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Le thème « masturbate » en vidéo par Owen Earl
Disponible sur YouTube (), une vidéo créée par Owen Earl offre un angle nouveau dans le thème « masturbate ».
YouTube regorge de vidéos fascinantes qui explorent des sujets variés, offrant à chaque utilisateur un vaste choix de contenu pour satisfaire toutes les curiosités. »
YouTube regorge de vidéos fascinantes qui explorent des sujets variés, offrant à chaque utilisateur un vaste choix de contenu pour satisfaire toutes les curiosités.
À la date de notre visionnage (), la vidéo avait accumulé un certain nombre d’interactions. Le décompte de Likes indiquait: 1739.
Il faut prendre en considération la durée (00:14:01s), le titre (06 Men Can’t Masturbate), pour une vue d’ensemble complète, ainsi que la présentation faite par l’auteur :« Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ewonrael: https://ewonrael.bandcamp.com/ «Owen Earl» sur les services de streaming Courriel: EssaysAboutSex (AT) ProtonMail (DOT) Com ».
La vidéo est prête à être regardée directement ci-dessous
Masturbation et sexualité : relever le défi du changement
Se libérer de l’habitude de la masturbation peut constituer un défi majeur pour beaucoup. Cette pratique, bien que souvent reconnue comme un moyen sain d’explorer la sexualité, peut se transformer en un problème sérieux lorsqu’elle se manifeste sous forme de dépendance, interférant alors avec les relations interpersonnelles, la santé psychologique et les obligations professionnelles.
Analyser les causes de l’augmentation de cette pratique
Mettre en lumière les éléments psychologiques et émotionnels
L’angoisse, le stress ou un manque de contentement dans d’autres domaines peuvent inciter à cette pratique habituelle.
Analyser l’effet de la pornographie sur les attitudes et comportements
La pornographie représente un facteur fondamental. Elle nourrit fréquemment l’envie de se masturber et peut fausser la vision de la sexualité.
Étudier l’impact de l’isolement sur le désir
L’isolement et le manque de satisfaction dans une relation ou dans la vie personnelle peuvent aussi être des déclencheurs de cette pratique.
Planifier un chemin d’action pour cesser
Proposer des démarches efficaces pour réduire cette habitude
- Identifier les facteurs déclencheurs : Prenez note de ce qui provoque l’envie de céder.
- Créer des objectifs bien définis : Suivez un plan progressif ou le mouvement « nofap » pour rester abstinent.
- Définir des objectifs clairs : Suivez des actions progressives ou intégrez le mouvement « nofap » pour un sevrage complet.
Suggérer des solutions pour prévenir les rechutes
- Créer une routine organisée : Planifiez des activités à faire tout au long de la journée.
- Mettre en place un emploi du temps clair : Remplissez chaque moment de votre journée avec des activités productives.
Soulever l’importance de l’accompagnement social
- Parler à un sexologue : Un professionnel peut offrir des conseils adaptés. comme ce spécialiste de la chasteté.
- Rejoindre des groupes de soutien : L’échange avec d’autres participants stimule la motivation.
Observer les avantages d’un sevrage réussi
Présenter les changements bénéfiques dans les relations sociales
Les liens avec un partenaire s’enrichissent, marqués par une connexion émotionnelle et physique plus forte.
Souligner le parcours vers un bonheur véritable et stable
En limitant la dépendance, on accède à des avantages durables dans la sphère personnelle, professionnelle et sociale.
Présenter les étapes vers un équilibre mental amélioré
La cessation de cette habitude conduit généralement à une hausse de l’énergie, à une humeur améliorée et à une concentration renforcée.
S’informer sur les caractéristiques et les impacts de la dépendance à la masturbation
Examiner les différents aspects de la masturbation et ses manifestations
La masturbation, perçue comme une pratique sexuelle naturelle, apporte souvent des bienfaits tels qu’une réduction du stress et une meilleure connaissance corporelle. Mais son excès peut conduire à des complications.
Noter les signaux d’une dépendance croissante
La dépendance se caractérise par une pratique de plus en plus fréquente, accompagnée d’une incapacité à contrôler cette activité, au détriment d’autres engagements. Cela peut engendrer des problèmes dans les relations avec un partenaire.
Explorer l’impact sur le bien-être mental et corporel
L’addiction à la masturbation, lorsqu’elle s’accompagne d’un usage excessif de pornographie, affecte le système dopaminergique, provoquant des troubles comme l’éjaculation précoce, une baisse de l’énergie et des frustrations sexuelles.
En résumé
Le processus d’arrêt de la masturbation instinctive demande à la fois du temps et de la persévérance. Un plan structuré et un soutien bienveillant peuvent rendre ce défi surmontable, offrant ainsi la possibilité d’une vie plus harmonieuse et axée sur des objectifs plus nourrissants.
Pour consulter la vidéo directement sur YouTube, cliquez sur le lien suivant :
la publication originale: Cliquer ici
#Les #hommes #peuvent #pas #masturber
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: men can’t [Music] masturbate I like most people I know took a sexed class during Middle School I was living in Los Angeles at the time a progressive part of the country but I still managed to walk away with my fair share of misleading or unhelpful information stuff I’ve had to work through or unlearn one particularly unhelpful thing I was taught is something that most people would not bad an ey at I remember as a class watching a video for boys aimed at explaining various aspects of puberty it told us about how our would grow and change how our voices would drop how we’d start growing hair in new places and how we’d start noticing girls noticing girls what does that mean half my class have been girls since I started school and I had certainly noticed them before girls tend to start puberty before boys so perhaps it was about noticing their changing bodies but the video produced by Disney in the 9s dedicated a whole section to explaining various aspects of female puberty breast development and periods in herin new places and noticing boys it’s a euphemism the makers of the video were afraid to say plainly that we would start feeling horny that we might develop an neurotic appetite a libido a sex drive and so they substitute discussion about horniness for the euphemistic and more parent-friendly noticing girls setting aside the heteronormativity or the problem with refusing to talk about something openly and how that might lead to unnecessary shame and secrecy around our Collective horniness there’s something about this idea of noticing girls that I want to challenge is my horniness a hunger for the Flesh of another human or is it perhaps simply a hunger for an erotic experience Noti in girls suggests that it’s the people around me that are causing my pent up sexual desire not something within myself I remember one of the first erotic experiences I ever had I don’t remember how old I was but I was before health class in clear signs of puberty I was less than 10 I remember I was taking a bath and I was submerged in the water with just my head sticking out I thrust my hips forward until my was lifted out of the water and into the open air the air was cold on my still damp flesh and it made my already naked feel all the more naked there was something so erotic and thrilling about this feeling of nakedness of exposure I relaxed my body back into the water before thrusting my hips forward again re-exposing myself to the air I imagined some kind of scenario where I could expose my in a similar manner to the World perhaps a stage with a hole cut in it for me to stick my genitals into this is my memory of my verging sexuality there was something so erotic about the physical sensation of emerging from the water I had a fantasy in my head but I was also so attuned to my own body I was locating the erotic within myself within the motion of thrust rusting and the feeling of nakedness I have other memories from this time there was a time I stripped totally naked in the men’s changing room and used to scaled away myself how could I ever get an accurate measurement if I was still wearing clothes I reasoned but it was an excuse to reveal my own erotic nudity I remember there was a bush with red flowers in our backyard that was empty on the inside and so it was possible to sit inside the bush while remaining hidden from view I went into the bush and removed my clothing one item at a time until I was fully naked feeling yats like air in my skin I don’t think noticing girls really captures what it is that I was going through I think I was noticing myself and my potential to be an erotic being in the world not that I didn’t possess a certain curiosity about girls I remember me and my best friend at the time once showing each other our bodies and that being very interesting to me and I remember wanting to see pictures of naked women Googling the term naked which frustratingly was only giving me results for the juice company I discovered that naked bicycle returned results for the naked bicycle event in Seattle which was much more satisfactory but I’m not sure if I was locating something erotic in these naked women or it was to do with a kind of curiosity and I’ll never know for sure because discussions of sex became more common in my life which would interpret my feelings of eroticism as being about women I started to internalize this notion and fantasized about naked women instead of naked me and then I discovered porn and all hope was lost it was bound to happen Googling naked boobs nude beach naked women for long enough is eventually going to yield a website of the adult variety despite whatever safeguards Google has in place and once you have the search term porn in your back pocket finding adult material is pretty easy I imagine watching two people have fullon intercourse for the first time after having been getting off to pictures of middle-aged women covered in blue paint doing yoga in a Seattle park for years is akin to trying heroin it’s pretty hardcore stuff in a way I’m not sure my body was fully prepared for I remember probably the first proper porn video I watched was a school teacher getting over her desk and when I saw the view count of millions I basically lost my mind to think that millions of people had seen these two people have sex was hot beyond my comprehension and just like heroin when you have access to the good stuff why waste your time masturbating to your imagination porn was so much more intense and quickly made trying to orgasm without it all but impossible I spent years masturbating to porn and hardly anything else in some ways I’m grateful for porn and I’m reminiscent of the chapter in my sexual past I think at the time I recognized how harmful and destructive sometimes violent our sexual culture is I think I realized that introducing a sexual Dynamic into my female friendships would likely destroy those relationships in fact I lost close female friends at that age due to our sex culture I didn’t want to make the girls in my life feel unsafe by acting too horny with them and porn was a great tool to compartmentalize my sexuality I could only orgasm to porn which made me asexual in my public life it gave me some genuine control over my own sexuality but those years I spent reinforcing some pretty harmful ways of thinking and when it came time for me to come out of my sexual shell I had to confront some pretty deeply entrenched and problematic beliefs and there’s one particularly Troublesome belief that had been reinforced two ways it’s this notion of noticing girls or more specifically the idea that my horniness required a female body in mainstream heterosexual porn there’s one narrative that gets told over and over again women are sexy it is their bodies that are sexy they possess some kind of innate sexy because of their lady bits a boob these things are sexy irrespective of who they’re attached to men are sexless ugly their bodies do not possess any sexiness the only way for a man to possess the sexy is through the body of a woman sex is an act of taking the man takes the sexy from the woman who possesses it because of her body in porn men are horny and this is synonymous with wanting sex with women and the only way to deal with horniness is through a sexy woman’s body she is the facilitator of the sexual experience the gatekeeper of the sexual experience if there is a story in porno much of it is dedicated to the horny man convincing the sexy woman to have sex with him through any means necessary wearing her down with lies or coercing until she enables his sexual experience if this story is to be believed then I as a man am like a Hungry Hobo forced to beg and plead those who have food for a meal I have no sex of my own and no means of attaining sex without it coming from those who have it I must request then plead and in Desperate Times lie cheat and steal to feed my sexual appetite how many times can a person hear this story without believing in it somewhat and by seeking out porn whenever I felt horny I was in a very literal way depending on a woman’s body for my own sexual experience the porn I watched featured a woman in sexual situations and so my sexual experience was facilitated through their bodies my orgasm required the participation of a woman I will never know who was kind enough to share videos of her sexy lady bits with the internet so men around the world may have a sexy time my behavior embodied a kind of sexual dependence on the body of a woman I internalized this belief so wholly and completely that it didn’t even occur to me that an alternative was possible in my mind satisfying a sexual craving required the fact simile of a woman in the way satisfying hunger required food even when I used my imagination instead of porn to get off I pictured a woman masturbating or stripping I never thought of my myself in a sexual context and never paid any attention to my physical body or the present reality of masturbation I didn’t just get this idea from porn or sex ed in movies boys steal underwear from girls or plot ways of looking through door cracks and windows to try to catch a peak of a woman undressing ritualized violence depicted as if it’s natural and inevitable what assumptions lead us to excuse boys Behavior watching these movies I understood the boy actions as the inevitable consequence of their castration like a starving person who is reduced to stealing to eat the boys in the movies are forced to resort to non-consensual means to satisfy their needs their actions are pitiful more than anything it’s a tough position to be in as a man to desire sexual or erotic experiences but to feel unable to produce them on your own what makes matters worse is the degree to which we pathologize Men Who Please themselves masturbation is treated as dirty embarrassing sometimes threatening this is especially true for men buying sex toys is taboo I once watched a standup comic say that buying a Fleshlight is probably a sign that a man is a serial killer incels are notoriously entitled to women and their body in some extreme cases incels have argued that the government should mandate that women become sexual partners with single men government-mandated girlfriends this is ridiculous but on some level I understand the logic despite what some may say everyone is entitled to sex including incels sex is a natural and in some cases necessary part of being a person it’s something we’re all capable of if we imagine men require a woman to experience sex and we acknowledge that sex is something men are entitled to then doesn’t it stand a reason that men are entitled to women it’s easy to see that the conclusion is false violent even but most people seem to believe the premise and instead of rejecting it will deny men’s entitlement to sex men are not entitled to sex feels right and reasonable to say but as a man deeply ashamed of my own sexuality I could not rid myself of my Hunger for sexual experiences no matter matter how much I told myself it wasn’t something I was entitled to on some very basic and primordial level I knew I needed to experience sex knowing I wasn’t entitled to it didn’t make me need it less it just made me feel more Shame about wanting it I began to feel afraid of my own sexuality if I felt even remotely aroused while going about my day I would fear that it would lead me to violate someone around me at times I felt convinced that I had somehow already unknowingly violated someone after all being turned on required a woman so if I’m turned on then I must must have done something against a woman already even if it wasn’t clear to me who she was or how I violated her what a tragic disempowered and scary relationship to have with a part of myself at some point I became bored of pornography or needing to try something new so I joined a chat room on the internet where people roleplay sexual encounters I realized as I’m sure many do that men are not very desirable in these spaces and that the internet grants us a degree of anonymity so I role played as a woman I realized while role playing as a woman on the internet for the first time that I am capable of locating sexiness Within Myself there’s a half joke half observation people make about these kinds of chat rooms that most women there are secretly men people will often view this as sad or pathetic but in that moment I found it deeply empowering to think two men role playing with each other could produce something sexy on their own I knew on some level that this was a form of sex I still believe it is exploring femininity is often a necessary part of exploring one’s ability to be sexy I bought stockings and a cute skirt and looked at myself in the mirror and became aroused at my own image it was easier to see myself as sexy in a skirt than naked because I already learned to associate the skirt with sexiness men who dress in women’s clothing for erotic reasons are seen as sociopathic murderers like in Silence of the Lambs or psycho I became convinced that what I was doing was somehow linked to violence I worried that if people discovered my stash of women’s clothing they would feel threatened by me becoming more sexually empowered made me more scared of myself the Journey of relating to myself sexually in a way that feels healthy and empowered is tough painful and full of obstacles and it’s never complete but what hurts most of all is that I can’t help but wonder what would have happened if it weren’t for the narratives adults in my life fed me if it weren’t for porn and movies might I have maintained a sense of sexual self-sufficiency I had when I first started gaining a sexual awareness it feels like I’ve had my sexuality taken from me stolen and I’m forced to recreate it discouraged from doing so at every step it feels counterintuitive to advocate for sexually empowering men we live in a culture that excuses and emboldens men’s sexual violence men feel entitled to women and their sexuality their bodies but we need men to unlearn those harmful attitudes of society and we need men to feel self-sufficient sexy and these take empowerment men need to learn how to masturbate without looking at images of a woman or imagining a woman in their head but by getting in touch with the eroticism of their own body we need to promote narratives and images of men who are sexy by and for themselves the legitimacy and completeness of masturbation as a form of sex thanks for watching if you liked this video consider subscribing you can also join my patreon where I’m uploading uncensored versions of all of the video essays in this series special shout out to the existing patreons for supporting me .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
6 men can&;t
6 [Music]
6 masturbate I like most people I know
6 took a sexed class during Middle School
6 I was living in Los Angeles at the time
6 a progressive part of the country but I
6 still managed to walk away with my fair
6 share of misleading or unhelpful
6 information stuff I&;ve had to work
6 through or
6 unlearn one particularly unhelpful thing
6 I was taught is something that most
6 people would not bad an ey at I remember
6 as a class watching a video for boys
6 aimed at explaining various aspects of
6 puberty it told us about how our would
6 grow and change how our voices would
6 drop how we&;d start growing hair in new
6 places and how we&;d start noticing
6 girls noticing girls what does that mean
6 half my class have been girls since I
6 started school and I had certainly
6 noticed them before girls tend to start
6 puberty before boys so perhaps it was
6 about noticing their changing bodies but
6 the video produced by Disney in the 9s
6 dedicated a whole section to explaining
6 various aspects of female puberty breast
6 development and periods in herin new
6 places and noticing
6 boys it&;s a euphemism the makers of the
6 video were afraid to say plainly that we
6 would start feeling horny that we might
6 develop an neurotic appetite a libido a
6 sex drive and so they substitute
6 discussion about horniness for the
6 euphemistic and more parent-friendly
6 noticing
6 girls setting aside the
6 heteronormativity or the problem with
6 refusing to talk about something openly
6 and how that might lead to unnecessary
6 shame and secrecy around our Collective
6 horniness there&;s something about this
6 idea of noticing girls that I want to
6 challenge is my horniness a hunger for
6 the Flesh of another human or is it
6 perhaps simply a hunger for an erotic
6 experience Noti in girls suggests that
6 it&;s the people around me that are
6 causing my pent up sexual desire not
6 something within
6 myself I remember one of the first
6 erotic experiences I ever had I don&;t
6 remember how old I was but I was before
6 health class in clear signs of puberty I
6 was less than 10 I remember I was taking
6 a bath and I was submerged in the water
6 with just my head sticking out I thrust
6 my hips forward until my was lifted out
6 of the water and into the open air the
6 air was cold on my still damp flesh and
6 it made my already naked feel all the
6 more naked there was something so erotic
6 and thrilling about this feeling of
6 nakedness of exposure I relaxed my body
6 back into the water before thrusting my
6 hips forward again re-exposing myself to
6 the air I imagined some kind of scenario
6 where I could expose my in a similar
6 manner to the World perhaps a stage with
6 a hole cut in it for me to stick my
6 genitals
6 into this is my memory of my verging
6 sexuality there was something so erotic
6 about the physical sensation of emerging
6 from the water I had a fantasy in my
6 head but I was also so attuned to my own
6 body I was locating the erotic within
6 myself within the motion of thrust
6 rusting and the feeling of nakedness I
6 have other memories from this time there
6 was a time I stripped totally naked in
6 the men&;s changing room and used to
6 scaled away myself how could I ever get
6 an accurate measurement if I was still
6 wearing clothes I reasoned but it was an
6 excuse to reveal my own erotic nudity I
6 remember there was a bush with red
6 flowers in our backyard that was empty
6 on the inside and so it was possible to
6 sit inside the bush while remaining
6 hidden from view I went into the bush
6 and removed my clothing one item at a
6 time until I was fully naked feeling
6 yats like air in my skin I don&;t think
6 noticing girls really captures what it
6 is that I was going through I think I
6 was noticing myself and my potential to
6 be an erotic being in the world not that
6 I didn&;t possess a certain curiosity
6 about girls I remember me and my best
6 friend at the time once showing each
6 other our bodies and that being very
6 interesting to me and I remember wanting
6 to see pictures of naked women Googling
6 the term naked which frustratingly was
6 only giving me results for the juice
6 company I discovered that naked bicycle
6 returned results for the naked bicycle
6 event in Seattle which was much more
6 satisfactory but I&;m not sure if I was
6 locating something erotic in these naked
6 women or it was to do with a kind of
6 curiosity and I&;ll never know for sure
6 because discussions of sex became more
6 common in my life which would interpret
6 my feelings of eroticism as being about
6 women I started to internalize this
6 notion and fantasized about naked women
6 instead of naked me and then I
6 discovered porn and all hope was lost it
6 was bound to happen Googling naked boobs
6 nude beach naked women for long enough
6 is eventually going to yield a website
6 of the adult variety despite whatever
6 safeguards Google has in place and once
6 you have the search term porn in your
6 back pocket finding adult material is
6 pretty easy I imagine watching two
6 people have fullon intercourse for the
6 first time after having been getting off
6 to pictures of middle-aged women covered
6 in blue paint doing yoga in a Seattle
6 park for years is akin to trying heroin
6 it&;s pretty hardcore stuff in a way I&;m
6 not sure my body was fully prepared for
6 I remember probably the first proper
6 porn video I watched was a school
6 teacher getting over her desk and when I
6 saw the view count of millions I
6 basically lost my mind to think that
6 millions of people had seen these two
6 people have sex was hot beyond my
6 comprehension and just like heroin when
6 you have access to the good stuff why
6 waste your time masturbating to your
6 imagination porn was so much more
6 intense and quickly made trying to
6 orgasm without it all but
6 impossible I spent years masturbating to
6 porn and hardly anything else in some
6 ways I&;m grateful for porn and I&;m
6 reminiscent of the chapter in my sexual
6 past I think at the time I recognized
6 how harmful and destructive sometimes
6 violent our sexual culture is I think I
6 realized that introducing a sexual
6 Dynamic into my female friendships would
6 likely destroy those relationships in
6 fact I lost close female friends at that
6 age due to our sex culture I didn&;t want
6 to make the girls in my life feel unsafe
6 by acting too horny with them and porn
6 was a great tool to compartmentalize my
6 sexuality I could only orgasm to porn
6 which made me asexual in my public life
6 it gave me some genuine control over my
6 own
6 sexuality but those years I spent
6 reinforcing some pretty harmful ways of
6 thinking and when it came time for me to
6 come out of my sexual shell I had to
6 confront some pretty deeply entrenched
6 and problematic beliefs and there&;s one
6 particularly Troublesome belief that had
6 been reinforced two ways it&;s this
6 notion of noticing girls or more
6 specifically the idea that my horniness
6 required a female body in mainstream
6 heterosexual porn there&;s one narrative
6 that gets told over and over again women
6 are sexy it is their bodies that are
6 sexy they possess some kind of innate
6 sexy because of their lady bits a boob
6 these things are sexy irrespective of
6 who they&;re attached to men are sexless
6 ugly their bodies do not possess any
6 sexiness the only way for a man to
6 possess the sexy is through the body of
6 a woman sex is an act of taking the man
6 takes the sexy from the woman who
6 possesses it because of her body in porn
6 men are horny and this is synonymous
6 with wanting sex with women and the only
6 way to deal with horniness is through a
6 sexy woman&;s body she is the facilitator
6 of the sexual experience the gatekeeper
6 of the sexual experience if there is a
6 story in porno much of it is dedicated
6 to the horny man convincing the sexy
6 woman to have sex with him through any
6 means necessary wearing her down with
6 lies or coercing until she enables his
6 sexual experience if this story is to be
6 believed then I as a man am like a
6 Hungry Hobo forced to beg and plead
6 those who have food for a meal I have no
6 sex of my own and no means of attaining
6 sex without it coming from those who
6 have it I must request then plead and in
6 Desperate Times lie cheat and steal to
6 feed my sexual appetite how many times
6 can a person hear this story without
6 believing in it somewhat and by seeking
6 out porn whenever I felt horny I was in
6 a very literal way depending on a
6 woman&;s body for my own sexual
6 experience the porn I watched featured a
6 woman in sexual situations and so my
6 sexual experience was facilitated
6 through their bodies my orgasm required
6 the participation of a woman I will
6 never know who was kind enough to share
6 videos of her sexy lady bits with the
6 internet so men around the world may
6 have a sexy time my behavior embodied a
6 kind of sexual dependence on the body of
6 a woman I internalized this belief so
6 wholly and completely that it didn&;t
6 even occur to me that an alternative was
6 possible in my mind satisfying a sexual
6 craving required the fact simile of a
6 woman in the way satisfying hunger
6 required food even when I used my
6 imagination instead of porn to get off I
6 pictured a woman masturbating or
6 stripping I never thought of my myself
6 in a sexual context and never paid any
6 attention to my physical body or the
6 present reality of
6 masturbation I didn&;t just get this idea
6 from porn or sex ed in movies boys steal
6 underwear from girls or plot ways of
6 looking through door cracks and windows
6 to try to catch a peak of a woman
6 undressing ritualized violence depicted
6 as if it&;s natural and inevitable what
6 assumptions lead us to excuse boys
6 Behavior watching these movies I
6 understood the boy actions as the
6 inevitable consequence of their
6 castration
6 like a starving person who is reduced to
6 stealing to eat the boys in the movies
6 are forced to resort to non-consensual
6 means to satisfy their needs their
6 actions are pitiful more than anything
6 it&;s a tough position to be in as a man
6 to desire sexual or erotic experiences
6 but to feel unable to produce them on
6 your own what makes matters worse is the
6 degree to which we pathologize Men Who
6 Please themselves masturbation is
6 treated as dirty embarrassing sometimes
6 threatening this is especially true for
6 men buying sex toys is taboo I once
6 watched a standup comic say that buying
6 a Fleshlight is probably a sign that a
6 man is a serial killer incels are
6 notoriously entitled to women and their
6 body in some extreme cases incels have
6 argued that the government should
6 mandate that women become sexual
6 partners with single men
6 government-mandated girlfriends this is
6 ridiculous but on some level I
6 understand the logic despite what some
6 may say everyone is entitled to sex
6 including incels sex is a natural and in
6 some cases necessary part of being a
6 person it&;s something we&;re all capable
6 of if we imagine men require a woman to
6 experience sex and we acknowledge that
6 sex is something men are entitled to
6 then doesn&;t it stand a reason that men
6 are entitled to women it&;s easy to see
6 that the conclusion is false violent
6 even but most people seem to believe the
6 premise and instead of rejecting it will
6 deny men&;s entitlement to sex men are
6 not entitled to sex feels right and
6 reasonable to say but as a man deeply
6 ashamed of my own sexuality I could not
6 rid myself of my Hunger for sexual
6 experiences no matter matter how much I
6 told myself it wasn&;t something I was
6 entitled to on some very basic and
6 primordial level I knew I needed to
6 experience sex knowing I wasn&;t entitled
6 to it didn&;t make me need it less it
6 just made me feel more Shame about
6 wanting it I began to feel afraid of my
6 own sexuality if I felt even remotely
6 aroused while going about my day I would
6 fear that it would lead me to violate
6 someone around me at times I felt
6 convinced that I had somehow already
6 unknowingly violated someone after all
6 being turned on required a woman so if
6 I&;m turned on then I must must have done
6 something against a woman already even
6 if it wasn&;t clear to me who she was or
6 how I violated her what a tragic
6 disempowered and scary relationship to
6 have with a part of myself at some point
6 I became bored of pornography or needing
6 to try something new so I joined a chat
6 room on the internet where people
6 roleplay sexual encounters I realized as
6 I&;m sure many do that men are not very
6 desirable in these spaces and that the
6 internet grants us a degree of anonymity
6 so I role played as a woman I realized
6 while role playing as a woman on the
6 internet for the first time that I am
6 capable of locating sexiness Within
6 Myself there&;s a half joke half
6 observation people make about these
6 kinds of chat rooms that most women
6 there are secretly men people will often
6 view this as sad or pathetic but in that
6 moment I found it deeply empowering to
6 think two men role playing with each
6 other could produce something sexy on
6 their own I knew on some level that this
6 was a form of sex I still believe it is
6 exploring femininity is often a
6 necessary part of exploring one&;s
6 ability to be sexy I bought stockings
6 and a cute skirt and looked at myself in
6 the mirror and became aroused at my own
6 image it was easier to see myself as
6 sexy in a skirt than naked because I
6 already learned to associate the skirt
6 with sexiness men who dress in women&;s
6 clothing for erotic reasons are seen as
6 sociopathic murderers like in Silence of
6 the Lambs or psycho I became convinced
6 that what I was doing was somehow linked
6 to violence I worried that if people
6 discovered my stash of women&;s clothing
6 they would feel threatened by me
6 becoming more sexually empowered made me
6 more scared of myself the Journey of
6 relating to myself sexually in a way
6 that feels healthy and empowered is
6 tough painful and full of obstacles and
6 it&;s never complete but what hurts most
6 of all is that I can&;t help but wonder
6 what would have happened if it weren&;t
6 for the narratives adults in my life fed
6 me if it weren&;t for porn and movies
6 might I have maintained a sense of
6 sexual self-sufficiency I had when I
6 first started gaining a sexual awareness
6 it feels like I&;ve had my sexuality
6 taken from me stolen and I&;m forced to
6 recreate it discouraged from doing so at
6 every step it feels counterintuitive to
6 advocate for sexually empowering men we
6 live in a culture that excuses and
6 emboldens men&;s sexual violence men feel
6 entitled to women and their sexuality
6 their bodies but we need men to unlearn
6 those harmful attitudes of society and
6 we need men to feel self-sufficient sexy
6 and these take empowerment men need to
6 learn how to masturbate without looking
6 at images of a woman or imagining a
6 woman in their head but by getting in
6 touch with the eroticism of their own
6 body we need to promote narratives and
6 images of men who are sexy by and for
6 themselves the legitimacy and
6 completeness of masturbation as a form
6 of
6 sex thanks for watching if you liked
6 this video consider subscribing you can
6 also join my patreon where I&;m uploading
6 uncensored versions of all of the video
6 essays in this series special shout out
6 to the existing patreons for supporting
6 me
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