chasteté,Chapelle LIVE STREAM Culte

Chapelle LIVE STREAM Culte | 5 janvier | Sexualité

Publié sur YouTube, le thème « chasteté » exploré en vidéo

Vidéo sur le thème « chasteté » par The Chapel

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January 5 « Le sexe était l’idée de Dieu. Il l’a créé dès le début, et c’était bien, mais aujourd’hui, nous semblons divisés sur la position biblique et la posture de vivre dans ce cadre. Rejoignez-nous ce dimanche alors que le pasteur Brandon discute du désir de Dieu que nous vivions personnellement dans la pureté sexuelle sans condamner sexuellement les autres. Nous serions ravis de vous inviter à nous rejoindre à l’église le dimanche à 9h00 ou 10h30 ! EN PERSONNE ou EN LIGNE @ The Chapel – 2505 W Hamilton Rd, Fort Wayne, IN 46814 #church #churchonline #fortwayne #indiana #christian #christianity #jesus #bible #god #believe #grow #serve #changeyourworld ».

La vidéo est accessible directement sous ce paragraphe

Les ceintures de chasteté pour hommes ont vu le jour.

Les ceintures de chasteté masculines semblent être apparues dans la sexualité seulement au XVIIIe et XIXe siècle. Elles servaient avant tout à des fins médicales, éducatives pour les jeunes adultes, pour limiter la masturbation, les relations sexuelles hors mariage, l’infidélité, et aussi par respect pour Dieu, indépendamment de la religion. Ce don de chasteté, façonné par le respect de Dieu, marque un engagement pour une vie plus pure et consacrée.

La chasteté au sein du mariage est souvent perçue comme un indicateur d’amour authentique entre les conjoints. Elle est souvent liée à un engagement mutuel et à une volonté de préserver l’intimité du couple. Elle peut également symboliser un respect sincère pour les valeurs partagées entre les partenaires.

La chasteté conjugale accroît l’amour ainsi que la confiance entre les conjoints. Elle permet de maintenir la flamme réciproque, même si c’est seulement l’homme qui s’y consacre. La chasteté est valorisée par l’Église de Vatican II comme une vertu cruciale du mariage et du service religieux. L’engagement de chasteté est un don sacré, un hommage à Dieu et un respect des saints, consolidant l’amour conjugal en le dédiant à la sainteté.

La vertu de chasteté est souvent associée au comportement avant le mariage. Des croyances religieuses ou culturelles poussent souvent à cette pratique. Adopter cette norme est souvent associé à une grande discipline personnelle. Les programmes éducatifs religieux incluent souvent des principes concernant la chasteté avant le mariage.

L’engagement de chasteté avant le mariage est profond pour un couple, peu importe ses croyances en Dieu. Maintenir la pureté corporelle avant l’union est fréquemment perçu comme un don précieux pour une femme. La virginité de la mariée est une fierté immense pour elle, sa famille et son mari dans toutes les religions, y compris l’Islam. Pour un garçon, respecter la chasteté avant le mariage peut s’avérer particulièrement difficile. Sans l’utilisation de dispositifs tels qu’une cage de chasteté, il est difficile pour un garçon de conserver une abstinence sexuelle jusqu’à l’union. Se battre pour la maîtrise de soi est une démonstration sincère d’amour qui prépare le couple à une relation respectueuse. Maintenir la continence avant le mariage est non seulement une question de pureté corporelle, mais aussi une préparation spirituelle pour une union conjugale harmonieuse. En suivant cette voie, on contribue à bâtir une sexualité stable pour les futurs partenaires.

La chasteté et la fidélité sont un engagement profond envers l’autre.

Du regard de l’époux, la fidélité et la chasteté conjugale sont indissociables. La fidélité ne se limite pas à éviter la sexualité extraconjugale ; elle englobe également la pureté des regards et des actions. La relation de confiance avec son épouse est intimement liée à la gestion des pulsions sexuelles. Le thème de la chasteté conjugale est abordé en détail dans ce dossier qui traite de la chasteté conjugale .

Cela comprend la lutte contre la pornographie, l’évitement des relations intimes avec d’autres femmes, et le refus de flirter. Par conséquent, la chasteté se manifeste comme un don de soi, sauvegardant non seulement l’époux et son corps, mais aussi la famille, l’enfant et le foyer des dangers extérieurs.

Le service de l’amour est renforcé par la chasteté conjugale.

Pour s’assurer de la fidélité et de la chasteté de l’homme, les couples imposent souvent des règles de vie et de sexualité. Ce n’est pas que la femme soit plus libre de commettre des aventures extraconjugales, mais elle a en règle générale un plus grand capital de confiance. La réalité est que la chasteté conjugale s’applique principalement au mari dans 95 % des cas. L’homme doit porter un dispositif de chasteté, tel qu’une cage de chasteté, qui enferme son pénis et interdit toute activité sexuelle. En matière d’efficacité, la cage de chasteté est irréprochable. Une fois verrouillée autour des organes génitaux, la cage maintient le pénis en position de repos, replié vers le bas sur les testicules. L’homme doit se détacher de toute pensée et activité sexuelle, se concentrant sur la libération et la jouissance avec son âme sœur. Ce sacrifice traduit un don de soi, un acte d’amour offert sous le regard divin.

L’image de l’homme volage.

Autrement dit, l’homme est souvent jugé comme ayant une propension plus élevée à la volage et à la masturbation en dehors du couple. C’est pour cette raison qu’il est tenu de respecter des règles de chasteté plus rigoureuses pour mériter la confiance de son partenaire. Par amour, il peut consacrer toute son énergie, son désir et son affection, comme un acte divin guidé par Dieu. Ce don de soi incarne un engagement profond, un reflet de la sainteté à laquelle chaque homme est appelé.

La chasteté à travers l’histoire.

Il y a une nette différence entre la chasteté moderne et celle du temps médiéval. Le doute autour de la chasteté était surtout orienté vers les femmes au Moyen Âge. Les anecdotes, dont la véracité varie, racontent que les maris imposaient des ceintures de chasteté à leurs épouses lorsqu’ils s’absentaient. Les situations de chasteté réciproque sont rares dans les descriptions historiques.

La pratique de la chasteté est une discipline personnelle fondamentale pour les hommes. Chez les hommes, la chasteté est souvent interprétée comme une forme stricte d’autodiscipline. Pour garder la chasteté, un engagement profond envers soi-même est requis. La pratique de la chasteté masculine renforce souvent l’autodiscipline, la volonté et le caractère.

Maintenir la chasteté conjugale aide à garder la flamme réciproque vivante, même si seulement le mari la pratique. L’Église catholique reconnait la chasteté comme une vertu de premier plan dans la vie. Cette vertu représente un don de soi au Christ, à Dieu et à l’autre, tel que démontré par la vie des saints. À l’instar du Christ, les saints ont souvent fait le choix de lier leur chasteté à un don complet de leur vie à Dieu. Saint Joseph, le mari de la Vierge Marie, est souvent pris en exemple pour sa vie de chasteté conjugale. Selon une anecdote, Saint Bernard de Clairvaux, moine cistercien du XIIe siècle, s’est jeté dans un buisson d’épines pour dominer ses désirs. Saint François d’Assise, avant de se donner à Dieu et au Christ, menait une vie de plaisir et de luxe. Saint François d’Assise, répondant à un appel profond de Dieu, choisit de vivre dans la pauvreté et la chasteté. La famille de Saint Thomas d’Aquin tenta de le détourner de la vie monastique lorsqu’il était jeune. Selon les récits, Saint Thomas d’Aquin aurait utilisé un tison ardent pour repousser une femme envoyée pour le séduire. Sainte Maria Goretti, alors âgée de 11 ans, choisit de mourir plutôt que d’accepter le péché.

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#Chapelle #LIVE #STREAM #Culte #janvier #Sexualité

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: well welcome to the chapel I’m Brandon holler a senior pastor here if you’re new uh I’d love to meet you uh this uh uh was was shared we have an open house next uh week I’ll be there but also the day after that on January 20th I’m going to be at the membership meeting at 6:30 does everybody know what’s January 20th I did not plan this out very well I got to just be honest about that uh January 20th is the national championship game it’s uh uh Notre Dame versus another team I’m not sure who they are but uh I’ll tell you this uh the game starts at 7:30 membership classes at 6:30 uh I’m excited to share with you uh the chapel uh Mission value strategy and all that faster than any membership class in the history of the chapel so looking forward to to to seeing you all there we are a we’re in a series called position in posture uh seeking the truth uh in Doctrine in life uh there’s so many questions out there about where does the where where does the church where does Jesus stand on position and what we believe as all uh as well as uh how do we uh uh how how do we look at the life of Jesus look into scripture and see what should our posture be uh as we enter into uh Sometimes some some controversial aspects and categories in our lives what do we mean by position position is simply this uh position refers to the truth uh found in God’s worth which guides what we uh what we believe and then posture uh very much goes along with that posture also on the other side refers to the demeanor modeled in God’s word to which guides how we live last week we began the series uh really using Jesus of course as the template of what we hope to follow he was described uh by the Apostle John uh in his gospel chapter 1 ver14 is Jesus being full of grace and truth and we would see it in different stories when he was with uh the sinful woman and people wanted to Stone her what did Jesus do extended Grace by saying hey those of you who are without sin cast the first stone and people started dropping the stones and walked away and then what did he do he turned to the woman and said go in sin no more we see uh this combination uh of those two things coming together we also see it uh described in many of the uh the eyewitnesses of Jesus’s resurrection those that saw Jesus after he rose from the dead people like the Apostle Paul who had a uh had an encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus eventually becomes a follower of him and writes this letter uh to the city in Corinth which was a a highly a highly uh immoral uh City at that time Greco Roman city he talks about love this way because often we think of love what it means to be Love is All posture no position well that’s not how we describes it in in 1 Corinthians chapter 13 He describes it this way love is patient love is kind it does not envy it does not boast it is not arrogant rude does not insist on its own ways or irritable or resentful there so so many aspects of love where we must understand that kindness and patience we see that in Jesus all the time that it should be emulated in our lives as well yet at the same time this passage and what love is what love requires of us is not just a posture of patience and kindness but listen not afraid to be able to tell the truth look at what the verse says it does not rejoice at wrong wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth that in many ways one of the most difficult pieces of following Jes Jesus is is understanding that these are two puzzle pieces that are meant to come together he did it perfectly he did it all the time he was not a balance 5050 of Grace and Truth he was 100% Grace 100% truth those are meant to be able to come together and one of the main reasons we need to do this series is because we usually Teeter on one side or the other don’t we there are those of us that are more that are more positioned boy there’s good aspects of it we have strong convictions we care about what’s truth but sometimes we can go too far and really become judgmental yet on the other side some of us go to to the the the balance tips over here and we become more more posture at the expense of position boy I I love having these people around me because they’re very they’re very accepting very forgiving but it can just result in like what then what is true what can we what can we put our two feet when it comes to Solid Ground on on even moral ethical pieces of our lives and so one of the ways that we ended the sermon last Sunday was was for us hopefully and I pray that you will join me in this of just saying I need to be open in this series to be able to make a position shift maybe where I something that I thought wasn’t true it’s actually true something that I thought uh what true isn’t true that I need to make a position shift towards what what what scripture says what Jesus says is really the truth and begin to rejoice in that or some of us need to make a posture shift that that we have that we have fallen into this judgmentalism as we teetered one way and we need to to to add this posture of kindness and impatience uh to other people because when it comes to being a follower of Jesus the person who desires to follow him is committed to following him in both position and posture I was having lunch uh last month with uh a beloved friend of mine his name is Luther Whitfield many if you’re aware of who he is he’s a senior pastor of New Covenant Church on the south uh Southeast side here in Fort Wayne the chapel uh we’ve had a partnership with them for for over 20 years and he and I are having lunch last uh month and he described the church as needing to be this way he said Brandon the way I describe is the church is meant to be a hospital not hospice and I had to think about that for a moment this is what he said he so he said you know in a hospital people go to it knowing that they’re sick and know that they are in need of healing that’s what the church is meant to be the church is not meant to be um people coming to it that don’t think that there’s anything wrong with them no the church is a collection of people that have a commonality which is we’re all Fallen we’re all sick and we need a great physician to be able to not just forgive us but to heal us and to help us to become more like him but he said all too often Church churches are like hospice which are such a blessing to us here in the real world but when we View Church as a hospice we are looking for a place to just cover up the pain and to keep us comfortable he said that’s not what the church is about it’s meant to be a hospital for people who recognize they’re sick and they need a Healer and I couldn’t agree more and I and and over these next three weeks we want to talk about that and really just come to this common recognition that we’re all sinners in need of a savior and yet at the same time because of Jesus full of grace and truth it’s really important for us to be able to ask these questions what is what is true and what is love and how I live that out in the posture of my life today we’re going to talk about a difficult topic it may be awkward for you um guys we may get offended today because sometimes sometimes that’s what happens we’re going to talk about the realm of sexuality and if you’ve got if you like to bring your kid into church this is going to be a little bit more of an adult conversation you may want to take them down to to our kids area right now if that’s the case that’s fine go ahead and get up but we but we need to talk about it and I really want want to talk about throughout this discussion sometimes I’m going to talk about a position piece when it comes to this sometimes we’re going to talk about a posture um piece of this puzzle but I want to begin with both and to tell you why this topic is really important it’s really important is because we we have a problem we have a major problem in the realm of two things with respect to position we’ve got a problem in the church when it comes to sexual Integrity as well as a problem when it comes to posture in the realm of sexual condemnation 56% of Christian teens in the United States believe it’s okay to have sex before marriage compared to 76% of of non-Christian peers however Christian teens are more sexually active than non-christians for example 36% of never married Christian teens have been sexually active compared to 31% of non-christians got a problem when when it comes to consumption of pornography in 2015 they did a study of the number of us adults consuming pornography and have compared it to today and have seen a consistent rise when it came to adults in 2015 55% of us adults consumed pornography but there’s been a 6 percentage Point increase to 61% presently all too often there’s a misconception this is a this is a guy problem this is a man problem but there is an also a notable uptick in the number of women accessing pornographic content 39% in 2015 up to 44% now in 2024 this is a study done in October when it comes to the realm of sexual um Integrity or just sexuality just in general there are churches that are divided on the topic of homosexuality whether whether it is a sin whether it isn’t how what our position should be and what our posture should be in that as well to the point that churches are are breaking and entering into fractions amongst themselves because of this very topic we struggle with trying to be clear and concise when it comes to our position but also can be extremely destructive when it comes to our posture Preston sprinkle wrote a book called people to be loved referring to those that are a part of the LGBT community and he shares a story of Eric Borges uh and and the torture that he went through growing up having a samesex attraction as far as he can remember he was born and and raised in a Conservative Christian family but throughout his entire upbringing all the time throughout school he was bullied spit upon physically abused beaten up in the middle of the classroom while a teacher was right there who did absolutely nothing when it came to his sophomore year of college Eric came out eventually to his parents and he told them they were gay and after it says here after performing an exorcism on their son they told him among other things that he was disgusting perverted unnatural and Damned to Hell later that year they kicked him out of the house and in 2011 he went to YouTube uh to be able to share a story had hopes that it would be encouraging and helpful for other people and one month later he took his life you see those kids who are um uh identify as lgbtq are 91% more likely to be bullied in school two times more likely to commit suicide eight times more likely if they have a negative experience with their family when they come out and it gets even worse typically when they come to people like me to be able to share when they come they talk to religious leaders the rate goes higher for some odd reason I had a friend of mine around 10 years ago and uh man he uh I know I I knew he was gay and I was wanting to have a conversation with him because of my interactions around him in the years that I’ve known him I believed it could just see evidence of the fact that he loved Jesus verbally and pointing people to Christ yet he was living with his partner and EV and everyone knew it and and and I approached him one day and I and I just said hey can can we have a conversation because I look at you and I go man you love the Lord um but but you’re living with your partner can we get together and talk about this like help me to understand and he said he said Brandon I want to go I want to go for a walk with you can you meet me at 6:30 in the morning and I said sure we started on the walk you know what he said and this is this is a man later in his life he said you’re the first person to ever ask me about this first person to ever bring it up first person to ever ask me um uh about my sexuality about my faith in Jesus and how um and and how they work and how I how I’m navigating it you’re the first person to ever care enough to even ask and and we talked about that and and and guys I I may not agree with how he came to a point of saying you know God and I had to come to to an agreement he and I may not agree on that but what but what I learned from him is that people didn’t care enough to ask and he was genuinely scared to be able to come out but he was even more were frightened to not come out because he saw people that were friends of him take their own lives because of the torture that existed as they were battling these tensions uh that they had inside of them Creston sprinkle says this about the church that it should be a place that has got the most loving environment with people of of of of any part of of the realm of sexuality whether heterosexual or homosexual should find a loving Community he says this that most people who are attracted to the same seex don’t end up leaving the church because they were told that same-sex behavior is wrong they leave because they were dehumanized ridiculed and treated like another you see when it comes to the New Testament the Apostle Paul warns us against categorizing people as us and Them as we’re the ones that have it together and they don’t in Romans chapter 1 it’s it’s Paul’s magnum opus where he’s talking about the gospel the good news of Jesus Christ and he is talking about it to a church that has two groups of people on the one hand you’ve got the Jews over here who have been given the law that have a high bar of a sexual ethic and yet on the other hand you have Gentiles who grew up in a polytheistic culture that in the city of Corinth which I visited a couple months ago there is a hill up there in the Acropolis where they had a temple to Aphrodite that was filled with female prostitutes where men could go and worship that’s their background and what Paul does in the beginning of Romans chapter 1 is he begins by talking about they and us he talks about they and how the wrath of God is against all ungodliness and he begins to talk about this cycle this downward spiral of morality that has existed in this world and that there are those that gave themselves to idols and because of that it then gave themselves as we see here in Romans CH 1 verse 24 gave themselves to the lust of their hearts to impurity to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves because they exchange the truth about God for a light you see the pronoun there they they they they it’s they over here that are doing this he goes on to talk about that um that they have this uh sexual immorality and it’s not talk it’s talking about all parts of sexual immorality he does bring up men with men and women with me women but but but sexual immorality in general as well and as you imagine as that letter is read in front of the people the Jews over here were like oh yeah bring it bring it to them and then Romans Chapter 2 verse1 says this look at how things shift therefore you have no excuse oh man every one of you who judges for in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself because you the judge practice the the very same same things what’s so important about this for all of us is we enter into this conversation about the realm of sexuality all our sexuality is broken it’s a part of the fall and when it comes to the gospel the gospel means the good news and if it is the good news it’s good news for everybody you see when it comes to the gospel there is no Us in them there is no categorizing some that need the grace of Jesus Christ and those that don’t need it because of our own self-righteousness when it comes to the gospel there there there is no us of them the ground is flat at the foot of the cross one of the common threads that we from the time of Jesus that is extended to now as a tendency for those of us who are religious to promote ourselves in an elevated status based on our own self-righteousness forgetting that righteousness that anyone can ever have is the righteousness of Christ placed on us what this reality means is that what makes us us what’s what makes us us is that we are sinners in need of a savior but what makes them us is that they are sinners in need of a savior which means that there is no Us in them there’s just us and us without Christ that we are in all in need of him and this is especially true to be able to settle into this before we have this conversation about sexuality because this topic in particular is where there is a tendency for there to be more shame and condemnation to this category than others where we may be tempted to deal with it in a way that’s unhealthy so many people are hiding this and it’s destroying their souls and one of the other ways to be able to handle it is to just come out and to be able to say well this is just what I’m going to do and this is just what I’m going to be the question is is that the gospel and is that the way of Jesus what I think we all need to be aware of especially as Believers need to be cautious as we pursue a Biblical position on sexuality to make sure that it does not result in an unbiblical posture of condemnation for those um to others because in some cases it means that they’re losing their lives over it that should not be the way the church so what I want to do is I want to talk about and I want to be clear on both as best as I can be I hope you know that’s my heart and so I want to talk about as clear as I can what is the biblical position on sexuality for all of us and then also what should be our posture what does it look like really to follow Jesus in this realm well let me start by position first of all what is sexual Purity sexual Purity is defined as the mental visual emotional and physical intimity between one man and a woman in the context of marriage that’s that’s what scripture tells us the mental Visual and emotional really goes back to Jesus raising the bar in the sermon on the mountain saying you’ve heard it said do not uh commit adultery but I say to you if you lust in your heart you commit adultery in your heart and he raises the bar and he says there is this letter of the law but there’s this intent of the law for us to be spiritually uh and sexually pure it’s this beautiful thing that God created it was his idea to have sex it was his idea for this intimacy but he says I’ve got a design for it I’ve got a special purpose for it and it is for in in within the context of biblical marriage whereby one man and one woman have mental visual emotional and physical exclusive intimacy with one another for those for those of you who are single sexual Purity is the mental visual emotional and physical um protection or abstinence from anyone else because you do not have a spouse yet at this point and one of the things that we see in scripture and how we can come to this conclusion is this was the plan from the very very beginning in Genesis chapter 2 in the creation of Adam and Eve Adam is in the Garden of Eden naming all of the animals and a suitable helper could not be found for him this is where we find the beginning of what a Biblical sexual ethic is and it says here in uh Genesis 2 Verse 18 it says uh then the Lord said it is not good that the man should be alone and I will make a helper fit for him helper fit for him doesn’t mean someone who is lower or subservient in Genesis chapter one it says male and female made in the image of God same value helper fit that what that means that Hebrew word kedo is a compound word that means like and opposite like Adam in that this one will be human opposite of Adam not male we see this reincorporated a few verses later in Chapter 2 ver 24 as as God lays out the the pattern when it comes to sexuality and biblical marriage he says um therefore a man shall leave his father and mother number one and then hold fast or be United to his wife number two and then they shall become one flesh the sequence that God has for our sexuality is between just a man and a woman uh and and it should be done in this order you got to be ready to leave Mom and Dad you got to be ready to get married and then you can have sex and when those two things happen first you can have as much of that as you want with that one person like that’s what I designed it for be fruitful and multiply what I would tell high school students all the time is that listen if you’re not ready to have sex if you’re not ready to be married and you’re not not ready to be married till you’re ready to pay your phone bill you know you’re ready to leave Mom and Dad like like that’s that’s the step that’s that’s what it’s going to have to take you see Jesus actually reincorporates this as well in Matthew chapter 19 as people approach Jesus about the idea of divorce like like when when are we permitted a divorce back then it’s like if she cooked a bad meal I could give her a letter of divorce Jesus says that’s ridiculous that’s ridiculous and look what he quotes in Matthew chapter 19 verse4 he says this and he answered have you not read that God created them beginning male and female and he and then and then he quotes this verse here look at what he says and therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife and the two shall become one flesh so they are no longer two but one flesh read that again they are no longer two but they are one flesh what their God has joined together let man not separate in the context of his discussion about divorce he says there is something about this sexual intimacy that is complimentary that takes two people and creates a fusion of those two becoming one there is marriage a spiritual union between a man and a woman that is also expressed in the physical Union whereby these two individuals become one entity as husband and wife and it is here that God in Genesis 2 and Jesus reincorporating in Matthew Matthew chapter 19 lays out the design for what Christian sexuality and Christian marriage should be in other words a position point for us a a point of clarity when it comes to even where’s the Chapel’s position the Chapel’s position on marriage um is simply this is uh we perform legal Christian marriage ceremonies between a man and a woman we believe that that is the most true as we look uh to uh to the breadth of scripture and to the teachings of Jesus as as a pastor here at the chapel my main interest is not doing wedding ceremonies but I love being a part of Preparing People for marriage there’s so many different ways that you could find compatibility with someone else often we make a decision when we um get engaged with somebody uh or we start to date somebody is made that physical compatibility um she’s cute he’s cute uh could be personality he makes me laugh whatever it is the number one compatibility is you have that spiritual compatibility are you are you on the same page with who God is that’s what’s going to matter in the long term that’s what’s going to give your marriage legs is for you to have the spiritual intimacy that will pour into the rest of the intimacy in your marriage but it’s in God’s it’s in God’s design our desire is to make sure that people have as they are we know that none of the no nobody’s perfect and nobody’s ever been perfect and that even dating relationships there’s going to be you know some aspects of sexual immorality that exists like like like couples are having premarital sex they they’re they’re messing around and if the only marriages that we did is people being 100% pure there’s not going to be that many that happen just want to be honest with you but what we do in our premarital counseling is we say this guys this is really important can we commit moving forward to having momentum when it comes to spiritual and sexual intimacy with one another because I don’t want you guys to get the wrong idea this isn’t a sermon just about homosexuality there are heterosexual weddings where I’ve had conversations and I’ve said I don’t think it’s a good idea I don’t think you guys are on the same page I don’t know that you’re spiritually compatible and man in the in the arena of sexual Purity doesn’t seem like you guys are there and I want you to be able to have momentum let’s let’s get this let’s get this right you see when we talk about sexual immorality when we talk about sexuality and our minds immediately go maybe to just one aspect of of it but when Jesus talks about sexual immorality it’s an umbrella term to talk about many different types of sins many of them we struggle with today remember start off we’ve got a problem with sexual Integrity look the umbrella term of sexual immorality includes this it includes lust adultery premarital sex I’ll talk here in a moment how I think homosexual acts biblically it points to the fact that that that’s one of them prostitution incense rape beastiality like it’s it’s it’s it encompasses all of these there there’s sometimes that people will say well well Jesus didn’t specifically talk about this sexual sin or that sexual sin but when he said and when he identifies sexual immorality it’s the umbrella term under which all of these find themselves is when it comes to homosexual acts in general we need to talk about that because there’s a lot of debate about it and I want to be able to express and to share with you what I believe is truth so the question out there is is are homosexual acts sinful or as some argue within a loving consensual same-sex relationship that God would be okay with it you see there’s there’s a debate out there that some of the interpretations of the verses in Scripture that refer to homosexual acts that it’s only referring to a dominant relationship when one person is imposing dominance over another and not a consensual loving relationship and so it’s important for us to look at that there are six verses in the entire Bible that specifically talk about homosexual acts three of them are in the Old Testament and three are in the new the three in the Old Testament are Genesis 19 and two in Leviticus verses 18 and 20 where it talks about men sleeping with men but in the New Testament I guess the question is does does that carry over and it’s brought up three other times in Romans chapter one that was that passage I shared at the front end talking about men sleeping with men and women sleeping with women but two of them are closely related 1 Corinthians 6:9 and 1 Timothy 1:10 both used the same word and it is this word that some people interpret it and say no that’s just talking about dominance over another or a man sleeping with a boy and that and that that of course shouldn’t be anything that we condone the question is is it referring to to all in any in 1 Corinthians chapter 6:9 it says this or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God do not be deceived neither the sexually immoral nor the adult uh idolators nor adulterers and here’s one one of the um one of the verses nor men who practice homosexuality like what do we do with that how how you know what is the truth when it comes to this particular context and we don’t have a ton of time to be able to unpack it but what’s important about this is it where it says men who practice homosexual sexuality the word there is arenus and it is a compound word where on the one hand aren a rsen means male and quitus means bed or or to sleep with so it is referring to men who are sleeping with males so it says here men who practice homosexuality really if you get into the original language Paul actually creates this word to be able to talk about men who sleep with males does that mean underage does it mean adult males the word actually allows for both it’s a word that actually was created more than likely with the Greek translation of the passages in Leviticus talking about a man sleeping with another man so a deep dive into this does not seem to point to a situation where there’s dominance of one over another but talks about actual consensual relationships and so often what people have done is they’ve looked at this verse and said man those who practice homosexuality what does it say right there will not inherit the kingdom of God and the goost of far to say is man they’re all going to hell but look at the next verse nor thieves nor greedy hello anyone in here nor drunkard nor revilers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God I looked up what is a reviler guys don’t know what a reviler is a reviler are those who angrily criticize that was me at my daughter’s basketball game toward a referee this week you look at this list and and what we want to do is we want to point out this one and just say um it’s different or it’s worse or whatever it is is over here and it’s part of a list that looks all too familiar when it comes to our posture we got to realize that when it comes to our posture although some on this list may be be misconstrued as being worse than others misconstrued as being worse than others they are cited among a list of other sin that are far too prevalent in the church today and that’s a posture shift we all need to have that it is those and you may look like wow anybody who who um is greedy is not entering into heaven look at what the next verse says and so were some of you listen those sexually immoral those idolators those committing adultery those who practice homosexuality the greedy the revilers will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven but such were some of you when before Jesus before Jesus our identity was tied to the sin that we struggled with and that’s who we were but listen when you come to Christ that’s what you were not who you are but you were washed you were Sanctified you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the spirit the spirit of our God we’ll talk about that verse more next week but here’s the thing of what Paul is sharing with you is like like listen the point of the cross in Jesus is not just to forgive you of your sins not just to justify you and declare you righteous and God’s Jesus’s righteousness to come on you because you’re not self-righteous enough but it’s also look but you were Sanctified the point is we look at this list and we see ourselves in them is to come to the realization that what Jesus Paid on the cross was for my sins ped so that I could become more like him and to be transformed into his likeness according to the biblical position and our posture should be that as followers of Jesus where we say change me transform me more into your likeness so as we close how are we to approach the sexual immorality that all of us struggle with here’s what Paul says a few verses later flee from it run away as those main characters in Mighty python in the search of the Holy Grail said when the French threw cows off of the castle at them screaming run away flee from sexual immorality don’t stand there don’t fight turn and run away because it’s powerful and it’s important for two reasons number one look what he says here every other sin a person commits is outside the body but the sexually immoral person when we have sex outside of the design that God has of a marriage between a man and a woman sins against his own body remember when there is that marriage covenant and that physical intimacy the two become one and the more that we do that we strip away that ability to be intimate with the one that God designed us for so number one get away from it because it’s that important what you want to be able to present to your spouse on the day that you get married is as much of the full intimacy that you have because you’ve protected it and you ran away you ran away out of your love for Jesus and your love for your spouse you ran away and fled that so that you could give all of you to them and number two he says this why else do you free flee because you’re not your own your body’s not your own to do whatever you want with it or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you whom you have from God you are not your own for you were bought with a price so glorify God in your body I want to close with two things a position shift and a posture shift and I want to talk start with position shift and then we’ll get you out of here I think for some of us we need a position shift where we need to readily say today my predisposition does not give me permission there is the debate that’s been going on as long as I can remember which would say that like all I’ve known is this all I’ve known is is the same sex attraction and and because I was born that way I have to live out of that and with the gospel says when it comes to that what Jesus would say to that what scripture points to us is that we all have a nature we do all have a sinful nature and a predisposition where some of us struggle with some things more than others but our predisposition never gives us per permission just to give into it guys just because I’m predisposed to be to be angry does it mean I can just go around beating people up and picking fights and hurt other people physically you and I have this sinful nature that that we’ve been infected with our whole lives but just because of the fact that we feel something or some way doesn’t give us a green light to just enter into it and so for us there’s some of us that need to make a position shift and say I’m not going to lean on that anymore and I’m talking about those of us who are opposite sex attracted as well man I’m just I’m just I’m just hypersexual and so I’m just going to I’m just going to give into it no Now’s the Time to get pure today the day to get pure to be able to come to God and say I’ve walked away from you I’ve been disobedient I’ve been watching things on my screen that I shouldn’t and I need to put some guardrails up and I repent and Lord I’m sorry and there may be some of us that need to end a relationship because it’s unhealthy and it’s not pure and it’s not good and we need to say I’m choosing Jesus over you I feel like that’s what he’s calling me to do right now because my predisposition and my desires to be able to do that do not align with the biblical position and the design that God has her sexual Purity in my life I was at a seminar one time time that was that I went to because as a pastor I want to love the lgbtq community well that’s what the seminar was all about like how do we do that how do we hold to our Biblical position but have a posture towards them that is loving and is kind there was a gentleman up there and I look at this and I’m just like I can’t conceive about how hard that might be to be able to have that predisposition but the biblical position is in in opposition to it like it’s got to be so hard and there was a man up there on the stage and they were asking him that question and he said he grew up in a Conservative Christian home and he always felt that way he always had that same seex attraction in him and when he went off to college he gave into it and he and he and he and he got a boyfriend and he U and they started having sex but the holy spirit inside of him convicted him and he said I can’t do it anymore I’m just going to be celibate and he was a part of a young adult’s Bible study that he went to and a woman came up to him and asked him out on a date and he said before I answer that let me tell you my story thinking that when he told the story she would turn around and flee and he told her the story and she looked at him she’s like wow thank you for sharing that does Friday night work for you and he said sure whatever and they went on a date and the next week they went on a date and the next week they went on a date and he’s standing there on stage and he said in my desire to follow Jesus I ran into this woman that I had zero attractiveness to we started going on dates and she’s now my wife and he said in this moment this is the reality I’m attracted to men and I’m attracted to my wife and I’m not saying if you’re same sex attracted and and you’re here or you’re listening first of all I’m glad you’re here I hope you know that and I’m not saying that that predisposition would ever change even if you gave yourself fully to Jesus and and and and what that looked like for your life but when it comes to following Jesus it means it means looking at him and and and considering making a position shift today for some of us we need a shift and to be able to explore what it really looks like to follow him because if opposite sex attracted people Christians truly want to follow Jesus they will look at a story like this in Luke 19 and in Luke 19 there was someone who was labeled another or one of them and his name was zachus and he was in Jericho and he was a chief C tax collector and he was wealthy so he was despised by the religious just he leaped and he goes up that sycamore tree and Jesus going into Jericho spots him out and he says zakus what I have to go to your house today and everyone went nuts like I can’t believe you are going into the house of that sinner can’t believe you would do that and he went to his house and he showed him kindness and he moved toward him and it changed his life you see if opposite ATT TR Christians truly want to follow Jesus then I think it means that we should have more gay friends not less I think we should be moving toward not a away because I believe wholeheartedly he I look at the posture serve Jesus his kindness his kindness was seen by the religious Elite as condoning it wasn’t kindness is not condoning there should be more people that we’re friends with that don’t believe the way maybe that we do do not live live the way that we do because we’re trying to follow Jesus and show his love and kindness to everyone so moving forward I want to invite you to to two possibilities I know I’m going super long please apologize to the children’s area for me two things I want to invite you to if you want to extend this conversation we’ve got a posture uh and position Workshop that we want to make available to you from February 2nd to March 30th if you want to extend this conversation we we’ve fully vetted a resource called guiding families and from 2023 to 2024 I had six sets of parents come to me and say my daughter or my son came out I don’t know what to do and we’ve created this workshop on gender and sexuality eight weeks long from 4:30 to 5:30 and it’s going to be on Sundays and I want you to consider that consider whether that is for you consider whether that is something that you like to be a part of it could be parents uh that need to to have more of a conversation it may be some of you who are samesex attracted and you want to be a part of a discussion loving environment of what position and posture would look like and the number two we’re going to have podcast every uh uh every Thursday they’re going to drop during the series to extend that conversation as well I’d love for you to download the chapel app and to be able to listen in on that as I invite other people into um to extend this conversation will you pray with me Lord Jesus we come to you and we love you and we just pray that you would guide us guide us into the shifts that we need to make help us to be a people that hold firmly to your word desire to walk in Holiness in you God I just want to pray also if if there are those that are listen that their entire lives all that they can remember is is is just is just feeling is if there is a same seex attraction I just pray that everyone hearing me knows that Jesus loves you we love you Lord I pray that they would know that in the depths of their souls we pray these things in Jesus name amen .

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Déroulement de la vidéo:

0.12 well welcome to the chapel I&;m Brandon
0.12 holler a senior pastor here if you&;re
0.12 new uh I&;d love to meet you uh this uh
0.12 uh was was shared we have an open house
0.12 next uh week I&;ll be there but also the
0.12 day after that on January 20th I&;m going
0.12 to be at the membership meeting at 6:30
0.12 does everybody know what&;s January
0.12 20th I did not plan this out very well I
0.12 got to just be honest about that uh
0.12 January 20th is the national
0.12 championship game it&;s uh uh Notre Dame
0.12 versus another team I&;m not sure who
0.12 they are but uh I&;ll tell you this uh
0.12 the game starts at 7:30 membership
0.12 classes at 6:30 uh I&;m excited to share
0.12 with you uh the chapel uh Mission value
0.12 strategy and all that faster than any
0.12 membership class in the history of the
0.12 chapel so looking forward to to to
0.12 seeing you all there we are a we&;re in a
0.12 series called position in posture uh
0.12 seeking the truth uh in Doctrine in life
0.12 uh there&;s so many questions out there
0.12 about where does the where where does
0.12 the church where does Jesus stand on
0.12 position and what we believe as all uh
0.12 as well as uh how do we uh uh how how do
0.12 we look at the life of Jesus look into
0.12 scripture and see what should our
0.12 posture be uh as we enter into uh
0.12 Sometimes some some controversial
0.12 aspects and categories in our lives what
0.12 do we mean by position position is
0.12 simply this uh position refers to the
0.12 truth uh found in God&;s worth which
0.12 guides what we uh what we believe
0.12 and then posture uh very much goes along
0.12 with that posture also on the other side
0.12 refers to the demeanor modeled in God&;s
0.12 word to which guides how we live last
0.12 week we began the series uh really using
0.12 Jesus of course as the template of what
0.12 we hope to follow he was described uh by
0.12 the Apostle John uh in his gospel
0.12 chapter 1 ver14 is Jesus being full of
0.12 grace and truth and we would see it in
0.12 different stories when he was with uh
0.12 the sinful woman and people wanted to
0.12 Stone her what did Jesus do extended
0.12 Grace by saying hey those of you who are
0.12 without sin cast the first stone and
0.12 people started dropping the stones and
0.12 walked away and then what did he do he
0.12 turned to the woman and said go in sin
0.12 no more we see uh this combination uh of
0.12 those two things coming together we also
0.12 see it uh described in many of the uh
0.12 the eyewitnesses of Jesus&;s resurrection
0.12 those that saw Jesus after he rose from
0.12 the dead people like the Apostle Paul
0.12 who had a uh had an encounter with Jesus
0.12 on the road to Damascus eventually
0.12 becomes a follower of him and writes
0.12 this letter uh to the city in Corinth
0.12 which was a a highly a highly uh immoral
0.12 uh City at that time Greco Roman city he
0.12 talks about love this way because often
0.12 we think of love what it means to be
0.12 Love is All posture no position well
0.12 that&;s not how we describes it in in 1
0.12 Corinthians chapter 13 He describes it
0.12 this way love is patient love is kind it
0.12 does not envy it does not boast it is
0.12 not arrogant rude does not insist on its
0.12 own ways or irritable or resentful there
0.12 so so many aspects of love where we must
0.12 understand that kindness and patience we
0.12 see that in Jesus all the time that it
0.12 should be emulated in our lives as well
0.12 yet at the same time this passage and
0.12 what love is what love requires of us is
0.12 not just a posture of patience and
0.12 kindness but listen not afraid to be
0.12 able to tell the truth look at what the
0.12 verse says it does not rejoice at wrong
0.12 wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth
0.12 that in many ways one of the most
0.12 difficult pieces of following Jes Jesus
0.12 is is understanding that these are two
0.12 puzzle pieces that are meant to come
0.12 together he did it perfectly he did it
0.12 all the time he was not a balance 5050
0.12 of Grace and Truth he was 100% Grace
0.12 100% truth those are meant to be able to
0.12 come together and one of the main
0.12 reasons we need to do this series is
0.12 because we usually Teeter on one side or
0.12 the other don&;t we there are those of us
0.12 that are more that are more positioned
0.12 boy there&;s good aspects of it we have
0.12 strong convictions we care about what&;s
0.12 truth but sometimes we can go too far
0.12 and really become
0.12 judgmental yet on the other side some of
0.12 us go to to the the the balance tips
0.12 over here and we become more more
0.12 posture at the expense of position boy I
0.12 I love having these people around me
0.12 because they&;re very they&;re very
0.12 accepting very forgiving but it can just
0.12 result in like what then what is true
0.12 what can we what can we put our two feet
0.12 when it comes to Solid Ground on on even
0.12 moral ethical pieces of our lives and so
0.12 one of the ways that we ended the sermon
0.12 last Sunday was was for us hopefully and
0.12 I pray that you will join me in this of
0.12 just saying I need to be open in this
0.12 series to be able to make a position
0.12 shift maybe where I something that I
0.12 thought wasn&;t true it&;s actually true
0.12 something that I thought uh what true
0.12 isn&;t true that I need to make a
0.12 position shift towards what what what
0.12 scripture says what Jesus says is really
0.12 the truth and begin to rejoice in that
0.12 or some of us need to make a posture
0.12 shift that that we have that we have
0.12 fallen into this judgmentalism as we
0.12 teetered one way and we need to to to
0.12 add this posture of kindness and
0.12 impatience uh to other people because
0.12 when it comes to being a follower of
0.12 Jesus the person who desires to follow
0.12 him is committed to following him in
0.12 both position and posture I was having
0.12 lunch uh last month with uh a beloved
0.12 friend of mine his name is Luther
0.12 Whitfield many if you&;re aware of who he
0.12 is he&;s a senior pastor of New Covenant
0.12 Church on the south uh Southeast side
0.12 here in Fort Wayne the chapel uh we&;ve
0.12 had a partnership with them for for over
0.12 20 years and he and I are having lunch
0.12 last uh
0.12 month and he described the church as
0.12 needing to be this way he said Brandon
0.12 the way I describe is the church is
0.12 meant to be a hospital not
0.12 hospice and I had to think about that
0.12 for a moment this is what he said he so
0.12 he said you know in a hospital people go
0.12 to it knowing that they&;re sick
0.12 and know that they are in need of
0.12 healing that&;s what the church is meant
0.12 to
0.12 be the church is not meant to be um
0.12 people coming to it that don&;t think
0.12 that there&;s anything wrong with them no
0.12 the church is a collection of people
0.12 that have a commonality which is we&;re
0.12 all Fallen we&;re all
0.12 sick and we need a great physician to be
0.12 able to not just forgive us but to heal
0.12 us and to help us to become more like
0.12 him but he said all too often Church
0.12 churches are like hospice which are such
0.12 a blessing to us here in the real world
0.12 but when we View Church as a hospice we
0.12 are looking for a place to just cover up
0.12 the pain and to keep us comfortable he
0.12 said that&;s not what the church is about
0.12 it&;s meant to be a hospital for people
0.12 who recognize they&;re sick and they need
0.12 a Healer and I couldn&;t agree more and I
0.12 and and over these next three weeks we
0.12 want to talk about that and really just
0.12 come to this common recognition that
0.12 we&;re all sinners in need of a
0.12 savior and yet at the same time because
0.12 of Jesus full of grace and truth it&;s
0.12 really important for us to be able to
0.12 ask these questions what is what is true
0.12 and what is love and how I live that out
0.12 in the posture of my life today we&;re
0.12 going to talk about a difficult topic it
0.12 may be awkward for you um guys we may
0.12 get offended today because sometimes
0.12 sometimes that&;s what happens
0.12 we&;re going to talk about the realm of
0.12 sexuality and if you&;ve got if you like
0.12 to bring your kid into church this is
0.12 going to be a little bit more of an
0.12 adult conversation you may want to take
0.12 them down to to our kids area right now
0.12 if that&;s the case that&;s fine go ahead
0.12 and get up but we but we need to talk
0.12 about it and I really want want to talk
0.12 about throughout this discussion
0.12 sometimes I&;m going to talk about a
0.12 position piece when it comes to this
0.12 sometimes we&;re going to talk about a
0.12 posture um piece of this puzzle but I
0.12 want to begin with both and to tell you
0.12 why this topic is really important it&;s
0.12 really important is because we we have a
0.12 problem we have a major
0.12 problem in the realm of two things with
0.12 respect to position we&;ve got a problem
0.12 in the
0.12 church when it comes to sexual Integrity
0.12 as well as a problem when it comes to
0.12 posture in the realm of sexual
0.12 condemnation
0.12 56% of Christian teens in the United
0.12 States believe it&;s okay to have sex
0.12 before marriage compared to 76% of of
0.12 non-Christian
0.12 peers however Christian teens are more
0.12 sexually active than
0.12 non-christians for example 36% of never
0.12 married Christian teens have been
0.12 sexually active compared to
0.12 31% of
0.12 non-christians got a
0.12 problem when when it comes to
0.12 consumption of
0.12 pornography in 2015 they did a study of
0.12 the number of us adults consuming
0.12 pornography and have compared it to
0.12 today and have seen a consistent
0.12 rise when it came to adults in 2015 55%
0.12 of us
0.12 adults consumed
0.12 pornography but there&;s been a 6
0.12 percentage Point increase to 61%
0.12 presently
0.12 all too often there&;s a misconception
0.12 this is a this is a guy problem this is
0.12 a man problem but there is an also a
0.12 notable uptick in the number of women
0.12 accessing pornographic content 39% in
0.12 2015 up to 44% now in 2024 this is a
0.12 study done in
0.12 October when it comes to the realm of
0.12 sexual um Integrity or just sexuality
0.12 just in general there are churches that
0.12 are divided on the topic of
0.12 homosexuality
0.12 whether whether it is a sin whether it
0.12 isn&;t how what our position should be
0.12 and what our posture should be in that
0.12 as well to the point that churches are
0.12 are breaking and entering into fractions
0.12 amongst themselves because of this very
0.12 topic we struggle with trying to be
0.12 clear and concise when it comes to our
0.12 position but also can be extremely
0.12 destructive when it comes to our
0.12 posture Preston sprinkle wrote a book
0.12 called people to be loved referring to
0.12 those that are a part of the LGBT
0.12 community and he shares a story of Eric
0.12 Borges uh and and the torture that he
0.12 went through growing up having a samesex
0.12 attraction as far as he can remember he
0.12 was born and and raised in a
0.12 Conservative Christian
0.12 family but throughout his entire
0.12 upbringing all the time throughout
0.12 school he was bullied spit upon
0.12 physically abused beaten up in the
0.12 middle of the classroom while a teacher
0.12 was right there who did absolutely
0.12 nothing when it came to his sophomore
0.12 year of college Eric came out eventually
0.12 to his
0.12 parents and he told them they were gay
0.12 and after it says here after performing
0.12 an exorcism on their son they told him
0.12 among other things that he was
0.12 disgusting perverted unnatural and
0.12 Damned to
0.12 Hell later that year they kicked him out
0.12 of the house and in
0.12 2011 he went to YouTube uh to be able to
0.12 share a story had hopes that it would be
0.12 encouraging and helpful for other people
0.12 and one month later he took his
0.12 life you see those kids who are um uh
0.12 identify as lgbtq are 91% more likely to
0.12 be bullied in school two times more
0.12 likely to commit suicide eight times
0.12 more likely if they have a negative
0.12 experience with their family when they
0.12 come out and it gets even worse
0.12 typically when they come to people like
0.12 me to be able to share when they come
0.12 they talk to religious
0.12 leaders the rate goes higher for some
0.12 odd
0.12 reason I had a friend of mine around 10
0.12 years
0.12 ago and uh man he uh I know I I knew he
0.12 was gay and I was wanting to have a
0.12 conversation with
0.12 him because of my interactions around
0.12 him in the years that I&;ve known
0.12 him I believed it could just see
0.12 evidence of the fact that he loved Jesus
0.12 verbally and pointing people to Christ
0.12 yet he was living with his partner and
0.12 EV and everyone knew
0.12 it and and and I approached him one day
0.12 and I and I just said hey can can we
0.12 have a conversation because I look at
0.12 you and I go man you love the
0.12 Lord um but but you&;re living with your
0.12 partner can we get together and talk
0.12 about this like help me to understand
0.12 and he said he said Brandon I want to go
0.12 I want to go for a walk with you can you
0.12 meet me at 6:30 in the morning and I
0.12 said sure we started on the walk you
0.12 know what he said
0.12 and this is this is a man later in his
0.12 life he said you&;re the first person to
0.12 ever ask me about
0.12 this first person to ever bring it up
0.12 first person to ever ask me um uh about
0.12 my sexuality about my faith in Jesus and
0.12 how um and and how they work and how I
0.12 how I&;m navigating it you&;re the first
0.12 person to ever care enough to even
0.12 ask and and we talked about that and and
0.12 and guys I I may not agree with how he
0.12 came to a point of saying you know God
0.12 and I had to come to to an agreement he
0.12 and I may not agree on
0.12 that but what but what I learned from
0.12 him is that people didn&;t care enough to
0.12 ask and he was genuinely
0.12 scared to be able to come
0.12 out but he was even more were frightened
0.12 to not come out because he saw people
0.12 that were friends of him take their own
0.12 lives because of the torture that
0.12 existed as they were battling these
0.12 tensions uh that they
0.12 had inside of
0.12 them Creston sprinkle says this about
0.12 the church that it should be a
0.12 place that has got the most loving
0.12 environment with people of of of of any
0.12 part of of the realm of sexuality
0.12 whether heterosexual or homosexual
0.12 should find a loving Community he says
0.12 this that most people who are attracted
0.12 to the same seex don&;t end up leaving
0.12 the church because they were told that
0.12 same-sex behavior is wrong they leave
0.12 because they were dehumanized ridiculed
0.12 and treated like
0.12 another you see when it comes to the New
0.12 Testament the Apostle Paul warns us
0.12 against categorizing people as us and
0.12 Them
0.12 as we&;re the ones that have it together
0.12 and they don&;t in Romans chapter
0.12 1 it&;s it&;s Paul&;s magnum opus where
0.12 he&;s talking about the gospel the good
0.12 news of Jesus Christ and he is talking
0.12 about it to a church that has two groups
0.12 of
0.12 people on the one hand you&;ve got the
0.12 Jews over here who have been given the
0.12 law that have a high bar of a sexual
0.12 ethic
0.12 and yet on the other hand you have
0.12 Gentiles who grew up in a polytheistic
0.12 culture that in the city of Corinth
0.12 which I visited a couple months ago
0.12 there is a hill up there in the
0.12 Acropolis where they had a temple to
0.12 Aphrodite that was filled with female
0.12 prostitutes where men could go and
0.12 worship that&;s their background and what
0.12 Paul does in the beginning of Romans
0.12 chapter 1 is he begins by talking about
0.12 they and us he talks about they and how
0.12 the wrath of God is against all
0.12 ungodliness and he begins to talk about
0.12 this cycle this downward spiral of
0.12 morality that has existed in this
0.12 world and that there are those that gave
0.12 themselves to idols and because of that
0.12 it then gave themselves as we see here
0.12 in Romans CH 1 verse
0.12 24 gave themselves to the lust of their
0.12 hearts to impurity to the dishonoring of
0.12 their bodies among themselves because
0.12 they exchange the truth about God for a
0.12 light you see the pronoun there they
0.12 they they they it&;s they over here that
0.12 are doing this he goes on to talk about
0.12 that um that they have this uh sexual
0.12 immorality and it&;s not talk it&;s
0.12 talking about all parts of sexual
0.12 immorality he does bring up men with men
0.12 and women with me women but but but
0.12 sexual immorality in general as
0.12 well and as you imagine as that letter
0.12 is read in front of the people the Jews
0.12 over here were like oh yeah bring
0.12 it bring it to
0.12 them and then Romans Chapter 2 verse1
0.12 says this look at how things shift
0.12 therefore you have no
0.12 excuse oh man every one of you who
0.12 judges for in passing judgment on
0.12 another you condemn yourself because you
0.12 the judge practice the the very same
0.12 same
0.12 things what&;s so important about this
0.12 for all of us is we enter into this
0.12 conversation about the realm of
0.12 sexuality all our sexuality is
0.12 broken it&;s a part of the
0.12 fall and when it comes to the gospel the
0.12 gospel means the good news and if it is
0.12 the good news it&;s good news for
0.12 everybody
0.12 you see when it comes to the
0.12 gospel there is no Us in
0.12 them there is no categorizing some that
0.12 need the grace of Jesus Christ and those
0.12 that don&;t need it because of our own
0.12 self-righteousness when it comes to the
0.12 gospel there there there is no us of
0.12 them the ground is flat at the foot of
0.12 the
0.12 cross one of the common threads that we
0.12 from the time of Jesus that is extended
0.12 to now as a tendency for those of us who
0.12 are religious to promote ourselves in an
0.12 elevated status based on our own
0.12 self-righteousness forgetting that
0.12 righteousness that anyone can ever have
0.12 is the righteousness of Christ placed on
0.12 us what this reality means is that what
0.12 makes us
0.12 us what&;s what makes us us is that we
0.12 are sinners in need of a
0.12 savior but what makes them us is that
0.12 they are sinners in need of a
0.12 savior which means that there is no Us
0.12 in them there&;s just us and us without
0.12 Christ that we are in all in need of
0.12 him and this is especially true to be
0.12 able to settle into this before we have
0.12 this conversation about sexuality
0.12 because this topic in particular is
0.12 where there is a tendency for there to
0.12 be more shame and condemnation to this
0.12 category than others where we may be
0.12 tempted to deal with it in a way that&;s
0.12 unhealthy so many people are hiding this
0.12 and it&;s destroying their
0.12 souls and one of the other ways to be
0.12 able to handle it is to just come out
0.12 and to be able to say well this is just
0.12 what I&;m going to do and this is just
0.12 what I&;m going to be the question is is
0.12 that the
0.12 gospel and is that the way of
0.12 Jesus what I think we all need to be
0.12 aware of especially as Believers need to
0.12 be cautious as we pursue a Biblical
0.12 position on
0.12 sexuality to make sure that it does not
0.12 result in an unbiblical posture of
0.12 condemnation for those um to
0.12 others because in some cases it means
0.12 that they&;re losing their
0.12 lives over
0.12 it that should not be the way the
0.12 church so what I want to do is I want to
0.12 talk about and I want to be clear on
0.12 both as best as I can be I hope you know
0.12 that&;s my heart and so I want to talk
0.12 about as clear as I can what is the
0.12 biblical position on
0.12 sexuality for all of us and then also
0.12 what should be our posture what does it
0.12 look like really to follow Jesus in this
0.12 realm well let me start by position
0.12 first of all what is sexual Purity
0.12 sexual Purity is defined as the mental
0.12 visual emotional and physical intimity
0.12 between one man and a woman in the
0.12 context of marriage that&;s that&;s what
0.12 scripture tells us the mental Visual and
0.12 emotional really goes back to Jesus
0.12 raising the bar in the sermon on the
0.12 mountain saying you&;ve heard it said do
0.12 not uh commit adultery but I say to you
0.12 if you lust in your heart you commit
0.12 adultery in your heart and he raises the
0.12 bar and he says there is this letter of
0.12 the law but there&;s this intent of the
0.12 law for us to be spiritually uh and
0.12 sexually pure it&;s this beautiful thing
0.12 that God created it was his idea to have
0.12 sex it was his idea for this intimacy
0.12 but he says I&;ve got a design for it
0.12 I&;ve got a special purpose for it and it
0.12 is for in in within the context of
0.12 biblical marriage whereby one man and
0.12 one woman have mental visual emotional
0.12 and physical exclusive intimacy with one
0.12 another for those for those of you who
0.12 are single sexual Purity is the mental
0.12 visual emotional and physical um
0.12 protection or abstinence
0.12 from anyone else because you do not have
0.12 a spouse yet at this point and one of
0.12 the things that we see in scripture and
0.12 how we can come to this conclusion is
0.12 this was the plan from the very very
0.12 beginning in Genesis chapter 2 in the
0.12 creation of Adam and Eve Adam is in the
0.12 Garden of Eden naming all of the animals
0.12 and a suitable helper could not be found
0.12 for him this is where we find the
0.12 beginning of what a Biblical sexual
0.12 ethic is and it says here in uh Genesis
0.12 2 Verse
0.12 18 it says uh then the Lord said it is
0.12 not good that the man should be alone
0.12 and I will make a helper fit for him
0.12 helper fit for him doesn&;t mean someone
0.12 who is lower or subservient in Genesis
0.12 chapter one it says male and female made
0.12 in the image of God same value helper
0.12 fit that what that means that Hebrew
0.12 word
0.12 kedo is a compound word that means like
0.12 and
0.12 opposite like Adam in that this one will
0.12 be human opposite of Adam not male we
0.12 see this reincorporated a few verses
0.12 later in Chapter 2 ver
0.12 24 as as God lays out the the pattern
0.12 when it comes to sexuality and biblical
0.12 marriage he says um therefore a man
0.12 shall leave his father and mother number
0.12 one and then hold fast or be United to
0.12 his wife number two and then they shall
0.12 become one flesh the sequence that God
0.12 has for our sexuality is between just a
0.12 man and a woman uh and and it should be
0.12 done in this order you got to be ready
0.12 to leave Mom and Dad you got to be ready
0.12 to get married and then you can have sex
0.12 and when those two things happen first
0.12 you can have as much of that as you want
0.12 with that one person like that&;s what I
0.12 designed it for be fruitful and multiply
0.12 what I would tell high school students
0.12 all the time is that listen if you&;re
0.12 not ready to have sex if you&;re not
0.12 ready to be married and you&;re not not
0.12 ready to be married till you&;re ready to
0.12 pay your phone bill you know you&;re
0.12 ready to leave Mom and Dad like like
0.12 that&;s that&;s the step that&;s that&;s
0.12 what it&;s going to have to take you see
0.12 Jesus actually reincorporates this as
0.12 well in Matthew chapter 19 as people
0.12 approach Jesus about the idea of divorce
0.12 like like when when are we permitted a
0.12 divorce back then it&;s like if she
0.12 cooked a bad meal I could give her a
0.12 letter of divorce Jesus says that&;s
0.12 ridiculous that&;s ridiculous and look
0.12 what he quotes in Matthew chapter 19
0.12 verse4 he says this and he answered have
0.12 you not read that God created them
0.12 beginning male and female and he and
0.12 then and then he quotes this verse here
0.12 look at what he
0.12 says and therefore a man shall leave his
0.12 father and mother and hold fast to his
0.12 wife and the two shall become one flesh
0.12 so they are no longer two but one flesh
0.12 read that again they are no longer two
0.12 but they are one flesh what their God
0.12 has joined together let man not separate
0.12 in the context of his discussion about
0.12 divorce he says there is
0.12 something about this sexual intimacy
0.12 that is complimentary that takes two
0.12 people and creates a fusion of those two
0.12 becoming
0.12 one there is marriage a spiritual union
0.12 between a man and a woman that is also
0.12 expressed in the physical Union whereby
0.12 these two individuals become one entity
0.12 as husband and
0.12 wife and it is here that God in Genesis
0.12 2 and Jesus reincorporating in Matthew
0.12 Matthew chapter 19 lays out the design
0.12 for what Christian sexuality and
0.12 Christian marriage should be in other
0.12 words a position point for us a a point
0.12 of clarity when it comes to even where&;s
0.12 the Chapel&;s position the Chapel&;s
0.12 position on marriage um is simply this
0.12 is uh we perform legal Christian
0.12 marriage ceremonies between a man and a
0.12 woman we believe that that is the most
0.12 true as we look uh to uh to the breadth
0.12 of scripture and to the teachings of
0.12 Jesus as as a pastor here at the chapel
0.12 my main interest is not doing wedding
0.12 ceremonies but I love being a part of
0.12 Preparing People for marriage there&;s so
0.12 many different ways that you could find
0.12 compatibility with someone else often we
0.12 make a decision when we um get engaged
0.12 with somebody uh or we start to date
0.12 somebody is made that physical
0.12 compatibility um she&;s cute he&;s cute uh
0.12 could be personality he makes me laugh
0.12 whatever it is the number one
0.12 compatibility is you have that spiritual
0.12 compatibility are you are you on the
0.12 same page with who God is that&;s what&;s
0.12 going to matter in the long term that&;s
0.12 what&;s going to give your marriage legs
0.12 is for you to have the spiritual
0.12 intimacy that will pour into the rest of
0.12 the
0.12 intimacy in your marriage but it&;s in
0.12 God&;s it&;s in God&;s
0.12 design our desire is to make sure that
0.12 people have as they are we know that
0.12 none of the no nobody&;s perfect and
0.12 nobody&;s ever been perfect and that even
0.12 dating relationships there&;s going to be
0.12 you know some aspects of sexual
0.12 immorality that
0.12 exists like like like couples are having
0.12 premarital
0.12 sex they they&;re they&;re messing
0.12 around and if the only marriages that we
0.12 did is people being 100% pure there&;s
0.12 not going to be that many that
0.12 happen just want to be honest with you
0.12 but what we do in our premarital
0.12 counseling is we say this guys this is
0.12 really important can we commit moving
0.12 forward to having momentum when it comes
0.12 to spiritual and sexual intimacy with
0.12 one
0.12 another because I don&;t want you guys to
0.12 get the wrong idea this isn&;t a sermon
0.12 just about
0.12 homosexuality there are
0.12 heterosexual
0.12 weddings where I&;ve had conversations
0.12 and I&;ve said I don&;t think it&;s a good
0.12 idea
0.12 I don&;t think you guys are on the same
0.12 page I don&;t know that you&;re
0.12 spiritually
0.12 compatible and man in the in the arena
0.12 of sexual
0.12 Purity doesn&;t seem like you guys are
0.12 there and I want you to be able to have
0.12 momentum let&;s let&;s get this let&;s get
0.12 this right you see when we talk about
0.12 sexual immorality when we talk about
0.12 sexuality and our minds immediately
0.12 go maybe to just one aspect of of it but
0.12 when Jesus talks about sexual immorality
0.12 it&;s an umbrella term to talk about many
0.12 different types of sins many of
0.12 them we struggle with today remember
0.12 start off we&;ve got a problem with
0.12 sexual Integrity look the umbrella term
0.12 of sexual immorality includes this it
0.12 includes lust adultery premarital sex
0.12 I&;ll talk here in a moment how I think
0.12 homosexual acts biblically it points to
0.12 the fact that that that&;s one of them
0.12 prostitution incense rape
0.12 beastiality like it&;s it&;s it&;s it
0.12 encompasses all of these there there&;s
0.12 sometimes that people will say well well
0.12 Jesus didn&;t specifically talk about
0.12 this sexual sin or that sexual sin but
0.12 when he said and when he identifies
0.12 sexual immorality it&;s the umbrella term
0.12 under which all of these find themselves
0.12 is when it comes to homosexual acts in
0.12 general we need to talk about that
0.12 because there&;s a lot of debate about it
0.12 and I want to be able to express and to
0.12 share with you what I believe is truth
0.12 so the question out there is is are
0.12 homosexual acts
0.12 sinful or as some argue within a loving
0.12 consensual same-sex relationship that
0.12 God would be okay with it you see
0.12 there&;s there&;s a debate out there that
0.12 some of the interpretations of the
0.12 verses in Scripture that refer to
0.12 homosexual acts that it&;s only referring
0.12 to a dominant relationship when one
0.12 person is imposing dominance over
0.12 another and not a consensual loving
0.12 relationship and so it&;s important for
0.12 us to look at that there are six verses
0.12 in the entire Bible that specifically
0.12 talk about homosexual acts three of them
0.12 are in the Old Testament and three are
0.12 in the new the three in the Old
0.12 Testament are Genesis 19 and two in
0.12 Leviticus verses 18 and 20 where it
0.12 talks about men sleeping with men but in
0.12 the New Testament I guess the question
0.12 is does does that carry
0.12 over and it&;s brought up three other
0.12 times in Romans chapter one that was
0.12 that passage I shared at the front end
0.12 talking about men sleeping with men and
0.12 women sleeping with women
0.12 but two of them are closely related 1
0.12 Corinthians 6:9 and 1 Timothy 1:10 both
0.12 used the same word and it is this word
0.12 that some people interpret it and say no
0.12 that&;s just talking about dominance over
0.12 another or a man sleeping with a boy and
0.12 that and that that of course shouldn&;t
0.12 be anything that we condone the question
0.12 is is it referring to to all in any in 1
0.12 Corinthians chapter 6:9 it says this or
0.12 do you not know that the unrighteous
0.12 will not inherit the kingdom of God do
0.12 not be deceived neither the sexually
0.12 immoral nor the adult uh idolators nor
0.12 adulterers and here&;s one one of the um
0.12 one of the verses nor men who practice
0.12 homosexuality like what do we do with
0.12 that how how you know what is the truth
0.12 when it comes to this particular
0.12 context and we don&;t have a ton of time
0.12 to be able to unpack it but what&;s
0.12 important about this is it where it says
0.12 men who practice homosexual sexuality
0.12 the word there is
0.12 arenus and it is a compound word where
0.12 on the one hand aren a
0.12 rsen means male and quitus means bed or
0.12 or to sleep with so it is referring to
0.12 men who are sleeping with males so it
0.12 says here men who practice homosexuality
0.12 really if you get into the original
0.12 language Paul actually creates this word
0.12 to be able to talk about men who sleep
0.12 with males does that mean underage does
0.12 it mean adult males the word actually
0.12 allows for both it&;s a word that
0.12 actually was created more than likely
0.12 with the Greek translation of the
0.12 passages in Leviticus talking about a
0.12 man sleeping with another man so a deep
0.12 dive into this does not seem to point to
0.12 a situation where there&;s dominance of
0.12 one over another but talks about actual
0.12 consensual relationships and so often
0.12 what people have done is they&;ve looked
0.12 at this verse and said man those who
0.12 practice homosexuality what does it say
0.12 right there will not inherit the kingdom
0.12 of God and the goost of far to say is
0.12 man they&;re all going to hell but look
0.12 at the next
0.12 verse nor thieves nor greedy hello
0.12 anyone in here
0.12 nor drunkard nor revilers nor swindlers
0.12 will inherit the kingdom of God I looked
0.12 up what is a reviler guys don&;t know
0.12 what a reviler is a reviler are those
0.12 who angrily criticize that was me at my
0.12 daughter&;s basketball game toward a
0.12 referee this
0.12 week you look at this list and and what
0.12 we want to do is we want to point out
0.12 this one and just say um it&;s different
0.12 or it&;s worse or whatever it is is over
0.12 here and it&;s part of a list that looks
0.12 all too
0.12 familiar when it comes to our posture we
0.12 got to realize that when it comes to our
0.12 posture although some on this list may
0.12 be be misconstrued as being worse than
0.12 others misconstrued as being worse than
0.12 others they are cited among a list of
0.12 other sin that are far too prevalent in
0.12 the church
0.12 today and that&;s a posture shift we all
0.12 need to
0.12 have that it is those and you may look
0.12 like wow anybody who who um is greedy is
0.12 not entering into heaven look at what
0.12 the next verse says and so were some of
0.12 you listen those sexually immoral those
0.12 idolators those committing adultery
0.12 those who practice homosexuality the
0.12 greedy the
0.12 revilers will not enter the Kingdom of
0.12 Heaven but such were some of you when
0.12 before Jesus before Jesus our identity
0.12 was tied to the sin that we struggled
0.12 with and that&;s who we were but listen
0.12 when you come to Christ that&;s what you
0.12 were not who you
0.12 are but you were washed you were
0.12 Sanctified you were justified in the
0.12 name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the
0.12 spirit the spirit of our God we&;ll talk
0.12 about that verse more next week but
0.12 here&;s the thing of what Paul is sharing
0.12 with you is like like
0.12 listen the point of the cross in Jesus
0.12 is not just to forgive you of your sins
0.12 not just to justify you and declare you
0.12 righteous and God&;s Jesus&;s
0.12 righteousness to come on you because
0.12 you&;re not self-righteous enough but
0.12 it&;s also look but you were
0.12 Sanctified the point is we look at this
0.12 list and we see ourselves in them is to
0.12 come to the realization that what Jesus
0.12 Paid on the cross was for my sins ped so
0.12 that I could become more like
0.12 him and to be
0.12 transformed into his likeness according
0.12 to the biblical
0.12 position and our posture should be that
0.12 as followers of Jesus where we say
0.12 change me transform me more into your
0.12 likeness so as we
0.12 close how are we to approach the sexual
0.12 immorality that all of us struggle
0.12 with here&;s what Paul says a few verses
0.12 later flee from
0.12 it run away as those main characters in
0.12 Mighty python in the search of the Holy
0.12 Grail said when the French threw cows
0.12 off of the castle at them screaming run
0.12 away flee from sexual immorality don&;t
0.12 stand there don&;t fight turn and run
0.12 away because it&;s
0.12 powerful and it&;s important for two
0.12 reasons number one look what he says
0.12 here every other sin a person commits is
0.12 outside the body but the sexually
0.12 immoral
0.12 person when we have sex outside of the
0.12 design that God has of a marriage
0.12 between a man and a woman sins against
0.12 his own body remember when there is that
0.12 marriage covenant and that physical
0.12 intimacy the two become one and the more
0.12 that we do that we strip away that
0.12 ability to be intimate with the one that
0.12 God designed us for so number one get
0.12 away from it because it&;s that important
0.12 what you want to be able to present to
0.12 your spouse on the day that you get
0.12 married is as much of the full intimacy
0.12 that you have because you&;ve protected
0.12 it and you ran away you ran away out of
0.12 your love for Jesus and your love for
0.12 your spouse you ran away and fled that
0.12 so that you could give all of you to
0.12 them and number two he says this why
0.12 else do you free flee because you&;re not
0.12 your own your body&;s not your own to do
0.12 whatever you want with it
0.12 or do you not know that your body is a
0.12 temple of the Holy Spirit within you
0.12 whom you have from God you are not your
0.12 own for you were bought with a price so
0.12 glorify God in your body I want to close
0.12 with two things a position
0.12 shift and a posture shift and I want to
0.12 talk start with position shift and then
0.12 we&;ll get you out of
0.12 here I think for some of us we need a
0.12 position
0.12 shift where we need to readily say today
0.12 my predisposition
0.12 does not give me
0.12 permission there is the debate that&;s
0.12 been going on as long as I can
0.12 remember which would say that like all
0.12 I&;ve known is this all I&;ve known is is
0.12 the same sex
0.12 attraction and and because I was born
0.12 that way I have to live out of
0.12 that and with the gospel says when it
0.12 comes to that what Jesus would say to
0.12 that what scripture points to us is that
0.12 we all have a nature we do all have a
0.12 sinful
0.12 nature and a predisposition where some
0.12 of us struggle with some things more
0.12 than
0.12 others but our predisposition never
0.12 gives us per permission just to give
0.12 into
0.12 it guys just because I&;m predisposed to
0.12 be to be angry
0.12 does it mean I can just go around
0.12 beating people
0.12 up and picking fights and hurt other
0.12 people
0.12 physically you and I have this sinful
0.12 nature that that we&;ve been infected
0.12 with our whole
0.12 lives but just because of the fact that
0.12 we feel something or some way doesn&;t
0.12 give us a green light to just enter into
0.12 it and so for us there&;s some of us that
0.12 need to make a position shift and say
0.12 I&;m not going to lean on that anymore
0.12 and I&;m talking about those of us who
0.12 are opposite sex attracted as well man
0.12 I&;m just I&;m just I&;m just hypersexual
0.12 and so I&;m just going to I&;m just going
0.12 to give into it no Now&;s the Time to get
0.12 pure today the day to get pure to be
0.12 able to come to God and say I&;ve walked
0.12 away from you I&;ve been disobedient I&;ve
0.12 been watching things on my screen that I
0.12 shouldn&;t and I need to put some
0.12 guardrails up and I repent and Lord I&;m
0.12 sorry and there may be some of us that
0.12 need to end a relationship because it&;s
0.12 unhealthy and it&;s not pure and it&;s not
0.12 good and we need to say I&;m choosing
0.12 Jesus over
0.12 you I feel like that&;s what he&;s calling
0.12 me to do right
0.12 now because my predisposition and my
0.12 desires to be able to do that do not
0.12 align with the biblical position and the
0.12 design that God
0.12 has her sexual Purity in my
0.12 life I was at a seminar one time time
0.12 that
0.12 was that I went to because as a pastor I
0.12 want to love the
0.12 lgbtq community well that&;s what the
0.12 seminar was all about like how do we do
0.12 that how do we hold to our Biblical
0.12 position but have a posture towards them
0.12 that is loving and is kind there was a
0.12 gentleman up there and I look at this
0.12 and I&;m just like I can&;t conceive about
0.12 how hard that might be to be able to
0.12 have that predisposition but the
0.12 biblical position is in in opposition to
0.12 it like it&;s got to be so hard and there
0.12 was a man up there on the stage and they
0.12 were asking him that question and he
0.12 said he grew up in a Conservative
0.12 Christian home and he always felt that
0.12 way he always had that same seex
0.12 attraction in
0.12 him and when he went off to college he
0.12 gave into it and he and he and he and he
0.12 got a boyfriend and he U and they
0.12 started having sex but the holy spirit
0.12 inside of him convicted him and he said
0.12 I can&;t do it anymore I&;m just going to
0.12 be celibate and he was a part of a young
0.12 adult&;s Bible study that he went to and
0.12 a woman came up to him and asked him out
0.12 on a date
0.12 and he said before I answer that let me
0.12 tell you my
0.12 story thinking that when he told the
0.12 story she would turn around and
0.12 flee and he told her the story and she
0.12 looked at him she&;s like wow thank you
0.12 for sharing that does Friday night work
0.12 for
0.12 you and he said sure
0.12 whatever and they went on a date and the
0.12 next week they went on a date and the
0.12 next week they went on a date and he&;s
0.12 standing there on stage
0.12 and he said in my desire to follow Jesus
0.12 I ran into this
0.12 woman that I had zero attractiveness
0.12 to we started going on dates and she&;s
0.12 now my
0.12 wife and he said in this
0.12 moment this is the reality I&;m attracted
0.12 to
0.12 men and I&;m attracted to my
0.12 wife and I&;m not saying if you&;re same
0.12 sex attracted and and you&;re here or
0.12 you&;re listening first of all I&;m glad
0.12 you&;re
0.12 here I hope you know
0.12 that and I&;m not saying that that
0.12 predisposition would ever change even if
0.12 you gave yourself fully to Jesus and and
0.12 and and what that looked like for your
0.12 life but when it comes to following
0.12 Jesus it
0.12 means it means looking at him and and
0.12 and
0.12 considering making a position shift
0.12 today for some of us we need a
0.12 shift and to be able to explore what it
0.12 really looks like to follow him because
0.12 if opposite sex attracted people
0.12 Christians truly want to follow Jesus
0.12 they will look at a story like this in
0.12 Luke
0.12 19 and in Luke 19 there was someone who
0.12 was labeled another or one of them and
0.12 his name was zachus and he was in
0.12 Jericho and he was a chief C tax
0.12 collector and he was wealthy so he was
0.12 despised by the religious just he
0.12 leaped and he goes up that sycamore tree
0.12 and Jesus going into Jericho spots him
0.12 out and he says zakus
0.12 what I have to go to your house
0.12 today and everyone went
0.12 nuts like I can&;t believe you are going
0.12 into the house of that sinner can&;t
0.12 believe you would do
0.12 that and he went to his house
0.12 and he showed him kindness and he moved
0.12 toward
0.12 him and it changed his life you see if
0.12 opposite ATT TR Christians truly want to
0.12 follow
0.12 Jesus then I think it means that we
0.12 should have more gay
0.12 friends not
0.12 less I think we should be moving
0.12 toward not a
0.12 away because I believe wholeheartedly he
0.12 I look at the posture serve
0.12 Jesus his
0.12 kindness his
0.12 kindness was seen by the religious Elite
0.12 as
0.12 condoning it wasn&;t
0.12 kindness is not
0.12 condoning there should be more
0.12 people that we&;re friends with that
0.12 don&;t believe the way maybe that we do
0.12 do not live live the way that we do
0.12 because we&;re trying to follow Jesus and
0.12 show his love and kindness to
0.12 everyone so moving forward I want to
0.12 invite you to to two possibilities I
0.12 know I&;m going super long please
0.12 apologize to the children&;s area for
0.12 me two things I want to invite you to if
0.12 you want to extend this conversation
0.12 we&;ve got a posture uh and position
0.12 Workshop that we want to make available
0.12 to you from February 2nd to March 30th
0.12 if you want to extend this conversation
0.12 we
0.12 we&;ve fully vetted a resource called
0.12 guiding families and from 2023 to 2024 I
0.12 had six sets of parents come to me and
0.12 say my daughter or my son came out I
0.12 don&;t know what to
0.12 do and we&;ve created this workshop on
0.12 gender and sexuality eight weeks long
0.12 from 4:30 to 5:30 and it&;s going to be
0.12 on
0.12 Sundays and I want you to consider that
0.12 consider whether that is for you
0.12 consider whether that is something that
0.12 you like to be a part of it could be
0.12 parents uh that need to to have more of
0.12 a conversation it may be some of you who
0.12 are samesex attracted and you want to be
0.12 a part of a discussion loving
0.12 environment of what position and posture
0.12 would look like and the number two we&;re
0.12 going to have podcast every uh uh every
0.12 Thursday they&;re going to drop during
0.12 the series to extend that conversation
0.12 as well I&;d love for you to download the
0.12 chapel app and to be able to listen in
0.12 on that as I invite other people into um
0.12 to extend this conversation will you
0.12 pray with
0.12 me Lord Jesus we come to you and we love
0.12 you and we just pray that you would
0.12 guide us guide us
0.12 into the shifts that we need to
0.12 make help us to be a people that hold
0.12 firmly to your
0.12 word desire to walk in Holiness in you
0.12 God I just want to pray also if if there
0.12 are those that are listen that their
0.12 entire lives all that they can
0.12 remember is is is just is just feeling
0.12 is if there is a same seex attraction I
0.12 just pray that everyone hearing me knows
0.12 that Jesus loves you we love you Lord I
0.12 pray that they would know that in the
0.12 depths of their souls we pray these
0.12 things in Jesus name amen

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