A voir sur YouTube, le thème « no fap » avec cette vidéo
Le thème « no fap » abordé sur youtube par Atomic Motivation
Cette vidéo, partagée par Atomic Motivation sur YouTube (depuis le ),
est intéressante pour ceux qui s’intéressent au thème «no fap ».
YouTube regorge de vidéos fascinantes qui explorent des sujets variés, offrant à chaque utilisateur un vaste choix de contenu pour satisfaire toutes les curiosités. »
YouTube regorge de vidéos fascinantes qui explorent des sujets variés, offrant à chaque utilisateur un vaste choix de contenu pour satisfaire toutes les curiosités.
À la date de notre découverte de cette vidéo (). Le compteur de Likes indiquait: 2993.
Il est important de prendre en compte la durée (00:10:06s), le titre (Neuroscientist’s Guide to 30 Days Nofap — Dr. Anna Lembke), et les observations mentionnées par l’auteur :« (POPULAIRE) Notre guide complet pour arrêter la dépendance au porno : https://payhip.com/b/Mke2y Anna Lembke, MD, professeur de psychiatrie et de sciences du comportement à la faculté de médecine de l’Université de Stanford et chef de la clinique de double diagnostic de médecine de dépendance de Stanford . Dans cette vidéo, elle passe en revue la dépendance à la photographie, le nfap et les meilleurs moyens de surmonter cette dépendance. -Atomic Motivation Team
Quittez Prn FACILEMENT avec notre nouveau guide ICI : https://payhip.com/b/Mke2y
Conférencière : Anna Lembke https://www.annalembke.com/ Source originale : https://youtu. be/lKtX4GC4yOc
Images sous licence Artgrid, Pexels et Our Own Stock Footage.
Audio sous licence via Artlist & Audiio.
Avis de non-responsabilité YouTube : * Nous possédons des licences commerciales pour tout le contenu utilisé dans cette vidéo et il a été entièrement édité par nos soins. * Nous ne possédons pas les droits sur tout le contenu. Ils ont, conformément à un usage équitable, été réutilisés dans le but d’éduquer et d’inspirer les autres. * Nous devons déclarer qu’en aucune manière, je n’ai l’intention de violer les droits du détenteur du droit d’auteur. Le contenu utilisé est strictement destiné à des fins de recherche/révision et à des fins éducatives. Le tout sous la loi Fair Use. * Nous ne détenons aucun droit d’auteur concernant les extraits utilisés dans cette vidéo. Mais nous nous permettons de les utiliser afin d’aider les gens sous forme de motivation. Si des propriétaires souhaitent que je supprime la vidéo, nous n’avons aucun problème avec cela, envoyez-moi simplement une lettre : mark@creationstationmedia.com *J’amplifie le message original du contenu en le rendant plus cinématographique et plus facile à comprendre par le consommateur final. De cette façon, j’espère toucher plus de personnes et ainsi éduquer davantage de personnes avec des messages précieux d’experts. *Nous ajoutons notre propre voix off originale à la majorité de la vidéo, aidant à expliquer le discours de notre orateur et le sujet plus en profondeur pour donner une meilleure compréhension et combler les lacunes qui pourraient manquer dans les informations #annalembke #neuroscientist #atomicmotivation Sous-compte : 16 850 ».
La vidéo se trouve juste en dessous de cette phrase
NoFap : un guide pour les hommes vers un mieux-être
Comprendre pourquoi les gens choisissent NoFap aide à mieux appréhender ses effets positifs sur la santé mentale et physique.
Le mouvement NoFap vise à lutter contre les effets négatifs de la pornographie, améliorer la fonction érectile et diminuer l’anxiété. Plusieurs hommes sondés signalent une réduction de la dépression et des pensées suicidaires après l’abandon de ces pratiques.
Comprendre l’impact de la pornographie sur la santé des hommes est crucial.
Des scientifiques ont étudié les effets néfastes de la pornographie, montrant qu’elle peut entraîner des troubles comme la dysfonction érectile, l’anxiété, la dépression, des problèmes émotionnels et une dépendance. Nicole Prause a, par exemple, publié des recherches sur l’impact de la consommation excessive de pornographie et de masturbation sur le cerveau et la santé des hommes.
NoFap invite à une abstinence volontaire pour renforcer la discipline personnelle.
Le mouvement NoFap propose de rompre avec la pornographie et la masturbation afin de réduire l’addiction. Il s’agit d’une initiative permettant aux hommes d’améliorer leur bien-être mental et physique.
L’abstinence conduit à des changements positifs dans la vie des hommes.
Les bénéfices psychologiques de l’abstinence chez l’homme se manifestent de manière positive.
L’abstinence aide l’homme à diminuer l’anxiété, la dépression, et à accroître la confiance en soi. Les membres de NoFap partagent souvent des expériences de changements psychologiques.
Observer la réduction de l’anxiété et de la dépression après l’arrêt de la masturbation, et ses effets bénéfiques sur la santé mentale.
Les hommes confrontés à la dépendance à la pornographie et à la masturbation subissent une anxiété accrue. En s’abstenant, ils rapportent souvent une baisse de la dépression et une plus grande capacité à contrôler leurs actions.
Étudier l’amélioration de la performance érectile après l’abstinence.
L’abstinence favorise la récupération des circuits neuronaux et améliore la performance érectile chez les hommes.
Planifier son succès sur NoFap
Trucs et astuces de NoFap pour lutter contre la masturbation
Pratiquer l’exercice, la méditation et éviter les déclencheurs sont des habitudes essentielles pour maintenir une motivation sans faille.
Adopter des méthodes efficaces permet de surmonter les rechutes dans NoFap.
Les rechutes surviennent souvent dans le cadre du défi NoFap, comme le révèlent des recherches scientifiques. Il est crucial de réévaluer les causes de l’échec et de s’appuyer sur la communauté Nofap pour continuer sur la voie de l’abstinence.
Consulter des plateformes pour des témoignages et conseils sur NoFap.
Des recherches approfondies et des articles scientifiques, y compris les travaux de Nicole Prause, éclairent l’impact de la pornographie et de la masturbation sur la santé, tout en proposant des approches pour les traiter scientifiquement.
Les hommes bénéficient d’un soutien précieux grâce à la communauté NoFap dans leur lutte pour la sobriété.
Mettre en avant l’importance du soutien social et émotionnel pour les participants.
La plateforme Nofap et ses forums offrent un environnement propice pour que les hommes partagent leurs expériences et solutions, tout en les soutenant dans la gestion de la dépression, de l’anxiété, et des rechutes. Un accompagnement qualifié est parfois indispensable (à ce sujet voir ce service pour la pratique Nofap).
Analyser comment les forums et les groupes de soutien aident à surmonter les obstacles rencontrés par les individus.
Les groupes de soutien en ligne, comme ceux de la communauté NoFap, sont efficaces pour aider les participants à lutter contre l’anxiété et la dépression, comme le prouvent les recherches scientifiques. Ces forums permettent d’apporter une aide précieuse à ceux qui cherchent à arrêter la masturbation.
Explorer les forums NoFap permet de se nourrir d’expériences partagées par ceux qui ont surmonté la dépendance.
Les forums de la communauté NoFap permettent aux hommes de partager leurs expériences et de trouver des ressources scientifiques pour mieux comprendre leur parcours.
Si vous voulez voir la vidéo sur YouTube, utilisez ce lien pour y accéder :
le post original: Cliquer ici
#Guide #neuroscientifique #sur #jours #Nofap #Anna #Lembke
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: I do talk about a lot of different addictions including pornography addiction and I can tell you that a lot of people come to me and they’re sort of skeptical is sex addiction real is video game addiction real I can tell you in the last 20 years of practice I’m seeing growing numbers of people addicted to these digital drugs and it is very real what do I do for pornography I say no watching pornography but also no orgasms with yourself or anybody else for a month right as a way to again reset reward Pathways and resetting reward Pathways is key to be able to have the cognitive and emotional strength to do what’s next which is decide next steps am I going to go back to using this drug or am I going to continue to abstain and either way how am I going to do that and then we talk about self-binding strategies and what do I mean by that self-binding strategies are barriers both literal and metacognitive that we can put in place to put the brakes on desire and they are absolutely fundamental in a in a world in which we’re being constantly tempted to indulge self-binding means things like not keeping your drug in your house or not keeping your drug in your room or making sure if you’re going to use in moderation you only use on special occasions and then don’t populate your calendar with a special occasion every night the natural history of their addiction is exactly the same as addiction to drugs and alcohol they increase their use over time they need more of the drug more potent forms of the drug it starts to affect their mood their motivation they become suicidal despondent incredible shame and then when they take you know get away from that drug and abstain for long enough to get their prefrontal cortex back online and to reassert homeostasis they feel so much better so what can we do about it I hold up people in recovery some from severe addictions as modern day profits for the rest of us to how to navigate this dopamine saturated world and this is an acronym that I’ll just very briefly go over but at the pivot point of This Acronym is the a that stands for abstinence what I have come to do in my psychiatric practice whether the individual is coming in with addiction or whether they’re coming in with anxiety and depression the first thing that I will do is screen them for compulsive over consumption of Highly reinforcing drugs and behaviors and suggests to them an experiment and the experiment goes like this try giving up this drug of choice for a month why because in doing so you will allow enough time for the neuroadaptation Gremlins on the pain side of your balance to hop off and for homeostasis to be restored and only then will you be able to get joy in more modest rewards and only then will you be able to see true cause and effect which is that compulsive over consumption of these drugs is actually causing your depression and anxiety many of my patients on first pass are highly skeptical of this hypothesis they say Dr Lemke my video games are the only thing that alleviate my depression Dr lemke’s smoking pot is the only thing that works for my anxiety and what I say is I hear you that in the moment it feels like you are self-medicating your psychiatric problem but I would pause it to you that what you’re really doing is just temporarily restoring a level balance while you’re accumulating more Gremlins on the pain side of the balance this first past intervention can be not only instructive but highly healing so how do we get them there first we the first pass is just to gather data this is where we ask patients to tell us what are you using how much and how often and the simple act of putting into words what we are doing in terms of our consumption can have a revelatory impact on our understanding of what we’re doing because as long as it stays in the dark recesses of our minds we can minimize it and we don’t have to look at it but when we tell another human being it becomes real in a way that it otherwise cannot then I recommend this four weeks of abstinence or if you can’t do four weeks do two weeks if you can’t do two weeks do a single day especially when it comes to digital drugs put that phone away for 24 hours but in general the data however limited shows that it takes on average four weeks of abstinence in order to reset brain reward Pathways and be able to experience pleasure in more modest rewards if patients don’t do the four weeks once they’re already addicted all they’re experiencing is withdrawal right remember the balance you take away the pleasure weight those Gremlins weighted down to the side of pain and in those first two weeks patients are in withdrawal so I warn them you’re going to feel worse before you feel better you’re going to experience the universal symptoms of withdrawal anxiety irritability insomnia dysphoria if you can just get your way through that you will eventually feel better in weeks three and four and for about eighty percent of my patients which is consistent with the scientific literature they do feel better at four weeks ladies and gentlemen as we go through our journey of self-development and self-discovery we can learn some very fascinating things about our habits and the activities that we do on a day-to-day basis as Dr analemke explains a lot of the things and the activities and the habits that we do can seem like crutches for us as if they’re getting us through our anxiety through our anxious moments through depression but when in reality these are the things that are at the stem and are at the base of our anxiety and our depression like she mentioned activities like smoking cannabis or playing video games or pornography all of these things can seem like a harmless activity that just helps us and gives us a temporary boost of motivation where in reality this is the thing that causes us the most harm the thing that we are trying to get away from and the thing that we are trying to get rid of from our lives for example the anxiety into the depression so when we understand these things we can really take a look at our life and understand what are the activities what are the things that we’re doing that don’t help us on our journey of self discovery and self-improvement pornography being an absolutely huge one especially for males and with our access to the internet 24 7 having our digital devices on US 24 7 and having fast high-speed internet unrestricted access to the internet can actually cause us some of the biggest harm that we are experiencing today and the most important thing that we can do is just simply try try our absolute best to go in the opposite direction of these addictions and habits that we’ve created for ourselves so when Dr Anna Lemke mentions having a different set of environments and protocols to mitigate our addictive behaviors what she means is that changing up our environment so charging our phone outside of our room or not using our phone before bedtime now this would be a great time to mention that we have actually created a 18-page nofap guide that helps people to actually put in place the measures where they can get rid of their addictions and we have so many effective techniques that we’ve put into it that our team has personally used and that have helped them in every aspect of their life and it doesn’t take more than 30 minutes to set up everything and it becomes so much easier to be on that nofap journey and at the end of the day that’s what all of us want is we want a clean life one that we have control over our triggers and our impulses and our own desires and our bodies and having a really easy to follow guide where everything is explained is so helpful in our Journeys and so if anybody is interested we will leave the link Down Below in the description in the comments section and by clicking the top icon in the right hand corner of the video so thank you guys for watching and we wish you the best of luck take care on your Journeys and we’ll see you soon ready to conquer nofap grab our digital nofap guide now end your porn addiction Skyrocket your self-esteem and achieve your goals packed with proven Techniques expert advice and relapse prevention tricks click the link below and break free today .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
0 I do talk about a lot of different
0 addictions including pornography
0 addiction and I can tell you that a lot
0 of people come to me and they&;re sort of
0 skeptical is sex addiction real is video
0 game addiction real I can tell you in
0 the last 20 years of practice I&;m seeing
0 growing numbers of people addicted to
0 these digital drugs and it is very real
0 what do I do for pornography I say no
0 watching pornography but also no orgasms
0 with yourself or anybody else for a
0 month right as a way to again reset
0 reward Pathways and resetting reward
0 Pathways is key to be able to have the
0 cognitive and emotional strength to do
0 what&;s next which is decide next steps
0 am I going to go back to using this drug
0 or am I going to continue to abstain and
0 either way how am I going to do that and
0 then we talk about self-binding
0 strategies and what do I mean by that
0 self-binding strategies are barriers
0 both literal and metacognitive that we
0 can put in place to put the brakes on
0 desire and they are absolutely
0 fundamental in a in a world in which
0 we&;re being constantly tempted to
0 indulge
0 self-binding means things like not
0 keeping your drug in your house or not
0 keeping your drug in your room or making
0 sure if you&;re going to use in
0 moderation you only use on special
0 occasions and then don&;t populate your
0 calendar with a special occasion every
0 night the natural history of their
0 addiction is exactly the same as
0 addiction to drugs and alcohol they
0 increase their use over time they need
0 more of the drug more potent forms of
0 the drug it starts to affect their mood
0 their motivation they become suicidal
0 despondent incredible shame and then
0 when they take you know get away from
0 that drug and abstain for long enough to
0 get their prefrontal cortex back online
0 and to reassert homeostasis they feel so
0 much better
0 so what can we do about it I hold up
0 people in recovery some from severe
0 addictions as modern day profits for the
0 rest of us to how to navigate this
0 dopamine saturated world and this is an
0 acronym that I&;ll just very briefly go
0 over but at the pivot point of This
0 Acronym is the a that stands for
0 abstinence
0 what I have come to do in my psychiatric
0 practice whether the individual is
0 coming in with addiction or whether
0 they&;re coming in with anxiety and
0 depression the first thing that I will
0 do is screen them for compulsive over
0 consumption of Highly reinforcing drugs
0 and behaviors and suggests to them an
0 experiment and the experiment goes like
0 this try giving up this drug of choice
0 for a month
0 why because in doing so you will allow
0 enough time for the neuroadaptation
0 Gremlins on the pain side of your
0 balance to hop off and for homeostasis
0 to be restored and only then will you be
0 able to get joy in more modest rewards
0 and only then will you be able to see
0 true cause and effect which is that
0 compulsive over consumption of these
0 drugs is actually causing your
0 depression and anxiety many of my
0 patients on first pass are highly
0 skeptical of this hypothesis they say Dr
0 Lemke my video games are the only thing
0 that alleviate my depression Dr lemke&;s
0 smoking pot is the only thing that works
0 for my anxiety and what I say is I hear
0 you that in the moment it feels like you
0 are self-medicating your psychiatric
0 problem but I would pause it to you that
0 what you&;re really doing is just
0 temporarily restoring a level balance
0 while you&;re accumulating more Gremlins
0 on the pain side of the balance this
0 first past intervention can be not only
0 instructive but highly healing so how do
0 we get them there first we the first
0 pass is just to gather data this is
0 where we ask patients to tell us what
0 are you using how much and how often and
0 the simple act of putting into words
0 what we are doing in terms of our
0 consumption can have a revelatory impact
0 on our understanding of what we&;re doing
0 because as long as it stays in the dark
0 recesses of our minds we can minimize it
0 and we don&;t have to look at it but when
0 we tell another human being it becomes
0 real in a way that it otherwise cannot
0 then I recommend this four weeks of
0 abstinence or if you can&;t do four weeks
0 do two weeks if you can&;t do two weeks
0 do a single day especially when it comes
0 to digital drugs put that phone away for
0 24 hours but in general the data however
0 limited shows that it takes on average
0 four weeks of abstinence in order to
0 reset brain reward Pathways and be able
0 to experience pleasure in more modest
0 rewards if patients don&;t do the four
0 weeks once they&;re already addicted all
0 they&;re experiencing is withdrawal right
0 remember the balance you take away the
0 pleasure weight those Gremlins weighted
0 down to the side of pain and in those
0 first two weeks patients are in
0 withdrawal so I warn them you&;re going
0 to feel worse before you feel better
0 you&;re going to experience the universal
0 symptoms of withdrawal anxiety
0 irritability insomnia dysphoria if you
0 can just get your way through that you
0 will eventually feel better in weeks
0 three and four and for about eighty
0 percent of my patients which is
0 consistent with the scientific
0 literature they do feel better at four
0 weeks
0 ladies and gentlemen as we go through
0 our journey of self-development and
0 self-discovery we can learn some very
0 fascinating things about our habits and
0 the activities that we do on a
0 day-to-day basis as Dr analemke explains
0 a lot of the things and the activities
0 and the habits that we do
0 can seem like crutches for us as if
0 they&;re getting us through our anxiety
0 through our anxious moments through
0 depression
0 but when in reality these are the things
0 that are at the stem and are at the base
0 of our anxiety and our depression
0 like she mentioned activities like
0 smoking cannabis or playing video games
0 or pornography all of these things can
0 seem like a harmless activity that just
0 helps us and gives us a temporary boost
0 of motivation where in reality this is
0 the thing that causes us the most harm
0 the thing that we are trying to get away
0 from and the thing that we are trying to
0 get rid of from our lives for example
0 the anxiety into the depression
0 so when we understand these things we
0 can really take a look at our life and
0 understand what are the activities what
0 are the things that we&;re doing that
0 don&;t help us on our journey of self
0 discovery and self-improvement
0 pornography being an absolutely huge one
0 especially for males and with our access
0 to the internet 24 7 having our digital
0 devices on US 24 7 and having fast
0 high-speed internet unrestricted access
0 to the internet can actually cause us
0 some of the biggest harm that we are
0 experiencing today
0 and the most important thing that we can
0 do is just simply try try our absolute
0 best to go in the opposite direction of
0 these addictions and habits that we&;ve
0 created for ourselves so when Dr Anna
0 Lemke mentions having a different set of
0 environments and protocols to mitigate
0 our addictive behaviors what she means
0 is that changing up our environment so
0 charging our phone outside of our room
0 or not using our phone before bedtime
0 now this would be a great time to
0 mention that we have actually created a
0 18-page nofap guide that helps people to
0 actually put in place the measures where
0 they can get rid of their addictions and
0 we have so many effective techniques
0 that we&;ve put into it that our team has
0 personally used and that have helped
0 them in every aspect of their life and
0 it doesn&;t take more than 30 minutes to
0 set up everything and it becomes so much
0 easier to be on that nofap journey and
0 at the end of the day that&;s what all of
0 us want is we want a clean life one that
0 we have control over our triggers and
0 our impulses and our own desires and our
0 bodies and having a really easy to
0 follow guide where everything is
0 explained is so helpful in our Journeys
0 and so if anybody is interested we will
0 leave the link Down Below in the
0 description in the comments section and
0 by clicking the top icon in the right
0 hand corner of the video so thank you
0 guys for watching and we wish you the
0 best of luck take care on your Journeys
0 and we&;ll see you soon
0 ready to conquer nofap grab our digital
0 nofap guide now end your porn addiction
0 Skyrocket your self-esteem and achieve
0 your goals packed with proven Techniques
0 expert advice and relapse prevention
0 tricks click the link below and break
0 free today
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