Thématique «chasteté» : Une vidéo à consulter sur YouTube
Vidéo sur le thème « chasteté » par کانال رسمی شبکه جهانی ولایت
Publiée sur YouTube par کانال رسمی شبکه جهانی ولایت (), cette vidéo est intéressante pour ceux qui s’intéressent au thème «chasteté ».
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Un engagement véritable envers l’autre repose sur la chasteté et la fidélité.
Pour l’époux, la fidélité est profondément associée à la chasteté conjugale. La fidélité requiert non seulement l’absence de relations sexuelles extraconjugales, mais aussi la pureté des pensées et actions. Pour garder la confiance de son épouse, il est indispensable de maîtriser ses pulsions sexuelles. Ce dossier développe de manière exhaustive la thématique de la chasteté conjugale.
Cela peut inclure le combat contre la pornographie, la prudence vis-à-vis des relations trop proches avec d’autres femmes, ainsi que le rejet du flirt. En conséquence, la chasteté se transforme en un don de soi, protégeant non seulement l’époux et son corps, mais aussi la famille, l’enfant et le foyer des dangers extérieurs.
La conception de l’homme changeant.
En d’autres termes, l’homme est considéré comme ayant une tendance plus marquée à la volage et à la masturbation hors du cadre conjugal. Ainsi, il doit adhérer à des règles de chasteté plus sévères pour obtenir la confiance de son ou sa partenaire. En signe d’amour, il peut offrir toute son énergie, son désir et son affection, comme un acte divin inspiré par Dieu. Ce sacrifice est le signe d’un engagement profond, un reflet de la sainteté à laquelle chaque homme est appelé.
La chasteté représente une pratique essentielle sur le plan personnel pour les hommes. La chasteté masculine est souvent considérée comme une autodiscipline sévère. Il est nécessaire d’avoir un engagement fort envers ses principes pour maintenir la chasteté. L’autodiscipline développée par la chasteté masculine peut renforcer la volonté et le caractère.
La pratique de la chasteté conjugale permet de maintenir la flamme réciproque, même si seul le mari la suit. La chasteté est régulièrement mentionnée comme une vertu clé de la vie par l’Église catholique. Cette vertu est un don de soi au Christ, à Dieu et à autrui, comme en témoignent les vies des saints. De nombreux saints ont emboîté le pas du Christ en associant leur chasteté à un engagement total envers Dieu. Comme exemple de chasteté conjugale, Saint Joseph, époux de la Vierge Marie, est fréquemment cité. L’histoire raconte que Saint Bernard de Clairvaux, moine cistercien du XIIe siècle, se jeta dans un buisson d’épines pour lutter contre ses désirs. Avant de se consacrer au Christ et à Dieu, Saint François d’Assise vivait dans le luxe et le plaisir. Saint François d’Assise, répondant à un appel profond de Dieu, choisit de vivre dans la pauvreté et la chasteté. Jeune, Saint Thomas d’Aquin fut confronté à la tentation de sa famille qui cherchait à l’éloigner de la vie monastique. Saint Thomas d’Aquin est dit avoir repoussé une femme tentatrice en brandissant un tison ardent. À l’âge de 11 ans, Sainte Maria Goretti choisit de mourir plutôt que de consentir au péché.
Historique de la chasteté et son évolution.
La façon dont la chasteté est pratiquée aujourd’hui est différente de celle du Moyen Âge. Au temps médiéval, les femmes étaient plus souvent suspectées en matière de chasteté. Les histoires, souvent sujettes à caution, parlent de ceintures de chasteté imposées par les maris aux femmes en leur absence. Les exemples de chasteté réciproque sont plutôt rares.
Dans le mariage, la chasteté est un service de l’amour.
Beaucoup de couples établissent des règles de vie et de sexualité pour garantir la fidélité et la chasteté de l’homme. Ce n’est pas que la femme puisse plus facilement avoir des aventures extraconjugales, mais elle bénéficie souvent d’une confiance plus importante. La chasteté conjugale se réfère principalement à la chasteté du mari dans 95 % des cas. Le port d’un dispositif de chasteté, tel qu’une cage, est imposé à l’homme pour empêcher toute activité sexuelle. La cage de chasteté est parfaitement efficace sur ce plan. Quand la cage est bien verrouillée autour des organes génitaux, le pénis est maintenu replié et reposant sur les testicules. L’homme est forcé de renoncer à toute activité sexuelle, focalisant son attention sur la libération et la jouissance avec son âme sœur. Ce sacrifice incarne un don de soi, un acte d’amour réalisé sous le regard de Dieu.
Les ceintures de chasteté masculines ont commencé à apparaître.
Les ceintures de chasteté pour hommes ne semblent avoir été présentes dans la sexualité qu’à partir des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. Les ceintures étaient surtout utilisées pour des raisons médicales, pour éduquer les jeunes adultes, et pour lutter contre la masturbation, les relations sexuelles avant le mariage, l’infidélité, ainsi que par amour pour Dieu, peu importe la foi. Ce don de chasteté, influencé par le respect pour Dieu, constitue un engagement pour mener une vie plus pure et sacrifiée.
La valeur de la chasteté avant le mariage est généralement respectée comme une norme morale. Cette pratique est fréquemment motivée par des normes religieuses ou culturelles. Le respect de cette norme est souvent perçu comme un signe de discipline personnelle. Les programmes éducatifs religieux enseignent fréquemment la chasteté avant le mariage.
Pour un couple, la chasteté avant le mariage est une promesse sérieuse, qu’il croit en Dieu ou non. Avant le mariage, pour une femme, préserver la pureté de son corps est souvent vu comme un don précieux. La virginité de la mariée est une immense fierté pour elle, sa famille et son époux dans l’Islam comme dans d’autres religions. La chasteté avant le mariage peut présenter des défis particulièrement importants pour un garçon. L’absence d’outils comme une cage de chasteté rend l’effort pour un garçon de rester abstinent jusqu’à la célébration de l’union plus ardu. La maîtrise de soi avant le mariage démontre un véritable amour et prépare le couple à une relation respectueuse. La continence avant le mariage est un aspect essentiel de la préparation spirituelle pour une union conjugale harmonieuse, au-delà de la pureté corporelle. En respectant cette voie, on contribue à construire une sexualité robuste pour les futurs époux.
La chasteté dans le mariage est généralement vue comme une expression d’amour sincère entre les partenaires. Elle est fréquemment perçue comme un signe d’engagement réciproque et de protection de l’intimité du couple. Cette pratique peut également être un symbole de respect pour les valeurs communes entre les partenaires.
Cette pratique de la chasteté dans le mariage intensifie l’amour et la confiance entre les époux. Même lorsque seul l’homme pratique la chasteté, elle aide à préserver la flamme réciproque. Selon l’Église de Vatican II, la chasteté est toujours citée parmi les vertus du mariage et du service à Dieu. Cet engagement de chasteté est un don sacré, un hommage à Dieu et un respect des saints, renforçant ainsi l’amour conjugal en le dédiant à la sainteté.
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#برنامه #کامل #کانون #مهر #1403.9.27 #استاد #کرمی
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: Wakil Naam Al-Moola and Naam Al-Nasir, in the name of the most appropriate words, in the manner of love, in the name of God, greetings, politeness, respect, humility, I am in your presence, honorable viewers, dear scholars, I am very happy and pleased . I am humbled to serve you from the weighty frame of the global network of the province. I would also like to apologize. Excuse me, and we were watching the program from the presence of the valuable points that the professor gave and the valuable Qatari experiences that were exchanged in this pool . We appreciate the program that we are going to serve them, and for about an hour now, we will talk less about the things that are the upbringing of our Ahl al-Bayt, for this purpose, I am at the service of the great master of my position, Nazanin. Hazrat Hojjat al-Islam wa al-Muslimin, I am Professor Dr. Karmi. Please allow me to greet you and ask you a question. I will come back and tell you what the topic of the program is about. Hi, Professor. Hello Alikan. Have a good time. You are very welcome . Greetings, politeness and respect, wherever they are, God bless them all with long life and good health, God willing, thank you very much, thank you very much. I would like to point out that you, the viewers, fathers and mothers, teachers of educational sciences who are working with children and have a road map for educational issues, can contact your programs every time and discuss the concern of your question or doubt. Please, we promise that we will listen to your talks on the same path and in an academic platform away from controversy, accept your scientific topics and strengthen each other’s issues. If you remember, the topic of our program was almost for the previous session, maybe it was the previous session . Let’s have a single map, let’s look at the map and say how we can overcome these problems. This was on our agenda. Today, I want to be a little smaller. Okay, today let’s talk in more detail about a topic and a more important title, the sexual education of our children. I know that until this topic is raised, professor, this question and doubt enters the minds of honorable fathers, mothers, at all, professors, those who work in the field of educational sciences. The sex education that we say should really have the necessary transparency or should be flavored with secrecy and confidentiality. At what age should we start teaching sex education and so on? The questions we submit to your informative points and I promise, God willing, I won’t talk long between the talks and I will use your way of presentation more. Be a viewer until the end of our appointment. This is it. In the second step, we will raise and ask the teacher about your suspicious question that you send to the program. Professor, please, yes, in the previous meetings, we said that there are 5 so-called educational systems in this road map, that the Almighty God, who knows us, knows the world around us. He himself is the creator of this universe, he has designed this road map for us , so whoever comes to this address will reach his destination, God willing, because those blind roads are actually intended for us not to enter, those pits are intended not to enter. We didn’t fall into a pothole, we didn’t fall into a well, and we won’t suffer any injuries that may occur due to some problems on the way, God willing, so they said in this road map that it is necessary for families to be five to five. Consider the term education system, one of which we were discussing is sex education for children, who will face further problems in their growth path, which God forbid, if they are not educated, they will not face those problems . After they are weaned, it is usual that the first thing to say is that they should be separated from their bedroom. It is wise . Let’s look at them, even if the look itself has this effect, we told the reasons and then it was said that it doesn’t matter whether the mother or the father don’t let them get involved in washing them . They reach a place where you assume they want to take them to kindergarten, or suppose they take them to preschool, they are a stranger, and anyone other than their parents is considered a stranger. For them, because they consider family members, especially parents, as their own, they consider others as strangers. They have because the discussion of modesty, which we will discuss today, God Almighty, is in their being, they don’t want others to touch their so-called private parts, so there are reasons such as the discussion of upbringing and the discussion of shamelessness, and first of all, some of them require that their pure nature does not allow them to do so. Say, suppose there is a need for a restroom, they will take care of themselves because they know that if they go, for example, the coach will take them and wash them. He touches their private parts, so this will cause harm. If they ask them to refrain from going to the bathroom , if they do not go and the instructor is not trained , do this. They grow a little bigger even at the age of 2 years and later. If they are taking a bath, parents should be careful . For them to date does not mean that now that they are mahram, now that their parents are at this age, they can easily date them now that they are young, yes, they are only 2 years old . What effects can it have, my help, we have reached this content, now let’s assume that it will be explained . Don’t let anyone kiss them, who are not mahram, and the same goes for the parents, that in fact, their daughters who are growing up with my help, the family should not stand up and kiss them on the face, because God Almighty has placed something called modesty among them . Let’s open this modesty a bit, I am writing this article with pride, because the fact is that modesty in its place is a very big bastion for human protection, a very powerful force for human protection. From what of many things, now we will open it to you, please take care of many things. In Surah Maryam verse 23, God Almighty mentions the story of the birth of Jesus and Mary, peace and blessings be upon him. How does he tell the story ? The naturalness of modesty is the naturalness of modesty as an attribute in a woman. Well, Maryam, peace and blessings of God be upon her, became pregnant by a divine miracle and now she wants to perform ablution. God the Most High says to go among the people to a place where the people do not see, with God’s permission, he can perform ablution there under special conditions. I used to forget to see this special situation that upsets him, no matter what people say or not, this is not fear, this is modesty. Look, there is a difference between fear and modesty. Maybe modesty is a sign. There is fear in him, but there is no fear. In fact, he is self -preservation. Self-preservation is different from fear. It may be one of his so-called works. Or the litany that talks about, I wish it was because of the fact that we should call that state of mind that God placed in her being natural modesty. The man has one , this is the power of God in the existence of women, 9 modesty is given to one . Therefore, he could have planned the road in a different way and introduced the Almighty God Jesus in a different way, but he introduces a mother, a mother. Please consider how many women we have discussed in the Qur’an as examples. One of them is Hazrat Maryam and the other is Hazrat Zahra, peace be upon them. Why does he introduce them like this? He wants to express a special complexity, or he wants to convey that greatness, first of all, the power of modesty that waves in their souls and is more than men, why, and most importantly, mothers It is great . Why, these are the points that the Holy Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, who is nearing Fatima Zahra’s birthday, may God bless him and grant him peace, now Iranians. It has been associated with that ancient festival, it will be a night and a day. Happy birthday to Zahra, peace be upon her. They know better, Alhamdulillah, that in reality the blessed existence of the Messenger of God, peace be upon him, how does he address Hazrat Zahra and how does God introduce her, these dimensions that From a lady, a lady is raised in her educational aspect and her educational role , this educational role requires tools, means, facilities, God wants in their existence. What is the first one? He has modesty, which means he doesn’t go to extremes. Is sexual education, for example, to be associated with secrecy and secrecy , and this is definitely associated with secrecy, definitely associated with some kind of modesty, this is that the form of education can be such that, God forbid, he will face the problems that we are presenting now. Whether it’s because of shamelessness, what happens or when you discuss the story of Hazrat Yusuf, peace be upon him, in Surah Yusuf, verse 23, there is also something strange, read verse 23 now . This has one point, why both of them are mentioned in Surah 23. There are many interesting points. Before that, when you find out what are the interesting points, the introduction becomes Chinese until it reaches here. It was also in Surah Maryam, verse 23, and the story was also in Surah Yusuf, verse 23. Well, this is of course. A code for friends to remember. Every shower has a verse. But there are other educational points in it . You can see the preliminaries there. Hazrat Yusuf is closing the door, I apologize. Zuleikha is closing the door. Hazrat Yusuf asks why you are closing the door, then I will cover it with a cloth. He says, « Why are you wearing a cloth ? » I don’t want to, this is the point, Zulikha, who is deviating from us, Zulikha, who is on the verge of sin, this is a very important point, Zulikha, you want to He is on the verge of sin, but that modesty is still in him. Yes, he controlled it a bit. A bit of control will save both himself and Hazrat Yusuf. In fact, if he did not have a shred of modesty, Hazrat Yusuf would not have started to close the door to his plan. He would pay attention, then he would be less prepared to escape from the story. Yes, in a sense, he would not be saved from being surprised, that Hazrat would be saved from being surprised . His wife is helping to see the story for both of them who are not infected with sin. This article is still helping us in truth. We want to say that modesty is the root of human mental health. Or to discuss another term of psychology, we say that some psychological effects are actually nudity or non-nudity. In this article, we should look for it. They say that if women cover themselves, it is better for them, then there is good. What does Lehne say, no, this is good, why does Lehne suggest that the word « good » means profit, and it means benefit. Yes, because of the application, it includes material benefit and spiritual benefit. Verse 53 of Surah Al-Ahzab again mentions the benefit of hijab and the benefit of chastity. This story says that maintaining privacy between a man and a woman is for the purity of their hearts, so it is better according to this supplication. He says that it is better for them to wear the hijab, so the question is, can a person who does not have modesty pay attention to his hijab? No, the interesting thing here is that modesty comes before hijab. Now, what makes a person have modesty? There is no hijab. This means that this introduction is correct, step by step . Peace be upon you, the innocent to the innocent, the imam to the imam, no, a normal person says from an innocent imam to an innocent imam, protect women in hijab from us, because paying attention to hijab becomes a factor in their health and stability, and their mental health is very strange. Letter 31 Nahj Balaghast says that the root of mental health is the fact that it has been discussed in the collection of discussions of the innocents, peace be upon them, so that the lifestyle can create a style with peace in traveling a safe plan. You can see the map for sure, here are the human tendencies, human intentions, human behaviors, human opinions, the collection of human perceptions, the collection of human habits, the collection of human tastes and attitudes, the collection of human moral, economic, and political standards . A style is a style, so this style is related to Islam when it is compatible with Islam when, in fact, modesty has been strengthened in the existence of these men and women so that they can lead them to their own plan. So, here are 10 recommendations of Islam, dear, 10 recommendations of the Qur’an and Atrat, 10 recommendations to strengthen modesty, so that we do not make mistakes in sexual education and other educations. This is interesting, because it is possible that someone will say, « Well, I am with my child. » I’ll put it in the middle, for example, let’s say a schoolboy is sane, let’s say a teenager is sane, I talk to him easily, I say to my daughter, if a boy comes and talks to you, do it like this He says it didn’t work. It’s true that you tell him, I’m comfortable telling him, but what do you say about the next incident? Unfortunate incidents are not your own experience, or the words of your creator, the words of a leader and guide who is innocent. Is there a prophet who told you based on what you experienced or based on what you found knowledge that the way you are teaching your child now will not cause him any problems in the future, by the way he should not be sexually stimulated . Especially today, sexual maturity happens to many children today whether I want it or not, it happens sooner, yes, because many parents do not have the control they should, children are infected with a series of sights. Indecent sights, yes, they get infected, well, this creates some problems, the Almighty God has placed that sexual instinct, and in fact, factors that can activate it can be found in the environment, which causes the sexual instinct to be activated, and then there are problems. It is for this reason that we said what we said, we read the verses, the verses were recited in the previous session, and we said that God Almighty said to teach your children to enter the room on time if they want to. They will knock on the door when you want to change your clothes. It’s interesting, sir, go away, why does he say it’s okay, they’re not supposed to see your whole body? that some actions should be changed , so now let’s see what are the 10 recommendations, let’s talk about them one by one . advised to observe the boundaries so that there is no ground for slipping and falling into the trap and sin. Here in Bahar al-Anwar, volume 76, page 26, there is a noble prophet, may peace be upon him, Shia and Sunni are interesting . The recommendations that we have for them, the materials that we have, even in the form of advice, it says that you should say it in the form of modesty, well, very well, now what is modesty, then what does it say, for now, it says that in the form of modesty, the second is the necessary sexual care in the relationship. With parents and children, they say the opposite in this regard. In many traditions, they say that you must be careful. What does it mean? If a couple is going to have a child, they must observe certain things at the time of fertilization . They should pray rakats of prayer, make intentions, and pray to God in their prayers and Qanut, and raise righteous and righteous children for them, and then when fertilization takes place, he says that none of them should think about anyone else. They are not from their own husband and wife. He says yes, he says that we should be ashamed of God. Here he says, « Be ashamed of God. Why are you ignorant of Allah? God does not hear or see you. Be careful now. It is true that no one sees you. » You don’t have it, yes, God knows what’s going on in your mind, so it’s very interesting, he says, be ashamed of God, don’t transfer your mind to someone else, it ‘s very strange, we remember once again For this part, this was a discussion for another place. I will share this experimental experimental article for the sake of my friends. It was shared in the books of educational psychology. This story is abundantly told that in the closing of America, something happened to this rich family. In fact, the family was both educated there and rich, and they counted a series of educational centers from them, so what happened, a boy and a girl from two families marrying each other is interesting . on that thought Before, their own tradition, that in reality, children go to their father, they die to their mother, I don’t know if it is like that, they get into some kind of moral conflict, what should we say to the people, this lady has cheated on her husband, this conflict has become so special for them that if they divorce They should take it because they are well-known in this city, they will find a problem, if they stay, they will find a problem. The arrival of a group of experts in psychology, epistemology, philosophy, because they did not know what kind of medicine it is. Of course, being rich and spending money is a good thing, for those who are reading this story after themselves, they will realize that this is the so-called conception of this couple after a long time of intercourse . Unfortunately, this lady had a picture in her room. which was one of the bullfighting sports stadiums, and he was an Indian, he looked at him while playing and thought he was going to bed with him, so let’s go to our school. Allahu Akbar Hazrat Amir Ali (peace be upon him) says that whoever thinks about someone else while having sex with his wife has committed sexual adultery, look where he is, Islam is expressing . It is correct to notice the coming of other people who were in a similar situation. This is how important the necessary care in relation to sexual relations during sperm coagulation is emphasized here. So this is modesty How many things did you say, Professor, how many things did you say about the 10 things that you said, I will allow you to take a chance, and that is the point and basis of His Highness’s discussion. Face it, you should strengthen your modesty, so teach it, your veil will come off, if you want to pray for the child and pray for blood, train well to seek God, in your heart is that prayer. Thank you very much for pointing out the correctness of the teacher . We go to work until night, often our thinking is only about income, economy, the situation of the region, and social issues . It is my dear teacher’s presence, dear teacher Dr. Kerami , let’s discuss the issues of your family’s educational history. I feel that there is a great opportunity. Alhamdulillah, the Lord of the worlds. Prof. Afshani, which we used, in the second step of the suspicious question that you are referring to and you are sending, I said to the program that I myself would like to hear your warm voice as if we are having a phone call, please, sir. Momeni from Isfahan, I am at your service, Mrs. Momeni, how are you Sharif? I would like to congratulate you in advance, Mrs. Momeni, hello, hello, at your service, respected presenter and professor Karmi, I am very sorry for my severe stress and anxiety. My stress started when I was a year old, because there was a war, then the sirens that came on the TV, I was stressed from my childhood, I would go underground to say, for example, let’s go to shelter, and after that, there were many other problems in my life. There was a lot of tension, and then this fear and anxiety affected me so much. It’s as if it has gone into my subconscious mind. My nerves are very weak. My spirit is very broken. I went to a neurologist and underwent treatment for a year, but there were so many drugs and side effects that bothered me that I had to stop taking the drugs. I stopped fasting, I went to the doctor for 100 cents. Currently, I am taking Tranquival tablets with a series of herbal extracts so that my anxiety can be controlled a little, so that I can sleep more calmly and better at night. The smallest stress is when I want to sleep, the moment I want to fall into deep sleep, my hand jumps, my leg jumps , or my body jerks . It is childhood that is left in you, it is mentally messed up, you have to grow up from childhood, and I don’t know that you should write and tear it up because of the trick they gave me, but I didn’t. I didn’t get that much, very good Ms. Momeni, thank you very much, if you have any questions, ask the teacher a few questions, please excuse me, because we still don’t know if they are stressed or anxious, so I will ask you a few questions . Yes, you know, I’m very afraid. I don’t always know because bad things have happened and I’ve been informed. I’m worried about everything. Well, now I’ll notice the signs, then at that time you’ll find a way. After that, not so much. Well, very rarely, if you get stressed, for example, you say the weather. Now, for example, I have nervous dizziness. I also get dizzy, especially when my energy runs out quickly and I also get dizzy. Then I did these things. Thank you very much. Thank you, as if we lost contact, we are in contact, Mrs. Zarei, please tell me where in the world we are from, as if from Bandar Abbas, Mrs. Zari, hello, have a good time, until you hear my voice, let me use I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on the birth of Hazrat Saadat Zahra, peace be upon him, as if the connection was also cut off, so guys, we are going to give priority to the calls that the honorable viewers and devotees are getting with their own network, give it priority, we will go, Mrs. Mominin’s question Let’s face it and have a question. If you call again, please let us know. We will be at your service immediately . They said that the feeling of being anxious is in a certain way and then they don’t have a solution. This is a reason to say that yes, this is probably a type of stress, because we have several types of stress, so here is a type of stress. The fear that must be formed in them, I will briefly summarize a few things I suggest them to do it, on the condition that they will call again after a certain interval and we will continue to serve them. Professor of Kalam, it will not be out of your hands if you take Ms. Zari’s call, because she is behind the line, and this is our promise that the priority of the honorable viewers is at work. Hello, Khan Zar, I want to say that you have a good time, we are at your service, Mrs. Zar, I congratulate you before the birth of the lady . I’m sorry sir, I’m ashamed that I’m a stranger, thank you for your program, one thing is that we women in the health network should give the first grade vaccine in your school dear, and this child was very patient and resisted for the vaccine and how difficult it was to get the vaccine. After that, his mother said, « I have to sit with him in the market and come with him until I get to this child’s house. He only talked about things that he didn’t talk to us at all. They asked him everything, for example, the ladies who were taking care of him there. Whatever was negative and he didn’t want to say no, he shook his head no and didn’t say anything else . There is, and I’m unable to do it. I was forced to take his preparation last year. He took this year from school and didn’t complete his preparation. Now either this kid doesn’t have self-confidence, we don’t know, or maybe it’s too much, for example. I don’t give a damn about him, he calls me a gamer because when he was talking, he said that it was rude to put a program on him. To a lady I knew, I said that this program is rough, or because of these things, and he has a lot of mobile phones, so he should be quiet, quiet, or whatever. We don’t know who the counselor was. He just said it in a bad way without any explanation. Take it to my mother’s psychiatrist. He says to see a psychiatrist. Maybe I can give him medicine. I can’t give him medicine and control him with medicine. I am ashamed that you asked for your help, so please help me to inform this lady again what she should do. Thank you. May God protect you, God bless you. Ms. Zar’s question is that they are an only child. The second child of the family, as the first child, said to be the ninth. 9th grade means he is going to high school, and this is the second one, he is in primary school, now he is in primary school, both of them are boys, yes, thank you very much, God willing, you will be a viewer, sir Dear Ms. Mohammadi Dear Ms. Mohammadi from Pakistan, while congratulating Ms. Janmon on the birthday of Hazrat Zahra, we hear your voice, please make the subject, Ms. Mohammadi, I offer my greetings and politeness to you. May you have a blessed day. Greetings, do not be tired, and I congratulate Ms. Fatima Zahra. Hello. Hello dear teacher and director and thank you for your good program which is really informative . I would like to ask for your advice. Calm down, Mrs. Mohammadi, please speak a little more slowly. Your child is 11 years old. Yes, my child is 11 years old . Medicine means puberty, rash control, do n’t assume that they are 11 years old, they have early puberty. Do you have any prescription suggestions in the behavioral field of medicine? Thank you very much, Mrs. Mohammadi . Mrs. Momeni , who is from Isfahan, would you like to say in order, whatever your order is, we will use it, Khan Momeni, I told them that we use two stages or maybe three stages, if there are cases that require changes in the cases themselves, one must be done during the day. that those hours when he is awake, the only examples of this point, Oleh Sadem, will not pass by his side . What this means is that these one or two during the day may be busy with the things they do and the way they think, they should listen to something . Well, sir, it shouldn’t be about cooking, for example, not here, he should pay attention that he should definitely be busy, because these are among the people who understand several aspects, that is, they are scattered, we want them to be scattered. Let’s separate them, he says that it was due to fear at that time, maybe it was due to fear during his childhood, we accept it, but that is not the only reason, the main reason is due to the fact that he got many seizures at the same time. There is no point in doing anything else, because it hasn’t happened yet, but by God’s will, do this in a week or two, God willing. Call him, we’ll tell you how much he’s improved, and then when the next percentage is over, we’ll tell him what to do, so what was the second one? He definitely cooks like food, washes dishes like an example. Give me an example. I’m sorry . For example, at such times, it is good to have a phone in his ear. He should pay attention, well, in order to understand what he should do, he should be able to write a summary of the things that he may have heard, but at the half line of these two-thirds, he should spend at least 45 minutes during the day. He is one of the people who can do aerobic exercise It would be much better if you can’t do yoga in that region that is practiced in Iran today, not the Indian yoga, in other words, the yoga that I know exists in Isfahan, because the person who refuses to get a doctorate in Qom goes there for training. He tells me that there are good coaches there. The yoga sport that women are doing now is for the health of the body and soul. They should use him. Usually, the governors are in the process. The sports department of that city is in the process . It can give him concentration, the entire nervous system of his body helps, this is a very important point. The third point is to take care at night, when you want to sleep, no phone or computer before that . Don’t look at the monitor in any way, 20 minutes before and most importantly, you shouldn’t drink anything cold , not even cold, but something cold, like milk, for example. They can sit attentively and sit for about 2 minutes, 1 minute, 2 minutes, do not move, in that position, put their hands over their ears as if they don’t want to hear the sound, then let go, take it again, for example It’s like they are letting go, like a game that children play, sometimes there is a situation like this, why do we do this, because we told you that your service has found such a disorder by hearing and seeing them, and this situation is normal, so do this for 15 days after 15 days, i.e. our next two sessions, they should call us . We would like to say that it is very good, Ms. Zarei, the teacher, did you notice that they said that their child is in the first grade, from the moment they took him to the school for the ampoule that they want to take to the health center, well, he was doing a lot of mischief, and he was not supposed to see that he was playing PS games. and the child is very restless. Do you think of anything between these children? One of them is restless, the other one is not communicating . Social communication means going to school. Did you notice that he is saying that he is going to kindergarten or preschool? Yes, he can’t. They will be cut in the middle of the course. Why should they be cut? Because there is a lack of communication, what should they do? We want to say that we don’t have time. Yes, it’s clear, but now we don’t have time to treat them. Let’s say that with the children of his teammates, who are actually a little younger, why would he want to show off his commanding actions and the great actions of being a secretary? This is a child. I want someone older than myself to be with her until she is in this situation and can have a relationship with someone higher than herself. So there are two types of people . Of course, the more days, the more useful, but it should be at least one day a week. Now, two days would be better, three days would be better. Every day, as long as there is no light, 10 minutes is enough, so this is one day for these children. There are people who For them, any type of food that has extra starch increases their work, such as pasta, rice, sweets, etc. They should be very careful about what they eat . Their muscles have found a certain autonomy state, that state should be under the control of the executive nerve muscle, in fact, it should return to the control of the brain, so this state It should be given to them that if they are rude, it is awkward, if they touch, they can be controlled . like an aunt, like, what should we order, how to talk to her, how to talk to her, yes, you can also talk to her on the phone, in person, in any way you can. Talk to them more in person and on the phone, and of course encourage them to talk more. In this part, the emotional strength that needs to find balance will find balance as a result of these conversations, and the fear that is in him will be shed. Look, it’s a small gesture, but it’s a big one. When he wanted to be vaccinated, he just shook his head. Yes, he shook his head slowly. What does that mean, what I just said is in their conversation There is a flaw in this situation with these conversations that family members and strangers especially can have a conversation with them in this way, the social relations will increase a bit more and the last thing in their discussions, pay attention to the fact that the family itself should be encouraged to do good things as well as do good things. He gives encouragement, encouragement, see what makes him very happy, sometimes it is to buy a food, sometimes to talk and say to Barak Allah, sometimes it is to play, which, of course, most of them say to play, according to experience, these are among children. He wants to be played, why is he a second child or a single child? I will tell this to the rest of the families. Single children or second children are such that emotionally, they are either very shy or they are shy in saying sorry, they are called shy, not shy. We don’t have time to explain the difference, but these shy people are telling them that this is actually due to the lack of communication with people of the same age and gender. His brother is older than him, he is in the ninth grade, in a sense, according to his own words, yes, he is not going to school yet, how many years has it been since it has been 9 years, 10 years, he has not been able to communicate well, the main reason starts here, so do the things we have mentioned, God willing, the problem will be solved. Thank you very much, Ms. Momeni. I think I wanted to say that the children are behind the line. Ms. Momeni, if not , we will skip to the next question. Very briefly, Ms. Momeni. It’s short, please be very brief, Mr. Kerami, I ‘ll say it very quickly and briefly. There were a few points. I forgot to mention one that I am the child of a divorce. My parents were about 8 years old when I got divorced. After that, I have a lot of negative thoughts. I dream a lot and I’m afraid all the time. And one more thing I wanted to say is that I can’t concentrate, the same thing happens when I wake up, and this has been happening since I was a child until now, and when I sleep, I dream the same way. Your problem is due to the lack of concentration, as I said, you read the material from different angles, that’s why I told you to do it, God willing, you will get a result, by the grace of God, the instructions given by the teacher, Ms. Momeni, were to be done in two weeks. Let’s hear your voice, let’s discuss and see where the work has reached. Thank you, the teacher of our time. It’s too limited. Let’s also answer Mrs. Mohammadi from Pakistan. An 11-year-old child who has precocious puberty. Precocious puberty does not need any medicine to control it. If it is too late, you don’t need to use it to activate the medicine. This is dangerous. If we do it, we should be very careful. That is, if someone advises us not to do it, because we will cause problems for their health, then they will find another problem, so we did not use the medicine. Besides, what should we do to control it? There are several things, one is to say this individually, another is to say it individually to the opposite sex . Let’s take it this way . This is a second point. Pay attention. The temperature of the sleeping environment should not be more than 22 degrees. It should not be too hot. It should not be too hot . They say that the water should be lower than Volen. The fourth point is much more important and that is that they should be given some things from the point of view of ethics that in the next meeting if they hear May God bless you, God willing, I will remember to raise the question again after the meeting, which I think is a very maternal and paternal concern of the honorable viewers. We are very sincere. Don’t hurt your hands. Sitting and having sex .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
0.4 Wakil Naam Al-Moola and Naam Al-Nasir, in the name of the most appropriate words, in the manner of love, in the name of
0.4 God, greetings, politeness, respect, humility, I am in your presence, honorable viewers, dear scholars,
0.4 I am very happy and pleased
0.4 . I am humbled to serve you from the weighty frame of the global network of the province.
0.4 I would also like to apologize.
0.4 Excuse me, and we were watching the program from the presence of the valuable points
0.4 that the professor gave
0.4 and the valuable Qatari experiences that were exchanged in this pool
0.4 . We appreciate the program that
0.4 we are going to serve them, and for about an hour now, we will talk less about the things that
0.4 are the upbringing of our Ahl al-Bayt, for this purpose, I am at the service of the great master of my position, Nazanin.
0.4 Hazrat Hojjat al-Islam wa al-Muslimin, I am Professor Dr. Karmi. Please allow me to greet you and ask you
0.4 a question. I will come back and tell you what the topic of the program is about. Hi, Professor.
0.4 Hello Alikan. Have a good time. You are very welcome
0.4 . Greetings, politeness and respect,
0.4 wherever they are, God bless them all with long life and good health, God
0.4 willing, thank you very much, thank you very much.
0.4 I would like to point out that you, the viewers, fathers and mothers, teachers of
0.4 educational sciences who are working with children and
0.4 have a road map for educational issues, can contact your programs every time and discuss the concern of
0.4 your question or doubt. Please, we promise that we will
0.4 listen to your talks on the same path and in an academic platform away from controversy, accept your scientific topics and
0.4 strengthen each other&;s issues. If
0.4 you remember, the topic of our program was almost for the previous session,
0.4 maybe
0.4 it was the previous session
0.4 . Let&;s have a single map, let&;s look at the map and say how
0.4 we can overcome these problems. This was on our agenda. Today,
0.4 I want to be a little smaller. Okay, today let&;s talk in more detail about a
0.4 topic and a more important title, the sexual education of our children. I know that until this topic
0.4 is raised, professor, this question and doubt
0.4 enters the minds of honorable fathers, mothers, at all, professors, those who work in the field of educational sciences. The sex education that we say
0.4 should really have the necessary transparency or should be flavored with secrecy and confidentiality. At
0.4 what age should we start teaching sex education and so on? The questions we submit to
0.4 your informative points and I promise, God willing,
0.4 I won&;t talk long between the talks and I will use your way of presentation more. Be a viewer until the end of our appointment. This
0.4 is it. In the second step, we will raise and ask the teacher about your suspicious question that you send to the program.
0.4 Professor, please, yes, in the previous meetings, we said that
0.4 there are 5 so-called educational systems in this road map, that the Almighty God, who knows us,
0.4 knows the world around us. He himself is the creator of this universe, he has designed this road map for us
0.4 , so whoever comes to this address will reach his destination, God willing, because those blind
0.4 roads are actually intended for us not to enter, those pits are intended
0.4 not to enter. We didn&;t fall into a pothole, we didn&;t fall into a well, and
0.4 we won&;t suffer any injuries that may occur due to some problems on the way, God willing, so
0.4 they said in this road map that it is necessary for families to be five to five.
0.4 Consider the term education system, one of which we were discussing
0.4 is sex education for children, who will face further problems in their growth path, which God forbid,
0.4 if they are not educated, they will not face those problems
0.4 . After they are weaned, it is usual that the first thing to say is that they should be
0.4 separated
0.4 from their bedroom. It is wise .
0.4 Let&;s look at them, even if the look itself has this effect,
0.4 we told the reasons and then it was said that it doesn&;t matter
0.4 whether the mother or the father don&;t let them get involved in washing them
0.4 . They reach a place where you assume
0.4 they want to take them to kindergarten, or suppose they take them to preschool, they are
0.4 a stranger, and anyone other than their parents is considered a stranger. For them, because
0.4 they consider family members, especially parents, as their own, they consider others as strangers.
0.4 They have because the discussion of modesty, which we will discuss today, God Almighty, is in their being,
0.4 they don&;t want others to touch their so-called private parts, so
0.4 there are reasons such as the discussion of upbringing and the discussion of shamelessness, and first of all, some of them
0.4 require that their pure nature does not allow them to do so. Say, suppose
0.4 there is a need for a restroom, they will take care of themselves because they know that if they go, for example, the
0.4 coach will take them and wash them. He touches their private parts,
0.4 so this will cause harm. If they ask them to refrain
0.4 from going to the bathroom ,
0.4 if they do not go and the instructor is not trained , do
0.4 this. They grow a little bigger even at the age of 2 years and later.
0.4 If they are taking a bath, parents should be careful
0.4 . For them to date
0.4 does not mean that now that they are mahram, now that their parents are at this age,
0.4 they can easily date them now that they are young, yes, they are only 2 years old
0.4 . What effects can it have,
0.4 my help, we have reached this content, now let&;s assume that it will be
0.4 explained .
0.4 Don&;t let anyone kiss them, who are not mahram, and the same goes for the parents,
0.4 that in fact, their daughters who are growing up with my help, the family should not stand up and
0.4 kiss them on the face, because God Almighty has placed something called modesty among them
0.4 . Let&;s open this modesty a bit, I am writing this article with
0.4 pride, because the fact is that modesty in its place is a very big bastion for
0.4 human protection, a very powerful force for human protection. From what of many things, now
0.4 we will open it to you, please take care of many things. In Surah Maryam verse 23, God
0.4 Almighty mentions the story of the birth of Jesus and Mary, peace and
0.4 blessings be upon him. How does he tell the story
0.4 ? The naturalness of modesty
0.4 is the naturalness of modesty as an attribute in a woman. Well, Maryam, peace and
0.4 blessings of God be upon her, became pregnant by a divine miracle and now she wants to perform ablution. God the Most High
0.4 says to go among the people to a place where the people do not see, with God&;s permission, he
0.4 can perform ablution there under special conditions.
0.4 I used to forget to see this
0.4 special situation that upsets him, no matter what people say or not, this is not fear, this is modesty.
0.4 Look, there is a difference between fear and modesty. Maybe modesty is a sign. There is fear in him, but there is no fear. In fact, he is
0.4 self
0.4 -preservation. Self-preservation is different from fear.
0.4 It may be one of his so-called works.
0.4 Or the litany that talks about, I wish it was because of the
0.4 fact that we should call that state of mind that God placed in her being
0.4 natural modesty. The man has
0.4 one ,
0.4 this is the power of God in the existence of women, 9
0.4 modesty
0.4 is given to one
0.4 . Therefore, he could have planned the road in a different way and
0.4 introduced the Almighty God Jesus in a different way, but he introduces a mother,
0.4 a mother. Please consider how many women we have discussed in the Qur&;an as examples.
0.4 One of them is Hazrat Maryam and the other is Hazrat Zahra, peace be upon them.
0.4 Why does he introduce them like this? He wants to express a special complexity, or he wants
0.4 to convey that greatness, first of all, the power of modesty that waves in their souls and
0.4 is more than men, why, and most importantly, mothers It is great
0.4 . Why, these are the points that the Holy Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, who is nearing
0.4 Fatima Zahra&;s birthday, may God bless him and grant him peace, now Iranians.
0.4 It has been associated with that ancient festival, it will be a night and a day. Happy birthday to Zahra, peace
0.4 be upon her. They know better, Alhamdulillah, that in reality the blessed existence of the Messenger of God, peace be upon him,
0.4 how does he address Hazrat Zahra and how does God introduce her, these
0.4 dimensions that From a lady, a lady is raised in her educational aspect and her educational role
0.4 , this educational role requires tools, means, facilities,
0.4 God wants in their existence. What is the first one? He has modesty, which means
0.4 he doesn&;t go to extremes.
0.4 Is sexual education, for example, to be associated with secrecy and secrecy
0.4 , and this is definitely associated with secrecy, definitely associated with some kind of modesty, this is that
0.4 the form of education can be such that, God forbid, he will face the problems that
0.4 we are presenting now. Whether it&;s because of shamelessness, what happens or when you discuss the story of Hazrat Yusuf,
0.4 peace be upon him, in Surah Yusuf, verse 23, there is also something strange, read verse 23 now
0.4 . This has one point, why both of them are mentioned in Surah 23. There are many interesting points.
0.4 Before that, when you find out what are the interesting points, the introduction becomes Chinese until it reaches here. It
0.4 was also in Surah Maryam, verse 23, and the story was also in Surah Yusuf, verse 23. Well, this is of course. A code for
0.4 friends to remember. Every shower has a verse. But there are other educational points
0.4 in it . You can see the preliminaries there.
0.4 Hazrat Yusuf is closing the door,
0.4 I apologize. Zuleikha is closing the door. Hazrat Yusuf asks why you
0.4 are closing the door, then I will cover it with a cloth.
0.4 He says, "Why are you wearing a cloth
0.4 ?" I don&;t want to, this is the point, Zulikha, who is
0.4 deviating from us, Zulikha, who is on the verge of sin, this is a very important point, Zulikha, you want to He is on
0.4 the verge of sin, but that modesty is still in him. Yes, he controlled it a bit. A
0.4 bit of control will save both himself and Hazrat Yusuf. In fact, if he
0.4 did not have a shred of modesty, Hazrat Yusuf would not have started to close the door to his plan. He would pay attention, then he
0.4 would be less prepared to escape from the story. Yes, in a sense, he would
0.4 not be saved from being surprised, that Hazrat would be saved from being surprised
0.4 . His wife is helping
0.4 to see the story for both of them who are not infected with sin. This article is still helping us in truth. We want to say
0.4 that modesty is the root of human mental health.
0.4 Or to discuss another term of psychology, we say that
0.4 some psychological effects are actually nudity or non-nudity. In this article, we should
0.4 look for it. They say that if
0.4 women cover themselves, it is better for them, then there is good. What does Lehne say, no, this is
0.4 good, why does Lehne suggest that the word "good" means profit, and it means benefit. Yes,
0.4 because of the application, it includes material benefit and spiritual benefit. Verse 53 of Surah Al-Ahzab
0.4 again mentions the benefit of hijab and the benefit of chastity. This story says that maintaining privacy between a man
0.4 and a woman is for the purity of their hearts, so it is better according to this supplication. He says
0.4 that it is better for them to wear the hijab, so the question is, can a person who does not have modesty
0.4 pay attention to his hijab? No, the interesting thing here is that modesty comes before hijab. Now, what makes
0.4 a person have modesty? There is no hijab.
0.4 This
0.4 means that this introduction is correct, step by step
0.4 . Peace be upon you, the innocent
0.4 to the innocent, the imam to the imam, no, a normal person
0.4 says from an innocent imam to an innocent imam, protect women in hijab from us, because paying attention to hijab
0.4 becomes a factor in their health and stability, and their mental health is very strange. Letter 31
0.4 Nahj Balaghast says that the root of mental health is the fact that it
0.4 has been discussed in the collection of discussions of the innocents, peace be upon them, so that the lifestyle
0.4 can create a style with peace in traveling a safe plan.
0.4 You can see the map for sure, here are the human tendencies, human intentions,
0.4 human behaviors, human opinions, the collection of human perceptions, the collection of human habits, the collection of
0.4 human tastes and attitudes, the collection of human moral, economic, and political standards
0.4 . A style is
0.4 a style, so this style is related to Islam when it is compatible with Islam when,
0.4 in fact, modesty has been strengthened in the existence of these men and women so that they can lead them
0.4 to their own plan. So, here are 10 recommendations of Islam, dear, 10 recommendations of the Qur&;an and Atrat,
0.4 10 recommendations to strengthen modesty, so that we
0.4 do not make mistakes in sexual education and other educations. This is interesting, because it is possible that someone will say, "Well, I am with my child." I&;ll put it in
0.4 the middle, for example, let&;s say a schoolboy is sane, let&;s say
0.4 a teenager is sane, I talk to him easily, I say to my daughter, if
0.4 a boy comes and talks to you, do it like this He says it didn&;t work. It&;s true that you tell him, I&;m comfortable telling him,
0.4 but what do you say about the next incident? Unfortunate incidents are not
0.4 your own experience, or the words of your creator, the words of a leader and guide who is innocent.
0.4 Is there a prophet who told you based on what you experienced or based on
0.4 what you found knowledge that the way you are teaching your child now
0.4 will not cause him any problems in the future, by the way he should not be sexually stimulated
0.4 . Especially today, sexual maturity happens to many children
0.4 today whether I want it or not, it happens sooner, yes, because many parents
0.4 do not have the control they should, children are infected with a series of
0.4 sights. Indecent sights, yes, they get infected, well, this creates
0.4 some problems, the Almighty God has placed that sexual instinct, and in
0.4 fact, factors that can activate it can be found in the environment, which causes the sexual instinct
0.4 to be activated, and then there are problems. It is for this reason that we said what we said,
0.4 we read the verses, the verses were recited in the previous session, and we said that God Almighty said to
0.4 teach your children to enter the room on time if they want to. They will knock on the door
0.4 when you want to change your clothes. It&;s interesting, sir, go away, why does he say
0.4 it&;s okay, they&;re not supposed to see your whole body?
0.4 that some actions
0.4 should be changed ,
0.4 so now let&;s see what are the 10 recommendations, let&;s talk about them one by one
0.4 . advised to observe the boundaries so that
0.4 there is no ground for slipping and falling into the trap and sin. Here in Bahar al-Anwar, volume 76, page 26, there is a noble prophet,
0.4 may peace be upon him, Shia and Sunni are interesting
0.4 . The recommendations that we have for them, the materials that we have, even in the form of advice,
0.4 it says that you should say it in the form of modesty, well, very well, now what is modesty, then what does it say, for
0.4 now, it says that in the form of modesty, the second is the necessary sexual care in the relationship. With parents and children,
0.4 they say the opposite in this regard. In many traditions, they say that you must
0.4 be careful. What does it mean? If a couple is going to have a child,
0.4 they must observe certain things at the time of fertilization
0.4 . They should pray rakats of prayer, make intentions, and pray to God in their prayers and Qanut,
0.4 and raise righteous and righteous children for them, and then when fertilization takes place, he says that
0.4 none of them should think about anyone else. They are not from their own husband and wife. He says yes, he says
0.4 that we should be ashamed of God. Here he says, "Be ashamed of God. Why
0.4 are you ignorant of Allah? God does not hear or see you. Be careful now. It is true that
0.4 no one sees you." You don&;t have it, yes, God knows what&;s going on in your mind, so
0.4 it&;s very interesting, he says, be ashamed of God, don&;t transfer your mind to someone else, it
0.4 &;s very strange, we remember once again For this part, this was a discussion for another place. I
0.4 will share this experimental experimental article for the sake of my friends. It was shared in the books of educational psychology.
0.4 This story is abundantly told that in the closing of America, something happened to
0.4 this rich family. In fact, the family was both educated there and
0.4 rich, and they counted a series of educational centers from them,
0.4 so
0.4 what happened, a boy and a girl from two families marrying each other is interesting
0.4 . on that thought Before, their own tradition, that in reality, children
0.4 go to their father, they die to their mother, I don&;t know if it is like that,
0.4 they get into some kind of moral conflict, what should we say to the people, this lady
0.4 has cheated on her husband, this conflict
0.4 has become so special for them that if they divorce They should take it because they are well-known in this city, they
0.4 will find a problem, if they stay, they will find a problem. The arrival of a group of experts in psychology,
0.4 epistemology, philosophy, because they did not know what kind of medicine it is. Of course,
0.4 being rich and spending money is a good thing, for those who are reading this story after themselves,
0.4 they will realize that this is the so-called conception of this couple after a long time of intercourse
0.4 . Unfortunately, this lady had a picture in her room. which was one of
0.4 the bullfighting sports stadiums, and he was an Indian, he looked at him while playing
0.4 and thought he was going to bed with him, so let&;s go to our school. Allahu Akbar
0.4 Hazrat Amir Ali (peace be upon him) says that whoever thinks about someone else while having sex with his wife
0.4 has committed sexual adultery, look where he
0.4 is, Islam is expressing . It is correct to
0.4 notice the coming of other people who were in a similar situation. This is
0.4 how important the necessary care in relation to sexual relations during sperm coagulation is emphasized
0.4 here. So this is modesty
0.4 How many things did you say, Professor, how many things did you say about the 10 things that you said, I
0.4 will allow you to take a chance, and that is
0.4 the point and basis of His Highness&;s discussion.
0.4 Face it, you should strengthen your modesty, so teach it, your veil will come off,
0.4 if you want to pray for the child and pray for blood, train well to seek God, in your heart is that
0.4 prayer. Thank you very much for pointing out the correctness of
0.4 the
0.4 teacher .
0.4 We go to work until night, often our thinking is only about
0.4 income, economy, the situation of the region, and social issues
0.4 . It is my dear teacher&;s
0.4 presence, dear teacher Dr. Kerami ,
0.4 let&;s discuss the issues of your family&;s educational history. I
0.4 feel that there is a great opportunity. Alhamdulillah, the Lord of the worlds.
0.4 Prof. Afshani, which we used, in the second step of the suspicious question that you are referring to and you
0.4 are sending, I said to the program that I myself would like to hear your warm voice
0.4 as if we are having a phone call, please, sir. Momeni from Isfahan, I am at your service,
0.4 Mrs. Momeni, how are you Sharif? I would like to congratulate you in advance, Mrs.
0.4 Momeni, hello, hello, at your service, respected presenter and professor Karmi, I am very sorry
0.4 for my severe stress and anxiety. My stress started when I was a year old, because
0.4 there was a war, then the sirens that came on the TV, I was stressed from my childhood, I would go underground
0.4 to say, for example, let&;s go to shelter, and after that, there were
0.4 many other problems in my life. There was a lot of tension, and then this fear and anxiety affected me so much. It&;s as if
0.4 it has gone into my subconscious mind. My nerves are very weak. My spirit is very broken.
0.4 I went to a neurologist and underwent treatment for a year, but there were so many drugs and side effects that
0.4 bothered me that I had to stop taking the drugs. I stopped fasting, I went to the doctor for 100
0.4 cents. Currently, I am taking Tranquival tablets with a series of herbal extracts so that
0.4 my anxiety can be controlled a little, so that I can sleep more calmly and better at night.
0.4 The smallest stress is when I want to sleep, the moment I want to
0.4 fall into deep sleep, my hand jumps, my leg jumps
0.4 , or my body jerks
0.4 . It is childhood
0.4 that is left in you, it is mentally messed up, you have to
0.4 grow up from childhood, and I don&;t know that you should write and tear it up because of the trick they gave me, but
0.4 I didn&;t. I didn&;t get that much, very good Ms. Momeni,
0.4 thank you very much, if you have any questions, ask the teacher a few questions, please excuse me, because we
0.4 still don&;t know if they are stressed or anxious, so I will ask you a few
0.4 questions .
0.4 Yes, you know, I&;m very afraid. I don&;t always know because
0.4 bad things have happened and I&;ve been informed. I&;m worried about everything. Well, now I&;ll
0.4 notice the signs, then at that time you&;ll find a way.
0.4 After that, not so much. Well, very rarely, if you get stressed, for example, you say the weather.
0.4 Now, for example, I have nervous dizziness. I also get dizzy, especially when my energy
0.4 runs out quickly and I also get dizzy. Then
0.4 I did these things. Thank you very much. Thank you, as if
0.4 we lost contact, we are in contact, Mrs. Zarei, please tell me where in the world
0.4 we are from, as if from Bandar Abbas, Mrs. Zari, hello, have a good time, until
0.4 you hear my voice, let me use I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you
0.4 on the birth of Hazrat Saadat Zahra, peace be upon him, as if the connection was also cut off,
0.4 so guys, we are going to give priority to the calls that the honorable viewers and
0.4 devotees are getting with their own network, give it priority, we will go,
0.4 Mrs. Mominin&;s question Let&;s face it and have a question. If you call again, please let us know.
0.4 We will be at your service immediately
0.4 . They said that the feeling of being anxious
0.4 is in a certain way and then they don&;t have a solution. This is a reason to say that yes, this
0.4 is probably a type of stress, because we have several types of stress,
0.4 so here is a type of stress.
0.4 The fear that must be formed in them, I will briefly summarize a few things
0.4 I suggest them to do it, on the condition that they will call again after a certain interval
0.4 and we will continue to serve them. Professor of Kalam, it will not be out of your hands if
0.4 you take Ms. Zari&;s call, because she is behind the line, and this is our promise that the priority of the
0.4 honorable viewers is at work. Hello, Khan Zar, I want to say that you have a good time,
0.4 we are at your service, Mrs. Zar, I congratulate you before the birth of the lady
0.4 . I&;m sorry sir,
0.4 I&;m ashamed that I&;m a stranger, thank you for your program, one thing is that we women in
0.4 the health network should give the first grade vaccine in your school dear, and this child
0.4 was very patient and resisted for the vaccine and how difficult it was to get the vaccine. After that, his mother said, "I have to
0.4 sit with him in the market and come with him until I get to this child&;s house. He only talked about things that he
0.4 didn&;t talk to us at all. They asked him everything, for example, the ladies who were taking care of him there. Whatever
0.4 was negative and he didn&;t want to say no, he
0.4 shook his head no and didn&;t say anything else
0.4 . There is, and I&;m unable to do it. I
0.4 was forced to take his preparation last year. He took this year from school and
0.4 didn&;t complete his preparation. Now either this kid doesn&;t have self-confidence, we don&;t know, or maybe it&;s too much,
0.4 for example. I don&;t give a damn about him, he calls me a gamer because when he was talking, he said that
0.4 it was rude to put a program on him. To a lady I knew, I said that this
0.4 program is rough, or because of these things, and he has a lot of mobile phones, so he should be quiet, quiet,
0.4 or whatever. We don&;t know who the counselor was. He just
0.4 said it in a bad way without any explanation. Take it to my mother&;s psychiatrist. He says to see a psychiatrist. Maybe
0.4 I can give him medicine. I can&;t give him medicine and control him with medicine. I am ashamed that you
0.4 asked for your help, so please help me to inform this lady again what
0.4 she should do. Thank you. May God protect you, God bless you. Ms. Zar&;s question is
0.4 that they are an only child. The second child of the family, as the first child, said to be the ninth. 9th grade
0.4 means he is going to high school, and this is the second one, he is in primary school, now he is in primary school, both of them
0.4 are boys, yes, thank you very much, God willing, you will be a viewer,
0.4 sir Dear Ms. Mohammadi Dear Ms. Mohammadi from
0.4 Pakistan, while congratulating Ms. Janmon on the birthday of Hazrat Zahra, we hear your voice, please
0.4 make the subject, Ms. Mohammadi, I offer my greetings and politeness to you.
0.4 May you have a blessed day. Greetings, do not be tired, and I congratulate Ms. Fatima Zahra.
0.4 Hello. Hello dear teacher and director and thank you for your good program which
0.4 is really informative . I would like to ask for your advice.
0.4 Calm down, Mrs. Mohammadi, please
0.4 speak a little more slowly. Your child is 11 years old. Yes, my child is 11 years
0.4 old .
0.4 Medicine means puberty, rash control, do
0.4 n&;t assume that they are 11 years old, they have early puberty. Do you have any prescription suggestions in the behavioral field
0.4 of medicine? Thank you very much, Mrs. Mohammadi
0.4 . Mrs. Momeni
0.4 , who is from Isfahan, would you like to say in order, whatever your order is, we will use it,
0.4 Khan Momeni, I told them that we use two stages or maybe three stages,
0.4 if there are cases that require changes in the cases themselves, one must
0.4 be done during the day. that those hours when he is awake,
0.4 the only examples of this point, Oleh Sadem, will not pass by his
0.4 side
0.4 . What this means is
0.4 that these one or two during the day may be
0.4 busy with the things they do and the way they think, they should listen to
0.4 something .
0.4 Well, sir, it shouldn&;t be about cooking, for example, not here, he should pay attention that
0.4 he should definitely be busy, because these are among the people who understand several aspects,
0.4 that is, they are scattered, we want them to be scattered. Let&;s separate
0.4 them, he says that it was due to fear at that time, maybe it was due to fear during his childhood, we accept
0.4 it, but that is not the only reason, the main reason
0.4 is due to the fact that he got many seizures
0.4 at the same time. There is no point in doing anything else, because it hasn&;t happened yet,
0.4 but by God&;s will, do this in a week or two, God willing.
0.4 Call him, we&;ll tell you how much he&;s improved, and then when the next percentage is over, we&;ll tell him
0.4 what to do, so what was the second one? He definitely cooks like food, washes dishes like an example.
0.4 Give me an example. I&;m sorry
0.4 . For example, at such times, it is good to have a
0.4 phone in his ear.
0.4 He should pay attention, well, in order to understand
0.4 what he should do, he should be able to write a summary of the things that he may have heard, but at the
0.4 half line of these two-thirds, he should spend at least 45 minutes during the day. He is one of
0.4 the people who can do aerobic exercise It would be much better if you can&;t do
0.4 yoga in that region that is practiced in Iran today, not the Indian yoga, in other words,
0.4 the yoga that I know exists in Isfahan, because the person who refuses to get a doctorate in Qom
0.4 goes there for training. He tells me that there are good coaches there. The yoga sport that
0.4 women are doing now is for the health of the body and soul. They should use him.
0.4 Usually, the governors are in the process. The sports department of that city is in the process
0.4 . It can give him concentration, the entire
0.4 nervous system of his body helps, this is a very important point. The third point is to take care
0.4 at night, when you want to sleep, no phone or computer before that
0.4 . Don&;t look at the monitor in any way, 20 minutes before and most importantly,
0.4 you shouldn&;t drink anything cold ,
0.4 not even cold, but something cold, like milk, for example.
0.4 They can sit attentively and sit for about 2
0.4 minutes, 1 minute, 2 minutes, do not move, in that position, put their hands over their ears
0.4 as if they don&;t want to hear the sound, then let go, take it again, for example It&;s like they
0.4 are letting go, like a game that children play, sometimes there is a situation like this, why do we do this,
0.4 because we told you that your service has found such a disorder by hearing and seeing them,
0.4 and this situation is normal, so do this for 15 days after 15 days, i.e.
0.4 our next two sessions, they should call us
0.4 .
0.4 We would like to say that it is very good, Ms. Zarei, the teacher, did you notice that they said that
0.4 their child is in the first grade, from the moment they took him to the school for the ampoule that they want to
0.4 take to the health center, well, he was doing a lot of mischief, and he was not supposed to see that
0.4 he was playing PS games. and the child is very restless. Do you think of anything between these
0.4 children? One of them is restless, the other one is not communicating
0.4 . Social communication
0.4 means going to school. Did you notice that he is saying that he is going to kindergarten or preschool? Yes,
0.4 he can&;t. They will be cut in the middle of the course. Why should they be cut? Because there is a lack of communication, what should
0.4 they do? We want to say that we don&;t have time. Yes, it&;s clear, but now we don&;t have time
0.4 to treat them. Let&;s say that with the children of his teammates, who are actually a little younger,
0.4 why would he want to show off his commanding actions and the great actions of being a secretary?
0.4 This is a child. I want someone older than myself to be with her until she
0.4 is in this situation and can have a relationship with someone higher than herself. So
0.4 there are two types of people
0.4 . Of course, the more days, the more useful, but
0.4 it should be at least one day a week. Now, two days would be better, three days would be better. Every day,
0.4 as long as there is no light, 10 minutes is enough, so
0.4 this is one day for these children. There are people who For them, any type of food that
0.4 has extra starch increases their work, such as
0.4 pasta, rice, sweets, etc.
0.4 They should be very careful about what they eat
0.4 . Their muscles have found a certain
0.4 autonomy state, that state should
0.4 be under the control of the executive nerve muscle, in fact, it should return to the control of the brain, so
0.4 this state It should be given to
0.4 them that if they are rude, it
0.4 is awkward, if they touch, they can be controlled
0.4 . like an aunt, like, what should we order, how to talk to her, how to talk to her,
0.4 yes, you can also talk to her on the phone, in person, in any way you can.
0.4 Talk to them more in person and on the phone, and of course encourage them
0.4 to talk more. In this part, the emotional strength that needs to find balance
0.4 will find balance as a result of these conversations, and the fear that is in him
0.4 will be shed. Look, it&;s a small gesture, but it&;s a big one. When he wanted
0.4 to be vaccinated, he just shook his head. Yes, he shook his head slowly. What does that mean, what I just said
0.4 is in their conversation There is a flaw in this situation with these conversations that family members and strangers
0.4 especially can have a conversation with them in this way, the social relations
0.4 will increase a bit more and the last thing in their discussions, pay attention to the fact that the family itself
0.4 should be encouraged to do good things as well as do good things. He gives encouragement, encouragement, see what
0.4 makes him very happy, sometimes it is to buy a food, sometimes to talk and
0.4 say to Barak Allah, sometimes it is to play, which, of course, most of them say to play, according to experience, these
0.4 are among children. He wants to be played, why is he a second child or a
0.4 single child? I will tell this to the rest of the families. Single children or second children
0.4 are such that emotionally, they are either very shy or
0.4 they are shy in saying sorry, they are called shy, not shy. We don&;t have time
0.4 to explain the difference, but these shy people are telling them that this is actually due to
0.4 the lack of communication with people of the same age and gender. His brother is older than him, he is in the
0.4 ninth grade, in a sense, according to his own words, yes, he is not going to school yet, how many years has it been since it has been 9 years, 10
0.4 years, he has not been able to communicate well, the main reason starts here,
0.4 so do the things we have mentioned, God willing, the problem will be solved. Thank you very much, Ms.
0.4 Momeni. I think I wanted to say that the children are behind the line. Ms. Momeni, if not
0.4 , we will skip to the next question. Very briefly, Ms. Momeni.
0.4 It&;s short, please be very brief, Mr. Kerami, I
0.4 &;ll say it very quickly and briefly. There were a few points. I forgot to mention one that I am the child of a divorce. My parents
0.4 were about 8 years old when I got divorced. After that, I have a lot of negative thoughts. I dream a lot and
0.4 I&;m afraid all the time. And one more thing I wanted to say is that I can&;t concentrate, the same thing
0.4 happens when I wake up, and this has been happening since I was a child until now, and when
0.4 I sleep, I dream the same way. Your problem is due to the lack of concentration, as
0.4 I said, you read the material from different angles, that&;s why I told you to do it,
0.4 God willing, you will get a result, by the grace of God, the instructions given by the teacher, Ms. Momeni,
0.4 were to be done in two weeks. Let&;s
0.4 hear your voice, let&;s discuss and see where the work has reached. Thank you, the teacher of our time. It&;s
0.4 too limited. Let&;s also answer Mrs. Mohammadi from Pakistan. An 11-year-old child who
0.4 has precocious puberty. Precocious puberty does not need any medicine to control it. If it is too late,
0.4 you don&;t need to use it to activate the medicine. This is dangerous. If we do it,
0.4 we should be very careful. That is, if someone advises us not to do it, because we
0.4 will cause problems for their health, then they will find another problem, so we did not use the medicine. Besides,
0.4 what should we do to control it? There are several things, one
0.4 is to say this individually, another is to say it individually to the opposite sex
0.4 . Let&;s take it this way
0.4 . This is a second point.
0.4 Pay attention. The temperature of the sleeping environment should
0.4 not be more than 22 degrees. It should not be too hot. It should not be too hot
0.4 . They say that the water should be lower than Volen.
0.4 The fourth point is much more important and that is that they should
0.4 be given some things from the point of view of ethics that in the next meeting if they hear May God bless you,
0.4 God willing, I will remember to raise the question again after the meeting, which I think is a very maternal and paternal concern
0.4 of the honorable viewers. We are very sincere. Don&;t hurt your hands.
0.4 Sitting and
0.4 having sex
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