masturbate; Conseils de masturbation pour les hommes

Conseils de masturbation pour les hommes

YouTube : du nouveau sur le thème « masturbate »

Vidéo sur le thème « masturbate » par Quotes & Wisdom

Signée par Quotes & Wisdom, cette vidéo publiée sur YouTube (le ) se concentre sur le thème « masturbate », apportant des éléments de réflexion intéressants.

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Vous noterez la durée (00:16:50s), le titre (Masturbation Tips For Men), et les commentaires ajoutés par l’auteur :« Êtes-vous coincé dans de vieilles habitudes qui ne vous servent plus? Dans cette vidéo, nous plongeons dans des conseils pratiques de masturbation sans flux pour que les hommes vous aident à profiter davantage de votre temps en solo, d’améliorer les performances de votre chambre et de renforcer la conscience de soi. #MasturbationTips #MensHealth #intimAcyImProvement #selfcareFormen #sexualwellness Apprenez à: ✔ Brisez les habitudes obsolètes qui pourraient vous retenir. ✔ Fixez l’ambiance pour une expérience plus consciente. ✔ Utilisez le lubrifiant pour améliorer les sensations. ✔ Évitez les pièges courants comme trop utiliser du porno ou se perdre dans la fantaisie. ✔ Ralentissez et explorez les orgasmes non éjaculatoires. Il ne s’agit pas seulement du plaisir – il s’agit de croissance, de confiance et de contrôle du bâtiment. Que vous cherchiez à améliorer votre intimité avec un partenaire ou que vous découvriez simplement de nouvelles façons de vous connecter avec votre corps, cette vidéo vous a couvert. Mots-clés: Conseils de masturbation pour les hommes, conseils de masturbation masculine, comment se masturber mieux, améliorer les performances sexuelles, la masturbation consciente, les orgasmes non éjaculatoires, les techniques de masturbation, la santé sexuelle pour les hommes, les soins personnels, la vie meilleure sexuelle, les conseils de masturbation, les hommes sexuels pour hommes Bien-être, comment durer plus longtemps, des conseils d’intimité pour les hommes, des conseils de temps en solo 💬 Quelle vérité résonne le plus avec vous? Partagez vos réflexions dans les commentaires ci-dessous! 👍 Si ces leçons vous inspirent, assurez-vous d’aimer cette vidéo. 🔔 Abonnez-vous maintenant: 📢 Partagez cette vidéo avec des amis et la famille qui pourraient utiliser ces vérités révélatrices aujourd’hui. VideostowatchNext: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ que tout le diaporama m’appartient. Photos toutes sont prises à partir de la recherche d’images Google et à l’aide des options de recherche d’images avancées. Toutes les images ont été assez utilisées lors de la réalisation de cette vidéo à des fins éducatives. Nous ne voulons pas victimiser quiconque émotionnellement. ➤ Cette vidéo est à des fins d’enseignement. ➤ Ce canal ne fait pas de promotion ni n’encourage d’autres activités, tout le contenu fourni par ce canal (citations et sagesse) est destiné à des fins éducatives uniquement. —————————————- Copyright Avertissement: En vertu de l’article 107 de la loi sur le droit d’auteur 1976 L’allocation est faite pour une utilisation équitable à des fins telles que la critique, les commentaires, les reportages, les bourses et la recherche. L’utilisation équitable est une utilisation autorisée par la loi sur le droit d’auteur qui pourrait autrement contrefait. Utilisation à but non lucratif, à usage éducatif ou personnel a fait des conseils de l’équilibre en faveur d’une utilisation équitable. Nous pouvons être contactés sur cet e-mail: (tagstotranslate) Conseils de masturbation (T) Techniques de masturbation masturbation (T) (T) Comment se masturber pour les hommes (T) Comment se masturber (T) Masturbation Hacks (T) Techniques de masturbation mâle (T) Technique de masturbation (T) Masturbation Men (T) Techniques de masturbation pour les hommes (T) Kevin Anthony (T) Kevin Anthony Coaching (T) Masturbation for Men ».

La vidéo se trouve juste en dessous de cette phrase

Analyser les avantages d’un sevrage réussi

Illustrer la route qui mène à une satisfaction durable

En réduisant la dépendance, des améliorations durables peuvent être observées dans les sphères personnelle, professionnelle et sociale.

Illustrer l’évolution vers une meilleure gestion de la santé mentale

L’abstinence entraîne souvent un regain d’énergie, une humeur plus stable et une concentration accrue.

Présenter les changements bénéfiques dans les relations sociales

Les échanges avec un partenaire deviennent plus riches, avec une relation émotionnelle et physique solidifiée.

Analyser les causes de l’augmentation de cette pratique

Analyser les éléments psychologiques et émotionnels

Des émotions comme le stress, l’anxiété ou l’insatisfaction dans d’autres pans de la vie peuvent déclencher cette pratique habituelle.

Explorer le lien entre la solitude et le désir

Le désir non satisfait et la solitude, tant dans la vie de couple que personnelle, sont des éléments qui favorisent cette pratique.

Examiner comment la pornographie peut façonner les comportements

La pornographie constitue un facteur important. Elle alimente souvent l’envie de se masturber et peut fausser la compréhension de la sexualité.

S’informer sur les caractéristiques et les impacts de la dépendance à la masturbation

Évaluer les signes indiquant une dépendance

La dépendance se manifeste par une augmentation de la fréquence de la masturbation et une perte de contrôle, ce qui affecte souvent la qualité des rapports avec un partenaire.

Analyser les transformations de la santé mentale et physique

Une dépendance à la masturbation, souvent associée à un usage excessif de pornographie, sollicite constamment le système dopaminergique, engendrant des problèmes tels que l’éjaculation précoce, la baisse d’énergie et une insatisfaction dans les relations sexuelles.

Explorer la masturbation et les façons dont elle est pratiquée

La masturbation, perçue comme une pratique sexuelle naturelle, apporte souvent des bienfaits tels qu’une réduction du stress et une meilleure connaissance corporelle. Mais son excès peut conduire à des complications.

Surmonter la masturbation : un challenge pour votre sexualité

La décision d’arrêter la masturbation constitue un challenge pour de nombreux individus. Pratique courante et souvent perçue comme une manière naturelle d’explorer sa sexualité, elle peut toutefois engendrer des difficultés lorsque la dépendance s’installe, impactant des aspects cruciaux tels que les relations, le bien-être mental et la productivité.

Formuler une stratégie pour arrêter

Indiquer les étapes essentielles pour éviter les rechutes

  • Organiser une journée structurée : Remplissez votre emploi du temps avec des activités variées et bien planifiées.
  • Protéger vos accès à la pornographie : Utilisez des outils de blocage pour empêcher l’accès aux sites explicites.

Mettre en évidence l’impact du soutien social sur le bien-être

  • Obtenir des conseils d’un sexologue : Un professionnel peut fournir une aide précieuse.notamment www.chastete.frpour le monde entier.
  • Participer à des groupes de soutien : Partager ses expériences avec d’autres aide à garder le cap.

Recommander des solutions adaptées pour réduire cette habitude

  • Se fixer des objectifs précis : Utilisez des méthodes progressives ou participez au mouvement « nofap » pour une abstinence complète.
  • Mettre en place des objectifs clairs : Suivez des stratégies progressives ou rejoignez le mouvement « nofap » pour une abstinence totale.
  • Identifier ce qui déclenche l’envie : Prenez note des moments où vous ressentez le besoin.

En fin de compte

Renoncer à la masturbation excessive est un processus qui nécessite du temps et de la persévérance. Grâce à un plan structuré et au soutien adéquat, il est possible de franchir ce défi et de profiter d’une existence plus équilibrée, axée sur des objectifs plus enrichissants.

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#Conseils #masturbation #pour #les #hommes

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: all right let’s have a real talk about something most guys do but rarely discuss masturbation I know it’s a bit awkward but stick with me you might be thinking I already know all there is to know about this but here’s the truth there’s always room to improve rethink and discover a better way to approach it look I know this might feel a little awkward to talk about but trust me this is something every guy can benef from so let’s drop the awkwardness and get real for a second here’s the thing a lot of guys are stuck in the same habits they picked up as teenagers you know sneaking around rushing through it and hoping no one catches you and while that might have worked back then those habits could actually be holding you back now not just in terms of how much you enjoy your solo time but also in how you perform in the bedroom yeah your masturbation habits can directly affect your sex life crazy right so in this video I’m going to share some tips to help you break out of those old patterns make your solo time way more enjoyable and even improve your performance with your partner trust me this is stuff every guy should know but before we dive in do me a quick favor hit that like button share this video with someone who might need it and if you’re not already subscribed what are you waiting for it really helps me out and I’ve got a ton of content like this coming your way all right let’s get into it let’s start with the basics breaking old habits most of us started masturbating as teenagers right back then it was all about speed and secrecy you’d lock yourself in the bathroom or hide under the covers rushing through it before someone knocked on the door and hey that’s totally normal for a teenager but here’s the thing what worked for you as a teenager isn’t necessarily working for you now let’s talk about why it’s time to leave those habits behind think about it if you’re still doing it the same way you did when you were 15 you’re probably rushing going straight for the finish line and not really paying attention to what you’re doing and that’s not just limiting your pleasure it’s also training your body to respond in a way that might not be ideal when you’re with a partner for example if you’re always rushing to finish you’re teaching your body to finish quickly and that’s not exactly what you want in the bedroom right so the first step is to recognize those old habits and start breaking out of them stop treating it like something you need to get over with as fast as possible instead think of it as a practice something you can take your time with explore and even enjoy trust me when you start approaching it this way it’s going to feel completely different and the best part it’s going to help you last longer and perform better when it really matters all right now that we’ve covered breaking old habits let’s move on to the next step setting the scene so now that we’ve talked about breaking old habits let’s move on to something that can completely change the way you approach this setting the scene let’s talk about something most guys never even think about setting the scene now I know what you’re probably thinking why would I need to set the scene I’m just doing this for myself but hear me out this is about making the experience better not just rushing through it like it’s some chore most guys just drop their pants lie down and get it over with but what if you treated it like an actual experience think about it when you’re with a partner you don’t just jump straight into it right you take your time you set the mood you make it special so why not do the same for yourself here’s what I mean dim lights put on some music or even light a candle if that’s your thing get comfortable maybe lie down completely naked instead of just pulling your pants halfway down the point is to create an environment where you can relax and really focus on what you’re doing it’s not about being fancy it’s about being intentional when you take the time to set the scene it changes the whole vibe you’re not just rushing to the Finish Line you’re actually enjoying the process and here’s the thing this kind of mindfulness doesn’t just make your solo time better it also trains you to be more more present and in tune with your body which is going to make a huge difference when you’re with your partner so next time don’t just dive in take a minute to set the scene and see how much better it feels all right now let’s move on to the next tip using Loop now that you’ve set the scene and made things more intentional let’s talk about something that can take it to the next level Lube all right let’s talk about something a lot of guys Overlook Lube now I know some of you are probably thinking I don’t need Lube I’ve been doing just fine without it and sure you can go without it but if you’ve never tried it you’re missing out on a whole new level of sensation here’s the thing Lube isn’t just about making things smoother it’s about enhancing the experience it can make everything feel more intense more pleasurable and honestly just better overall plus if you’re trying to make this a longer more intentional practice Lube can help you avoid any discomfort or irritation especially if you’re going for more than a few minutes now I’m not saying you need to use it every single time but if you’re trying to slow down explore new techniques or just make the whole experience feel a little more luxurious it’s definitely worth giving it a shot there are tons of options out there water-based silicone based even natural ones just pick one that works for you and give it a try and here’s a bonus if you’re using this as a training tool for the bedroom Lube can help simulate the sensations of actual penetration which makes it a great way to prepare yourself for real life intimacy so don’t knock it until you’ve tried it trust me it can make a big difference all right now let’s move on to the next tip avoiding porn so now that you’ve got the basics down setting the scene and maybe even trying Lube let’s talk about something that might be holding you back porn all right this one might be a little controversial but it’s important to avoid using porn at least for this kind of practice now I’m not saying you can never watch porn again I get it it’s everywhere and for a lot of guys it’s a go-to but if you’re trying to make your solo time more intentional and actually improve your performance in the bedroom porn can be a problem here’s why porn is designed to be overly stimulating everything about it is exaggerated the bodies the acts The Sounds it’s all fantasy and when you rely on that kind of stimulation every time you masturbate it starts to rewire your brain you get used to needing that level of intensity to get turned on and suddenly real life intimacy doesn’t feel as exciting that’s when you start running into issues like difficulty getting or maintaining an erection or even trouble finishing when you’re with a partner another problem with porn is that it makes the whole process less about you and your body and more about what you’re watching most guys spend 10 or 15 minutes scrolling through Clips trying to find the perfect one and then finish in less than 5 minutes that’s not the kind of practice we’re talking about here for this I want you to leave the porn out focus on yourself what you’re feeling what your body is doing and how you can make the experience better without relying on external stimulation it’s going to feel weird at first especially if you’re used to always having something to watch but over time you’ll notice a big difference in how connected you feel to your body and how much more control you have over your arousal now I’m not saying you have to quit porn forever but for this specific practice leaving it out will help you connect with yourself in ways you might not have thought possible over time you’ll notice how much more natural and rewarding The Experience feels speaking of connect nection let’s address another habit that might be holding you back getting lost in your own head so you’ve decided to leave the porn out great but here’s the next thing to watch out for getting lost in your own head and yeah I know this is what most guys do when they’re not watching Something You Close Your Eyes dive into some fantasy and let your imagination take over it’s normal but for this kind of practice it’s not what we’re going for here’s the problem when you’re too deep in your head you’re not paying attention to what’s actually happening in your body you’re so focused on the fantasy that you’re missing out on the sensations the energy and the connection to yourself and if you’re not fully present during solo time it’s going to be harder to stay present when you’re with a partner so instead of closing your eyes and imagining something else try to stay in the moment focus on what you’re feeling how your body responds to different touches the way your breathing changes the sensations building up it’s all about being Mindful and intentional not just zoning out and going through the motions this might feel strange at first especially if you’re used to relying on fantasy but the more you practice staying present the more you’ll notice how much better it feels you’ll start to pick up on things you never noticed before and that awareness is going to translate directly to your performance in the bedroom so next time keep your eyes open stay focused and really pay attention to what’s happening trust me it’s a GameChanger all right now that we’ve got that covered let’s move on to one of the most important tips slowing down now that you’re staying present and focused on your body let’s talk about something that can completely change your experience slowing down this one’s a big one slow down seriously just slow it all the way down too many guys treat masturbation like a race the second they start it’s Full Speed Ahead straight to the finish line and yeah that might have worked when you were a teenager sneaking around but if you’re still doing that now it’s time to change things up here’s the thing when you rush you’re not giving yourself a chance to really enjoy the process you’re just focused on the goal ejaculation but what if you made the whole experience about the journey instead of the destination what if you took your Time explore different Sensations and let the pleasure build naturally start slow don’t go straight into the usual routine try gently massaging yourself maybe even starting with your testicles or other areas that you usually ignore use light teasing touches and see how your body responds the idea is to build up the energy gradually instead of going straight for the peak and here’s why this matters when you train yourself to slow down during solo time it’s going to carry over into the bedroom you’ll be more in control more aware of your partner’s needs and less likely to rush through the experience plus slowing down can actually make the sensations more intense so it’s a win-win so next time resist the urge to go Full Speed Ahead take your time explore and let the pleasure build trust me it’s worth it so once you’ve you mastered the art of slowing down and staying present it’s time to explore something truly transformative non-ejaculatory orgasms this might sound a bit Advanced but don’t worry I’ll guide you through it step by step now we’re getting into some Next Level stuff non ejaculatory orgasms yeah you heard that right most guys think orgasms and ejaculation are the same thing but they’re not you can actually have an orgasm without ejaculating and once you learn how to do it it’s a total GameChanger here here’s the deal when you ejaculate your body goes into what’s called a refractory period That’s the time after you finish when your energy drops your arousal disappears and you’re basically done but if you can separate orgasm from ejaculation you can keep that energy going you can have multiple waves of pleasure without losing your arousal or needing to stop and when you do decide to ejaculate it’s going to feel way more intense because you’ve built up so much energy so how do you do it it’s all about control and aware aess first you need to slow down like we talked about earlier and start paying attention to the sensations in your body as you get closer to the point of no return instead of rushing toward ejaculation try to back off a little focus on your breathing relax your body and let the energy circulate you might feel it moving through your body almost like a wave that’s the feeling you want to build on it’s going to take some practice and you might not get it right away but the more you work on it the more you’ll start to notice those subtle Sensations and learn how to control them and once you do you’ll realize that ejaculation isn’t the only way to experience pleasure in fact it’s just one part of it this kind of practice isn’t just about feeling good during solo time it’s also going to make a huge difference in the bedroom when you can control your arousal And Delay ejaculation you’ll last longer stay more connected to your partner and have way more satisfying experiences overall now I know this might sound a little out there but trust me it’s worth trying start slow be patient with yourself and see what happens you might be surprised at what your body is capable of all right now that we’ve covered non-ejaculatory orgasms let’s talk about how to treat this whole thing as a training tool let’s shift gears a bit and talk about how you can use this whole practice as a training tool because let’s be real masturbation isn’t just about feeling good in the moment it’s also a chance to prepare yourself for the bedroom think of it like a workout you’re training your body and your mind to perform better when it really matters here’s what I mean when you’re intentional about your solo time slowing down staying present and experimenting with new techniques You’re Building skills that directly translate to your sex life you’re learning how to control your arousal how to last longer and how to stay more connected to your body and all of that is going to make you a better lover now I’m not saying every single session has to be like this sometimes you just want to keep it simple and that’s totally fine but at least some of the time treat it like a practice maybe aim for a 50/50 split half the time you’re just doing it for fun and the other half you’re using it as a way to train yourself and if you can push that to 75/25 even better the point is this isn’t just about getting off it’s about building awareness control and confidence and the more you practice the more those skills are going to show up when you’re with a partner so next time think of it is more than just a quick release treat it as an opportunity to grow and improve all right now let’s wrap this up with one final tip experimenting with new techniques let’s finish strong with this last tip don’t be afraid to experiment with new techniques a lot of guys stick to the same routine they’ve been using since they were teenagers you know the same grip the same grip the same speed the same everything and while that might get the job done it’s not exactly exciting is it here’s the thing your body is capable of experiencing so much more than you realize but if you never try anything new you’ll never know what you’re missing so mix it up try different speeds start slow then build up then slow down again change the pressure of your Grip Go lighter go firmer or even switch hands you’d be surprised how much of a difference these little changes can make you can also try incorporating toys now I know some of you might be hesitant about this but hear me out there are some great options out there like Strokers or devices that simulate penetration these can add a whole new level of sensation and even help you train for real life intimacy it’s not about replacing your hand it’s about enhancing the experience and exploring what feels good for you the key here is to stay open-minded you don’t have to reinvent the wheel but don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone and try something new you might just discover something that takes your solo time to a whole new level all right that’s it for the tips let’s wrap this up so we’ve covered a lot today let’s do a quick recap first break those old habits stop rushing and start treating this as a practice then set the scene and make it an experience not just a quick release don’t forget to try using Lube leave the porn out at least sometimes and stay out of your head by focusing on the sensations slow down explore non-ejaculatory orgasms treat this as a training tool and don’t be afraid to experiment with new techniques the main takeaway here be intentional this isn’t just about feeling good in the moment it’s about building awareness control and confidence that will make a huge difference in your sex life trust me when you start approaching at This way everything changes if this resonated with you or gave you a fresh perspective don’t forget to hit the like button share it with someone who might benefit it could spark a conversation they didn’t know they needed and if you haven’t already subscribe for more straightforward no fluff content like this I’m here to guide you on this journey one step at a time and hey if you want to dive even deeper into this check out my website I’ve got courses coaching programs and a ton of resources to help you take things to the next level the Link’s in the description all right that’s it for today thanks for watching and I’ll see you in the next one [Music] .

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Déroulement de la vidéo:

8.519 all right let&;s have a real talk about
8.519 something most guys do but rarely
8.519 discuss masturbation I know it&;s a bit
8.519 awkward but stick with me you might be
8.519 thinking I already know all there is to
8.519 know about this but here&;s the truth
8.519 there&;s always room to improve rethink
8.519 and discover a better way to approach
8.519 it look I know this might feel a little
8.519 awkward to talk about but trust me this
8.519 is something every guy can benef from so
8.519 let&;s drop the awkwardness and get real
8.519 for a
8.519 second here&;s the thing a lot of guys
8.519 are stuck in the same habits they picked
8.519 up as teenagers you know sneaking around
8.519 rushing through it and hoping no one
8.519 catches you and while that might have
8.519 worked back then those habits could
8.519 actually be holding you back now not
8.519 just in terms of how much you enjoy your
8.519 solo time but also in how you perform in
8.519 the bedroom yeah your masturbation
8.519 habits can directly affect your sex life
8.519 crazy
8.519 right so in this video I&;m going to
8.519 share some tips to help you break out of
8.519 those old patterns make your solo time
8.519 way more enjoyable and even improve your
8.519 performance with your partner trust me
8.519 this is stuff every guy should
8.519 know but before we dive in do me a quick
8.519 favor hit that like button share this
8.519 video with someone who might need it and
8.519 if you&;re not already subscribed what
8.519 are you waiting for it really helps me
8.519 out and I&;ve got a ton of content like
8.519 this coming your way all right let&;s get
8.519 into
8.519 it let&;s start with the basics breaking
8.519 old habits most of us started
8.519 masturbating as teenagers right back
8.519 then it was all about speed and secrecy
8.519 you&;d lock yourself in the bathroom or
8.519 hide under the covers rushing through it
8.519 before someone knocked on the door and
8.519 hey that&;s totally normal for a
8.519 teenager but here&;s the thing what
8.519 worked for you as a teenager isn&;t
8.519 necessarily working for you now let&;s
8.519 talk about why it&;s time to leave those
8.519 habits behind think about it if you&;re
8.519 still doing it the same way you did when
8.519 you were 15 you&;re probably rushing
8.519 going straight for the finish line and
8.519 not really paying attention to what
8.519 you&;re doing and that&;s not just
8.519 limiting your pleasure it&;s also
8.519 training your body to respond in a way
8.519 that might not be ideal when you&;re with
8.519 a partner for example if you&;re always
8.519 rushing to finish you&;re teaching your
8.519 body to finish
8.519 quickly and that&;s not exactly what you
8.519 want in the bedroom right so the first
8.519 step is to recognize those old habits
8.519 and start breaking out of them stop
8.519 treating it like something you need to
8.519 get over with as fast as possible
8.519 instead think of it as a practice
8.519 something you can take your time with
8.519 explore and even enjoy trust me when you
8.519 start approaching it this way it&;s going
8.519 to feel completely different and the
8.519 best part it&;s going to help you last
8.519 longer and perform better when it really
8.519 matters all right now that we&;ve covered
8.519 breaking old habits let&;s move on to the
8.519 next step setting the
8.519 scene so now that we&;ve talked about
8.519 breaking old habits let&;s move on to
8.519 something that can completely change the
8.519 way you approach this setting the scene
8.519 let&;s talk about something most guys
8.519 never even think about setting the
8.519 scene now I know what you&;re probably
8.519 thinking why would I need to set the
8.519 scene I&;m just doing this for myself but
8.519 hear me out this is about making the
8.519 experience better not just rushing
8.519 through it like it&;s some chore most
8.519 guys just drop their pants lie down and
8.519 get it over with but what if you treated
8.519 it like an actual experience think about
8.519 it when you&;re with a partner you don&;t
8.519 just jump straight into it right you
8.519 take your time you set the mood you make
8.519 it special so why not do the same for
8.519 yourself here&;s what I mean dim lights
8.519 put on some music or even light a candle
8.519 if that&;s your thing get comfortable
8.519 maybe lie down completely naked instead
8.519 of just pulling your pants halfway down
8.519 the point is to create an environment
8.519 where you can relax and really focus on
8.519 what you&;re doing it&;s not about being
8.519 fancy it&;s about being
8.519 intentional when you take the time to
8.519 set the scene it changes the whole vibe
8.519 you&;re not just rushing to the Finish
8.519 Line you&;re actually enjoying the
8.519 process and here&;s the thing this kind
8.519 of mindfulness doesn&;t just make your
8.519 solo time better it also trains you to
8.519 be more more present and in tune with
8.519 your body which is going to make a huge
8.519 difference when you&;re with your
8.519 partner so next time don&;t just dive in
8.519 take a minute to set the scene and see
8.519 how much better it feels all right now
8.519 let&;s move on to the next tip using
8.519 Loop now that you&;ve set the scene and
8.519 made things more intentional let&;s talk
8.519 about something that can take it to the
8.519 next level Lube all right let&;s talk
8.519 about something a lot of guys Overlook
8.519 Lube now I know some of you are probably
8.519 thinking I don&;t need Lube I&;ve been
8.519 doing just fine without it and sure you
8.519 can go without it but if you&;ve never
8.519 tried it you&;re missing out on a whole
8.519 new level of
8.519 sensation here&;s the thing Lube isn&;t
8.519 just about making things smoother it&;s
8.519 about enhancing the experience it can
8.519 make everything feel more intense more
8.519 pleasurable and honestly just better
8.519 overall plus if you&;re trying to make
8.519 this a longer more intentional practice
8.519 Lube can help you avoid any discomfort
8.519 or irritation especially if you&;re going
8.519 for more than a few
8.519 minutes now I&;m not saying you need to
8.519 use it every single time but if you&;re
8.519 trying to slow down explore new
8.519 techniques or just make the whole
8.519 experience feel a little more luxurious
8.519 it&;s definitely worth giving it a shot
8.519 there are tons of options out there
8.519 water-based silicone based even natural
8.519 ones just pick one that works for you
8.519 and give it a
8.519 try and here&;s a bonus if you&;re using
8.519 this as a training tool for the bedroom
8.519 Lube can help simulate the sensations of
8.519 actual penetration which makes it a
8.519 great way to prepare yourself for real
8.519 life
8.519 intimacy so don&;t knock it until you&;ve
8.519 tried it
8.519 trust me it can make a big
8.519 difference all right now let&;s move on
8.519 to the next tip avoiding
8.519 porn so now that you&;ve got the basics
8.519 down setting the scene and maybe even
8.519 trying Lube let&;s talk about something
8.519 that might be holding you back porn all
8.519 right this one might be a little
8.519 controversial but it&;s important to
8.519 avoid using porn at least for this kind
8.519 of
8.519 practice now I&;m not saying you can
8.519 never watch porn again I get it it&;s
8.519 everywhere and for a lot of guys it&;s a
8.519 go-to but if you&;re trying to make your
8.519 solo time more intentional and actually
8.519 improve your performance in the bedroom
8.519 porn can be a
8.519 problem here&;s why porn is designed to
8.519 be overly stimulating everything about
8.519 it is exaggerated the bodies the acts
8.519 The Sounds it&;s all fantasy and when you
8.519 rely on that kind of stimulation every
8.519 time you masturbate it starts to rewire
8.519 your brain you get used to needing that
8.519 level of intensity to get turned on and
8.519 suddenly real life intimacy doesn&;t feel
8.519 as exciting that&;s when you start
8.519 running into issues like difficulty
8.519 getting or maintaining an erection or
8.519 even trouble finishing when you&;re with
8.519 a
8.519 partner another problem with porn is
8.519 that it makes the whole process less
8.519 about you and your body and more about
8.519 what you&;re watching most guys spend 10
8.519 or 15 minutes scrolling through Clips
8.519 trying to find the perfect one and then
8.519 finish in less than 5 minutes that&;s not
8.519 the kind of practice we&;re talking about
8.519 here for this I want you to leave the
8.519 porn out focus on yourself what you&;re
8.519 feeling what your body is doing and how
8.519 you can make the experience better
8.519 without relying on external stimulation
8.519 it&;s going to feel weird at first
8.519 especially if you&;re used to always
8.519 having something to watch but over time
8.519 you&;ll notice a big difference in how
8.519 connected you feel to your body and how
8.519 much more control you have over your
8.519 arousal now I&;m not saying you have to
8.519 quit porn forever but for this specific
8.519 practice leaving it out will help you
8.519 connect with yourself in ways you might
8.519 not have thought possible over time
8.519 you&;ll notice how much more natural and
8.519 rewarding The Experience
8.519 feels speaking of connect nection let&;s
8.519 address another habit that might be
8.519 holding you back getting lost in your
8.519 own
8.519 head so you&;ve decided to leave the porn
8.519 out great but here&;s the next thing to
8.519 watch out for getting lost in your own
8.519 head and yeah I know this is what most
8.519 guys do when they&;re not watching
8.519 Something You Close Your Eyes dive into
8.519 some fantasy and let your imagination
8.519 take over it&;s normal but for this kind
8.519 of practice it&;s not what we&;re going
8.519 for here&;s the problem when you&;re too
8.519 deep in your head you&;re not paying
8.519 attention to what&;s actually happening
8.519 in your body you&;re so focused on the
8.519 fantasy that you&;re missing out on the
8.519 sensations the energy and the connection
8.519 to
8.519 yourself and if you&;re not fully present
8.519 during solo time it&;s going to be harder
8.519 to stay present when you&;re with a
8.519 partner so instead of closing your eyes
8.519 and imagining something else try to stay
8.519 in the moment focus on what you&;re
8.519 feeling how your body responds to
8.519 different touches the way your breathing
8.519 changes the sensations building up it&;s
8.519 all about being Mindful and intentional
8.519 not just zoning out and going through
8.519 the motions this might feel strange at
8.519 first especially if you&;re used to
8.519 relying on fantasy but the more you
8.519 practice staying present the more you&;ll
8.519 notice how much better it feels you&;ll
8.519 start to pick up on things you never
8.519 noticed before and that awareness is
8.519 going to translate directly to your
8.519 performance in the
8.519 bedroom so next time keep your eyes open
8.519 stay focused and really pay attention to
8.519 what&;s happening trust me it&;s a
8.519 GameChanger all right now that we&;ve got
8.519 that covered let&;s move on to one of the
8.519 most important tips slowing
8.519 down now that you&;re staying present and
8.519 focused on your body let&;s talk about
8.519 something that can completely change
8.519 your experience slowing down this one&;s
8.519 a big one slow down seriously just slow
8.519 it all the way down too many guys treat
8.519 masturbation like a race the second they
8.519 start it&;s Full Speed Ahead straight to
8.519 the finish line and yeah that might have
8.519 worked when you were a teenager sneaking
8.519 around but if you&;re still doing that
8.519 now it&;s time to change things
8.519 up here&;s the thing when you rush you&;re
8.519 not giving yourself a chance to really
8.519 enjoy the process you&;re just focused on
8.519 the goal ejaculation but what if you
8.519 made the whole experience about the
8.519 journey instead of the
8.519 destination what if you took your Time
8.519 explore different Sensations and let the
8.519 pleasure build naturally start slow
8.519 don&;t go straight into the usual routine
8.519 try gently massaging yourself maybe even
8.519 starting with your testicles or other
8.519 areas that you usually ignore use light
8.519 teasing touches and see how your body
8.519 responds the idea is to build up the
8.519 energy gradually instead of going
8.519 straight for the peak
8.519 and here&;s why this matters when you
8.519 train yourself to slow down during solo
8.519 time it&;s going to carry over into the
8.519 bedroom you&;ll be more in control more
8.519 aware of your partner&;s needs and less
8.519 likely to rush through the experience
8.519 plus slowing down can actually make the
8.519 sensations more intense so it&;s a
8.519 win-win so next time resist the urge to
8.519 go Full Speed Ahead take your time
8.519 explore and let the pleasure build trust
8.519 me it&;s worth
8.519 it so once you&;ve you mastered the art
8.519 of slowing down and staying present it&;s
8.519 time to explore something truly
8.519 transformative non-ejaculatory
8.519 orgasms this might sound a bit Advanced
8.519 but don&;t worry I&;ll guide you through
8.519 it step by
8.519 step now we&;re getting into some Next
8.519 Level stuff non ejaculatory orgasms yeah
8.519 you heard that right most guys think
8.519 orgasms and ejaculation are the same
8.519 thing but they&;re not you can actually
8.519 have an orgasm without ejaculating and
8.519 once you learn how to do it it&;s a total
8.519 GameChanger here here&;s the deal when
8.519 you ejaculate your body goes into what&;s
8.519 called a refractory period That&;s the
8.519 time after you finish when your energy
8.519 drops your arousal disappears and you&;re
8.519 basically done but if you can separate
8.519 orgasm from ejaculation you can keep
8.519 that energy going you can have multiple
8.519 waves of pleasure without losing your
8.519 arousal or needing to stop and when you
8.519 do decide to ejaculate it&;s going to
8.519 feel way more intense because you&;ve
8.519 built up so much
8.519 energy so how do you do it it&;s all
8.519 about control and aware aess first you
8.519 need to slow down like we talked about
8.519 earlier and start paying attention to
8.519 the sensations in your body as you get
8.519 closer to the point of no return instead
8.519 of rushing toward ejaculation try to
8.519 back off a little focus on your
8.519 breathing relax your body and let the
8.519 energy circulate you might feel it
8.519 moving through your body almost like a
8.519 wave that&;s the feeling you want to
8.519 build
8.519 on it&;s going to take some practice and
8.519 you might not get it right away but the
8.519 more you work on it the more you&;ll
8.519 start to notice those subtle Sensations
8.519 and learn how to control them and once
8.519 you do you&;ll realize that ejaculation
8.519 isn&;t the only way to experience
8.519 pleasure in fact it&;s just one part of
8.519 it this kind of practice isn&;t just
8.519 about feeling good during solo time it&;s
8.519 also going to make a huge difference in
8.519 the bedroom when you can control your
8.519 arousal And Delay ejaculation you&;ll
8.519 last longer stay more connected to your
8.519 partner and have way more satisfying
8.519 experiences
8.519 overall now I know this might sound a
8.519 little out there but trust me it&;s worth
8.519 trying start slow be patient with
8.519 yourself and see what happens you might
8.519 be surprised at what your body is
8.519 capable
8.519 of all right now that we&;ve covered
8.519 non-ejaculatory
8.519 orgasms let&;s talk about how to treat
8.519 this whole thing as a training
8.519 tool let&;s shift gears a bit and talk
8.519 about how you can use this whole
8.519 practice as a training tool because
8.519 let&;s be real masturbation isn&;t just
8.519 about feeling good in the moment it&;s
8.519 also a chance to prepare yourself for
8.519 the bedroom think of it like a workout
8.519 you&;re training your body and your mind
8.519 to perform better when it really
8.519 matters here&;s what I mean when you&;re
8.519 intentional about your solo time slowing
8.519 down staying present and experimenting
8.519 with new techniques You&;re Building
8.519 skills that directly translate to your
8.519 sex life you&;re learning how to control
8.519 your arousal how to last longer and how
8.519 to stay more connected to your body and
8.519 all of that is going to make you a
8.519 better
8.519 lover now I&;m not saying every single
8.519 session has to be like this sometimes
8.519 you just want to keep it simple and
8.519 that&;s totally fine but at least some of
8.519 the time treat it like a
8.519 practice maybe aim for a 50/50 split
8.519 half the time you&;re just doing it for
8.519 fun and the other half you&;re using it
8.519 as a way to train yourself and if you
8.519 can push that to
8.519 75/25 even
8.519 better the point is this isn&;t just
8.519 about getting off it&;s about building
8.519 awareness control and confidence and the
8.519 more you practice the more those skills
8.519 are going to show up when you&;re with a
8.519 partner so next time think of it is more
8.519 than just a quick release treat it as an
8.519 opportunity to grow and improve
8.519 all right now let&;s wrap this up with
8.519 one final tip experimenting with new
8.519 techniques let&;s finish strong with this
8.519 last tip don&;t be afraid to experiment
8.519 with new techniques a lot of guys stick
8.519 to the same routine they&;ve been using
8.519 since they were teenagers you know the
8.519 same grip the same grip the same speed
8.519 the same everything and while that might
8.519 get the job done it&;s not exactly
8.519 exciting is
8.519 it here&;s the thing your body is capable
8.519 of experiencing so much more than you
8.519 realize but if you never try anything
8.519 new you&;ll never know what you&;re
8.519 missing so mix it up try different
8.519 speeds start slow then build up then
8.519 slow down again change the pressure of
8.519 your Grip Go lighter go firmer or even
8.519 switch hands you&;d be surprised how much
8.519 of a difference these little changes can
8.519 make you can also try incorporating toys
8.519 now I know some of you might be hesitant
8.519 about this but hear me out there are
8.519 some great options out there like
8.519 Strokers or devices that simulate
8.519 penetration these can add a whole new
8.519 level of sensation and even help you
8.519 train for real life intimacy
8.519 it&;s not about replacing your hand it&;s
8.519 about enhancing the experience and
8.519 exploring what feels good for
8.519 you the key here is to stay open-minded
8.519 you don&;t have to reinvent the wheel but
8.519 don&;t be afraid to step outside your
8.519 comfort zone and try something new you
8.519 might just discover something that takes
8.519 your solo time to a whole new
8.519 level all right that&;s it for the tips
8.519 let&;s wrap this
8.519 up so we&;ve covered a lot today let&;s do
8.519 a quick recap first break those old
8.519 habits stop rushing and start treating
8.519 this as a practice then set the scene
8.519 and make it an experience not just a
8.519 quick
8.519 release don&;t forget to try using Lube
8.519 leave the porn out at least sometimes
8.519 and stay out of your head by focusing on
8.519 the sensations slow down explore
8.519 non-ejaculatory orgasms treat this as a
8.519 training tool and don&;t be afraid to
8.519 experiment with new
8.519 techniques the main takeaway here be
8.519 intentional this isn&;t just about
8.519 feeling good in the moment it&;s about
8.519 building awareness control and
8.519 confidence that will make a huge
8.519 difference in your sex life trust me
8.519 when you start approaching at This way
8.519 everything
8.519 changes if this resonated with you or
8.519 gave you a fresh perspective don&;t
8.519 forget to hit the like button share it
8.519 with someone who might benefit it could
8.519 spark a conversation they didn&;t know
8.519 they needed and if you haven&;t already
8.519 subscribe for more straightforward no
8.519 fluff content like this I&;m here to
8.519 guide you on this journey one step at a
8.519 time and hey if you want to dive even
8.519 deeper into this check out my website
8.519 I&;ve got courses coaching programs and a
8.519 ton of resources to help you take things
8.519 to the next level
8.519 the Link&;s in the
8.519 description all right that&;s it for
8.519 today thanks for watching and I&;ll see
8.519 you in the next one
8.519 [Music]

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