masturbate; NOFAP avantages lorsque vous arrêtez de vous masturber

NOFAP avantages lorsque vous arrêtez de vous masturber

Le thème « masturbate » en vidéo par FarFromWeak

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Il est important de prendre en compte la durée (00:08:04s), le titre (NoFap Benefits when you Stop Masturbating), et les observations mentionnées par l’auteur :« Ce qui se passe réellement lorsque vous arrêtez de fapper .. ✉ La newsletter la plus puissante ✉ ➜ 🌎join the Discord Tribe ici pour Free🌎: (TagStotranslate) NOFAP ( t) farfromweak ».

La vidéo est disponible pour visionnage directement ci-dessous

Déterminer une approche pour interrompre cette pratique

Proposer des étapes à suivre pour prévenir les rechutes

  • Désactiver l’accès à la pornographie : Utilisez des filtres ou bloqueurs pour limiter l’accès aux contenus explicites.
  • Structurer vos journées : Créez une routine avec des activités régulières et bien organisées.

Accentuer l’importance de la solidarité sociale

  • Voir un sexologue : Les conseils d’un spécialiste peuvent être précieux pour avancer. (notammentce lien)
  • S’engager dans des groupes de soutien : L’interaction avec d’autres vous aide à maintenir votre motivation.

Mettre en avant des stratégies efficaces pour contrôler cette pratique

  • Identifier les facteurs déclencheurs : Prenez note de ce qui provoque l’envie de céder.
  • Repérer les déclencheurs : Notez ce qui provoque le désir.
  • Remplacer par d’autres pratiques : Découvrez de nouveaux loisirs ou engagez-vous dans une activité physique.

Se pencher sur la dépendance à la masturbation pour en comprendre les effets

Clarifier la notion de masturbation et les diverses façons de la pratiquer

La masturbation, en tant qu’acte sexuel, offre des avantages pour la santé, comme un apaisement du stress et une exploration de son corps. Pourtant, si elle devient envahissante, elle peut poser des défis.

Repérer les indicateurs d’une dépendance

La dépendance se manifeste par une augmentation de la fréquence, associée à une incapacité à se contrôler, ce qui peut nuire à la qualité des rapports avec un partenaire.

Explorer l’impact sur le bien-être mental et corporel

L’addiction à la masturbation, souvent liée à un usage excessif de pornographie, perturbe le système dopaminergique, entraînant des problèmes tels que l’éjaculation précoce, la fatigue ou un manque de satisfaction sexuelle.

Se libérer de la masturbation : un challenge pour votre sexualité

La décision d’arrêter la masturbation constitue un challenge pour de nombreux individus. Pratique courante et souvent perçue comme une manière naturelle d’explorer sa sexualité, elle peut toutefois engendrer des difficultés lorsque la dépendance s’installe, impactant des aspects cruciaux tels que les relations, le bien-être mental et la productivité.

Évaluer les résultats d’un arrêt réussi

Mettre l’accent sur le chemin vers une épanouissement permanent

Moins de dépendance mène à des gains durables dans la vie personnelle, professionnelle et sociale.

Mettre en lumière les améliorations dans les échanges interpersonnels

Les rapports avec un conjoint évoluent, créant une connexion émotionnelle et physique plus forte et plus épanouissante.

Présenter les étapes vers un équilibre mental amélioré

La cessation de cette habitude conduit généralement à une hausse de l’énergie, à une humeur améliorée et à une concentration renforcée.

Analyser les causes de l’augmentation de cette pratique

Étudier l’influence de l’isolement et du désir

Le manque de satisfaction dans un couple ou dans la vie personnelle, couplé à la solitude, peuvent aussi pousser à cette pratique.

Analyser les mécanismes psychologiques et émotionnels

Des émotions comme le stress, l’anxiété ou l’insatisfaction dans d’autres pans de la vie peuvent déclencher cette pratique compulsive.

Analyser les conséquences de la pornographie sur les comportements

La pornographie est un facteur influent. Elle accentue souvent l’envie de se masturber et peut brouiller la perception de la sexualité.

Pour résumer

L’arrêt de la masturbation habituelle implique un parcours long et exigeant. Grâce à un plan détaillé et un soutien approprié, il devient possible de franchir cette étape et de savourer les bienfaits d’une vie plus équilibrée, centrée sur des projets plus gratifiants.

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la publication originale: Cliquer ici

#NOFAP #avantages #lorsque #vous #arrêtez #vous #masturber

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: do you know the true benefits of noap most guys don’t they wake up and bust a nut to start the day or rub one out before they go to bed pathetic there are tremendous benefits of being on noof fap but before I tell you what those benefits are you need to know one thing there are always guys with zero sexual discipline that cope they’ll say things like fapping releases stress and is healthy or nofap is for losers and it gives you prostate cancer isn’t it interesting their desire to play with themselves is so strong that they make up false claims and when you ask them where they got their data from they’ll point at some random doctors probably the same doctors that told them to get five untested Jabs for a rebranded code listen deep down you know fapping doesn’t bring you a single benefit so stop stop trying to look for reasons to play with yourself in this video we’re going over five powerful nofap benefits and by the end of this video you’ll never want to fap again because these benefits are simply too powerful to ignore number one you become your true self many guys describe noap as something magical they act as if it gives you superpowers that make you walk on water that that isn’t true the truth is much more simple than that you are just becoming you again and your true self free from any addictions or compulsive behavior is confident filled with energy motivated creative and passionate think about it all these things I just named are things you once had by Nature a child is born with these traits but somewhere in life you got caught by nasty addictions and it made you a shell of your former self noap is not some magic Hocus Focus pseudo science garbage but it is very real your brain starts to rewire and your dopamine sensitivity is returning back to normal once you cut off this filthy addiction so instead of calling it superpowers because that makes it seem less real and serious just realize you’re returning to your true self take this serious if you want to reach your goals your desires your dreams if you want to become successful you can’t be a fapping addict with a messed up brain chemistry number two enhanced focus and Clarity being on nofap makes you mentally sharper why because masturbation puts your dopamine in a constant roller coaster your dopamine levels shoot up as you feel instant pleasure and then it all comes crashing down shortly after this dopamine roller coaster messes up your focus and Clarity some guys will cope and say this isn’t true they’ll say post nut Clarity actually increases your Clarity listen the only reason why it seems like you gain Clarity after ejaculating is because C lustful state made you unable to think straight at all the contrast is so big that it seems like you get gain a lot of clarity but it’s only an illusion because in reality you merely snap out of that animalistic lustful mode beyond that no extra Clarity or focus is gained to actually gain high levels of focus and Clarity you shouldn’t fap at all and when you feel the lustful State come up fapping like a monkey is far from the best way to deal with it instead you must use your lust to your advantage because a lust lustful state is no more than sexual energy and energy can always be used productively or destructively the next time you strongly feel the urge to fap hop in a cold shower and go work out after you’ll notice a significant increase in energy and you’ll gain enhanced levels of clarity and focus most guys won’t do this because that lustful State overpowers them they’ll rather lay in their bed and fat because their lust controls some instead of the other way around number three increase the Life Energy men carry Life Energy in their lower parts think about it seed is the basis of your physical existence whether you’re a man or a woman you come into existence because that is 50% of the ingredient when you release your seed into a woman it turns into a living human being do you real realize how powerful this is and yet 99% of men waste their energy away multiple times per day they spill their seed on their bed sheets pathetic when you let your desires overpower you and you fap you’ll always feel empty sluggish and more tired afterwards no man ever gained energy from fapping but countless men have gained energy from being on no fat why because it keeps your life energy inside your body this gives you a huge advantage over people that fap like a little worm your seed is one of the most potent things in your male body if you know how to use it you can use it to produce a child you can use it for extra energy or you can waste it on your bed sheets be aware of how you use it number four increased spirituality the guys that cope and FAO day lack mindfulness they don’t even know what spirituality means listen this entire concept of noap whether people realize it or not is a spiritual process it’s about undoing and Unbecoming it’s an attempt to get back to a more natural original state a state that through a discipline we actually become Freer however I don’t think noap itself leads to a spiritual awakening but rather the other way around spiritual growth leads to noap that being said spiritual growth is a complex thing I myself am only a student of spirituality and have much to learn so I won’t speak beyond my knowledge on this number five discipline suppose you disagree with all the benefits of noan let’s pretend it’s all aive and there are no benefits at all the man that’s on noof fap still beats the fapping man why because he is more disciplined he knows how to resist Temptations and Primal desires and control his own mind now obviously the benefits of nofap are very real research has shown that fapping makes your dopamine levels Peak and that after that instant spike in high dopamine your dopamine levels come crashing down hard which comes with a ton of side effects but even if we agree with the guy said cope even if we throw all the research out the window and ignore our own eyes just because of discipline alone the man on noof fap far exceeds the man that’s fapping like a worm never forget that by the way if you want to level up in life don’t forget to show some love by hitting the like and sub subscribe button until next time .

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Déroulement de la vidéo:

0.12 do you know the true benefits of noap
0.12 most guys don&;t they wake up and bust a
0.12 nut to start the day or rub one out
0.12 before they go to bed
0.12 pathetic there are tremendous benefits
0.12 of being on noof fap but before I tell
0.12 you what those benefits are you need to
0.12 know one thing there are always guys
0.12 with zero sexual discipline that cope
0.12 they&;ll say things like fapping releases
0.12 stress and is healthy or nofap is for
0.12 losers and it gives you prostate cancer
0.12 isn&;t it interesting their desire to
0.12 play with themselves is so strong that
0.12 they make up false claims and when you
0.12 ask them where they got their data from
0.12 they&;ll point at some random doctors
0.12 probably the same doctors that told them
0.12 to get five untested Jabs for a
0.12 rebranded code listen deep down you know
0.12 fapping doesn&;t bring you a single
0.12 benefit so stop stop trying to look for
0.12 reasons to play with yourself in this
0.12 video we&;re going over five powerful
0.12 nofap benefits and by the end of this
0.12 video you&;ll never want to fap again
0.12 because these benefits are simply too
0.12 powerful to
0.12 ignore number one you become your true
0.12 self many guys describe noap as
0.12 something magical they act as if it
0.12 gives you superpowers that make you walk
0.12 on water that that isn&;t true the truth
0.12 is much more simple than that you are
0.12 just becoming you again and your true
0.12 self free from any addictions or
0.12 compulsive behavior is confident filled
0.12 with energy motivated creative and
0.12 passionate think about it all these
0.12 things I just named are things you once
0.12 had by Nature a child is born with these
0.12 traits but somewhere in life you got
0.12 caught by nasty addictions and it made
0.12 you a shell of your former self noap is
0.12 not some magic Hocus Focus pseudo
0.12 science garbage but it is very real your
0.12 brain starts to rewire and your dopamine
0.12 sensitivity is returning back to normal
0.12 once you cut off this filthy addiction
0.12 so instead of calling it superpowers
0.12 because that makes it seem less real and
0.12 serious just realize you&;re returning to
0.12 your true self
0.12 take this serious if you want to reach
0.12 your goals your desires your dreams if
0.12 you want to become successful you can&;t
0.12 be a fapping addict with a messed up
0.12 brain
0.12 chemistry number two enhanced focus and
0.12 Clarity being on nofap makes you
0.12 mentally sharper why because
0.12 masturbation puts your dopamine in a
0.12 constant roller coaster your dopamine
0.12 levels shoot up as you feel instant
0.12 pleasure and then it all comes crashing
0.12 down shortly after this dopamine roller
0.12 coaster messes up your focus and Clarity
0.12 some guys will cope and say this isn&;t
0.12 true they&;ll say post nut Clarity
0.12 actually increases your Clarity listen
0.12 the only reason why it seems like you
0.12 gain Clarity after ejaculating is
0.12 because C lustful state made you unable
0.12 to think straight at all the contrast is
0.12 so big that it seems like you get gain a
0.12 lot of clarity but it&;s only an illusion
0.12 because in reality you merely snap out
0.12 of that animalistic lustful mode beyond
0.12 that no extra Clarity or focus is gained
0.12 to actually gain high levels of focus
0.12 and Clarity you shouldn&;t fap at all and
0.12 when you feel the lustful State come up
0.12 fapping like a monkey is far from the
0.12 best way to deal with it instead you
0.12 must use your lust to your advantage
0.12 because a lust lustful state is no more
0.12 than sexual energy and energy can always
0.12 be used productively or
0.12 destructively the next time you strongly
0.12 feel the urge to fap hop in a cold
0.12 shower and go work out after you&;ll
0.12 notice a significant increase in energy
0.12 and you&;ll gain enhanced levels of
0.12 clarity and focus most guys won&;t do
0.12 this because that lustful State
0.12 overpowers them they&;ll rather lay in
0.12 their bed and fat because their lust
0.12 controls some instead of the other way
0.12 around number three increase the Life
0.12 Energy men carry Life Energy in their
0.12 lower parts think about it seed is the
0.12 basis of your physical existence whether
0.12 you&;re a man or a woman you come into
0.12 existence because that is 50% of the
0.12 ingredient when you release your seed
0.12 into a woman it turns into a living
0.12 human being do you real realize how
0.12 powerful this is and yet 99% of men
0.12 waste their energy away multiple times
0.12 per day they spill their seed on their
0.12 bed sheets
0.12 pathetic when you let your desires
0.12 overpower you and you fap you&;ll always
0.12 feel empty sluggish and more tired
0.12 afterwards no man ever gained energy
0.12 from fapping but countless men have
0.12 gained energy from being on no fat why
0.12 because it keeps your life energy inside
0.12 your body this gives you a huge
0.12 advantage over people that fap like a
0.12 little worm your seed is one of the most
0.12 potent things in your male body if you
0.12 know how to use it you can use it to
0.12 produce a child you can use it for extra
0.12 energy or you can waste it on your bed
0.12 sheets be aware of how you use it number
0.12 four increased spirituality
0.12 the guys that cope and FAO day lack
0.12 mindfulness they don&;t even know what
0.12 spirituality means listen this entire
0.12 concept of noap whether people realize
0.12 it or not is a spiritual process it&;s
0.12 about undoing and Unbecoming it&;s an
0.12 attempt to get back to a more natural
0.12 original state a state that through a
0.12 discipline we actually become
0.12 Freer however I don&;t think noap itself
0.12 leads to a spiritual awakening but
0.12 rather the other way around spiritual
0.12 growth leads to noap that being said
0.12 spiritual growth is a complex thing I
0.12 myself am only a student of spirituality
0.12 and have much to learn so I won&;t speak
0.12 beyond my knowledge on this number five
0.12 discipline suppose you disagree with all
0.12 the benefits of noan let&;s pretend it&;s
0.12 all aive
0.12 and there are no benefits at all the man
0.12 that&;s on noof fap still beats the
0.12 fapping man why because he is more
0.12 disciplined he knows how to resist
0.12 Temptations and Primal desires and
0.12 control his own mind now obviously the
0.12 benefits of nofap are very real research
0.12 has shown that fapping makes your
0.12 dopamine levels Peak and that after that
0.12 instant spike in high dopamine your
0.12 dopamine levels come crashing down hard
0.12 which comes with a ton of side effects
0.12 but even if we agree with the guy said
0.12 cope even if we throw all the research
0.12 out the window and ignore our own eyes
0.12 just because of discipline alone the man
0.12 on noof fap far exceeds the man that&;s
0.12 fapping like a worm never forget
0.12 that by the way if you want to level up
0.12 in life don&;t forget to show some love
0.12 by hitting the like and sub subscribe
0.12 button until next time

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