Disponible sur la plateforme YouTube, vidéo sur le thème « masturbate »
Le thème « masturbate » en vidéo par Helena Nista
Une vidéo, produite par Helena Nista et mise en ligne sur YouTube (le ), offre un angle nouveau dans le thème « masturbate ».
La plateforme YouTube regroupe toute sorte d’informations et de vidéos, avec des critiques détaillées, des présentation de thématiques et des analyses approfondies de la société.
À la date de notre visionnage (), la vidéo avait accumulé un certain nombre d’interactions. Le décompte de Likes indiquait: 18136.
8 Things to watch out for!), pour une vue d’ensemble complète, ainsi que la présentation faite par l’auteur :« MasturbationCoaching : https://helenanista.com/masturbation-coaching-online-course-men-women/ Est-il acceptable de se masturber tous les jours ? Ou est-ce nocif et peut provoquer des effets secondaires désagréables ? À quoi devez-vous faire attention si vous vous faites plaisir tous les jours ? Dans cette vidéo, je réponds à toutes ces questions et bien plus encore ! —
Merci de soutenir mon travail avec un petit don : – Patreon : https://patreon.com/helenanista – PayPal : https://paypal.me/helenanista —
Mes cours en ligne : – TantricMastery pour Hommes : https://helenanista.com/tantric-mastery-online-course/ – 0rgasmicEmpowerment pour les femmes : https://helenanista.com/orgasmic-empowerment-for-women/ – TantricSex pour les couples : https://helenanista.com/tantric-sex-for-couples/ – Comment lui faire plaisir : https://helenanista.com /comment-faire-plaisir-son-cours-en-ligne/ – Comment lui faire plaisir : https://helenanista.com/how-to-pleasure-him-online-course/ – MasturbationCoaching : https://helenanista.com/masturbation-coaching-online-course-men-women/ – Manifester avec SexMagic : https://courses.helenanista.com.au/courses/manifesting-with-sex-magic/ – Quelles femmes Je veux : https://courses.helenanista.com.au/courses/what-women-want —
Mes autres ressources : – mon site internet : https://helenanista.com/ – mon vlog : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq9GnqoiylZ8zcKwZBD9FWg – mon livre : https://helenanista.com/legendary-lover-book/ —
Mes réseaux sociaux : – IG : https://www.instagram .com/helena_nista_/ – Fb : https://www.facebook.com/helenanista —
MUSIQUE J’utilise : https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/usc1s1/ — Chapitres : 0:00 Intro 0:41 Très important ! 1:01 Racines de la culpabilité et de la honte 2:11 Effet secondaire n°1 3:15 Effet secondaire n°2 4:01 Effet secondaire n°3 5:00 Effet secondaire n°4 6:09 Effet secondaire n°5 7:19 Effet secondaire n°6 8:13 Effet secondaire n°7 9:11 Effet secondaire n°8 10:58 Outro — CELA SE PRODUIRA SI VOUS VOUS MASTURBEZ TOUS LES JOURS ».
Vous pouvez regarder la vidéo juste en dessous
Réfléchir aux facteurs sous-jacents à la croissance de cette pratique
Évaluer les effets combinés de la solitude et du désir
Le manque de satisfaction dans un couple ou dans la vie personnelle, couplé à la solitude, peuvent aussi pousser à cette pratique.
Analyser les effets comportementaux de l’exposition à la pornographie
La pornographie est une cause déterminante. Elle intensifie souvent le désir de masturbation et peut perturber la vision de la sexualité.
Étudier les éléments liés à la psychologie et aux émotions
Le stress, l’anxiété ou un sentiment d’insatisfaction dans d’autres domaines de la vie peuvent mener à cette pratique excessive.
Évaluer les répercussions positives d’un arrêt réussi
Souligner les progrès dans la qualité des interactions sociales
Les liens avec un partenaire s’enrichissent, marqués par une connexion émotionnelle et physique plus forte.
Présenter le chemin vers une harmonie durable
Réduire la dépendance permet de profiter de changements durables dans la vie personnelle, professionnelle et sociale.
Présenter les étapes vers un équilibre mental amélioré
L’arrêt de cette pratique peut conduire à une augmentation de l’énergie, à une humeur plus stable et à une concentration améliorée.
Sexualité et addiction à la masturbation : trouver des solutions
Pour certaines personnes, hommes et femmes, la masturbation est un acte naturel souvent associé à l’exploration de la sexualité. Toutefois, lorsque cette pratique prend le dessus et se mue en addiction, elle peut interférer avec divers aspects de la vie, rendant le processus d’arrêt particulièrement difficile.
Faire le point sur la dépendance à la masturbation et ses conséquences
Observer les manifestations d’une dépendance
La dépendance à la masturbation peut se traduire par une fréquence croissante et une difficulté à limiter l’activité, ce qui peut entraîner des problèmes dans la vie intime et affective.
Observer les influences sur le bien-être physique et mental
L’addiction à la masturbation, souvent liée à un usage excessif de pornographie, perturbe le système dopaminergique, entraînant des problèmes tels que l’éjaculation précoce, la fatigue ou un manque de satisfaction sexuelle.
Donner une définition claire de la masturbation et ses usages
Activité sexuelle courante, la masturbation est souvent reconnue pour ses effets positifs sur la santé, notamment la diminution du stress et une meilleure connaissance de son corps. Néanmoins, lorsqu’elle est pratiquée de manière fréquente, elle peut devenir problématique.
Concevoir un programme pour arrêter cette habitude
Faire ressortir la nécessité de l’entraide sociale
- Consulter un sexologue : Un expert peut fournir des conseils personnalisés. c’est le cas de ce spécialiste de la chasteté installé en France.
- Rejoindre des groupes de soutien : Discuter avec d’autres permet de rester concentré sur ses objectifs.
Offrir des approches efficaces pour diminuer cette pratique
- Repérer les éléments déclencheurs : Notez ce qui vous incite à avoir envie.
- Analyser les éléments déclencheurs : Prenez conscience de ce qui crée l’envie.
- Repérer les déclencheurs d’envie : Identifiez les situations qui provoquent ce besoin.
Mettre en avant des actions à entreprendre pour éviter les rechutes
- Établir une routine quotidienne : Organisez vos journées avec des tâches et activités prévues.
- Mettre en place un emploi du temps clair : Remplissez chaque moment de votre journée avec des activités productives.
En définitive
Se défaire de la masturbation excessive est un chemin qui nécessite du temps et une grande persévérance. En établissant un plan précis et en s’entourant d’un soutien adapté, il devient possible de réussir ce défi et de récolter les fruits d’une vie plus épanouie et orientée vers des objectifs enrichissants.
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la source: Cliquer ici
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: What will happen to you if you masturbate daily? What are the risks, what are the side effects and what should you be mindful of? My name is Helena Nista and I am your favourite sexologist online. And this is the place where we talk about sex, pleasure, intimacy, relationships and all that you need to know in order to have the most epic sex life possible. So I get asked this question so often that it really is time we talk about this – what will actually happen to you if you masturbate daily. Is it actually okay to do that? Or is it not? And what should you look out for or be mindful of or just be aware of when it comes to daily or almost daily masturbation in your own life. So I really want to start this conversation by saying that while there are things to be mindful of that I will address just in a moment, daily masturbation is a very healthy, normal, natural, fun and pleasurable thing to do. Yes, you can masturbate every day. No, nothing terrible will happen to you, to your body, to your fertility, etc. And I really think that it is a matter of just conditioning – shaming, religious conditioning, social conditioning, toxic messages and unhealthy beliefs we are getting about masturbation throughout our childhood, particularly throughout our early years but also later on in our lives as well. So I really think that the reason why this question comes up so often under my videos and in messages and emails that I get from you guys is that there’s been just so much mental conditioning that we’ve been receiving for so many years now that there is something wrong with masturbating and particularly with masturbating frequently. The truth is that you can masturbate and you can do it daily. You can even do it twice daily or three times a day but I wouldn’t quite recommend it because of certain side effects that can affect your life, your health, your energy levels, your relationship, etc. So, let’s address all these different things that you should be mindful of if you do want to or choose to masturbate daily or almost daily. Feeling guilty can be a side effect related to that conditioning. If you’ve heard for many years or most of your life that you shouldn’t masturbate or that it’s wrong or shameful or that you shouldn’t masturbate in a relationship, etc., this kind of toxic and unhealthy beliefs will keep sort of haunting you in a way. So when you find yourself masturbating and feeling really guilty about it and carrying then that guilt around with you in your daily life, that is something that is a side effect, that is something that is going to negatively impact your life, your happiness, your level of joy in life and your level of enjoyment of your body and of your masturbation. So if that’s something you’re experiencing, I would definitely recommend that you speak to a therapist about it. Or if you prefer not, I would recommend that you check out my online course Masturbation Coaching because it has very powerful tools and techniques and practices to help you overcome the shame or the guilt and create a much healthier and more expansive and more pleasurable and deeper masturbation practices in your life. If you’re in a relationship and you’re masturbating daily or frequently, that can affect your libido with your partner and your desire for sex with your partner. It can also affect the amount and quality of time that you have with your partner together. So if you’re finding that you don’t have a lot of time maybe in the evening with your partner because you’re masturbating or you’re choosing to masturbate over spending time with your partner, that is something to really keep in mind and maybe then think about reducing your masturbation time. But if you’re also finding that you’re not desiring sex with your partner as much or that your libido around your partner isn’t very high, then that can be also related to your masturbation habits. Frequent masturbation and particularly frequent ejaculation can also affect your ability to get hard. So if you’re finding that you’re struggling at times, or more often that you would like to admit, that you’re struggling to get hard when you want to be hard, then that can be due to your frequent masturbation patterns where your body is quite often in a state of refractory period. I hope you know about refractory period which means that after you ejaculate for a period of time you’re unable to get another erection. So that period of time can mean a few minutes but it can also mean many hours or even several days. So if you masturbate and ejaculate frequently, that might mean that you are in sort of prolonged refractory periods which might mean that then your body is actually struggling to produce another erection because of that kind of still lingering refractory period. The frequent masturbation can also lead to feeling drained, tired or depleted in your body and in your energy levels, particularly if your masturbation is focused externally, on that release, on that physical release, on that ejaculation. And this point doesn’t concern women as much because we typically or basically don’t ejaculate during masturbation. So we tend to keep our energy inside of the body so it’s easier for us to retain that sexual and orgasmic energy in our bodies. So that then we can actually feel energized and rejuvenated and just really wonderful and full of energy after masturbation, as opposed to feeling tired, drying and ready to go to sleep, which is what men tend to do or tend to experience after ejaculating. So if that’s something that you are experiencing and if you would like to learn what you can do in order to redirect that energy internally, so that you too can feel refreshed, rejuvenated and full of energy after masturbation, then make sure to check out that Masturbation Coaching online course because it will really help you. You might be also experiencing reduced sensitivity, particularly in your genitals, in your genital area. If you’re finding that it takes you more time or more stimulation to actually make yourself come or if you’re finding that you need to use more aggressive strokes or more intense kind of stimulation, or that you’re struggling to actually get or remain aroused with your partner – whether that’s getting wet for the ladies or getting hard for the men, that might mean that you have actually reduced the sensitivity of your genital area through masturbation. And that typically happens if the masturbation is not only frequent but it’s also quite aggressive. This can be also easily reversed with the techniques I share in my Masturbation Coaching online course so don’t worry about it, there’s plenty of things you can do but just be aware – how are you actually touching yourself and how aggressive you are or how intense you are with your touch. And whether it’s affecting your sensitivity and the level of pleasure, bliss and orgasmicness that you can feel in your body. Let’s talk about prostate cancer because this is a very serious topic. And this is actually also a reason of many of these questions about frequent ejaculation and frequent masturbation in men. So to date we don’t have any conclusive data that would definitely show that frequent masturbation can be a factor contributing to having, to a man having prostate cancer. There’s been actually a number of studies that have shown that men who ejaculate frequently (at least five times per week), that their risk of having or getting a prostate cancer is actually reduced. But then there was another study which kind of contradicted those results. So in the end, we don’t actually know for sure what the story is, what exactly the link is between frequent masturbation and prostate cancer. Another risk related to frequent masturbation is that it can be a form of escapism. So if you are finding yourself in a life situation that requires certain action or certain difficult decisions to be made, or you’re just struggling because things are just not ideal in your life and you’re sort of escaping from these negative feelings or emotional, mental discomfort, if you’re escaping into a daily or frequent masturbation without actually addressing these problems in your life then that creates a problem in itself. Because if it is – please, please consider seeing a therapist, please consider actually facing your problems, facing your life in a way that will actually create results – lasting, positive results in your life as opposed to just escaping to masturbation on a daily basis. And finally, I do want to just touch briefly on the topic of excessive masturbation. Because that exists, that’s a real thing. This is why I was kind of warning you at the beginning about masturbating two – three times a day, for example. Mind you, for some men masturbating daily can be excessive, according to how that excessive masturbation actually affects your life. So you do masturbate excessively if you are finding yourself skipping on your duties, not making it to work or to school on time and not being able to do the things in your daily life that a responsible adult person should be doing. Whether that’s helping your partner or getting stuff done and being a responsible person or a member of the society, of your family, of your friends group, friendship groups, etc. So basically, if you are choosing to masturbate and as a result you neglect things that you really shouldn’t be neglecting in your life, then that will fall under the umbrella of excessive masturbation. And this is something to really have a serious conversation with yourself about. Have a hard look at yourself and your masturbatory habits and maybe create something healthier for yourself, whether that means just making positive choices in your life or speaking to a good friend about this, seeking support of your friends or family, or actually looking for a therapist who can really support you on your journey of reclaiming your life and not masturbating excessively, so that you can be the kind of happy, healthy, fulfilled, energized, etc. human being that you want to be. And if you’d like to learn an amazing, so simple but such a powerful masturbation technique that will increase your pleasure and multiply the strength and power of your orgasms, make sure to watch this video next! .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
0.18 What will happen to you if you masturbate daily?
What are the risks, what are the side effects and
0.18 what should you be mindful of? My name is Helena
Nista and I am your favourite sexologist online.
0.18 And this is the place where we talk about sex,
pleasure, intimacy, relationships and all that
0.18 you need to know in order to have the most epic
sex life possible. So I get asked this question
0.18 so often that it really is time we talk about
this – what will actually happen to you if you
0.18 masturbate daily. Is it actually okay to do
that? Or is it not? And what should you look
0.18 out for or be mindful of or just be aware of when
it comes to daily or almost daily masturbation in
0.18 your own life. So I really want to start this
conversation by saying that while there are
0.18 things to be mindful of that I will address just
in a moment, daily masturbation is a very healthy,
0.18 normal, natural, fun and pleasurable thing
to do. Yes, you can masturbate every day. No,
0.18 nothing terrible will happen to you, to your body,
to your fertility, etc. And I really think that it
0.18 is a matter of just conditioning – shaming,
religious conditioning, social conditioning,
0.18 toxic messages and unhealthy beliefs we
are getting about masturbation throughout
0.18 our childhood, particularly throughout our early
years but also later on in our lives as well. So
0.18 I really think that the reason why this question
comes up so often under my videos and in messages
0.18 and emails that I get from you guys is that
there&;s been just so much mental conditioning
0.18 that we&;ve been receiving for so many years now
that there is something wrong with masturbating
0.18 and particularly with masturbating frequently. The
truth is that you can masturbate and you can do it
0.18 daily. You can even do it twice daily or three
times a day but I wouldn&;t quite recommend it
0.18 because of certain side effects that can affect
your life, your health, your energy levels, your
0.18 relationship, etc. So, let&;s address all these
different things that you should be mindful of
0.18 if you do want to or choose to masturbate daily or
almost daily. Feeling guilty can be a side effect
0.18 related to that conditioning. If you&;ve heard for
many years or most of your life that you shouldn&;t
0.18 masturbate or that it&;s wrong or shameful or that
you shouldn&;t masturbate in a relationship, etc.,
0.18 this kind of toxic and unhealthy beliefs will keep
sort of haunting you in a way. So when you find
0.18 yourself masturbating and feeling really guilty
about it and carrying then that guilt around with
0.18 you in your daily life, that is something that is
a side effect, that is something that is going to
0.18 negatively impact your life, your happiness, your
level of joy in life and your level of enjoyment
0.18 of your body and of your masturbation. So if
that&;s something you&;re experiencing, I would
0.18 definitely recommend that you speak to a therapist
about it. Or if you prefer not, I would recommend
0.18 that you check out my online course Masturbation
Coaching because it has very powerful tools and
0.18 techniques and practices to help you overcome the
shame or the guilt and create a much healthier and
0.18 more expansive and more pleasurable and deeper
masturbation practices in your life. If you&;re
0.18 in a relationship and you&;re masturbating daily or
frequently, that can affect your libido with your
0.18 partner and your desire for sex with your partner.
It can also affect the amount and quality of time
0.18 that you have with your partner together. So
if you&;re finding that you don&;t have a lot
0.18 of time maybe in the evening with your partner
because you&;re masturbating or you&;re choosing to
0.18 masturbate over spending time with your partner,
that is something to really keep in mind and maybe
0.18 then think about reducing your masturbation
time. But if you&;re also finding that you&;re
0.18 not desiring sex with your partner as much or that
your libido around your partner isn&;t very high,
0.18 then that can be also related to your masturbation
habits. Frequent masturbation and particularly
0.18 frequent ejaculation can also affect your ability
to get hard. So if you&;re finding that you&;re
0.18 struggling at times, or more often that you would
like to admit, that you&;re struggling to get hard
0.18 when you want to be hard, then that can be due
to your frequent masturbation patterns where
0.18 your body is quite often in a state of refractory
period. I hope you know about refractory period
0.18 which means that after you ejaculate for a
period of time you&;re unable to get another
0.18 erection. So that period of time can mean a few
minutes but it can also mean many hours or even
0.18 several days. So if you masturbate and ejaculate
frequently, that might mean that you are in sort
0.18 of prolonged refractory periods which might mean
that then your body is actually struggling to
0.18 produce another erection because of that kind of
still lingering refractory period. The frequent
0.18 masturbation can also lead to feeling drained,
tired or depleted in your body and in your energy
0.18 levels, particularly if your masturbation
is focused externally, on that release,
0.18 on that physical release, on that ejaculation. And
this point doesn&;t concern women as much because
0.18 we typically or basically don&;t ejaculate during
masturbation. So we tend to keep our energy inside
0.18 of the body so it&;s easier for us to retain
that sexual and orgasmic energy in our bodies.
0.18 So that then we can actually feel energized
and rejuvenated and just really wonderful and
0.18 full of energy after masturbation, as opposed to
feeling tired, drying and ready to go to sleep,
0.18 which is what men tend to do or tend to experience
after ejaculating. So if that&;s something that you
0.18 are experiencing and if you would like to learn
what you can do in order to redirect that energy
0.18 internally, so that you too can feel refreshed,
rejuvenated and full of energy after masturbation,
0.18 then make sure to check out that Masturbation
Coaching online course because it will really
0.18 help you. You might be also experiencing reduced
sensitivity, particularly in your genitals,
0.18 in your genital area. If you&;re finding that
it takes you more time or more stimulation to
0.18 actually make yourself come or if you&;re finding
that you need to use more aggressive strokes or
0.18 more intense kind of stimulation, or that you&;re
struggling to actually get or remain aroused with
0.18 your partner – whether that&;s getting wet
for the ladies or getting hard for the men,
0.18 that might mean that you have actually reduced
the sensitivity of your genital area through
0.18 masturbation. And that typically happens if the
masturbation is not only frequent but it&;s also
0.18 quite aggressive. This can be also easily reversed
with the techniques I share in my Masturbation
0.18 Coaching online course so don&;t worry about it,
there&;s plenty of things you can do but just be
0.18 aware – how are you actually touching yourself
and how aggressive you are or how intense you are
0.18 with your touch. And whether it&;s affecting your
sensitivity and the level of pleasure, bliss and
0.18 orgasmicness that you can feel in your body. Let&;s
talk about prostate cancer because this is a very
0.18 serious topic. And this is actually also
a reason of many of these questions about
0.18 frequent ejaculation and frequent masturbation
in men. So to date we don&;t have any conclusive
0.18 data that would definitely show that frequent
masturbation can be a factor contributing to
0.18 having, to a man having prostate cancer. There&;s
been actually a number of studies that have shown
0.18 that men who ejaculate frequently (at least five
times per week), that their risk of having or
0.18 getting a prostate cancer is actually reduced.
But then there was another study which kind of
0.18 contradicted those results. So in the end, we
don&;t actually know for sure what the story is,
0.18 what exactly the link is between frequent
masturbation and prostate cancer. Another risk
0.18 related to frequent masturbation is that it can be
a form of escapism. So if you are finding yourself
0.18 in a life situation that requires certain action
or certain difficult decisions to be made,
0.18 or you&;re just struggling because things are just
not ideal in your life and you&;re sort of escaping
0.18 from these negative feelings or emotional,
mental discomfort, if you&;re escaping into
0.18 a daily or frequent masturbation without actually
addressing these problems in your life then that
0.18 creates a problem in itself. Because if it is
– please, please consider seeing a therapist,
0.18 please consider actually facing your problems,
facing your life in a way that will actually
0.18 create results – lasting, positive results in your
life as opposed to just escaping to masturbation
0.18 on a daily basis. And finally, I do want to
just touch briefly on the topic of excessive
0.18 masturbation. Because that exists, that&;s a real
thing. This is why I was kind of warning you
0.18 at the beginning about masturbating two – three
times a day, for example. Mind you, for some men
0.18 masturbating daily can be excessive, according to
how that excessive masturbation actually affects
0.18 your life. So you do masturbate excessively if
you are finding yourself skipping on your duties,
0.18 not making it to work or to school on time and
not being able to do the things in your daily
0.18 life that a responsible adult person should
be doing. Whether that&;s helping your partner
0.18 or getting stuff done and being a responsible
person or a member of the society, of your family,
0.18 of your friends group, friendship groups, etc.
So basically, if you are choosing to masturbate
0.18 and as a result you neglect things that you
really shouldn&;t be neglecting in your life,
0.18 then that will fall under the umbrella of
excessive masturbation. And this is something to
0.18 really have a serious conversation with yourself
about. Have a hard look at yourself and your
0.18 masturbatory habits and maybe create something
healthier for yourself, whether that means just
0.18 making positive choices in your life or speaking
to a good friend about this, seeking support of
0.18 your friends or family, or actually looking
for a therapist who can really support you
0.18 on your journey of reclaiming your life and not
masturbating excessively, so that you can be the
0.18 kind of happy, healthy, fulfilled, energized, etc.
human being that you want to be. And if you&;d like
0.18 to learn an amazing, so simple but such a powerful
masturbation technique that will increase your
0.18 pleasure and multiply the strength and power of
your orgasms, make sure to watch this video next!
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