Youtube (controlled male chastity): Male Chastity|controlled male chastity,Male Chastity sur Youtube

Male Chastity

Sur YouTube, Le thème « controlled male chastity » analysé en profondeur

Le thème « controlled male chastity » abordé sur youtube par Female Led Relationship

Signée par Female Led Relationship, une vidéo publiée sur YouTube (le ) se concentre sur le thème « controlled male chastity », apportant des éléments de réflexion intéressants.

Sur YouTube, on trouve des milliers de vidéos éducatives et informatives, parfaites pour approfondir les connaissances sur divers sujets.

Quelques interactions avaient déjà été cumulées par la vidéo au moment de notre consultation () . Le nombre de Likes indiquait: 156.

Notez la durée de la vidéo (00:02:20s), le titre (Male Chastity), et les commentaires qui accompagnent le contenu de l’auteur :« Introducing Male Chastity to a female led relationship means you are ready to take the next step and explore a new level of male submission and devolution to his Queen. Male Chastity and orgasm control makes the male focus all of his attention on the Queen and he desperately seeks to please her. The male behaves as the Queen desires, so that she will release him from Chastity and allow him to orgasm. He begins to bend over backwards and tries to please her and fulfill all of her demands, as he dreams of his release. Male Chastity and orgasm control reinforces the female’s control in a relationship or marriage. So why not take your female led life to new heights – Explore Male Chastity and orgasm control. GET MY BOOK CHASTITY .

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#Male #Chastity

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: male chastity is interesting because while male chak city seems to focus on the male once he’s caged and his orgasm is denied it’s no longer about the male it’s about serving the female his queen now let’s explore if you’re new to this channel please subscribe hit the like button and the bell so you won’t miss anything new let’s get started the chastity kink is a broad spectrum ranging from foreplay where a person might abstain from sex or be locked up in a physical device called the chastity cage for a short period of time to a full-blown lifestyle where the keys to a man’s sexual freedom are controlled by his key holders the queen for days weeks or even months at a time now first off i had many men claiming this is abuse well it can’t be abused because there’s no manipulation coercion or acting against his will men are freely submitting of their own will and while it’s not something for everyone for the people who engage in male chastity they experience sexual arousal and erotic excitement like never before for those who are really deeply committed to being in male cha city it’s also much more than just putting on a [ __ ] cage just like you would never study a bird locked up in a cage by focusing on the cage male chastity isn’t about the cage it’s about what’s going on inside the heads of men and women who are participating in chastity now for women they’re the queens who now have complete control over their men for men it’s about the transfer of control to their queen and the mental release that comes from this act so it is this domination by the queen and submission by the man that is so powerful he’s released only when his queen the key holder allows him to do so it’s the ultimate power play chastity also forces a couple to move away from the penis in the vagina sex or intercourse and look for other ways to stimulate sexual arousal so the focus is now on the queen’s pleasure through oral pleasure but also on stimulating erogenous zones and maybe use of more mindful sexual techniques like tantric sex through this process of exploring other ways to have sex men’s focus on the queen becomes stronger he starts to think about it more he’s aroused buyer complete control of his mind and body this creates a deeper connection a more intimate interaction and better relationships it’s a two-way street because it’s the responsibility of the dominant the queen to recognize your man’s needs and desires as well .

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Déroulement de la vidéo:

0.88 male chastity is interesting because
0.88 while male chak city seems to focus on
0.88 the male once he&;s caged and his orgasm
0.88 is denied it&;s no longer about the male
0.88 it&;s about serving the female his queen
0.88 now let&;s explore if you&;re new to this
0.88 channel please subscribe hit the like
0.88 button and the bell so you won&;t miss
0.88 anything new let&;s get started
0.88 the chastity kink is a broad spectrum
0.88 ranging from foreplay where a person
0.88 might abstain from sex or be locked up
0.88 in a physical device called the chastity
0.88 cage for a short period of time to a
0.88 full-blown lifestyle where the keys to a
0.88 man&;s sexual freedom are controlled by
0.88 his key holders the queen for days weeks
0.88 or even months at a time now first off i
0.88 had many men claiming this is abuse well
0.88 it can&;t be abused because there&;s no
0.88 manipulation coercion or acting against
0.88 his will men are freely submitting of
0.88 their own will and while it&;s not
0.88 something for everyone for the people
0.88 who engage in male chastity they
0.88 experience sexual arousal and erotic
0.88 excitement like never before for those
0.88 who are really deeply committed to being
0.88 in male cha city it&;s also much more
0.88 than just putting on a [ __ ] cage just
0.88 like you would never study a bird locked
0.88 up in a cage by focusing on the cage
0.88 male chastity isn&;t about the cage it&;s
0.88 about what&;s going on inside the heads
0.88 of men and women who are participating
0.88 in chastity now for women they&;re the
0.88 queens who now have complete control
0.88 over their men for men it&;s about the
0.88 transfer of control to their queen and
0.88 the mental release that comes from this
0.88 act so
0.88 it is this domination by the queen and
0.88 submission by the man that is so
0.88 powerful he&;s released only when his
0.88 queen the key holder allows him to do so
0.88 it&;s the ultimate power play chastity
0.88 also forces a couple to move away from
0.88 the penis in the vagina sex or
0.88 intercourse and look for other ways to
0.88 stimulate sexual arousal so the focus is
0.88 now on the queen&;s pleasure through oral
0.88 pleasure but also on stimulating
0.88 erogenous zones and maybe use of more
0.88 mindful sexual techniques like tantric
0.88 sex through this process of exploring
0.88 other ways to have sex men&;s focus on
0.88 the queen becomes stronger he starts to
0.88 think about it more he&;s aroused buyer
0.88 complete control of his mind and body
0.88 this creates a deeper connection a more
0.88 intimate interaction and better
0.88 relationships it&;s a two-way street
0.88 because it&;s the responsibility of the
0.88 dominant the queen to recognize your
0.88 man&;s needs and desires as well

La gestion de la chasteté masculine.

La chasteté masculine sous contrôle se caractérise par l’utilisation d’accessoires spécialisés comme des cages de chasteté pour empêcher les tâches sexuelles, avec la direction laissée à un partenaire.

Les approches et techniques de la chasteté masculine contrôlée englobent plusieurs moyens pour réguler les tâches charnelles.

Une cage de chasteté est employée pour limiter physiquement la manipulation ou la masturbation du pénis. La chasteté contrôlée dépend d’une confiance mutuelle et de l’acceptation du pouvoir du partenaire. Pour optimiser la réussite de la chasteté contrôlée, il est conseillé que le détenteur de la clé soit une personne extérieure, dénuée de sentiments personnels.Le programme de Chasteté Masculine Contrôlée (CCC) est une méthode éprouvée pour lutter contre la masturbation et se concentrer sur ses objectifs, qu’ils soient sportifs, scolaires ou professionnels. En savoir plus sur la pratique de la Chasteté Masculine Contrôlée

Les avantages et les bénéfices de cette pratique sont nombreux.

S’engager dans la chasteté contrôlée procure une forme d’apaisement. Le bénéficiaire se sent dégagé des préoccupations affectives grâce à la chasteté. Il suit un chemin guidé et doit simplement appliquer la discipline requise. En restreignant certaines impulsions, les hommes se détournent des pensées charnelles. Dans le monde contemporain, la pornographie et les rencontres amoureuses sollicitent les individus de manière commerciale. Diminuer l’activité sexuelle peut ouvrir la voie à des relations plus profondes. Cela crée de nouvelles opportunités. Il devient possible de lancer de nouveaux projets et de se concentrer sur des défis inédits. Pour résumer, la chasteté masculine contrôlée est une approche réfléchie et volontaire pour la gestion de la libido des hommes, visant à optimiser leur bien-être personnel et relationnel. La pratique est idéale lorsqu’elle est supervisée par un coach professionnel. Elle évite les inconvénients du sexe et aide à se concentrer sur d’autres objectifs ou projets. Pour les sportifs, les étudiants et les professionnels, cette pratique prépare à la réussite. Le coach s’assure du bon déroulement de la pratique en permettant des périodes de libération selon les buts.

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