Un film sur le thème «chasteté» sur YouTube
Un film sur le thème « chasteté » présenté par Ascension Presents
Disponible sur YouTube (), cette vidéo créée par Ascension Presents est consacrée au thème « chasteté » et en présente quelques aspects.
Avec ses millions de vidéos disponibles, YouTube permet à chaque utilisateur de trouver quelque chose qui correspond à ses intérêts personnels ou à ses besoins d’information.
La vidéo présentait déjà plusieurs interactions au moment où nous l’avons observée (). Le décompte de Likes indiquait: 5165.
La durée (00:07:27s) de la vidéo, le titre (Did Chastity Make Our Wedding Night Awkward?), sont à prendre en compte de même que la description publiée par l’auteur :« Many people may think living a chaste life before marriage will make their wedding night awkward, but Jackie and Bobby explain how their experience proved quite the opposite. They offer a refreshing, liberating, relieving, revolutionary vision of intimacy with your spouse, or future spouse, if you are married or plan to be someday.
They say when love is taken away, sex becomes all about the “mechanics” and techniques. But when love is at the center of the conjugal act, the enjoyment and fulfillment spouses receive from it just grows more and more over the years.
In presenting God’s plan for marriage and love between spouses, Jackie and Bobby dismantle the superficial lies our pornified culture tells us about sex.
They show how sex can once again be about love and life.
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La chasteté : Une vertu à reconsidérer pour l’homme moderne.
La chasteté est une valeur souvent taboue dans le monde moderne. Adopter la chasteté peut conduire à une paix intérieure plus vaste, à des relations plus solides et à une connexion spirituelle plus intense pour ses pratiquants. Autrefois, la chasteté était plus souvent assumée et discutée. Le site chastete.fr développe de manière exhaustive la thématique de la chasteté . En explorant divers aspects de la chasteté, cet article offre aux hommes les ressources pour comprendre et appliquer cette vertu dans leur quotidien.
La chasteté joue un rôle crucial dans la quête spirituelle.
La chasteté est régulièrement perçue comme un élément de la spiritualité. Dans le christianisme et d’autres religions, la chasteté est une manière de se rapprocher de Dieu. Maîtriser ses désirs sexuels facilite une plus grande concentration sur le bien-être intérieur. Dans ce cadre, la chasteté est considérée comme une offrande personnelle et un signe de respect envers Dieu. La chasteté est perçue non pas comme une privation, mais comme un choix visant à élever l’âme. Les perspectives sur la chasteté diffèrent selon les traditions religieuses. Dans le catholicisme, la chasteté est vue comme une vertu cruciale pour les prêtres. L’islam valorise la chasteté en imposant des règles strictes pour la sexualité. Dans l’hindouisme et le bouddhisme, les ascètes pratiquent souvent la chasteté comme moyen d’atteindre l’illumination. La chasteté est une quête partagée qui dépasse les barrières religieuses.
Analyser les racines historiques et culturelles de la chasteté.
De nombreuses cultures et traditions religieuses possèdent des racines profondes en matière de chasteté. Le vœu de continence des prêtres et religieux est souvent lié à la chasteté dans le christianisme. L’islam, les Églises catholique et orthodoxe prônent la chasteté comme une vertu essentielle, non seulement pour les religieux mais aussi pour les laïcs, en particulier avant le mariage. La valeur de la chasteté dans l’Antiquité reposait sur sa capacité à maintenir l’intégrité personnelle et la pureté morale. La chasteté continue de transcender les différentes époques et cultures, se maintenant comme une vertu respectée et reconnue.
Éclairer la notion de chasteté selon les normes actuelles. Reconsidérer la chasteté dans le contexte des temps modernes.
Essentiellement, la chasteté est le contrôle volontaire des impulsions sexuelles. Il ne s’agit pas seulement d’abstinence, mais de réguler les désirs sexuels avec une intention morale ou spirituelle. De nos jours, la chasteté n’est pas seulement une question de répression des désirs, mais d’orientation vers des objectifs plus élevés comme le respect personnel et spirituel. Pour l’homme moderne, la chasteté signifie choisir de vivre sa sexualité de manière réfléchie, sans nécessairement renoncer au plaisir.
FAQ sur la Chasteté : Réponses aux Questions Fréquemment Posées.
Est-ce que la chasteté est réservée aux religieux uniquement ? La chasteté est une pratique qui dépasse les limites des personnes consacrées. La chasteté est-elle différente de l’abstinence, et comment ? L’abstinence signifie se priver de relations sexuelles. La chasteté inclut parfois l’utilisation d’un accessoire comme une ceinture ou une cage, et suit une méthode de progrès comparable à celle d’un entraînement sportif. Comment la chasteté est-elle vécue au sein du mariage ? Dans un mariage, la chasteté est souvent partagée, avec des discussions entre les époux sur les objectifs et les pratiques. Quelle est la valeur de la chasteté dans les enseignements de l’Église ? L’Église considère la chasteté comme une vertu essentielle pour vivre en accord avec les enseignements chrétiens. Quelle contribution la chasteté apporte-t-elle à l’épanouissement personnel ? En adoptant la chasteté, on peut atteindre un meilleur contrôle de soi, une plus grande clarté mentale et une paix intérieure.
Investiguer les répercussions de la chasteté sur les relations interpersonnelles et les relations familiales.
La chasteté améliore également les interactions avec les personnes autour de soi. En choisissant de vivre avec une cage de chasteté, un homme renforce ses compétences en séduction et modifie son comportement vis-à-vis de ses partenaires éventuels. En raison de leur utilisation plus rare, les capacités physiques et sexuelles sont particulièrement puissantes durant l’acte. La pratique de la chasteté peut se faire discrètement, sans la nécessité de partager ce secret avec ses partenaires. Dans le mariage, la pratique de la chasteté peut consolider les relations entre les partenaires en favorisant un amour plus vrai, éloigné du plaisir corporel.
Les bienfaits de la chasteté incluent un impact significatif sur le bien-être personnel et moral. Il est crucial d’examiner l’impact de la chasteté sur le bien-être personnel et moral.
La conscience dans la pratique de la chasteté a un effet majeur sur le bien-être personnel. En cultivant la chasteté, on obtient une meilleure maîtrise de soi, une clarté mentale accrue, et une paix intérieure grâce au respect des valeurs personnelles. En pratiquant la chasteté, on crée une relation plus harmonieuse avec son corps et ses désirs. La liberté accrue offerte par la chasteté vient de la libération des pulsions et des pressions sociales concernant la sexualité. En cultivant la chasteté, on développe un sens de pureté morale qui renforce la dignité et l’estime de soi. Les bienfaits psychologiques de la chasteté sont particulièrement notables. La chasteté aide les individus à développer une confiance en soi renforcée et une meilleure résilience face aux défis.
Maintenir la pratique de la chasteté tous les jours.
Les hommes souhaitant adopter la chasteté peuvent mettre en place diverses stratégies. Une introspection pour comprendre ses valeurs et motivations est fondamentale. Il est bénéfique d’éviter les situations et contenus qui pourraient déclencher des désirs non maîtrisés. Trouver un mentor ou un groupe de soutien partageant les convictions peut soutenir la pratique de la chasteté. La chasteté peut être difficile à vivre dans une société où la sexualité est omniprésente. Les obstacles incluent la pression sociale et les tentations récurrentes. Pour faire face à ces défis, il est essentiel d’avoir une discipline personnelle stricte. Il est important de ne pas se laisser abattre par un échec, mais de reprendre avec une détermination renouvelée. La chasteté n’est pas un objectif de perfection, mais un chemin à parcourir avec patience et détermination. En conclusion, pratiquer la chasteté dans sa vie peut entraîner une liberté plus grande, une maîtrise de soi améliorée, et une profonde réalisation spirituelle. Bien qu’elle puisse sembler contraignante dans un monde où la sexualité est souvent valorisée au détriment de la spiritualité, la chasteté offre une voie vers une vie plus authentique, en harmonie avec ses valeurs et sa foi.
Pour consulter la vidéo directement sur YouTube, cliquez sur le lien suivant :
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#Chastity #Wedding #Night #Awkward
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: I reject him Bobby with ascension presents today we’re going to talk about how living a life of chastity of saying yes to the goodness of the body did that affect our wedding night I had a woman let’s say a woman asked me she was like Oh Jackie so you’re a virgin you know before marriage she’s like was Bobby virgin and I was like no but it’s not something he was proud of and she’s like well least someone knows what they’re doing and I was like oh girl you should be glad I have a self-control not to punch you in the face right now oh my gosh was like because sex it’s not just about mechanics people been doing this for thousands of years just because you’re a virgin on your wedding night does it mean you’re not gonna figure out how this goes who’s ridiculous short answers no so next video no but the when love is not the bedrock when it’s not about me caring about who this person is and their story and what they’ve come to the relationship with and a faithful love it’s all down mechanics our friend in the industry says that you know when love is not the foundation it’s all about the mechanics and that’s why you’ll see in every magazine in the supermarket 101 tips to blow his mind you never knew existed before that just we discovered this month then we’ll discover more next month when it’s not about love yeah it’s we know it’s just about use and there’s a difference there and so when people I’ve had people say to me you know like when you’re being a virgin on your wedding night like you know my gosh you guys didn’t live together you didn’t have sex it’s like how does that affect it’s like well actually I’m marrying the man who’s vowing to love me till death do us part I mean I can’t imagine you know anything else that’s freeing and when you’re engaging in that sexual act outside of marriage there’s this like okay this is very like intimate thing that I may not even know the person’s middle name I may not know if they’re gonna be around in the morning like that’s not how it’s it’s meant to be in that regard there’s a protection with the vows that that that also comes with knowing the person knowing maybe they have been wounded maybe they’ve been violated maybe again what the magazine says is not the human person in front of me there needs to be patience and tenderness and showing the person I care that’s what love is not just technique and actually the language of the body insects are promises that we make on the altar say I promise I’ll go freely totally faithfully fruitfully and that’s the language of sex so every time a couple has sex they’re renewing their wedding vows and if you never made those vows Pope John Paul says if you never made those vows and when you have sex outside of marriage you’re lying with your body because your body is making a promise that you never did so in marriage there’s such a freedom because I’m not afraid of you know getting pregnant outside because it’s like it’s it’s so freeing when you’ve made vows so this person you made these promises and that’s what the language of sex is saying but this person is completely loving you um and it’s not just some like for me it was like thought was some boyfriend in high school who I don’t know if they’ll leave me the next day or I mean I’ve had so many young girls come up to me telling me like about their first experience of sex and how they’re like I just wanted someone to hold me and he did even hold me afterward it’s like oh you know like and they’re like man it was it was all about him in marriage you have this opportunity it’s like you continue to grow with each other and learn how to love each other and how to please each other because you communicate with each other but yes some people are brought up with this idea that sex is bad and you have this sense of shame so if there is that sense that sex is bad when you get married yes it might be awkward if it’s your first time having sex because at that part it needs to be healed because sex is not shameful was it the balance of marriage to in fact Pope John Paul and love responsibility he talked about how shame is swallowed up by love when you truly love I also do want to say that some people who have been sexually abused I know girls who have been sexually abused and it is very difficult when they get married to you know to really experience that the healing because of what happened to them or even young men – but again this is where consulting a magazine about how to blow their mind is not going to help it’s like the person in front of you is the person that needs to be loved and the person needs to be tender with and just very patient with so I’d say we’ve all grown up in a very poor no fide culture so we sometimes bring that to the table of what I expect or what I somehow think this is gonna this is gonna go when it’s like no this is a human person again with with needs and emotions and we need to ask for healing there and to like again if you’re in a spot where one of you is waited for marriage one of you hasn’t asked for healing Esther the healing of memories the healing of your body because again we’re we’re psychosomatic spiritual beings so it’s not just I had a hookup and didn’t mean it doesn’t care it doesn’t come along with me it’s like when we give ourselves away to this person in that person that person you’re becoming one body one soul one flesh so again God can heal all things right so don’t fall into despair there but just again shame is swallowed up by love and so love comes charging out and once the good of the other person and it’s not concerned about the techniques of Cosmo it’s just about and that’s freeing and that will lead to you know a wedding night as it’s supposed to be and we both went to confession the night before our wedding even the day of right and I went the day before and we both said you know again like father like forgive me for everything that I’ve done with any other person that was not my spouse because only my spouse deserves all of me there’s only percent vowing to give all of me and again how beautiful that that all those other things you know again God has wiped away our sins and now we can love each other totally and again to you know when it’s your if it’s your first time on your wedding night that you have sex or maybe you’re both virgins it’s like again it’s it people been doing this for thousands and thousands of you what a what a gift to say that what I get to say only you right you know this is only for you yeah you know but again if people out P know people always worried about like is it can be awkward yeah it might be awkward we might do another video about like maybe oh that’s very practical things but it’s again when someone loves you they’re gonna be patient with you and loves it loves okay laughing yeah it’s okay to laugh like okay all right let’s figure things out together because it’s the person you’re me doing this till death do you part and I had a woman who had been married for about 30 years she’s like Jackie tell them make sure and like when I talk to younger so you make sure you tell them that when you’re being the longer you’ve been married the better it is okay you know just because we had this idea that once you’re married it’s all downhill from there Oh stinks but again if you love each other it’s gonna your love grows deeper and every you learn more about the person in their heart their mind their body soul so I love just gets better sex gets better as you’ve been married longer and you continue to communicate and not resort to just looking at techniques and tips from Cosmo magazine from all this at ascension presents god bless .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
2.919 I reject him Bobby with ascension
2.919 presents today we&;re going to talk about
2.919 how living a life of chastity of saying
2.919 yes to the goodness of the body did that
2.919 affect our wedding night
2.919 I had a woman let&;s say a woman asked me
2.919 she was like Oh Jackie so you&;re a
2.919 virgin you know before marriage she&;s
2.919 like was Bobby virgin and I was like no
2.919 but it&;s not something he was proud of
2.919 and she&;s like well least someone knows
2.919 what they&;re doing and I was like oh
2.919 girl you should be glad I have a
2.919 self-control not to punch you in the
2.919 face right now oh my gosh was like
2.919 because sex it&;s not just about
2.919 mechanics people been doing this for
2.919 thousands of years just because you&;re a
2.919 virgin on your wedding night does it
2.919 mean you&;re not gonna figure out how
2.919 this goes who&;s ridiculous short answers
2.919 no so next video
2.919 no but the when love is not the bedrock
2.919 when it&;s not about me caring about who
2.919 this person is and their story and what
2.919 they&;ve come to the relationship with
2.919 and a faithful love it&;s all down
2.919 mechanics our friend in the industry
2.919 says that you know when love is not the
2.919 foundation it&;s all about the mechanics
2.919 and that&;s why you&;ll see in every
2.919 magazine in the supermarket 101 tips to
2.919 blow his mind you never knew existed
2.919 before that just we discovered this
2.919 month then we&;ll discover more next
2.919 month when it&;s not about love yeah it&;s
2.919 we know it&;s just about use and there&;s
2.919 a difference there and so when people
2.919 I&;ve had people say to me you know like
2.919 when you&;re being a virgin on your
2.919 wedding night like you know my gosh you
2.919 guys didn&;t live together you didn&;t
2.919 have sex it&;s like how does that affect
2.919 it&;s like well actually I&;m marrying the
2.919 man who&;s vowing to love me till death
2.919 do us part I mean I can&;t imagine you
2.919 know anything else that&;s freeing and
2.919 when you&;re engaging in that sexual act
2.919 outside of marriage there&;s this like
2.919 okay this is very like intimate thing
2.919 that I may not even know the person&;s
2.919 middle name I may not know if they&;re
2.919 gonna be around in the morning like
2.919 that&;s not how it&;s it&;s meant to be in
2.919 that regard there&;s a protection with
2.919 the vows that that that also comes with
2.919 knowing the person knowing maybe they
2.919 have been wounded maybe they&;ve been
2.919 violated maybe again what the magazine
2.919 says is not the human person in front of
2.919 me there needs to be patience and
2.919 tenderness and showing the person I care
2.919 that&;s what love is not just technique
2.919 and actually the language of the body
2.919 insects are
2.919 promises that we make on the altar say I
2.919 promise I&;ll go freely totally
2.919 faithfully fruitfully and that&;s the
2.919 language of sex so every time a couple
2.919 has sex they&;re renewing their wedding
2.919 vows and if you never made those vows
2.919 Pope John Paul says if you never made
2.919 those vows and when you have sex outside
2.919 of marriage you&;re lying with your body
2.919 because your body is making a promise
2.919 that you never did so in marriage
2.919 there&;s such a freedom because I&;m not
2.919 afraid of you know getting pregnant
2.919 outside because it&;s like it&;s it&;s so
2.919 freeing when you&;ve made vows so this
2.919 person you made these promises and
2.919 that&;s what the language of sex is
2.919 saying but this person is completely
2.919 loving you um and it&;s not just some
2.919 like for me it was like thought was some
2.919 boyfriend in high school who I don&;t
2.919 know if they&;ll leave me the next day or
2.919 I mean I&;ve had so many young girls come
2.919 up to me telling me like about their
2.919 first experience of sex and how they&;re
2.919 like I just wanted someone to hold me
2.919 and he did even hold me afterward it&;s
2.919 like oh you know like and they&;re like
2.919 man it was it was all about him in
2.919 marriage you have this opportunity it&;s
2.919 like you continue to grow with each
2.919 other and learn how to love each other
2.919 and how to please each other because you
2.919 communicate with each other but yes some
2.919 people are brought up with this idea
2.919 that sex is bad and you have this sense
2.919 of shame so if there is that sense that
2.919 sex is bad when you get married yes it
2.919 might be awkward if it&;s your first time
2.919 having sex because at that part it needs
2.919 to be healed because sex is not shameful
2.919 was it the balance of marriage to in
2.919 fact Pope John Paul and love
2.919 responsibility he talked about how shame
2.919 is swallowed up by love when you truly
2.919 love I also do want to say that some
2.919 people who have been sexually abused I
2.919 know girls who have been sexually abused
2.919 and it is very difficult when they get
2.919 married to you know to really experience
2.919 that the healing because of what
2.919 happened to them or even young men – but
2.919 again this is where consulting a
2.919 magazine about how to blow their mind is
2.919 not going to help it&;s like the person
2.919 in front of you is the person that needs
2.919 to be loved and the person needs to be
2.919 tender with and just very patient with
2.919 so I&;d say we&;ve all grown up in a very
2.919 poor no fide culture so we sometimes
2.919 bring that to the table of what I expect
2.919 or what I somehow think this is gonna
2.919 this is gonna go when it&;s like no this
2.919 is a human person again with with needs
2.919 and emotions and we need to ask for
2.919 healing there
2.919 and to like again if you&;re in a spot
2.919 where one of you is waited for marriage
2.919 one of you hasn&;t asked for healing
2.919 Esther the healing of memories the
2.919 healing of your body because again we&;re
2.919 we&;re psychosomatic spiritual beings so
2.919 it&;s not just I had a hookup and didn&;t
2.919 mean it doesn&;t care it doesn&;t come
2.919 along with me it&;s like when we give
2.919 ourselves away to this person in that
2.919 person that person you&;re becoming one
2.919 body one soul one flesh so again God can
2.919 heal all things right so don&;t fall into
2.919 despair there but just again shame is
2.919 swallowed up by love and so love comes
2.919 charging out and once the good of the
2.919 other person and it&;s not concerned
2.919 about the techniques of Cosmo it&;s just
2.919 about and that&;s freeing and that will
2.919 lead to you know a wedding night as it&;s
2.919 supposed to be and we both went to
2.919 confession the night before our wedding
2.919 even the day of right and I went the day
2.919 before and we both said you know again
2.919 like father like forgive me for
2.919 everything that I&;ve done with any other
2.919 person that was not my spouse because
2.919 only my spouse deserves all of me
2.919 there&;s only percent vowing to give all
2.919 of me and again how beautiful that that
2.919 all those other things you know again
2.919 God has wiped away our sins and now we
2.919 can love each other totally and again to
2.919 you know when it&;s your if it&;s your
2.919 first time on your wedding night that
2.919 you have sex or maybe you&;re both
2.919 virgins it&;s like again it&;s it people
2.919 been doing this for thousands and
2.919 thousands of you what a what a gift to
2.919 say that what I get to say only you
2.919 right you know this is only for you yeah
2.919 you know but again if people out P know
2.919 people always worried about like is it
2.919 can be awkward yeah it might be awkward
2.919 we might do another video about like
2.919 maybe oh that&;s very practical things
2.919 but it&;s again when someone loves you
2.919 they&;re gonna be patient with you and
2.919 loves it loves okay laughing yeah it&;s
2.919 okay to laugh like okay all right let&;s
2.919 figure things out together because it&;s
2.919 the person you&;re me doing this till
2.919 death do you part and I had a woman who
2.919 had been married for about 30 years
2.919 she&;s like Jackie tell them make sure
2.919 and like when I talk to younger so you
2.919 make sure you tell them that when you&;re
2.919 being the longer you&;ve been married the
2.919 better it is okay you know just because
2.919 we had this idea that once you&;re
2.919 married it&;s all downhill from there
2.919 Oh stinks but again if you love each
2.919 other it&;s gonna your love grows deeper
2.919 and every you learn more about the
2.919 person in their heart their mind their
2.919 body soul so I love just gets better sex
2.919 gets better as you&;ve been married
2.919 longer and you continue to communicate
2.919 and not resort to just looking at
2.919 techniques and tips from Cosmo magazine
2.919 from all this at ascension presents god
2.919 bless
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