Pourquoi vous continuez à rechuter

4 ans sur NoFap | Pourquoi vous continuez à rechuter

Publié sur YouTube, le thème « nofap » exploré en vidéo

Cette vidéo, réalisée par Jorge Fernando et mise en ligne sur YouTube (le ), se concentre sur le thème « nofap », apportant des éléments de réflexion intéressants.

La plateforme YouTube regroupe toute sorte d’informations et de vidéos, avec des critiques détaillées, des présentation de thématiques et des analyses approfondies de la société.

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Why You Keep Relapsing), fournis par l’auteur sont des éléments à noter, ainsi que la description :« Tik Tok | https://www.tiktok.com/@jorgefleitao Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/jorgefleitao X | https://twitter.com/jorgefleitao Sujets | https://www.threads.net/@jorgefleitao Recommandation de livre : La voie de l’homme supérieur : https://amzn.to/47TDEq5 Votre cerveau sur le porno : https://amzn.to/47J2ysa ».

Vous trouverez la vidéo juste sous cette section

L’abstinence conduit à des changements positifs dans la vie des hommes.

Évaluer les bénéfices psychologiques de l’abstinence chez l’homme permet de mieux comprendre ses effets positifs.

L’abstinence réduit l’anxiété et la dépression, tout en améliorant la confiance en soi. Les forums NoFap regorgent de témoignages montrant de réels progrès psychologiques.

Discuter des effets positifs de l’abstinence sur la santé mentale, notamment la réduction de l’anxiété et de la dépression liées à la masturbation.

Les hommes souffrent fréquemment d’anxiété en raison de la dépendance à la pornographie et à la masturbation. En s’abstenant, ils constatent une diminution de leur dépression et un renforcement de leur capacité à contrôler leurs comportements.

Observer les changements dans la performance érectile après l’abstinence.

Les hommes souffrant de dysfonctions érectiles dues à la masturbation peuvent observer une amélioration grâce à l’abstinence.

NoFap : un guide pour les hommes vers un mieux-être

Comprendre pourquoi les gens choisissent NoFap aide à mieux appréhender ses effets positifs sur la santé mentale et physique.

Les adeptes de NoFap cherchent avant tout à lutter contre les méfaits de la pornographie, à améliorer leur fonction érectile et à apaiser l’anxiété. Plusieurs hommes sondés confirment une baisse significative de la dépression et des pensées suicidaires après avoir arrêté ces habitudes.

Évaluer les effets de la pornographie sur la santé mentale et physique des hommes.

Les recherches menées par des experts ont révélé que la pornographie peut engendrer des troubles tels que la dysfonction érectile, l’anxiété, la dépression, des problèmes émotionnels et l’addiction. Nicole Prause a effectué une étude scientifique sur les effets de la pornographie excessive sur le bien-être mental et physique des hommes.

Le principe de NoFap consiste à cesser la pornographie pour mieux vivre.

NoFap est une initiative pour les hommes cherchant à se libérer des habitudes liées à la pornographie et à la masturbation. Ce concept vise à réduire la dépendance et à promouvoir une santé mentale et physique optimale.

Au sein de NoFap, la communauté devient un appui fondamental pour les hommes cherchant à se libérer de leurs addictions.

Examiner l’efficacité des forums et des groupes de soutien dans la gestion des défis des participants.

Les groupes de soutien en ligne, comme ceux de la communauté NoFap, sont efficaces pour aider les participants à lutter contre l’anxiété et la dépression, comme le prouvent les recherches scientifiques. Ces forums permettent d’apporter une aide précieuse à ceux qui cherchent à arrêter la masturbation.

Révéler l’impact bénéfique du soutien social et émotionnel dans le maintien de l’abstinence.

Les forums de Nofap constituent un outil précieux pour les hommes, leur permettant de surmonter l’anxiété, la dépression, et les défis du parcours d’abstinence en partageant des conseils et des solutions pour éviter les rechutes. Un conseil expert est souvent requisnotamment ce spécialiste du Nofap.

Les forums NoFap offrent un espace d’échange où l’on partage des solutions et des témoignages.

Les forums de la communauté sont des espaces où les hommes peuvent échanger des conseils pratiques et accéder à des études scientifiques sur les effets de l’abstinence.

Comment réussir sur NoFap : stratégies essentielles

Les secrets pour tenir sur NoFap selon la communauté

Pratiquer l’exercice, la méditation et éviter les déclencheurs sont des habitudes essentielles pour maintenir une motivation sans faille.

Pour limiter les rechutes, des stratégies de prévention sont nécessaires.

Les rechutes surviennent souvent dans le cadre du défi NoFap, comme le révèlent des recherches scientifiques. Il est crucial de réévaluer les causes de l’échec et de s’appuyer sur la communauté Nofap pour continuer sur la voie de l’abstinence.

Consulter des plateformes pour des témoignages et conseils sur NoFap.

Pour une meilleure compréhension, des études scientifiques, comme celles de Nicole Prause, offrent des éclairages sur les effets de la dépendance à la pornographie et à la masturbation ainsi que les solutions possibles.

Si vous voulez voir la vidéo sur YouTube, utilisez ce lien pour y accéder :
la publication originale: Cliquer ici

#ans #sur #NoFap #Pourquoi #vous #continuez #rechuter

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: almost four that’s how many years I’ve been on noat for and man it’s kind of weird cuz at this point I don’t really feel like it’s doing anything not in the sense that I’m not getting any benefits more like I’m literally not doing anything the act of being on noap is the act of not doing an act so I don’t really feel like I’m trying to do anything anymore I was just in the shower and I was thinking bro why is it that I managed to to 4 years and so many people can’t even do one week even my friends right A lot of my friends have jumped on the bandwagon and they’ve they’ve been like oh yeah this is really beneficial but then like couple months later I talked to them like yeah bro I I stopped and it’s like why did you stop feeling any benefits no I just kind of I just kind of stopped fair enough bro but like why is it that I could do it there’s no reason that I can do it that you can’t other than the fact that I guess you just don’t want to and I know that sounds ridiculous you’re going to be like George what you want about of course I want to there’s so many benefits and there so many negatives of doing it why would I not want to are you dumb no let me explain how did most of us find out about noap most people I would argue probably were just like scrolling on YouTube and A video popped up on their feet and they’re like oh what’s this this is interesting let me see what they have to say and they’re like oh my God there’s so many negatives to fapping and then all of a sudden there’s so many positives things that I get from withholding this and I should stop doing it right it’s good for me so I want to stop I want to be more energetic I want to have more time I want to be more attractive to woman yeah this is what I want this is what I want what if I told you it’s not actually what you want I know that sounds ridiculous you’re like George I want this I want this you were influenced to want it from a video right if you truly wanted to I don’t think it would be that much of a struggle anymore Let Me Explain how I got on to not I didn’t even know it was called noap when I got on to noap I was reading this book I think this is like the man’s Bible the way of the superior man I I really recommend this book to any young man this book me c me of God on the last couple chapters I can’t remember the exact chapter it it went on to the topic of not doing fapping basically and I was just like okay that’s interesting but I didn’t really understand it but I thought I’d give it a shot anyways and then soon after that I also started seeing all these like noat things on the internet and I was like okay yeah I’m going to do it porn right so let’s start with that first porn how I felt off watching porn was always very um I didn’t like it and let me explain that like obviously it does the same things to me as it would probably do to you but watching another guy with a girl that I find attractive really truly made me feel like a massive cut and I know that you could probably debate me on this but I think there is some levels of cism involved if you’re just like watching somebody else do what you want to be doing right like you’re just there holding a dick and somebody else is is you know having sex and you’re just like getting off to it I don’t like that me the feeling associated with that bro like I think I just feel like a massive [ __ ] like bro I’m watching somebody else get the girl that I want no I don’t like the feeling so then I started just watching camg girls for the longest time I was watching cam girls for like 2 years because it was at least just one girl right there’s no guy involved I don’t feel as much like a [ __ ] but that had other negative effects bro my self-image again there’s a girl behind the screen and I can’t have her because she’s not she’s behind the screen right like I can’t just go over there and talk to her so I’m just there by myself in a room in the [ __ ] dark and I’m bro my self-image afterwards just like I don’t have a real girl I have this this pixel on a screen bro like come on yeah I didn’t like that you remove porn from the equation then you’re left with just masturbation why didn’t I like that well it caused me to be lazy bro like if I can do it by myself then why why why would I go look for a girl bro I can do it by myself if I was in a relationship which I was when I first started noap and I am again now it just improved your relationship um by not doing it because by doing it you kind of diffuse the urge I guess you could say it’s not what you’re looking for in a relationship bro like you want to improve your sex life you don’t want to make it worse by dealing with it yourself these were my like core reasons that I really just decided like I don’t want this like I actually don’t it’s not because I watched a video on YouTube I actually don’t want to feel like a [ __ ] I don’t want my imaged to feel like [ __ ] every time then at the time I wanted my relationship to improve but when I wasn’t in a relationship anymore more bro I wanted to be I wanted to be out there kind of able to find a girl you know it’s almost like a reward because again it’s delayed gratification stopping ourselves from enjoying sexual release without earning it you get the point like those were like really truly things that bothered me and I don’t think a lot of guys really see it the same way look there’s there’s addiction involved and all that stuff I get it I’ve got to be honest I’ve never been a very addicted person like any really addictive habit that I’ve tried in the past for some reason it’s not that I haven’t done them a lot but I’ve always been able to say enough and call Turkey quit right no matter what we’re talking about that maybe is just a character trait for me but it always comes associated with just me truly wanting something for myself at least for a large percentage of you guys who are trying noof fap you probably got influenced to want to do it and you probably shouldn’t actually do it because you probably don’t actually want to do it unless you really feel that but let’s say you do want to do it let’s say it’s true what about for those guys who really do want to do it but they struggle what are you going to do after you start cuz here’s the thing any habit that takes a big part of your life such as masturbation if you remove that from your life you’re going to be left with some sort of hole you’re going to want to scratch that itch it’s all nice saying that oh yeah I’m just going to work really hard but that doesn’t really remove any sort of like sexual Temptations what are you going to do instead because if you’re just going to sit in your room you’re basically setting yourself up to fail if you’re going to remove something from your life you need to fill that hole with something else and normally people do that in a positive way right so let’s say you remove video games you start going to the gym you remove drinking you start eating healthy whatever what are you going to substitute the fapping for you need to have some sort of plan because otherwise you’re setting yourself up to fail I would recommend that everyone cuts off porn as far as noof fap goes for the same reasons that I do it I would recommend everyone does it too but only if you really want it because if you don’t forget about it refocus your energy on something that you really want .

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Déroulement de la vidéo:

0.56 almost
0.56 four that&;s how many years I&;ve been on
0.56 noat for and man it&;s kind of weird cuz
0.56 at this point I don&;t really feel like
0.56 it&;s doing anything not in the sense
0.56 that I&;m not getting any benefits more
0.56 like I&;m literally not doing anything
0.56 the act of being on noap is the act of
0.56 not doing an act so I don&;t really feel
0.56 like I&;m trying to do anything anymore I
0.56 was just in the shower and I was
0.56 thinking bro why is it that I managed to
0.56 to 4 years and so many people can&;t even
0.56 do one week even my friends right A lot
0.56 of my friends have jumped on the
0.56 bandwagon and they&;ve they&;ve been like
0.56 oh yeah this is really beneficial but
0.56 then like couple months later I talked
0.56 to them like yeah bro I I stopped and
0.56 it&;s like why did you stop feeling any
0.56 benefits no I just kind of I just kind
0.56 of stopped fair enough bro but like why
0.56 is it that I could do it there&;s no
0.56 reason that I can do it that you can&;t
0.56 other than the fact that I guess you
0.56 just don&;t want to and I know that
0.56 sounds ridiculous you&;re going to be
0.56 like George what you want about of
0.56 course I want to there&;s so many
0.56 benefits and there so many negatives of
0.56 doing it why would I not want to are you
0.56 dumb no let me explain how did most of
0.56 us find out about noap most people I
0.56 would argue probably were just like
0.56 scrolling on YouTube and A video popped
0.56 up on their feet and they&;re like oh
0.56 what&;s this this is interesting let me
0.56 see what they have to say and they&;re
0.56 like oh my God there&;s so many negatives
0.56 to fapping and then all of a sudden
0.56 there&;s so many positives things that I
0.56 get from withholding this and I should
0.56 stop doing it right it&;s good for me so
0.56 I want to stop I want to be more
0.56 energetic I want to have more time I
0.56 want to be more attractive to woman yeah
0.56 this is what I want this is what I want
0.56 what if I told you it&;s not actually
0.56 what you want I know that sounds
0.56 ridiculous you&;re like George I want
0.56 this I want this you were influenced to
0.56 want it from a video right if you truly
0.56 wanted to I don&;t think it would be that
0.56 much of a struggle anymore Let Me
0.56 Explain how I got on to not I didn&;t
0.56 even know it was called noap when I got
0.56 on to noap I was reading this book I
0.56 think this is like the man&;s Bible the
0.56 way of the superior man I I really
0.56 recommend this book to any young man
0.56 this book me c me of God on the last
0.56 couple chapters I can&;t remember the
0.56 exact chapter it it went on to the topic
0.56 of not doing fapping basically and I was
0.56 just like okay that&;s interesting but I
0.56 didn&;t really understand it but I
0.56 thought I&;d give it a shot anyways and
0.56 then soon after that I also started
0.56 seeing all these like noat things on the
0.56 internet and I was like okay yeah I&;m
0.56 going to do it porn right so let&;s start
0.56 with that first porn how I felt off
0.56 watching porn was always very um I
0.56 didn&;t like it and let me explain that
0.56 like obviously it does the same things
0.56 to me as it would probably do to you but
0.56 watching another guy with a girl that I
0.56 find attractive really truly made me
0.56 feel like a massive cut
0.56 and I know that you could probably
0.56 debate me on this but I think there is
0.56 some levels of cism involved if you&;re
0.56 just like watching somebody else do what
0.56 you want to be doing right like you&;re
0.56 just there holding a dick
0.56 and somebody else is is you know having
0.56 sex and you&;re just like getting off to
0.56 it I don&;t like that me the feeling
0.56 associated with that bro like I think I
0.56 just feel like a massive [ __ ] like bro
0.56 I&;m watching somebody else get the girl
0.56 that I want no I don&;t like the feeling
0.56 so then I started just watching camg
0.56 girls for the longest time I was
0.56 watching cam girls for like 2 years
0.56 because it was at least just one girl
0.56 right there&;s no guy involved I don&;t
0.56 feel as much like a [ __ ] but that had
0.56 other negative effects bro my
0.56 self-image again there&;s a girl behind
0.56 the screen and I can&;t have her because
0.56 she&;s not she&;s behind the screen right
0.56 like I can&;t just go over there and talk
0.56 to her so I&;m just there by myself in a
0.56 room in the [ __ ] dark and I&;m bro my
0.56 self-image afterwards just
0.56 like I don&;t have a real girl I have
0.56 this this pixel on a screen bro like
0.56 come on yeah I didn&;t like that you
0.56 remove porn from the equation then
0.56 you&;re left with just masturbation why
0.56 didn&;t I like that well it caused me to
0.56 be lazy bro like if I can do it by
0.56 myself then why why why would I go look
0.56 for a girl bro I can do it by myself if
0.56 I was in a relationship which I was when
0.56 I first started noap and I am again now
0.56 it just improved your relationship um by
0.56 not doing it because by doing it you
0.56 kind of diffuse the urge I guess you
0.56 could say it&;s not what you&;re looking
0.56 for in a relationship bro like you want
0.56 to improve your sex life you don&;t want
0.56 to make it worse by dealing with it
0.56 yourself these were my like core reasons
0.56 that I really just decided like I don&;t
0.56 want this like I actually don&;t it&;s not
0.56 because I watched a video on YouTube I
0.56 actually don&;t want to feel like a [ __ ]
0.56 I don&;t want my imaged to feel like [ __ ]
0.56 every time then at the time I wanted my
0.56 relationship to improve but when I
0.56 wasn&;t in a relationship anymore more
0.56 bro I wanted to be I wanted to be out
0.56 there kind of able to find a girl you
0.56 know it&;s almost like a reward because
0.56 again it&;s delayed gratification
0.56 stopping ourselves from enjoying sexual
0.56 release without earning it you get the
0.56 point like those were like really truly
0.56 things that bothered me and I don&;t
0.56 think a lot of guys really see it the
0.56 same way look there&;s there&;s addiction
0.56 involved and all that stuff I get it
0.56 I&;ve got to be honest I&;ve never been a
0.56 very addicted person like any really
0.56 addictive habit that I&;ve tried in the
0.56 past for some reason it&;s not that I
0.56 haven&;t done them a lot but I&;ve always
0.56 been able to say enough and call Turkey
0.56 quit right no matter what we&;re talking
0.56 about that maybe is just a character
0.56 trait for me but it always comes
0.56 associated with just me truly wanting
0.56 something for myself at least for a
0.56 large percentage of you guys who are
0.56 trying noof fap you probably got
0.56 influenced to want to do it and you
0.56 probably shouldn&;t actually do it
0.56 because you probably don&;t actually want
0.56 to do it unless you really feel that but
0.56 let&;s say you do want to do it let&;s say
0.56 it&;s true what about for those guys who
0.56 really do want to do it but they
0.56 struggle what are you going to do after
0.56 you start cuz here&;s the thing any habit
0.56 that takes a big part of your life such
0.56 as masturbation if you remove that from
0.56 your life you&;re going to be left with
0.56 some sort of hole you&;re going to want
0.56 to scratch that itch it&;s all nice
0.56 saying that oh yeah I&;m just going to
0.56 work really hard but that doesn&;t really
0.56 remove any sort of like sexual
0.56 Temptations what are you going to do
0.56 instead because if you&;re just going to
0.56 sit in your room you&;re basically
0.56 setting yourself up to fail if you&;re
0.56 going to remove something from your life
0.56 you need to fill that hole with
0.56 something else and normally people do
0.56 that in a positive way right so let&;s
0.56 say you remove video games you start
0.56 going to the gym you remove drinking you
0.56 start eating healthy whatever what are
0.56 you going to substitute the fapping for
0.56 you need to have some sort of plan
0.56 because otherwise you&;re setting
0.56 yourself up to fail I would recommend
0.56 that everyone cuts off porn as far as
0.56 noof fap goes for the same reasons that
0.56 I do it I would recommend everyone does
0.56 it too but only if you really want it
0.56 because if you don&;t forget about it
0.56 refocus your energy on something that
0.56 you really want

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