40 you’ll get full clarity and freedom from fapping but now you are ready for the final and most important stage day 100 and Beyond what I call the lifestyle change because at this point you’re going to start experiencing three benefits of nofap that are rarely talked about the first benefit is a complete shift in how you view women instead of seeing them as intimidating objects or just objects for sex you’re going to start seeing them as real people and this change in perception make you more attractive the second benefit you’ll notice is that you won’t need to constantly be working on your confidence you’re just going to naturally become confident it’s going to be like an afterthought it’s going to naturally feel that void that you felt you almost always have because You’ achieved something that 99% of men can’t and that transforms you and the third benefit is that little things in life become more meaningful without the need to seek validation or being shy you’re going to live more effective authentically and you can focus on what truly matters which is your friends your family your hobbies and improving yourself and now you have everything you need to fully start no fap cut your pornography addiction and understand what you’re going to go through for the next 100 days and remember if you need to boost your men’s Sexual Health down there I always recommend bath me I’ve been using that penis pum and I’m telling you that thing will literally change how big your guy is if you guys want to check out bath me it’ll be linked down below see you guys next time .

Image YouTube

Déroulement de la vidéo:

0.08 what is the best way to overcome your
0.08 corn addiction and then heal your brain
0.08 from all the negative effect it&;s had on
0.08 you no fap so today I&;m going to show
0.08 you what your first 100 days of noap
0.08 will look like while giving you tips to
0.08 make it 10 times easier but before you
0.08 even beginning this journey you need to
0.08 rewire your brain you need to understand
0.08 that these noap streaks don&;t work the
0.08 way that you think most men believe that
0.08 it&;s all about the number of days that
0.08 you last and one single relapse means
0.08 that you have to start all over again
0.08 but this isn&;t true because your brain
0.08 adapts to new Behavior so even if you
0.08 relapsed after a certain number of days
0.08 you&;ve still weaken the pathway in your
0.08 brain that would urge you towards
0.08 fapping therefore to do this correctly
0.08 you&;re not just going to track the
0.08 streak of days of no fap I want you to
0.08 track the percentage of days that you
0.08 stay clean for example if you do one
0.08 month of noof FAP and then you relapse
0.08 one day but then you go back to a whole
0.08 month of no fat that means you&;re at a
0.08 98% clean rate and this is just as
0.08 impressive as a 60-day streak so let&;s
0.08 go to the first 24 hours of noof FAP
0.08 today is the day you decide to stop
0.08 you&;re going to use activation energy to
0.08 not get horny this day one&;s actually
0.08 going to be pretty easy because you&;re
0.08 going to be filled with motivation and
0.08 energy that scientists call activation
0.08 energy this is when your brain is
0.08 flooded with dopamine due to the
0.08 anticipated rewards from this new
0.08 challenge however relapses can still
0.08 happen so I want you to implement these
0.08 four strategies today to make sure you
0.08 stay clean till tomorrow tomorrow first
0.08 start your nofap journey on a Monday
0.08 when you&;re going back to school or to
0.08 work second meet up with friends or
0.08 family right after school or work third
0.08 I want you to finish your day with an
0.08 intense workout and fourth I want you to
0.08 stay away from all homes of social media
0.08 especially Twitter and Reddit these
0.08 surface level strategies are just to
0.08 help you keep busy and distracted day
0.08 one reducing their chances of failing
0.08 The Challenge on the first day however
0.08 these tricks they&;re not going to do
0.08 anything for you as the days progress
0.08 into your challenge into what I call the
0.08 danger zone you can&;t get past days two
0.08 and three of nofap this is where most
0.08 relapse this is because you&;re using
0.08 surface level techniques to try to stop
0.08 but this only addresses the symptoms and
0.08 not the root cause as to why you fat so
0.08 I&;m going to show you the surface level
0.08 techniques which are helpful but then
0.08 I&;m going to show you how to address the
0.08 root cause so most of the surface level
0.08 techniques are the ones that you use to
0.08 keep busy which we kind of went over but
0.08 you also have porn blockers that you can
0.08 put on your phone or computer you can
0.08 watch motivational videos or you can
0.08 just try to rely on sheer willpower the
0.08 problem is that these techniques will
0.08 help you fight your urge but willpower
0.08 is limited and it&;s going to get to a
0.08 point that when you just use brute
0.08 willpower you&;re going to end up
0.08 relapsing between Day 2 and three so
0.08 instead of using willpower to fight your
0.08 urges I want you to track on a notepad
0.08 every time you feel the urge to Fat I
0.08 want you to know where you are what time
0.08 of the day it is what you&;re doing and
0.08 what you could do to avoid it now after
0.08 writing a few of these notes you can try
0.08 and then find a common trigger for most
0.08 people this will be your environment
0.08 this will be boredom lack of sex stress
0.08 or an inability to cope with emotion now
0.08 even if you do relapse in days 2 and
0.08 three you have at least learned what
0.08 trigger you need to avoid that&;s the
0.08 root cause that urges you to fat but now
0.08 we move on to days 4 through 7 to
0.08 complete your first week of noof FAP
0.08 we&;re going to go over the negative side
0.08 effect it is through days four and seven
0.08 of noof FAP that you&;re going to start
0.08 to realize all the long-term negative
0.08 effect of all the fapping and corn
0.08 addiction you&;ve had for years now these
0.08 negative side effects depend on two
0.08 things it depends on how long you&;ve
0.08 been watching corn and fapping and how
0.08 you handle these negative side effects
0.08 from least to most concerning the side
0.08 effects of heavy fapping and corn use
0.08 are a DE initation to real life women
0.08 next a decreased satisfaction being next
0.08 to real life women and finally the worst
0.08 one of them
0.08 an inability to get an erection if
0.08 you&;re just experiencing minor to
0.08 moderate symptoms look the the more you
0.08 can say off PN the quicker you can fix
0.08 these negative side effects however the
0.08 worst side effect which is just having
0.08 an inability to get an erection this one
0.08 you need a quick method to fix it and
0.08 what I recommended last time I&;ve been
0.08 using a game change it it&;s called a
0.08 penis pump I had a fan that had an
0.08 inability to get an erection bro you
0.08 feel like you got a micro on you yeah
0.08 how does that feel like the Run of he
0.08 also suffered from confidence issu
0.08 because of his package size what happens
0.08 when when you&;re with a girl like you
0.08 have you have issues there uh a little
0.08 bit just like they take advantage of the
0.08 the insecurities so I had him tried a
0.08 bath mate penis PP now this is an actual
0.08 medical device this is not a toy as a
0.08 matter of fact it is the only snaa
0.08 regulated device for your personal area
0.08 here&;s the added bonus his private parts
0.08 increased in size what what type of uh
0.08 performance improvements that you see
0.08 sizewise sizewise um a bit of length and
0.08 a lot of girth a lot of girth that&;s
0.08 that&;s what I always hear now that girth
0.08 boost your confidence definitely with me
0.08 feel I couldn&;t believe this even though
0.08 I read all the reviews I read all the
0.08 forums I saw all the studies I had to
0.08 guinea pig this myself look your boy had
0.08 no problem with directions your boy did
0.08 Iron Rod but I think every man wants
0.08 extra size so I had to check this out
0.08 myself bro he wasn&;t kidding I&;ve been
0.08 using this for the past few weeks when
0.08 you use it essentially what the pump is
0.08 doing it&;s drawing blood into that
0.08 region I&;m not even exaggerating here I
0.08 want to say I put about an extra 1/ inch
0.08 to inch in size down there I am amazed
0.08 but what I&;m more amazed about is just
0.08 how healthy the guy is bro I am getting
0.08 the strongest and hardest erections I&;ve
0.08 ever had in my life this thing is
0.08 incredible it&;s all natural it has no
0.08 side effect and it&;s easy to use look if
0.08 you&;re anything like me and a little bit
0.08 cautious go read the reviews insane
0.08 everybody says it gets bigger it gets
0.08 harder I have to try it myself I think
0.08 you&;re going to have to try it yourself
0.08 as well if you want to get stronger
0.08 Erectors if you want to even increase
0.08 size down there I want you guys to check
0.08 out bath M this thing is incredible I&;m
0.08 going to have it linked down below I&;m
0.08 also going to include the discount this
0.08 is the best pump in the market you won&;t
0.08 find a better one in the discount it&;s
0.08 going to make it more affordable for you
0.08 if you guys want to check it out it&;ll
0.08 be linked down below now let&;s move on
0.08 to day seven to 30 of your nofap I call
0.08 this the Flatline when you do nofap long
0.08 enough a scary thing might happen that
0.08 might cause you to relapse if you don&;t
0.08 know about it the first 7 days they&;re
0.08 filled with intense urges and temptation
0.08 but the next 3 weeks are often marked by
0.08 what experts call the Flatline and I&;m
0.08 telling you right now I got freaked out
0.08 when this happened to me the first time
0.08 because you go from having all the urges
0.08 you&;re like this sexual machine to all
0.08 of a sudden having no urges at all it&;s
0.08 like you become asexual that you&;re not
0.08 interested in anymore it almost gets to
0.08 a point that it feels like your liido
0.08 disappears like you even stop waking up
0.08 with morning wood I&;m telling you this
0.08 because many men will use this as an
0.08 excuse to relapse to see if if it&;s
0.08 still good do not fall for that trap you
0.08 just cleansing yourself instead you need
0.08 to recognize this that this is a good
0.08 side that your mind is healing from all
0.08 that over sexual stimulation you&;ve been
0.08 feeding it for years now if after the
0.08 30-day mark Mark you notice yo I can&;t
0.08 get an erection or you&;re actually
0.08 intimate with the girl during that time
0.08 you&;re kissing her and nothing&;s
0.08 happening down there this is a more
0.08 serious sign and even then don&;t even be
0.08 freaked out the bath made penis pump I
0.08 just recommended might be the end I know
0.08 my boys that listen and already are
0.08 going to go try this out think add size
0.08 if you have this in your cabinet and you
0.08 are ever in that position use this thing
0.08 I&;m telling you it&;s amazing as to what
0.08 it can do for your erections on top of
0.08 adding extra size like who doesn&;t want
0.08 that but the one thing you don&;t want to
0.08 do is go back to pornography now we&;re
0.08 moving on to day 30 to 100 what we call
0.08 The Sweet Spot from day 30 onward the
0.08 benefits of nofap they just keep coming
0.08 to keep it simple here&;s a quick rundown
0.08 of all the benefits you&;ll expect once
0.08 you reach this Mark by day 30 you&;re
0.08 going to notice an increase of interest
0.08 from women around you by day 40 you&;re
0.08 going to see a significant boost in
0.08 strength in the gym or when you&;re
0.08 playing sports by day 50 you&;re going to
0.08 start feeling extremely confident
0.08 because of all these changes by day 60
0.08 your Lial and sex drive will be so high
0.08 that any anxiety you had about talking
0.08 to girls will disappear because you&;re
0.08 going to need to conquer real life women
0.08 by day 80 your emotional resilience will
0.08 be impenetrable by day 90 your mental
0.08 Clarity will be superior and by day 100
0.08 all urges to relapse will have fully
0.08 subsided the thought of fappy will
0.08 disgust you the that of just opening a
0.08 porn act will be so disgusting to you
0.08 that you will have all the willpower
0.08 necessary to not relapse again now that
0.08 you understand your journey right day
0.08 one you&;re going to have activation
0.08 energy that motivation to actually do it
0.08 Day 2 to three we&;re going to apply
0.08 strategies to understand the root
0.08 triggers days 4 to 7 you&;re going to see
0.08 all the long-term negative side effects
0.08 on your body from all the damage you had
0.08 done to it day 7 to 30 you&;ll experience
0.08 that livido Flatline and then from day
0.08 30 to 40 you&;ll get full clarity and
0.08 freedom from fapping but now you are
0.08 ready for the final and most important
0.08 stage day 100 and Beyond what I call the
0.08 lifestyle change because at this point
0.08 you&;re going to start experiencing three
0.08 benefits of nofap that are rarely talked
0.08 about the first benefit is a complete
0.08 shift in how you view women instead of
0.08 seeing them as intimidating objects or
0.08 just objects for sex you&;re going to
0.08 start seeing them as real people and
0.08 this change in perception make you more
0.08 attractive the second benefit you&;ll
0.08 notice is that you won&;t need to
0.08 constantly be working on your confidence
0.08 you&;re just going to naturally become
0.08 confident it&;s going to be like an
0.08 afterthought it&;s going to naturally
0.08 feel that void that you felt you almost
0.08 always have because You&; achieved
0.08 something that 99% of men can&;t and that
0.08 transforms you and the third benefit is
0.08 that little things in life become more
0.08 meaningful without the need to seek
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0.08 you guys next time

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