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狠心父母逼女孩嫁給植物人衝喜,沒想到結婚當天植物人老公就醒了,還有八塊肌[MULTI SUB | FULL]#MiniDrama#精彩大陆短剧

Vidéo sur le thème « chasteté » par 浪漫短劇社Romantic Drama

Signée par 浪漫短劇社Romantic Drama, une vidéo publiée sur YouTube (le ) traite du thème « chasteté ».

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Saisir le concept de chasteté dans le cadre contemporain. Examiner la chasteté à la lumière des réalités modernes.

Essentiellement, la chasteté est le contrôle de soi en matière de sexualité. Il ne s’agit pas uniquement d’abstinence, mais d’une gestion volontaire des désirs sexuels selon des principes moraux ou spirituels. Dans le monde moderne, la chasteté ne se limite pas à réprimer les désirs, mais à les orienter vers des objectifs plus élevés, comme le respect de soi et des autres. Être chaste aujourd’hui ne veut pas dire abandonner le plaisir, mais plutôt vivre sa sexualité selon ses propres principes.

Mesurer l’influence de la chasteté sur les relations avec les autres et les relations au sein de la famille.

En outre, la chasteté a un impact bénéfique sur les relations interpersonnelles. La cage de chasteté aide un homme à renforcer ses aptitudes à séduire et à adapter son comportement vis-à-vis de ses partenaires. L’acte bénéficie de capacités physiques et sexuelles plus fortes dues à leur sollicitation réduite. Il est possible de pratiquer la chasteté en toute discrétion, sans nécessairement dévoiler le secret à ses partenaires. En contexte marital, la chasteté aide à renforcer les liens conjugaux en cultivant un amour sincère, qui dépasse le plaisir physique.

Adopter la chasteté dans la vie quotidienne.

Les hommes cherchant à vivre la chasteté ont plusieurs stratégies à leur disposition. Commencer par une réflexion intérieure pour comprendre ses motivations et valeurs est essentiel. Pour maîtriser ses désirs, il peut être utile d’éviter les contenus et situations sexuelles. Un mentor ou un groupe de soutien partageant les mêmes valeurs peut être crucial pour rester engagé. La chasteté peut être un défi dans une société où la sexualité est omniprésente. Les tentations et la pression sociale sont des défis importants dans la pratique de la chasteté. Maintenir une discipline personnelle rigoureuse est crucial pour surmonter ces obstacles. En cas de difficulté, il est important de garder le moral et de recommencer avec une volonté renouvelée. Il ne s’agit pas d’atteindre un état parfait de chasteté, mais de suivre un chemin de patience et de persévérance. En intégrant la chasteté dans sa vie, on peut atteindre une plus grande liberté, une maîtrise de soi améliorée, et un épanouissement spirituel significatif. La chasteté peut paraître contraignante dans une société qui valorise la sexualité plus que la spiritualité, mais elle offre une voie vers une vie plus sincère, en accord avec ses valeurs et sa foi.

FAQ : Tout ce que vous devez savoir sur la Chasteté.

La chasteté est-elle uniquement pour les personnes de foi ? La chasteté concerne également les personnes non religieuses comme les célibataires et les laïcs. Comment la chasteté se distingue-t-elle de l’abstinence ? L’abstinence est l’acte de s’abstenir de relations sexuelles. La chasteté implique souvent le port d’un accessoire tel qu’une ceinture ou une cage, et suit une démarche orientée vers le progrès et la réussite, semblable à celle d’un athlète. Comment la chasteté se manifeste-t-elle dans les relations matrimoniales ? Au sein du mariage, la chasteté est souvent une question partagée ; les partenaires discutent généralement des démarches et des objectifs. Pourquoi la chasteté est-elle une vertu importante pour l’Église ? L’Église valorise la chasteté car elle considère cette vertu comme essentielle pour vivre une vie en accord avec les principes chrétiens. Comment la chasteté facilite-t-elle le développement personnel ? La pratique de la chasteté favorise l’épanouissement personnel en développant la maîtrise de soi, la clarté mentale et la paix intérieure.

La chasteté : Une vertu à revaloriser pour l’homme moderne.

La chasteté est souvent regardée comme une vertu taboue dans le contexte moderne. Cependant, pour ceux qui l’adoptent, elle peut conduire à une plus grande paix intérieure, à des relations renforcées et à une connexion spirituelle plus profonde. Autrefois, la chasteté était plus largement acceptée et abordée. www.chastete.fr développe de manière exhaustive la thématique de la chasteté . En fournissant une vue d’ensemble de la chasteté, cet article offre aux hommes les clés pour la comprendre et la mettre en œuvre dans leur quotidien.

Il existe un lien profond entre la chasteté et la recherche spirituelle.

Il est courant de voir la chasteté liée à la recherche spirituelle. De nombreuses religions, y compris le christianisme, considèrent la chasteté comme une voie vers la sanctification. En régulant ses désirs sexuels, on augmente l’énergie disponible pour le bien-être intérieur. Dans cette perspective, la chasteté est une offrande de soi et une marque de respect envers Dieu. Plutôt que de la considérer comme une privation, la chasteté est vue comme un choix pour élever l’âme. Les traditions religieuses présentent une variété de points de vue sur la chasteté. Pour le christianisme catholique, la chasteté est une vertu fondamentale pour les prêtres. Dans l’islam, des règles sévères encadrent la sexualité pour promouvoir la chasteté. Les ascètes en hindouisme et bouddhisme pratiquent la chasteté pour parvenir à l’illumination. Les croyants de diverses religions sont unis dans une quête commune de chasteté.

Les bienfaits de la chasteté incluent un impact significatif sur le bien-être personnel et moral. Analyser l’impact de la chasteté sur le bien-être personnel et moral.

L’impact de la chasteté sur le bien-être personnel est profond lorsqu’elle est pratiquée consciemment. Cette pratique permet d’atteindre une plus grande maîtrise de soi, une clarté mentale accrue, et une paix intérieure qui découle du respect des valeurs morales. La chasteté favorise une relation plus harmonieuse avec son propre corps ainsi que ses désirs. Grâce à la maîtrise de soi, la chasteté permet une liberté accrue en éliminant les pulsions et les pressions sociales sur la sexualité. La chasteté offre un sens accru de pureté morale, qui renforce la dignité et l’estime de soi. Les effets de la chasteté sur la santé mentale sont surtout perceptibles. La chasteté offre aux individus une plus grande confiance en eux et une meilleure préparation pour surmonter les défis.

Rechercher les débuts historiques et culturels de la chasteté.

La chasteté trouve ses origines dans de nombreuses traditions religieuses et culturelles. La chasteté, dans le christianisme, est souvent connectée au vœu de continence des prêtres et religieux. L’islam, de même que les Églises catholique et orthodoxe, valorise la chasteté comme une vertu importante, aussi bien pour les religieux que pour les laïcs, particulièrement avant le mariage. Dans le passé antique, la chasteté était respectée comme une méthode pour protéger l’intégrité personnelle et la pureté morale. Ainsi, la chasteté traverse les âges et les cultures, conservant son statut de vertu respectée.

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#狠心父母逼女孩嫁給植物人衝喜沒想到結婚當天植物人老公就醒了還有八塊肌MULTI #FULLMiniDrama精彩大陆短剧

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: You listen to me clearly Marry into the Ling family Just do your thing peacefully. Ryota If you dare to say If it’s not Si Qianqian’s words I will stop paying for your mother’s medical treatment. Let her die in the ICU Please welcome the most beautiful Bride Arrives Si Mengqing is not always Are you self-righteous? No, but instead of me Marry a vegetable Earn gifts for the family Let us invite Bride Arrives You guys wait for me I want you to pay. The price you deserve Ling Huaicheng I didn ‘t expect someone to bring you happiness. so pretty Keep the wealth within the family This little sister-in-law tonight I’ll enjoy it for you. Si Qianqian Would you like to marry Mr. Ling Huaicheng from now on Marry me if I ask you to Why so much nonsense? Believe it or not, I’ll stop it right away. Your mother’s medical expenses Let her die in the ICU I willing Good Kids do not worry Our Ling Family Personal wedding Si Mengqing after You can only live as a widow Ceremony Child Mom will introduce you This is my son Huaicheng. Although a plant But it looks good Usually I’ll accompany him when I’m free. After this I’ll leave it to you. Mom knows you feel wronged But don’t worry Mom won’t treat you badly. This card has 10 million. You are free to If not enough Tell Mom again mom No I You take it. Stop making excuses. This has been a busy half day. Are you hungry too? I’ll call the servants. Make you something to eat You Just talk to him. Mom is so good to me. Ling Huaicheng Then I will Do you have to Better for you Although I am a substitute But I still want Introduce yourself My name is Si Mengqing It’s yours from now on Newlywed wife. after Just do your thing. Vegetative Little Miss You are my big brother Newly married wife What are you going to do? Anyway, Ling Huaicheng It is also not humane Wedding night Loneliness is bad Otherwise, I will replace my elder brother Let you have a child Let me go stinky woman Give me some peace of mind You dare to hit me Don’t come over here I thought you were a house cat. did not expect Still a little wild cat I just don’t know How does it taste to you? Ling Ziming You are not afraid I’ll tell you what happened today. If I remember correctly Seven days later You inherit The days of Ling’s company If you dare to bully me I can guarantee it You absolutely won’t Get it so quickly Ling’s assets You dare to threaten me Ling Huaicheng became a vegetable But don’t forget He is in the Ling family Position in the heart If you dare to touch me Ling Family Will definitely let you If you can’t eat it, you have to take it with you Some truth Si Qianqian you’re right Seven days later I will inherit Everything about the Ling family Now you can resist. Then I’d like to see Seven days later Wait until I take away everything from the Ling family What qualifications do you have to resist? The things he has become I am Ling Ziming Must get did not expect Your Ling family It’s not so peaceful You’re a grown man It’s over. It’s over. If my mother saw this You don’t think I’m bullying you, do you? Don’t blame me. I didn’ t mean it. You wouldn’t be so cautious. People say he’s handsome. My heart is only the size of a sesame seed did not expect You’ve been lying in bed for so long. Still in such good shape Why only six? Should not Eight bucks? never mind No need to embarrass you it’s okay no problem We are married I’m not afraid You shouldn’t feel I mean oil. Damn woman Finger oil is also humiliating See you resist For Ling Ziming’s sake I won’ t argue with you this time. mom Qianqian Come down quickly Son, come back home Mom prepared it for you. Some gifts I’ll come right away Fang Yu Boss, you woke up. right You go help me now Investigation Department Identity of all persons And one more thing Find Ling Ziming Give me a lesson You are tired these days. Today is the day you come home. Mom prepared some gifts for you. This one It’s worth a million Centennial Ginseng What about these jewels? At the top auction Mom took this photo And these two antiques It’s our Ling family. Heirloom Right now It’s already over 100 million. These You take them all back No These are too expensive. I’m just bored I can’t carry so many things. What’s more They don’t deserve it either. child you do not need to worry These For our Ling family Just a drop in the bucket These days Mom sees you are pregnant That’s really good. Mom saw it. Keep it in mind Really let mom Very pleased mom Huaicheng is my husband I’m good to him It should be child You have this sentence Mom is really pleased. Go ahead The driver is waiting for you at the door. I married into the Ling family Not sure Does mom know about this? This time back I must see my mother. strangeness Why do I feel like someone is watching me? Pretty smart You know to come back You didn’t see what time it was We all waited One hour Don’t be angry, Zhiguo It’s okay if the child comes back late Dream clear You come back alone This is the Ling family. Is it a return gift? Take it. this This is stone Dream clear What does the Ling family mean? This is the Ling family. Brought back from Africa Jadeite Priceless Emerald This was before The stone auctioned abroad A piece of emerald stone Hundreds of millions So ordinary stone Hundreds of millions So many on the road I also picked it for you The two largest Forcing me to marry Still want it now The Ling family’s former baby Do you really think I’m a soft persimmon? This is The Ling family has so many antiques. It must be an antique from the Ling family. Why does it smell like alcohol? Hey Dad This Ling family ancestor It’s brewed This is definitely A treasure passed down from ancestors Dream clear I finally didn’t love you in vain And you I have already replaced Si Qianqian Married to the Ling family Where is my mother now? Dream clear Your matter well-done Your mother is also very good but now You can’t see your mother yet Si Zhiguo what do you mean boss It has been investigated clearly That person is not someone else at all: Si Qianqianji: Han nationality But the eldest daughter of the Si family Si Mengqing Hello, Sijia How dare you find someone to marry you? That boss Need to tell Mrs. Ling Are you awake yet? Need not When I had the car accident It’s related to Ling Ziming Want to take away the Ling family He is still too young. boss Na Si Mengqing Usually fine Watch less TV series Bad for your physical and mental health Si Mengqing should not be Ling Ziming’s People But I want to see What is she going to do? Prepare the car I’m going to Si’s house. My wife is back home How can I be alone? What did you say you You asked me to accompany you for drinks? He asked to see you Said to be As long as you go It will give us Invest 100 million Dream clear Do you know this one billion? How important is it to us? You just go I’ll let you see your mother right away. impossible I won’t go That’s not up to you. Si Mengqing You don’t look down on everything Take her away A little magic medicine It makes you more attractive. I can’t help myself when I see you Who are you Let me out now I spent so much money It was so hard to get you here. Don’t make me happy today Don’t even think about leaving. Who are you I am married My husband won’t let you go. get married Isn’t that better? my favorite A married woman let me go Ling Ziming Ling Ziming, you beast How dare you Aren’t you afraid of the Ling family? Come to settle accounts with you? Then you tell them Just right I’ll take care of your family Marriage Spit them all out Including tonight It’s you, sister-in-law. Can’t stand loneliness Seduce me first Since Ling Huaicheng is a waste Then I, as a younger brother He did his duty Anyway, give birth They are all from the Lin family. Let go, let me go You bastard brute Even if Even if Ling Huaicheng is A vegetable You can’t compare to him Half a finger You don’t even give him I am not even qualified to carry shoes. Yeah open stinky woman It’s already this time You’re still being stubborn. Then I’ll see what happens. How did you ask me? don’t want stinky woman Today I will let you know What is a man? Who hit me Dream clear Call me Fang Yu Lost one of his hands Throw him to me Go to the second room It’s the boss Si Mengqing Are you OK I have a husband Si Mengqing Your husband is trash. Can he satisfy you? He is not You dare to hit me Si Mengqing Since you have kept your chastity for me I can’t remain indifferent. So sour Why am I at home? last night I won’t be rescued. Then I last night Not a dream Then I No way The one who saved me last night who is it Could it be He wakes up Why no response? Young Lady Something bad is happening. Come out soon Ling Ziming from the second room said You disabled him. Ask the old lady for an explanation I see Si Qianqian You came just in time One mother What is Si Qianqian? aunt You were deceived by her She is Si Mengqing Dream clear mom I’m sorry Don’t say this in advance I have sent someone Go to Si’s house to ask for fire Tell me the truth Ling Ziming’s injuries Does it have anything to do with you? Ling Ziming almost humiliated me What you my son What kind of woman do you want? I want your second-hand goods sister in law Your wife here Confusing right and wrong He has a set of skills. You can check it out. stop I am from the Ling family. Mistress of the House It’s not your turn to run wild here. sister in law Your wife here It’s incredible He’s my son. Threaten her There’s no truth in this mouth. Is there any seduction outside? Other men sister in law Come and see This bad woman Who planted a red mark? What’s going on? Was it Ling Ziming who did this? I admit She is really pretty. He was given by another man It was taken As for who it is? Then you have to ask her herself. Dream clear You’re talking. Dream clear I You actually deceived me like this My son is a Vegetative How can he touch you? mom It’s really him I don’t Tell me the truth Last night Who are you with? But mom is right How can a vegetative person move? Could it be How about it Si Mengqing Are you speechless? You should have killed me at the beginning. sister in law Our Ling family is a wealthy family. What dog and cat? Can everyone come in? Kneel down for me The head of the Ling family arrives You’re a useless thing How did you get into trouble? Mrs. Ling’s elder sister How can you do it? This kind of thing It turns out to be a way to get close to the rich and powerful Squeeze out sister Marry secretly I’ m pretending to be you To threaten me Let me marry into the Ling family Aunt Cui sorry I did not expect My sister loves money Love you so much that you marry Ling instead of me A thousand mistakes it’s all my fault Don’t blame her. mom Not like that, mom They lie I don’t elder sister you I’m not saying you You’re already married The eldest son of the Ling family how I can still be with my old lover. What about communication? Old lover I let it slip Aunt Cui My sister is not that kind of person. maybe Really are My son is a vegetable. How could I move her? Si Mengqing You have let me down too much Mrs. Ling Don’t be angry first This damn girl I’ll teach her a lesson. You #don’t hurry up Apologize to Mrs. Ling Tell me who the adulterer is. Tell me who hit my son. have no idea You dare to hurt him Apologize to Mrs. Ling immediately Otherwise I’ll be with you Severing the father-daughter relationship Sister, please tell me quickly. It’s time like this He is so important Do you still want to protect him? Si Mengqing last chance You say it Who is that person? otherwise I will let you Paying a heavy price Say it Bad Woman Who hurt my son? I really don’t You hurt my son Today I I won’t let you have an easy time either. Why I want Marry Ling Huaicheng Why did I marry A vegetable Ling Huaicheng Why don’t you wake up yet? Hurt my son’s hand I’m gonna break your leg today. stop Son, you woke up. last night I am the one with her. Dream clear dream clear Since you have kept your chastity for me I can’t remain indifferent. Impossible to conceive The one who took away the bad woman But I hurt my son. Si Mengqing is my woman Ling Ziming dared to touch her This time I just Lost one of his hands If there is a next time After your second room Is there any after I can’t say for sure. I’m pregnant with you. I don’t like strangers Get close to me How can I be a stranger? I am your wife She is fake You tell me What is the truth? I married into the Ling family It’s because of them Threaten me with my They mother hate you for being a vegetable. Si Qianqian doesn’t want to spend the rest of her life Destroyed in your hands So I came you You guys are so brave. Mrs. Ling Don’t listen to her nonsense. Did I talk nonsense? You know very well Where is my mom? Hand her over to me. Damn girl, you dare to threaten me Your family You want to go bankrupt? Ling Shao I was wrong. I was wrong. Get out of my sight Yes, hurry up. I am your wife. Huaicheng There’s nothing good Sun Yan Let me invite you Leave without reducing We’re leaving first. Mengqing’s mother I’m going back to my room first. son It’s all my mother’s fault Mom wronged her. mom Our Ling family can reach This point Prove that we are not A person who is easily influenced You must believe more My family Mom knows You need to help me Advise her for me. Okay? When did you wake up? Is it important Are you saying bad things about me? Or in other words Pulling my leg hair more than once Don’t talk nonsense Ling Huaicheng Now that you’re awake Some words We have to make it clear Ling Huaicheng us Divorce I was framed by my family. You are not satisfied either I’m not happy either Then this marriage contract It’s better to cancel it have what You go find Si’s family. what are you doing My wife wants it. Divorced me What do you say I do? But We don’t have any emotional foundation. Divorce is impossible Feelings can be cultivated You didn’t dislike me at first Ling Huaicheng is a cripple I, Ling Huaicheng, naturally wouldn’t either. Abandoned wife and children What abandoned Where did the child come from? who knows you Who knows if you have anything Ex-girlfriend If you come with me again Fighting for your love There is one But she is in the past tense And you It’s my present and future mom Ling Huaicheng wakes up I want to marry You quickly let Si Mengqing That woman, get back here. did not think of Si Mengqing, that bad woman So lucky Just married Ling Huaicheng wakes up otherwise My baby daughter To become the Ling family The eldest lady At the beginning, Qianqian was allowed to marry You’re threatening me with death. What’s the use of regretting now? dad If I marry That Ling Family It’s not mine. The thing in the palm of your hand By the time I can use my identity I have done a lot of things for the Si family. this matter We also need to carefully calculate the total Si Mengqing’s identity Being discovered He will definitely be kicked out of the Ling family. Qianqian You should pay more attention To Mrs. Ling Build good good relationships Butler Wang, why are you here? Mr. Si We are the Feng Ling family The Master’s Order I’m here to invite Si Mengqing’s biological mother Huiling Palace Hand the person over. What does Maijia mean? You want to take Our home What did you say Yes Yes Yes We’re going to put people now Bring it to you Don’t get angry Si Mengqing, wait for me. Hurry up and take this bowl of ginseng soup Drink it Still angry? It’s all my fault. I’m sorry. You said mom is alive. Most of my life It’s over It’s over I didn’t expect it either My biological father I Sell ​​to others But mom Now you know My identity I Silly boy I’m looking at you. Character of a person It’s not your identity. correct I’ll take you to see individually Who is it? You’ll know if you follow mom. mom I’ll never see you again Silly boy Your father locked me up Mental hospital I also thought I can’t see you anymore Mental hospital Thanks to Butler Wang Said that it was Mrs. Ling’s order Come to see you Who is Mrs. Ling? relatives by marriage I’ve made you suffer for so long. relatives by marriage mom I am married this This is my husband Ling Huaicheng This is his mother. Mom first meeting This is for you small gift Dream clear It’s Si Zhiguo. Did you do it for a thousand knives? mom Listen to my explanation This relative also saw Later , you two Just live a good life Give mom a baby soon. Fat grandson mom correct Before, I gave it to the Si family The betrothal gift I’ll send someone to take it back. Leave it to Mengqing What now All I need is a wedding room Mom, no need Mom, you finally realized This matter you really Marry a wife Forgot my mother Let me take you to buy a wedding house. As for you Go back to the company quickly remember to miss me oh I’m telling you This property is pretty good. This is not Si Qianqian That useless sister? Why are you here? Hello Si Qianqian I saw your sister. right In the sales office I’ll take a call first. You look carefully here Hello, Miss Need me to introduce you OK, thank you. You can go this way Here’s the words It’s our Imperial Mansion A newly opened property This is our word. Activity area You can go here How much is this set? Miss, your vision It’s really great This is us The most expensive A suite 500 square meters Worth 78 million This guy is expensive. If you are If you pay in full We will have discounts I can’t afford to pretend to be rich. It’s so embarrassing. It is you Seventy-eight million Can you take it out? Imperial Capital Mansion, can you take it out? I’m not talking about you. Si Mengqing Have you ever seen so much money? Have I seen it? Does it have anything to do with you? You are one Selling a house Your job is to help me Sales Introduction Rather than mocking others Personal Life you Are there any other properties available? Some ladies here /Zhao Na woman, you didn’t see Am I talking? Zhao Na manager Zhao Na what are you doing I am a manager I am teaching the ignorant intern Do you still need to care? Could it be that Zhao Na Don’t go too far Never mind, miss. I’m fine. Come over here now Otherwise I will fire you Assistant Manager/Zhao Na, otherwise I will fire you What are you dilly-dallying about? Zhao Na, that’s enough. Imperial Capital Mansion is nosy, right? Deputy Manager/Zhao Na Mind your own business, huh? This is Zhao Na , the dog catching the rat The consequences of meddling in other people’s affairs You dare to hit me Imperial Capital Mansion, you dare to hit me You dare to hit me in court I’ll beat you up Auntie, look serious Si Mengqing I will kill you stop mom what happened I was looking at the house here. As a result, this lady How did it start? Did he hit someone? I just recommended She hit me friend To me before Straight sarcasm She’s going to cause me trouble. She also hit the people around me That’s why I fought back. How could you frame me? She and I are not do not know I saw you hitting someone How can you still argue? Mom, I Aunt Cui I see she is Acting cute in front of you I should be Ling’s daughter-in-law I also want Respect you well Honor me She doesn’t deserve it at all Be the daughter-in-law of the Ling family You, I see Meng Qing is worthy of being the Ling family Daughter-in-law As for what you are Dare to be in front of me Packed green tea mom Aunt Cui Are we that close? Are you that familiar? And how dare you slander me Daughter-in-law So what? Old lady , I advise you not to have a finger in the pie This idiot What do you call me, old woman? A lot of age What to wear Get me the manager. Mom, don’t be angry. Manager Chen, someone is bullying my Imperial Court The waves are coming again Manager Chen The Imperial Court is just them/Zhao Making trouble Throw them all out And this intern Against me Why does it look familiar? You are fired You don’t even ask Is there a reason? I have the final say here. Imperial Palace The most important thing is sales And you two Now immediately Get out of here right now. Things without eyes Do you know who I am How dare you chase me away I don’t care who you are it’s here I Chen Yang said two No one dares to say Why don’t you leave? Visitors Put these two people Kick me out I see who dares Boss, why are you here? waste boss You two are fired. Know that I have sinned Who is it? Ling Huaicheng of Ling Group Ling Group Son, you are finally here. Mom Mengqing Are you two okay? Fortunately you arrived in time We are fine I just got an intern. Helped us They fired him No, no, no Will not be fired Chen Yang is shit Put your deputy manager’s sign Remove Mr. Qian Why not give it to the interns? Wear Thank you Mr. Qian Thank you Miss You deserve this. Mr. Qian I don’t want to see them What my wife said Can’t you hear? Yes Yes Yes Mr. Qian give me one more chance I can’t lose this job. I was wrong Si Mengqing, I was wrong Just let me go once Drag it out Qian Zong Qian Zong Mr. Qian, I was wrong. Qian Zong Qian Zong Huaicheng Didn’t you go to the company? Why are you back again? Just let him out. I also think I should buy a house now. Two people are required To complete the procedure I’ll go out and make a phone call . Who knows? I met Si Qianqian How about it The house here Are you satisfied? I saw The rooms here are too expensive. Seventy-eight million We are still tomorrow Look somewhere else. Need not You like it here Just buy What did he sign? This house It’s for you. mom This is too expensive. fine We are the Ling family Nothing is missing No shortage of money capricious What’s your relationship with Huaicheng? Still need to continue to cultivate You From today I’m the ruler Join Ling Group Close contact with Huaicheng With you by her side Don’t worry, mom Wait a moment I have something to say What’s wrong Can’t bear me Although I promised to come to the company but I have a request I can’t expose our relationship Related to me Is it embarrassing? no I just want to rely on Your own efforts I don’t want others to say that I Backdoor Want me to promise you Can kiss Me you The choice is yours boss Need to talk to the following people Can you explain? good Don’t tell too many people Just tell your supervisor. Take care Walk that Thank you for your hard work. Keep on keeping on By the way, let me introduce you to a New colleagues Si Mengqing Responsible for design in the future Hello everyone Please come back later Take care Everyone take a look What is she wearing? Is it street stall goods? And her face do not know either How much powder was applied? People who came from the air I don’t know how many methods were used. Why maybe Sleeping boss Jingru Who are you I do not know you Are we classmates? In class you forgot Our Si Jingru Not studying abroad Are you back? You didn’t see her coming up Just to make friends with relatives? Hello What are you? Dare to be with our Jingru Comparison I I want it today So many CLIP FILE A4 LIP FILEA4 CLIP FILE AA TODAY You are not kidding You see I look like Are you kidding? If I can’t finish it today I can’t go home It was not easy to create Returnee status I almost screwed it up. I won’t deal with you well. You thought I was a vegetarian Who messed me up? This can fall I don’t know how to come in What do you do? clever You are wrong in saying this. You came in through the back door. It’s different maybe What are people like? What about the big shot? Yes Aren’t you afraid that she’ll tell you? Scare you to death alright Haohu is new here We can’t be too bullying. Si Mengqing You pick up this file. Then Go buy me some coffee. I invite everyone Drink coffee good My sister is generous Jingru is very generous Thank you very much Hold back You are here to work I’m not here to cause trouble. Be patient Fang Yu I asked you to say hello before Have you been to it Not going yet Oh, that’s right. Now this time You buy something to drink Send it to Mengqing yes Didn’t I say Let Ling Huaicheng keep it a secret? You’re not here to find me, are you? Didn’t I say that Ling Huaicheng Is it confidential? You’re not here to find me, are you? Hello Your Coffee Come come come Which one do you want? This one, right? okay Secretary Fang Mr. Ling Give you today What did you tell? what President’s Wife In our department you say Can you The new one today. one way or another Just treat it well. President’s Wife Surname: Si total President’s Wife In our department I heard his last name is Si Our department can Two people with the surname Si This one is called Just one called Si Mengqing There is another one called Si Jingru Definitely between the two of them one of them I see Si Mengqing Not at all Could it be Si Jingru? She came back from abroad Miss Qianjin again Superior status The president is a perfect match. I think Jingru What’s wrong Tell me about you The president’s wife Still working so hard What are you doing? that is President’s Wife Just stop pretending. Everybody knows it. When Mr. Ling came But they all brought cakes. right It’s not for you. yes Before Ling Didn’t tell us You will become prosperous in the future you want Cover us! These idiots Treat me as The President’s wife That’s right I am the president’s wife. Coffee is coming President’s Wife Lots of support It seems I didn’t expect my identity Still known to everyone What is your identity? Open your eyes See clearly Si Jingru The President’s Wife Si Jingru She is the president’s wife. That’s right it is me What’s that look in your eyes? Put the coffee in Share to everyone ? Six cups in total one hundred and forty-six WeChat transfer me Even if this time You invited everyone to drink You just entered the society Learn to build relationships You can’t, I can teach you No money I’ ll give you a chance Let you buy everyone coffee You should thank me Instead of asking me for money Who are you? a cup of coffee How much can it cost you? You are new Should I buy this coffee? Come honor us elder no elder How old are you? Seventy or Eighty Stepping into the coffin You dare to curse me You actually fought back Who is born to be Bullying You are allowed to hit me. I’m not allowed to hit you. Jingru bullied me You can decide for me. Tell your supervisor now. Let the supervisor fire her Si Mengqing I’m not wrong again What are you apologizing for? Give me the money now. Otherwise I would say This president’s wife Just one hundred dollars Can’t take it out Jingru , look at her OK OK Wait until you come back I asked Mr. Ling Just fire her. Jingru, you are so nice do not forget Calm down. Where are you now Jingru Mom, this one That’s all the money. Why is it just this little? What’s wrong Is something wrong with you? Don’t worry about it. Do you have eyes? My shoes got dirty. Auntie, are you okay? Si Jingru How do you push people? She’s a cleaner. What do I want So what you fine thank you Give, give, give Your coffee money Who is it? Really Aunt Are you okay? I’m fine thank you Manager Hu You should understand I mean understand Jingru, don’t worry Clean up her business Leave it to me Si Mengqing What’s up, Director Hu? You will follow me Go out for a while There is a cooperation to discuss Isn’t that a PR thing? What does it have to do with me? you say Just go when I tell you to go. I won’t hurt you. right maybe This cooperation must be won You’re corrected. It’s half past seven It shouldn’t be too late okay Then I’ll go with you. That’s right. I’ll wait for you in front Um I’m going to discuss cooperation Don’t wait for me at night. time for dinner coming cooperate Fang Yu The company side If there is a need for planning department Are you talking about cooperation? boss Today is Hezhou City Talk about business cooperation However, the other party’s intention Not strong today Actively requesting to meet I see Drink this cup Mr. Xu But you can The contract is signed with us I really can’t clear Ms. Si Drink this cup I signed this order immediately Miss Si’s hands are so tender Like peeled Like eggs Mr. Xu Please respect yourself It’s really not possible I’m sorry excuse me Miss Si is here Not as good as Have a few more drinks Mr. Xu Look, Manager Hu is here too. Can you guys talk first? I’ll be back soon. Just follow me. Guaranteed to make you eat delicious food Not being bullied in the company That’s it, Mengqing you say I found this for you. you say Our Xu Shao In my hand, I hold Millions of assets If you follow him Eat delicious food and drink spicy food in the future That Mr. Xu I have something else to do I’m back first Um Manager Hu What to do I like chaste women. You can’t run away today. You dare to hit me I warn you do not come Who are you Mr. Ling good Go wait outside and don’t come in. Mr. Ling Mr. Ling I was wrong Not good Didn’t I say that? Do not look back Dream clear I am worried about you I won’t do that next time. Dream clear Meng Qing really did this time Don’ t you want me to go with you? What happened last night I have no evidence Even if I look for Hu Lin He can also completely Unrecognized Wait till I collect him. Evidence of doing disgusting things I’ll tell you Have you forgotten something? It turned out that the man gave Supported No, this is not the case. how Mr. Xu’s mobile number It’s become empty. no You came Manager Hu After a while Come to my office What does the supervisor want her for? Who knows ? must be something going on. I think something is wrong Still a big deal Your necklace is so beautiful My husband gave it to me Just over 10 million. I’m so envious Jingru, you are so happy But back to Lai What did Si Mengqing do? She’s going to be fired. Look She is a mistress Being kept by someone Oh my god I really can’t tell She looks poor. Let me tell you She did it on purpose Just pretending to show us Really know people well She actually became a mistress for money Jingru Did you see clearly The car owner’s face I didn’t see the face clearly Seems like some white hair Estimated age I see It was bought by some old man I like it maybe Greed for retirement money Hahaha Enter Dream clear You are here Come and sit down Manager Hu What do you want from me? Dream clear Last night you and Mr. Xu Manager Hu, what are you talking about? I do not understand Didn’t I take you last night? Did you introduce it to Mr. Xu? Ask you to drink with him Sign a contract at last There’s no progress between you and Mr. Xu. What Director Hu meant Go drink with Mr. Xu Where did I offend you? Look at what you said. I’m not doing this for your own good. Look at you No power, no money This is going to be with Mr. Xu. You don’t Do you want to eat delicious food or drink spicy food? That’s so bold Do I have to thank Director Hu? Look at what you said. What are we thanking each other for? Actually You just started working in the company. when I found you That time Although it is not worth the money, but This figure Still has something to say As long as you are willing to And me I can also give you a Competent Does it hurt? Let me go Don’t forget I’m your supervisor. You are not afraid Do I fire you? Expulsion Then open one for me. I warn you Our company Mengqing Not someone you can easily mess with. A pest like you Actually in the company Hiding for so long It’s disgusting. You, you wait for me What’s wrong Si Mengqing Although we have worked together In a few days But I can understand Since you’ve been fired Hey, what are you doing today? You have to buy us a drink. Who fired I Okay you Stop acting. Our President’s Wife I have seen you from Other old men The car got off. that is Stop pretending to be innocent. This must be The old man gave It’s broken. What about this photo? We’ve seen it too. Do you want to take a look at it too? See for yourself Dream clear The old man’s kung fu How is it? You said you will Have a son with him. Si Jingru We are women together You actually made up a dirty rumor about me You can do this kind of thing Not letting anyone say it People should know their fun This is Ling’s Group. Like you People with bad conduct You don’t deserve to be here. I advise you to get out of here. Si Jingru Don’t go too far You really put yourself Became the president’s wife I’m not the president’s wife. Are you That’s right I am the real one President’s Wife It’s really hilarious. Si Mengqing People should have self-knowledge If says I am the president’s wife Then my husband I’m so busy. that is Toad wants to eat swan meat Where everyone’s my necklace? Please help me find it. Jingru’s necklace But it was sent by Mr. Ling Have you seen it? what are you doing Don’t touch my personal belongings. Personal belongings This is my necklace Dream clear How can you steal Where are my things? Your necklace How did it get in my bag? You thief If I hadn’t wrapped you up opened You really hid it from me. You even Dare to steal valuable things You really are How audacious! Jingru Call the police right away. Si Mengqing steals things Can’t call the police My necklace is fake. Call the police and you’ll be exposed. never mind Same dream You apologize to me Then just quit your job this matter I can not argue with you I didn’t do anything wrong Why apologize? Still here with a stubborn mouth Call the supervisor. Fire her immediately. I said it wasn’ t me no What do you do? Everyone is arguing here This is the company how Not afraid of being punished director Something big happened Our department There is a thief What I’ll see who it is. Dare to steal things in the company That’s her Si Mengqing Stealing the President’s Wife A necklace worth millions Million Necklace director not me We can check Monitoring What are you? You also need to check the monitoring Si Mengqing I am now Tell you You 5 Fired Why? You don’t know the truth Just fire me I tell you At this I am God I said you were fired. You can’t even take a minute. Stay do you know Aren’t you afraid? Mr. Ling? you know Who did you offend? The person you offended But the president’s wife that is Mr. Ling dotes on Jingru so much Even if Mr. Ling comes I will only listen to Jingru Fire you I’m talking to Si Mengqing You wouldn’t think Waiting for Mr. Ling to come Will ignore us President’s Wife Go help you an outsider I won’t reveal my identity Just don’t want Makes my husband worry Si Mengqing Kneel down for me Kneel down to apologize I can forgive you And it will also let the supervisor Give you another chance that is I really do not know What am I did wrong So against me Si Jingru Since you said you are President’s Wife OK You should give it to Mr. Ling now. Call up I see Mr. Ling is here. Will he Not knowing right from wrong Fire me directly you Jingru Just call Mr. Ling. Let Mr. Ling right Jingru Just call Mr. Ling. She is so arrogant Hit one. Hurry up Hit one good I called my husband what are you doing when And China Unicom customer service Same no Jingru this director You doubt me I My husband is so busy. Earn hundreds of thousands per minute It’s you Can you afford to disturb me? yes My fault really Mr. Ling is so busy How can I manage Such a small thing Such a crude trick. Only you will believe it You don’t want to say Do you have Just try it and you will know enough What are you pretending to be? Am I the President’s wife? You know very well I command you Get me out Initially Secretary Fang said his last name was Si Although their surnames are Si But obviously Si Jingru’s More likely Si Mengqing It must be a fox taking advantage of the tiger’s might Where’s the security? Visitors Get her out of here. I wonder who dares to touch her. Mr. Ling You are here Someone is pretending here President’s Wife Blind your eyes Who is the president’s wife? Can’t tell no this What does this mean? sorry I’m late husband Why did you come just now? Si Mengqing The President’s Wife this We were all deceived by her how so impossible Originally I want to The identity of ordinary people Get along with you Who would have thought You guys are really snobbish. That’s OK I won’t pretend anymore Showdown Manager Hu Didn’t you just want Fire me? You let them take me away without Don’t dare That Dream clear Just now I’m kidding you joke Fang Yu Call the police Hulin With the woman pretending to be Meng Qing Catch it and send it in other people All dismissed Not that one Mr . Ling you Please give me another chance you You give Dream clear I roll What did you just call me? Call again I I just did that Just satirizing Si Jingru I do not believe I won’t let you go Who are you Get out Your work at Ling’s Group I’ve heard it all Don’t you want to Revenge? What revenge? I now have Nothing Then you’ll be content Look at that woman After kicking you away Enjoy yourself Treatment of the President’s Wife Help me do two things After the event Give you a million Why choose me because We all hate the same person who are you Our great Mr. Ling Even wearing a tie Neither You give it to others Wearing a tie? You are the second First It’s my dad everything will get better Hello My mom is missing Jingru where you go Do you care where I go? I don’t have any work Of course, for an interview. That’s good Jingru You can do it How can I have you like this? Incompetent mother work Why are you still carrying a knife? doctor Where’s my mom? Unknown I do not know My mother was taken away How could you I don’t know The doctor on duty last night I went to the bathroom. The other party just Took a loophole Dream clear Calm down. I have already asked Fang Yu Check it out I tell you If my mother has something wrong Don’t even think about your hospital. Drive on good yes alright Don’t worry Si Mengqing Your mother is in my hands Who are you Where is my mom? What are you going to do? To blame You have a good daughter. Don’t hurt Mengqing What’s the matter? Come to me. What are you? Blame Si Mengqing I’ve been hurt in the whole city ​​Can’t find a job She ruined me for so many years All the efforts How is it going? mom Don’t worry, I’ll do the job. Si Mengqing, this obstacle I will definitely remove it. This looks like my daughter. you say If a while Scratch on her face Will Mr. Ling still love her? don’t want You came mom Dream clear Go away and don’t worry about me Go fast Si Jingru Any words? Let’s talk nicely You let my mother go Let her go impossible Tong Jingru What do you want? you can tell me I’ll give you all But you have to think clearly If you do it What are the consequences? Threatening me? mom Dream clear mom Calm down. Dream clear Ling Huaicheng , that’s my mother She is injured It’s really Touching scene Want me to let her go Can Give me one hundred million Then Si Mengqing, come here and replace her I’ll give you two hundred million. This money is enough for you to stay abroad Happy and carefree And it’s enough for you After the rest of my life But you must Let me go Si Mengqing Anyway, this old woman I’m sick and won’t live long. I’m not as good as I am now Send her to hell don’t want Si Jingru I’ll replace my mom. you are not Is it me that you hate? Hate me for exposing your identity I hate that I let you in the company Can’t stay enough Si Mengqing I’ve changed my mind now Kneel down for me Knock three times Then crawl over and beg me maybe I would consider letting her go. Am I the only one kneeling? You will let my mother go. Then we have to see Are you being sincere? Dream clear don’t want Can’t kneel Mengqing, you can’t kneel You, old woman, talk too much. don’t want mom I kneel Si Jingru You really want to continue Stubborn now it’s right Now crawl over here. Climbing and begging me enough How come you are here? You follow me Jingru, you are kidnapping It is a crime You can’t be so extreme. Get out of here now This is not your place to speak Jingru I know we are now Life is hard But you can’t Do this kind of thing You used to be very obedient. Enough Li Hongmei Have you said enough? do you know Be your daughter Makes me feel sick How could you do this? No future My current pain You brought it all . yes Mom is wrong. Mom, I’m sorry. But you do this now It is a crime If you continue The rest of your life is ruined. Mom can’t look at you If you keep making this mistake Li Hongmei, shut up! Don’t come here again. Otherwise I will Jingru Jingru Mom, please What are you doing? Get up quickly Mom, please Mom will find more jobs Make more money Give you a better life I beg you Your money What is enough for ? Stop embarrassing yourself. Get out of here Whatever you say now None of them work She’s already obsessed. Si Jingru Your mother is old too. I can guarantee it You’re going to hurt my mom today. The rest of life Only spend time in jail Do you have to be so stubborn? Jingru Li Hongmei I don’t have a mother as stupid as you. Get out of here mom You all go to hell. mom Jingru Stop it mom boss Mom may never I can’t make what you like. sugar Sweet and Sour Pork Ribs Ribs Mom, I’m back. What delicious food did you make? Hurry up Sit down now Sweet and sour pork ribs This is so fragrant Like it mom I will Will definitely let you Live a good life You also eat good mom please Please Please save my mother. I only have her. A relative Fang Yu Send someone to the hospital quickly yes sorry If it weren’t for your mom You won’t be fine. Stand here I know It was my fault before. People in the process of growing up There will be many things Cover your eyes Me too Blindly pursuing vanity And ignored My mom’s feelings Still making the same mistake again and again I’m sorry for you but There’s something I should tell you. I hate you Hurt your mother It’s a girl called Si Qianqian And said that after the matter is done Give me a million You mean Si Qianqian What Failed I can’t even do this little thing well. What a waste Keep on biting me. Qianqian The person you are looking for How did it fail? I was looking for someone Kidnapped Gu Ping To threaten Si Mengqing As long as she can Kill Si Mengqing When the Ling family arrives Definitely marry me did not expect That waste It failed The one who did it Will they give you up? She doesn’t have the courage mom Let’s go to Ling’s house. Go find the second branch of the Ling family Sun Yan and Ling Ziming Qianqian Do you want to Attack Ling Ziming Since Ling Huaicheng Don’t like me Then I can take a step back. Ling Ziming A very good candidate Good idea We’re going now Si Mengqing What do you want to do ah Si Mengqing You are breaking the law Send someone to kidnap my mother Si Qianqian Your method is really low-level. Si Mengqing, you are going too far I am your elder, how dare you commit murder? Be careful, I’ll tell your dad How dare you stare at me? mom You dare to hit me You bad woman What’s wrong with hitting you? I’m fighting with you You let me go Si Mengqing let me go Release me I’ll tell your dad You bad woman You still dare to threaten me? let me go You dare to threaten me? ah Qianqian I didn’t get angry before It doesn’t ‘t mean I don’t have a temper. Don’t blame me for being rude Bad woman you you you stop Dad, you’re finally back. She beat us Zhiguo Si Mengqing I really indulge you too much. Last time I was at Ling’s When I was accused of stealing You are also in it A father like you She is your daughter. Am I not? You hit You have a kind today You just kill me If you can’t kill me From now on us Severing the father-daughter relationship You think I I really don’t dare to do it Mr. Ling Huaicheng He hit you. Visitors Mr. Ling, what are you doing? Call me Oh , Mr. Ling I was wrong, Mr. Ling continue Ling Huaicheng you can not do that elder sister How can you How about this for dad? My wife came back for the first time I, the husband Of course we can’t just sit back and watch. Mr. Ling Don’t be fooled by her. Look at that hammer. To trouble us My pet Do you have any comments? I Your family If you want to go bankrupt You can tell me directly I move my fingers Mr . Ling, we were wrong. I apologize to Mengqing Please release Zhiguo. I’ll listen to you Release? Let it go My patience is limited. If the company Do this again I don’t mind letting the Si family Direct bankruptcy What happened ? I sprained my ankle. I’m fine This deadly star White-eyed wolf You are hurt Go into the house Walk Ling Huaicheng I’m fine How do you know My visit to Si’s house I have no idea If I hadn’t gone to the hospital Si Jingru told me the truth I really do not know You went to Si’s house. You are awesome. One vs Three You are very brave. You’re really angry Sorry I promise to tell you next time Do you want a next time? No, no, no There won’t be a next time Don’t be angry Don’t be so stingy I did not do it on purpose What do you want to do? That is to say Ling Huaicheng has an ex- girlfriend And the two of them were Very good feelings That’s right And at the beginning But Jiang Chuyao Abandoned Ling Huaicheng Him I was sad for a while because of this. Si Mengqing definitely doesn’t know If she knew My husband loves Other women That’s a good show. That’s right And now The most important thing is I have already Please come back You are so awesome! How about it Now Can we cooperate now? But I want you do what You all have to listen to me I listen to you. The boss is not well Secretary Fang What happened If you have anything, just tell me. Don’t make a fuss If you are eyes If you feel uncomfortable I’ll give you leave You go to the hospital. Huaicheng Ms. Si Give up , I can’t hear you. Secretary Fang If I remember correctly You and Huaicheng It’s probably been several years. I have something I want to ask you about this. I don’t know anything I have something else to do I need to go first you go If you want to leave, I will let Ling Huaicheng Deduct all your wages Know everything Nothing to say The two of them What’s the relationship? Ms. Jiang The boss’s ex-girlfriend Huaicheng Separated for so long Meet today Don’t even look at me You have gone abroad What are you coming back for? After I studied abroad I thought You can let go of all this But I didn’t expect I can’t forget you at all Jiang Chuyao It’s over between us I hope you understand the situation. Huaicheng I came back for you Let’s make up return to the past You love me so much I will never let go of you. I am married I hope Miss Jiang respects herself No I do not believe You can get divorced. Can’t be a group, Si Mengqing My ex-girlfriend is back If you’re not tough My husband is gone. I know Miss Jiang, this is with my husband. Long time no see It’s normal to be excited I heard Miss Jiang likes to drink bitter coffee I specially grind it Thank you, Ms. Si You’re welcome , Miss Jiang. now that You are my husband’s friend. Then just call me Mengqing The same to you It’s not easy to come back Don’t invite her to sit at home. Jiang Chuyao, you just returned to China There should be many more things No processing You go back first Good. My new company Next, we will work with Ling Group There will be hundreds of millions of cooperative projects We’ll talk more about that later. Ling Huaicheng You dare to hug me? Other women misunderstood This is how it is. At first, I didn’t have an identity When exposed She hates me and wants to separate from me Later, my identity was exposed Come find me again after that You know I was in a car accident. She’s far away from me. I can’t tell. Our Ling is still a A love-crazy person She returned home this time I was also surprised That was all a misunderstanding. okay Can see but You are not allowed to hide it from me anymore Otherwise I will What about you I’ll let you try it Sandbag-sized fist Do not worry I’m here It’s all you Boss, I already Fang Yu I advise you best There is something important to do tell me Boss, I have checked it. Jiang Chuyao’s profile She has been back home for several days. Currently employed Ling Ziming’s Company It turns out he was the one behind this. How about Ling Huaicheng Are you shocked to see I came here today to tell you Our cooperation cancellation Jiang Chuyao, if it weren’t for me You don’t know at all Ling Huaicheng has woken up How to cross the river and then destroy the bridge? in a sense I just took it back Something that belongs to me Ling Huaicheng is my man It is impossible for anyone to I snatched it from my hand why are you laughing I laugh at you being too naive. Si Mengqing and Ling Huaicheng good relationship You are not alone It can destroy and who are you I am Si Mengqing’s sister Someone who can help you Jiang Chuyao Still don’t understand But we It’s different now. so If you want to get Ling Huaicheng We have to continue to cooperate In a few days? The capital will hold a auctions By the time All the famous ones The characters will show up You said if Si Mengqing It’s not clean Ling Huaicheng Will you still want her? Mengqing’s mother Auction the day after tomorrow Mom plans to paint this Donation Law Take a look Tang Bohu’s authentic work yes You go and take yourself Dress up This is your first time Attending such formal occasions Can’t lose face Mmm I see This auction in Beijing These two treasures It will definitely cost tens of millions By the time Our Si family is now prosperous. Zhiguo is so good oops My company has something going on today. I can’t accompany you I’ll let Fang Yu go with you. Buy some dresses at the mall Oh, don’t bother. I’m just buying some clothes. It won’t be lost again Give My card No limit on the amount of swiping No need for the money my mother gave me I haven’t finished it yet. alright My mom gave it to you. She gave it to me. I give you something different. Moreover My husband doesn’t make money for me. To give flowers to my wife Thanks husband I am leaving This lady what do you need I look at the dress The kind that attends dinner parties Oh, just watch it. stop Can’t touch How would I know if I don’t touch it? Are the clothes okay? The dresses in our store are High-end version Hundreds of thousands for each piece Even millions Can you afford to pay for it if you break it? Didn’t you touch it just now? Who do you think you are I am the manager of this store look at you I don’t wear any brand. You said you came to see the dresses Come to the dinner party unknown I thought you were attending something. Informal banquet I’m wearing a custom-made You do not understand That doesn’t mean they are poor. You also customize You’re really staring at me. right Ah You I’m afraid this won’t be Your mother is looking for A few pieces of cloth I sewed it for you. You’re too much. Okay, okay. Stop talking nonsense Let’s go Please stop disturbing me Let’s do business, okay? what are you doing Chanel bags for rich people Hello, Miss What can I do? Help you serve Dream clear I didn’t expect you to be here too. This lady You are friends Yeah, we are friends. What did she fancy? Wrap it up and give it to her Okay, no need Miss Jiang, what about us? Not that familiar Mengqing, why are you leaving in such a hurry? You’re not afraid of me, are you? how could be Since Miss Jiang Such a kind invitation. Then let’s watch it together. Do you have anything else? Dress I don’t like these. Our store’s private collection dresses They are all worth hundreds of square meters. This lady Are you sure you want to buy? How can I know if I don’t watch it? Buy it or not? These are not pleasing to the eye Go get the hidden money out yes sit down Hello The dress has arrived This dress is nice. I want this dress . this I’m sorry, Ms. Jiang. This dress is my first Let the store clerk take it out Mengqing, you also saw it With my consent The store clerk brought it out. And Huaicheng will not Missing a dress. Why don’ t you give it to me? What about me? Not so humble No habit of letting people Mengqing, are you trying to snatch it from me? The habit of fighting with others What if it’s someone else’s? It’s someone else’s But if it’s mine I won’t let Dream clear How long have you been with Huaicheng? I followed him for three years A woman takes the best Time is given to him You also said That was once The people around him now it’s me I’m not like some people Abandon him Then leave him you You just saw it. Pregnant money? Why do you hit me? I tell you Ling Huaicheng is not a commodity It’s not something that can make you Things with a clear price tag This slap I feel bad for him. I want this dress. Credit Card I double I want this one OK OK I’ll pack it for you you See? Some fires have their own differences It can never be changed Can you This lady Already packed Dream clear husband How did you come I’m done with work. Of course I’ll come with you. There is one thing that is Dream clear We are friends This dress If you like it, just say it Huaicheng You should also Take more care of Mengqing Meet someone you like This dress Consider it my gift to you Ms. Jiang It’s like this dress I spent more than a hundred Bought You have to snatch it away Give it to me now Your loss Is it too big? This woman Uncovered me Ms. Jiang I look at this dress. Relatively ordinary Not suitable for my wife We don’t want it anymore Huaicheng You have to do this Hit me in the face? Huaicheng You have to do this Hit me in the face? My wife Deserve better things By the way, Jiang Chuyao You just said something wrong. You said you could Bring benefits to Huaicheng but It’s just material. We are all human Flesh and blood If only material That person Living too failed Si Mengqing Hello Miss Our dresses sold No refund or exchange Ling Ziming This auction I don’t care what method you use I must see Si Mengqing Disgraced Ziming Wait until it is resolved Si Mengqing He Linghuaicheng Let’s get married I said The two of us Don’t push your luck. The person in Ling Ziming’s heart It’s Jiang Chuyao Mr. Ling Please come in Ling’s wife It’s absolutely gorgeous Mr. Ling is so lucky What a blessing! Go take a walk I’ll talk to them about something. please Such a big occasion My face is frozen with laughter They really treat it as a treasure So happy You and Zou Qiangwei later Bring someone along. Go ahead I thought about what you said. It’s not just about interests. Ms. Jiang I’m not here to test you. Comprehension Ling Ziming Why are you here too? I’m not looking at you. All here I’ll come and take a look Today is such an important day I have to toast you. Excuse me I did not see it Is this the lesson from last time? You haven’t eaten enough yet ah that I have a spare dress upstairs. I’ll take you You won’t be Are you afraid that I will eat you? Let’s go Dress in the closet You take it yourself Do you think I’m blind? Those little messengers I’ll go to 302 first. Um Fake How could my baby is fake You must be lying to me I have been identifying for so many years Is something real or fake? That’s two pieces. Ordinary stone There must be something wrong with your level. I have this with me abroad Take dozens of I’ll put my words here Fake is fake This stone Worthless There are many on the main road. this this this How can this be This is clearly The Ling family gave it to me. Fake Fake You’re a rebellious girl She must have done something. Want my family to go downhill Want to make my family miserable. You ungrateful wolf I am not Kill you, you ungrateful wolf Si Mengqing Si Mengqing, come out here Zhiguo I just saw Si Mengqing With a man Went upstairs How Went upstairs with a man No way This Ling Group President’s Wife Still having an affair There’s a good show to watch Catch up This kind of scene How dare you mess around? It’s shameful. Go Go Go Open the door If this rebellious girl If you dare to cheat Look, I won’t kill her. Rebellious Girl You have no shame You bad woman You are already married You haven’t Abide by women’s code of conduct stop fighting The sound seems Not Mengqing stop fighting Si Mengqing You shameless thing Have the face to do it You still don’t have the nerve to admit it, right? You let us have a family Lost all face Oh, stop hitting me. Ling Ziming How do you follow Si Mengqing got together mom I Si Mengqing You bad woman and her husband’s younger brother Get it together How shameless! Si Qianqian Jiang Chuyao Why you? Oh my god It’s so funny. The adultery was not caught Caught My own daughter yes Ling Ziming is still awesome Man vs. Two Women how come It’s you guys Not them Who should it be Of course it should be sister in law Si Mengqing How could you It came in from outside. My dress was spilled with wine. Send a dress over I didn’t expect my mother to worry about me I delivered it personally. I did see Si Mengqing’s dress is dirty I also saw younger sister Ziming Ms. Jiang How are you guys here? On a bed not No It’s all your fault You framed us. Huaicheng It’s not what you think Nothing happened to us Dream clear Where to go next Remember to tell me Don’t let others sell you out. Do not know at all Ling Huaicheng You don’t Don’t you care about me? enough Stop talking. Sun Yan This kind of thing happened You shouldn’t give one Is this a reasonable solution? Although our family does not The Ling family is so noble But we are also high and low A well-known person Your son was bullied. My daughter Is that it? Zhiguo your sister in law Our Ling family is Wealthy How can I deceive This kind of shame this matter You must be responsible How about this bright These two women You choose one Choose a date Marriage Ziming I no Great Aunt Don’t be like this. What do you mean I can’t do this? You did a good job So many dignitaries are here. You let us Ling family What a shame Lost the face of many dogs today You have to marry Not marry You have to marry Of course What road? That’s your second room. Expelled from the Ling Family From then on, he and the Ling family No more connection ah Do not do this sister in law If we leave the Ling family How to live? Ziming Just pick one. this is the best Solution no Ling Ziming likes If you choose Jiang Chuyao How to mix it up Ling Ziming You bastard You said you would only have me A woman’s She is here Then what am I? Qianqian and Ziming were caught Even if I can’ t marry Ling Huaicheng It’s okay to marry Ziming. Responsible for my daughter Her Innocence You’ve already ruined it. Are you crazy? Ziming you said before You will be responsible for me You made me spend the rest of my life How to live? Yes, Ziming Just pick one. Follow your heart ah Ziming If you don’t marry me What face do I have? Living in this world I might as well die. don’t want Ziming I hate you aunt I married Si Qianqian That’s right . Now that you have a choice What happened today? I hope you know What should not be posted otherwise My Ling Family Not a vegetarian either Mrs. Ling, rest assured These are all knew All right All gone. We’re leaving too Huaicheng We really have nothing Didn’t happen They are all Si Mengqing She knocked me out. Does it have anything to do with me? Huaicheng Is Si Mengqing that good? Aunt Cui You won’t forget me, will you? I am Jiang Chuyao Of course I remember you initially When an accident occurs You run faster than anyone else. You thought I didn’t hear What about the wind? You I’m afraid of your second half of life It happened to my son. I don’t okay Full of lies Now My son has I have a wife. Please note Your own identity Besides My daughter-in-law Makes me very satisfied She is kindhearted Love my son wholeheartedly I won’t abandon my son. Not like you Share the blessings Difficult My son is alone Huaicheng Give me another chance I know I was wrong I really can’t live without you You are returning home this time* It’s Ling Ziming calling you You’re back, right? do you know Ling Ziming and I* I’ve liked you How can it be You are returning home this time Is it because of me? Or because of my Hundreds of billions of assets You can’t bear to part with me Rich Son-in-law Huaicheng Only I deserve you You are really hopeless. Ling Ziming all because of you If it wasn’t you Mantou Idea Huaicheng will not Treat me like this Jiang Chuyao Haven’t you seen it yet? Ling Huaicheng is simply Do not love you Could you please stop being stupid? Who should I love then? Love you? I You know it all Car accident before pregnancy You did it, didn’t you? What are you trying to do? Get the company Still got me I’m assuming you want to Get me But you didn’t expect I will choose to go abroad I won’t follow you Be together Jiang Chuyao I Don’t call me by my name I feel sick Ling Ziming A scumbag With a bad woman Perfect Match what I really thought I was Rich Lady So ​​noble Look at her idiot You hit me idiot If you hadn’t suddenly Let me be responsible for you I won’t be with Jiang Chuyao either. The breakup was so severe How can I be blamed for this? It’s obviously you The medication was unsuccessful Si Mengqing enough Go back and tell your parents I won’t marry you. I want to cancel the marriage Ling Ziming you dare I warn you It’s better to say you’re breaking off the engagement when you go back Otherwise wait for you Married into our family Good luck to you crazy Ling Ziming, this madman PAVILION HOTEL Thinking of Jiang Chuyao how could be I only have you in my heart now Don’t people say First Love Appears for Three Days What’s the point of doing the current three years? Who told you this ghost idea? I was just thinking If tonight You didn’t find If they act What will happen? Forget it Face them I will keep an eye on it. It’s you This time I took Jiang Chuyao Also designed you Will you hate me? If she didn’t want to hurt you How could it be designed by you ? All of this about her today It’s all your own fault. In fact, I just saw When Jiang Chuyao I’m still a little scared. but Then I didn’t feel it anymore after all I don’t think she knows Really love someone What it looks like Fang Yu told you Not Fang Yu Jiang Chuyao herself Also said some In her eyes Only benefits But I think about it I seem Not that bad How can you be bad? You are awesome of course Ling Huaicheng Huaicheng, don’ t hang up yet I was wrong before. I’m going abroad There’s no place for me. I just want to ask you This is my last request. OK Ms. Jiang I wish you a safe journey then Ling Ling Huaicheng You are so cruel . Killing people If you miss it, it’s gone Jiang Chuyao This time I return home You have a good memory Huaicheng of course not Ex-relationship Just don’t want to have any relationship anymore Since I choose to cut it off It’s going to be completely broken You have self-awareness Dream clear I am at the hospital I saw Si Qianqian. Hello I want to ask Where is Gu Ping’s ward? Who are you I am her relative Just came to Beijing Visit her She is in ward 708 Thanks why you You said why it was me mom Are you OK I’m fine Si Qianqian You are so stubborn stinky woman all because of you If it weren’t for you I won’t be ruined. What nonsense are you talking about? You guys are obviously trying to frame me You are just Just reaping the fruits of one’s own actions Si Mengqing I will never let you go even if I die I have nothing left You wait for me Waiting You are crazy Don’t you want to follow Ling Ziming is married marry He went abroad Chasing Jiang Chuyao let me go you What happened to your face? Si Zhiguo called You are satisfied He took me and my mother Hit on the ground And scolded me Useless things Si Mengqing Si Zhiguo has never been What a good person He only sees profit. No family affection stinky woman you shut up I am going to kill you take away Same dream Si Mengqing I won’t let you go mom sorry It’s all my negligence Mom is fine Don’t blame yourself Dream clear Let’s take mom home . I’ll get a private doctor. Is it really possible Of course This is our mom Sweet and sour pork tenderloin is here Come Okay, enough food. This is the last one. Come today We congratulate our mother-in-law on her discharge from the hospital at the same time Thank you too Give us Ling family I gave birth to such a good daughter-in-law. You’re welcome. As long as they are both happy. I am a mother There’s no regrets. What’s wrong? Mengqing I don’t know either At this moment, I suddenly felt A bit disgusting Dream clear Did you have your period this month? Could it be that he was infected? Very good It seems Our Ling family is going to have a new baby Dream clear I want to be a father Baby .

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5 You listen to me clearly
5 Marry into the Ling family
5 Just do your thing peacefully.
5 Ryota
5 If you dare to say
5 If it&;s not Si Qianqian&;s words
5 I will stop paying for your mother&;s medical treatment.
5 Let her die in the ICU
5 Please welcome the most beautiful
5 Bride Arrives
5 Si Mengqing is not always
5 Are you self-righteous?
5 No, but instead of me
5 Marry a vegetable
5 Earn gifts for the family
5 Let us invite
5 Bride Arrives
5 You guys wait for me
5 I want you to pay.
5 The price you deserve
5 Ling Huaicheng
5 I didn &;t expect someone to bring you happiness.
5 so pretty
5 Keep the wealth within the family
5 This little sister-in-law tonight
5 I&;ll enjoy it for you.
5 Si Qianqian
5 Would you like to marry
5 Mr. Ling Huaicheng
5 from now on
5 Marry me if I ask you to
5 Why so much nonsense?
5 Believe it or not, I&;ll stop it right away.
5 Your mother&;s medical expenses
5 Let her die in the ICU
5 I
5 willing
5 Good Kids
5 do not worry
5 Our Ling Family
5 Personal wedding
5 Si Mengqing
5 after
5 You can only live as a widow
5 Ceremony
5 Child
5 Mom will introduce you
5 This is my son Huaicheng.
5 Although a plant
5 But it looks good
5 Usually
5 I&;ll accompany him when I&;m free.
5 After this
5 I&;ll leave it to you.
5 Mom knows you feel wronged
5 But don&;t worry
5 Mom won&;t treat you badly.
5 This card has 10 million.
5 You are free to
5 If not enough
5 Tell Mom again
5 mom
5 No
5 I
5 You take it.
5 Stop making excuses.
5 This has been a busy half day.
5 Are you hungry too?
5 I&;ll call the servants.
5 Make you something to eat
5 You
5 Just talk to him.
5 Mom is so good to me.
5 Ling Huaicheng
5 Then I will
5 Do you have to
5 Better for you
5 Although I am a substitute
5 But I still want
5 Introduce yourself
5 My name is Si Mengqing
5 It&;s yours from now on
5 Newlywed wife.
5 after
5 Just do your thing.
5 Vegetative
5 Little Miss
5 You are my big brother
5 Newly married wife
5 What are you going to do?
5 Anyway, Ling Huaicheng
5 It is also not humane
5 Wedding night
5 Loneliness is bad
5 Otherwise, I will replace my elder brother
5 Let you have a child
5 Let me go
5 stinky woman
5 Give me some peace of mind
5 You dare to hit me
5 Don&;t come over here
5 I thought you were a house cat.
5 did not expect
5 Still a little wild cat
5 I just don&;t know
5 How does it taste to you?
5 Ling Ziming
5 You are not afraid
5 I&;ll tell you what happened today.
5 If I remember correctly
5 Seven days later
5 You inherit
5 The days of Ling&;s company
5 If you dare to bully me
5 I can guarantee it
5 You absolutely won&;t
5 Get it so quickly
5 Ling&;s assets
5 You dare to threaten me
5 Ling Huaicheng became a vegetable
5 But don&;t forget
5 He is in the Ling family
5 Position in the heart
5 If you dare to touch me
5 Ling Family
5 Will definitely let you
5 If you can&;t eat it, you have to take it with you
5 Some truth
5 Si Qianqian
5 you&;re right
5 Seven days later
5 I will inherit
5 Everything about the Ling family
5 Now you can resist.
5 Then I&;d like to see
5 Seven days later
5 Wait until I take away everything from the Ling family
5 What qualifications do you have to resist?
5 The things he has become
5 I am Ling Ziming
5 Must get
5 did not expect
5 Your Ling family
5 It&;s not so peaceful
5 You&;re a grown man
5 It&;s over. It&;s over.
5 If my mother saw this
5 You don&;t think I&;m bullying you, do you?
5 Don&;t blame me.
5 I didn&; t mean it.
5 You wouldn&;t be so cautious.
5 People say he&;s handsome.
5 My heart is only the size of a sesame seed
5 did not expect
5 You&;ve been lying in bed for so long.
5 Still in such good shape
5 Why only six?
5 Should not
5 Eight bucks?
5 never mind
5 No need to embarrass you
5 it&;s okay no problem
5 We are married
5 I&;m not afraid
5 You shouldn&;t feel
5 I mean oil.
5 Damn woman
5 Finger oil is also humiliating
5 See you resist
5 For Ling Ziming&;s sake
5 I won&; t argue with you this time.
5 mom
5 Qianqian
5 Come down quickly
5 Son, come back home
5 Mom prepared it for you.
5 Some gifts
5 I&;ll come right away
5 Fang Yu
5 Boss, you woke up.
5 right
5 You go help me now
5 Investigation Department
5 Identity of all persons
5 And one more thing
5 Find Ling Ziming
5 Give me a lesson
5 You are tired these days.
5 Today is the day you come home.
5 Mom prepared some gifts for you.
5 This one
5 It&;s worth a million
5 Centennial Ginseng
5 What about these jewels?
5 At the top auction
5 Mom took this photo
5 And these two antiques
5 It&;s our Ling family.
5 Heirloom
5 Right now
5 It&;s already over 100 million.
5 These
5 You take them all back
5 No
5 These are too expensive.
5 I&;m just bored
5 I can&;t carry so many things.
5 What&;s more
5 They don&;t deserve it either.
5 child
5 you do not need to worry
5 These
5 For our Ling family
5 Just a drop in the bucket
5 These days
5 Mom sees you are pregnant
5 That&;s really good.
5 Mom saw it.
5 Keep it in mind
5 Really let mom
5 Very pleased
5 mom
5 Huaicheng is my husband
5 I&;m good to him
5 It should be
5 child
5 You have this sentence
5 Mom is really pleased.
5 Go ahead
5 The driver is waiting for you at the door.
5 I married into the Ling family
5 Not sure
5 Does mom know about this?
5 This time back
5 I must see my mother.
5 strangeness
5 Why do I feel like someone is watching me?
5 Pretty smart
5 You know to come back
5 You didn&;t see what time it was
5 We all waited
5 One hour
5 Don&;t be angry, Zhiguo
5 It&;s okay if the child comes back late
5 Dream clear
5 You come back alone
5 This is the Ling family.
5 Is it a return gift?
5 Take it.
5 this
5 This is stone
5 Dream clear
5 What does the Ling family mean?
5 This is the Ling family.
5 Brought back from Africa
5 Jadeite
5 Priceless
5 Emerald
5 This was before
The stone auctioned abroad
5 A piece of emerald stone
5 Hundreds of millions
5 So ordinary stone
5 Hundreds of millions
5 So many on the road
5 I also picked it for you
5 The two largest
5 Forcing me to marry
5 Still want it now
5 The Ling family&;s former baby
5 Do you really think I&;m a soft persimmon?
5 This is
5 The Ling family has so many antiques.
5 It must be an antique from the Ling family.
5 Why does it smell like alcohol?
5 Hey Dad
5 This Ling family ancestor
5 It&;s brewed
5 This is definitely
5 A treasure passed down from ancestors
5 Dream clear
5 I finally didn&;t love you in vain
5 And you
5 I have already replaced Si Qianqian
5 Married to the Ling family
5 Where is my mother now?
5 Dream clear
5 Your matter
5 well-done
5 Your mother is also very good
5 but now
5 You can&;t see your mother yet
5 Si Zhiguo
5 what do you mean
5 boss
5 It has been investigated clearly
5 That person is not someone else at all:
5 Si Qianqianji: Han nationality
5 But the eldest daughter of the Si family
5 Si Mengqing
5 Hello, Sijia
5 How dare you find someone to marry you?
5 That boss
5 Need to tell Mrs. Ling
5 Are you awake yet?
5 Need not
5 When I had the car accident
5 It&;s related to Ling Ziming
5 Want to take away the Ling family
5 He is still too young.
5 boss
5 Na Si Mengqing
5 Usually fine
5 Watch less TV series
5 Bad for your physical and mental health
5 Si Mengqing should not be
5 Ling Ziming&;s People
5 But I want to see
5 What is she going to do?
5 Prepare the car
5 I&;m going to Si&;s house.
5 My wife is back home
5 How can I be alone?
5 What did you say
5 you
5 You asked me to accompany you for drinks?
5 He asked to see you
5 Said to be
5 As long as you go
5 It will give us
5 Invest 100 million
5 Dream clear
5 Do you know this one billion?
5 How important is it to us?
5 You just go
5 I&;ll let you see your mother right away.
5 impossible
5 I won&;t go
5 That&;s not up to you.
5 Si Mengqing
5 You don&;t look down on everything
5 Take her away
5 A little magic medicine
5 It makes you more attractive.
5 I can&;t help myself when I see you
5 Who are you
5 Let me out now
5 I spent so much money
5 It was so hard to get you here.
5 Don&;t make me happy
5 today
5 Don&;t even think about leaving.
5 Who are you
5 I am married
5 My husband won&;t let you go.
5 get married
5 Isn&;t that better?
5 my favorite
5 A married woman
5 let me go
5 Ling Ziming
5 Ling Ziming, you beast
5 How dare you
5 Aren&;t you afraid of the Ling family?
5 Come to settle accounts with you?
5 Then you tell them
5 Just right
5 I&;ll take care of your family
5 Marriage
5 Spit them all out
5 Including tonight
5 It&;s you, sister-in-law.
5 Can&;t stand loneliness
5 Seduce me first
5 Since Ling Huaicheng is a waste
5 Then I, as a younger brother
5 He did his duty
5 Anyway, give birth
5 They are all from the Lin family.
5 Let go, let me go
5 You bastard
5 brute
5 Even if
5 Even if Ling Huaicheng is
5 A vegetable
5 You can&;t compare to him
5 Half a finger
5 You don&;t even give him
5 I am not even qualified to carry shoes.
5 Yeah
5 open
5 stinky woman
5 It&;s already this time
5 You&;re still being stubborn.
5 Then I&;ll see what happens.
5 How did you ask me?
5 don&;t want
5 stinky woman
5 Today I will let you know
5 What is a man?
5 Who hit me
5 Dream clear
5 Call me
5 Fang Yu
5 Lost one of his hands
5 Throw him to me
5 Go to the second room
5 It&;s the boss
5 Si Mengqing
5 Are you OK
5 I have a husband
5 Si Mengqing
5 Your husband is trash.
5 Can he satisfy you?
5 He is not
5 You dare to hit me
5 Si Mengqing
5 Since you have kept your chastity for me
5 I can&;t remain indifferent.
5 So sour
5 Why am I at home?
5 last night
5 I won&;t be rescued.
5 Then I
5 last night
5 Not a dream
5 Then I
5 No way
5 The one who saved me last night
5 who is it
5 Could it be
5 He wakes up
5 Why no response?
5 Young Lady
5 Something bad is happening.
5 Come out soon
5 Ling Ziming from the second room said
5 You disabled him.
5 Ask the old lady for an explanation
5 I see
5 Si Qianqian
5 You came just in time
5 One mother
5 What is Si Qianqian?
5 aunt
5 You were deceived by her
5 She is Si Mengqing
5 Dream clear
5 mom
5 I&;m sorry
5 Don&;t say this in advance
5 I have sent someone
5 Go to Si&;s house to ask for fire
5 Tell me the truth
5 Ling Ziming&;s injuries
5 Does it have anything to do with you?
5 Ling Ziming almost humiliated me
5 What
5 you
5 my son
5 What kind of woman do you want?
5 I want your second-hand goods
5 sister in law
5 Your wife here
5 Confusing right and wrong
5 He has a set of skills.
5 You can check it out.
5 stop
5 I am from the Ling family.
5 Mistress of the House
5 It&;s not your turn to run wild here.
5 sister in law
5 Your wife here
5 It&;s incredible
5 He&;s my son.
5 Threaten her
5 There&;s no truth in this mouth.
5 Is there any seduction outside?
5 Other men
5 sister in law
5 Come and see
5 This bad woman
5 Who planted a red mark?
5 What&;s going on?
5 Was it Ling Ziming who did this?
5 I admit
5 She is really pretty.
5 He was given by another man
5 It was taken
5 As for who it is?
5 Then you have to ask her herself.
5 Dream clear
5 You&;re talking.
5 Dream clear
5 I
5 You actually deceived me like this
5 My son is a
5 Vegetative
5 How can he touch you?
5 mom
5 It&;s really him
5 I don&;t
5 Tell me the truth
5 Last night
5 Who are you with?
5 But mom is right
5 How can a vegetative person move?
5 Could it be
5 How about it
5 Si Mengqing
5 Are you speechless?
5 You should have killed me at the beginning.
5 sister in law
5 Our Ling family is a wealthy family.
5 What dog and cat?
5 Can everyone come in?
5 Kneel down for me
5 The head of the Ling family arrives
5 You&;re a useless thing
5 How did you get into trouble?
5 Mrs. Ling&;s
5 elder sister
5 How can you do it?
5 This kind of thing
5 It turns out to be a way to get close to the rich and powerful
5 Squeeze out sister
5 Marry secretly
5 I&; m pretending to be you
5 To threaten me
5 Let me marry into the Ling family
5 Aunt Cui
5 sorry
5 I did not expect
5 My sister loves money
5 Love you so much that you marry Ling instead of me
5 A thousand mistakes
5 it&;s all my fault
5 Don&;t blame her.
5 mom
5 Not like that, mom
5 They lie
5 I don&;t
5 elder sister
5 you
5 I&;m not saying you
5 You&;re already married
The eldest son of the Ling family
5 how
5 I can still be with my old lover.
5 What about communication?
5 Old lover
5 I let it slip
5 Aunt Cui
5 My sister is not that kind of person.
5 maybe
5 Really are
5 My son is a vegetable.
5 How could I move her?
5 Si Mengqing
5 You have let me down too much
5 Mrs. Ling
5 Don&;t be angry first
5 This damn girl
5 I&;ll teach her a lesson.
5 You #don&;t hurry up
5 Apologize to Mrs. Ling
5 Tell me who the adulterer is.
5 Tell me who hit my son.
5 have no idea
5 You dare to hurt him
5 Apologize to Mrs. Ling immediately
5 Otherwise
5 I&;ll be with you
5 Severing the father-daughter relationship
5 Sister, please tell me quickly.
5 It&;s time like this
5 He is so important
5 Do you still want to protect him?
5 Si Mengqing
5 last chance
5 You say it
5 Who is that person?
5 otherwise
5 I will let you
5 Paying a heavy price
5 Say it
5 Bad Woman
5 Who hurt my son?
5 I really don&;t
5 You hurt my son
5 Today I
5 I won&;t let you have an easy time either.
5 Why I want
5 Marry Ling Huaicheng
5 Why did I marry
5 A vegetable
5 Ling Huaicheng
5 Why don&;t you wake up yet?
5 Hurt my son&;s hand
5 I&;m gonna break your leg today.
5 stop
5 Son, you woke up.
5 last night
5 I am the one with her.
5 Dream clear dream clear
5 Since you have kept your chastity for me
5 I can&;t remain indifferent.
5 Impossible to conceive
5 The one who took away the bad woman
5 But I hurt my son.
5 Si Mengqing is my woman
5 Ling Ziming dared to touch her
5 This time I just
5 Lost one of his hands
5 If there is a next time
5 After your second room
5 Is there any after
5 I can&;t say for sure.
5 I&;m pregnant with you.
5 I don&;t like strangers
5 Get close to me
5 How can I be a stranger?
5 I am your wife
5 She is fake
5 You tell me
5 What is the truth?
5 I married into the Ling family
5 It&;s because of them
5 Threaten me with my They mother
5 hate you for being a vegetable.
5 Si Qianqian doesn&;t want to spend the rest of her life
5 Destroyed in your hands
5 So I came
5 you
5 You guys are so brave.
5 Mrs. Ling
5 Don&;t listen to her nonsense.
5 Did I talk nonsense?
5 You know very well
5 Where is my mom?
5 Hand her over to me.
5 Damn girl, you dare to threaten me
5 Your family
5 You want to go bankrupt?
5 Ling Shao
5 I was wrong. I was wrong.
5 Get out of my sight
5 Yes, hurry up.
5 I am your wife.
5 Huaicheng
5 There&;s nothing good
5 Sun Yan
5 Let me invite you
5 Leave without reducing
5 We&;re leaving first.
5 Mengqing&;s mother
5 I&;m going back to my room first.
5 son
5 It&;s all my mother&;s fault
5 Mom wronged her.
5 mom
5 Our Ling family can reach
5 This point
5 Prove that we are not
5 A person who is easily influenced
5 You must believe more
5 My family
5 Mom knows
5 You need to help me
5 Advise her for me.
5 Okay?
5 When did you wake up?
5 Is it important
5 Are you saying bad things about me?
5 Or in other words
5 Pulling my leg hair more than once
5 Don&;t talk nonsense
5 Ling Huaicheng
5 Now that you&;re awake
5 Some words
5 We have to make it clear
5 Ling Huaicheng
5 us
5 Divorce
5 I was framed by my family.
5 You are not satisfied either
5 I&;m not happy either
5 Then this marriage contract
5 It&;s better to cancel it
5 have what
5 You go find Si&;s family.
5 what are you doing
5 My wife wants it.
5 Divorced me
5 What do you say I do?
5 But
5 We don&;t have any emotional foundation.
5 Divorce is impossible
5 Feelings can be cultivated
5 You didn&;t dislike me at first
5 Ling Huaicheng is a cripple
5 I, Ling Huaicheng, naturally wouldn&;t either.
5 Abandoned wife and children
5 What abandoned
5 Where did the child come from?
5 who knows
5 you
5 Who knows if you have anything
5 Ex-girlfriend
5 If you come with me again
5 Fighting for your love
5 There is one
5 But she is in the past tense
5 And you
5 It&;s my present and future
5 mom
5 Ling Huaicheng wakes up
5 I want to marry
5 You quickly let Si Mengqing
5 That woman, get back here.
5 did not think of
5 Si Mengqing, that bad woman
5 So lucky
5 Just married
5 Ling Huaicheng wakes up
5 otherwise
5 My baby daughter
5 To become the Ling family
5 The eldest lady
5 At the beginning, Qianqian was allowed to marry
5 You&;re threatening me with death.
5 What&;s the use of regretting now?
5 dad
5 If I marry
5 That Ling Family
5 It&;s not mine.
5 The thing in the palm of your hand
5 By the time
5 I can use my
5 identity
5 I have done a lot of things for the Si family.
5 this matter
5 We also need to carefully calculate the total
5 Si Mengqing&;s identity
5 Being discovered
5 He will definitely be kicked out of the Ling family.
5 Qianqian
5 You should pay more attention
5 To Mrs. Ling
5 Build good good
5 relationships
5 Butler Wang, why are you here?
5 Mr. Si
5 We are the Feng Ling family
5 The Master&;s Order
5 I&;m here to invite Si Mengqing&;s biological mother
5 Huiling Palace
5 Hand the person over.
5 What does Maijia mean?
5 You want to take
5 Our home
5 What did you say
5 Yes Yes Yes
5 We&;re going to put people now
5 Bring it to you
5 Don&;t get angry
5 Si Mengqing, wait for me.
5 Hurry up and take this bowl of ginseng soup
5 Drink it
5 Still angry?
5 It&;s all my fault. I&;m sorry.
5 You said mom is alive.
5 Most of my life
5 It&;s over
5 It&;s over
5 I didn&;t expect it either
5 My biological father
5 I
5 Sell ​​to others
5 But mom
5 Now you know
5 My identity
5 I
5 Silly boy
5 I&;m looking at you.
5 Character of a person
5 It&;s not your identity.
5 correct
5 I&;ll take you to see
5 individually
5 Who is it?
5 You&;ll know if you follow mom.
5 mom
5 I&;ll never see you again
5 Silly boy
5 Your father locked me up
5 Mental hospital
5 I also thought
5 I can&;t see you anymore
5 Mental hospital
5 Thanks to Butler Wang
5 Said that it was Mrs. Ling&;s order
5 Come to see you
5 Who is Mrs. Ling?
5 relatives by marriage
5 I&;ve made you suffer for so long.
5 relatives by marriage
5 mom
5 I am married
5 this
5 This is my husband
5 Ling Huaicheng
5 This is his mother.
5 Mom first meeting
5 This is for you
5 small gift
5 Dream clear
5 It&;s Si Zhiguo.
5 Did you do it for a thousand knives?
5 mom
5 Listen to my explanation
5 This relative also saw
5 Later , you two
5 Just live a good life
5 Give mom a baby soon.
5 Fat grandson
5 mom
5 correct
5 Before, I gave it to the Si family
5 The betrothal gift
5 I&;ll send someone to take it back.
5 Leave it to Mengqing
5 What now
5 All I need is a wedding room
5 Mom, no need
5 Mom, you finally realized
5 This matter
5 you really
5 Marry a wife
5 Forgot my mother
5 Let me take you to buy a wedding house.
5 As for you
5 Go back to the company quickly
5 remember to miss me
5 oh
5 I&;m telling you
5 This property is pretty good.
5 This is not Si Qianqian
5 That useless sister?
5 Why are you here?
5 Hello Si Qianqian
5 I saw your sister.
5 right
5 In the sales office
5 I&;ll take a call first.
5 You look carefully here
5 Hello, Miss
5 Need me to introduce you
5 OK, thank you.
5 You can go this way
5 Here&;s the words
5 It&;s our Imperial Mansion
5 A newly opened property
5 This is our word.
5 Activity area
5 You can go here
5 How much is this set?
5 Miss, your vision
5 It&;s really great
5 This is us
5 The most expensive
5 A suite
5 500 square meters
5 Worth 78 million
5 This guy is expensive.
5 If you are
5 If you pay in full
5 We will have discounts
5 I can&;t afford to pretend to be rich.
5 It&;s so embarrassing.
5 It is you
5 Seventy-eight million
5 Can you take it out?
5 Imperial Capital Mansion, can you take it out?
5 I&;m not talking about you.
5 Si Mengqing
5 Have you ever seen so much money?
5 Have I seen it?
5 Does it have anything to do with you?
5 You are one
5 Selling a house
5 Your job is to help me
5 Sales Introduction
5 Rather than mocking others
5 Personal Life
5 you
5 Are there any other properties available?
5 Some ladies here
5 /Zhao Na woman, you didn&;t see
5 Am I talking? Zhao Na
5 manager
5 Zhao Na
5 what are you doing
5 I am a manager
5 I am teaching the ignorant
5 intern
5 Do you still need to care?
5 Could it be that
5 Zhao Na
5 Don&;t go too far
5 Never mind, miss. I&;m fine.
5 Come over here now
5 Otherwise I will fire you
5 Assistant Manager/Zhao Na, otherwise I will fire you
5 What are you dilly-dallying about?
5 Zhao Na, that&;s enough.
5 Imperial Capital Mansion is nosy, right? Deputy Manager/Zhao Na
5 Mind your own business, huh?
5 This is Zhao Na , the dog catching the rat
5 The consequences of meddling in other people&;s affairs
5 You dare to hit me
Imperial Capital Mansion, you dare to hit me
5 You dare to hit me in court
5 I&;ll beat you up
5 Auntie, look
5 serious
5 Si Mengqing I will kill you
5 stop
5 mom
5 what happened
5 I was looking at the house here.
5 As a result, this lady
5 How did it start?
5 Did he hit someone?
5 I just recommended
5 She hit me
5 friend
5 To me before
5 Straight sarcasm
5 She&;s going to cause me trouble.
5 She also hit the people around me
5 That&;s why I fought back.
5 How could you frame me?
5 She and I are not
5 do not know
5 I saw you hitting someone
5 How can you still argue?
5 Mom, I
5 Aunt Cui
5 I see she is
5 Acting cute in front of you
5 I should be
5 Ling&;s daughter-in-law
5 I also want
5 Respect you well
5 Honor me
5 She doesn&;t deserve it at all
5 Be the daughter-in-law of the Ling family
5 You, I see
5 Meng Qing is worthy of being the Ling family
5 Daughter-in-law
5 As for what you are
5 Dare to be in front of me
5 Packed green tea
5 mom
5 Aunt Cui
5 Are we that close?
5 Are you that familiar?
5 And
5 how dare you slander me
5 Daughter-in-law
5 So what?
5 Old lady , I advise you not to
5 have a finger in the pie
5 This idiot
5 What do you call me, old woman?
5 A lot of age
5 What to wear
5 Get me the manager.
5 Mom, don&;t be angry.
5 Manager Chen, someone is bullying my Imperial Court
5 The waves are coming again
5 Manager Chen
5 The Imperial Court is just them/Zhao
5 Making trouble
5 Throw them all out
5 And this intern
5 Against me
5 Why does it look familiar?
5 You are fired
5 You don&;t even ask
5 Is there a reason?
5 I have the final say here.
5 Imperial Palace
5 The most important thing is sales
5 And you two
5 Now immediately
5 Get out of here right now.
5 Things without eyes
5 Do you know who I am
5 How dare you chase me away
5 I don&;t care who you are
5 it&;s here
5 I Chen Yang said two
5 No one dares to say
5 Why don&;t you leave?
5 Visitors
5 Put these two people
5 Kick me out
5 I see who dares
5 Boss, why are you here?
5 waste
5 boss
5 You two are fired.
5 Know that I have sinned
5 Who is it?
5 Ling Huaicheng of Ling Group
5 Ling Group
5 Son, you are finally here.
5 Mom Mengqing
5 Are you two okay?
5 Fortunately you arrived in time
5 We are fine
5 I just got an intern.
5 Helped us
5 They fired him
5 No, no, no
5 Will not be fired
5 Chen Yang is shit
5 Put your deputy manager&;s sign
5 Remove
5 Mr. Qian
5 Why not give it to the interns?
5 Wear
5 Thank you Mr. Qian
5 Thank you Miss
5 You deserve this.
5 Mr. Qian
5 I don&;t want to see them
5 What my wife said
5 Can&;t you hear?
5 Yes Yes Yes
5 Mr. Qian
5 give me one more chance
5 I can&;t lose this job.
5 I was wrong
5 Si Mengqing, I was wrong
5 Just let me go once
5 Drag it out
5 Qian Zong Qian Zong
5 Mr. Qian, I was wrong.
5 Qian Zong Qian Zong
5 Huaicheng
5 Didn&;t you go to the company?
5 Why are you back again?
5 Just let him out.
5 I also think I should buy a house now.
5 Two people are required
5 To complete the procedure
5 I&;ll go out and make a phone call .
5 Who knows?
5 I met Si Qianqian
5 How about it
5 The house here
5 Are you satisfied?
5 I saw
5 The rooms here are too expensive.
5 Seventy-eight million
5 We are still tomorrow
5 Look somewhere else.
5 Need not
5 You like it here
5 Just buy
5 What did he sign?
5 This house
5 It&;s for you.
5 mom
5 This is too expensive.
5 fine
5 We are the Ling family
5 Nothing is missing
5 No shortage of money
5 capricious
5 What&;s your relationship with Huaicheng?
5 Still need to continue to cultivate
5 You
5 From today
5 I&;m the ruler
5 Join Ling Group
5 Close contact with Huaicheng
5 With you by her side
5 Don&;t worry, mom
5 Wait a moment
5 I have something to say
5 What&;s wrong
5 Can&;t bear me
5 Although I promised to come to the company
5 but
5 I have a request
5 I can&;t expose
5 our relationship
5 Related to me
5 Is it embarrassing?
5 no
5 I just want to rely on
5 Your own efforts
5 I don&;t want others to say that I
5 Backdoor
5 Want me to promise you
5 Can
5 kiss Me
5 you
5 The choice is yours
5 boss
5 Need to talk to the following people
5 Can you explain?
5 good
5 Don&;t tell too many people
5 Just tell your supervisor.
5 Take care
5 Walk
5 that
5 Thank you for your hard work.
5 Keep on keeping on
5 By the way, let me introduce you to a
5 New colleagues
5 Si Mengqing
5 Responsible for design in the future
5 Hello everyone
5 Please come back later
5 Take care
5 Everyone take a look
5 What is she wearing?
5 Is it street stall goods?
5 And her face
5 do not know either
5 How much powder was applied?
5 People who came from the air
5 I don&;t know how many methods were used.
5 Why
5 maybe
5 Sleeping boss
5 Jingru
5 Who are you
5 I do not know you
5 Are we classmates?
5 In class
5 you forgot
5 Our Si Jingru
5 Not studying abroad
5 Are you back?
5 You didn&;t see her coming up
5 Just to make friends with relatives?
5 Hello
5 What are you?
5 Dare to be with our Jingru
5 Comparison
5 I
5 I want it today
5 So many CLIP FILE A4
5 You are not kidding
5 You see I look like
5 Are you kidding?
5 If I can&;t finish it today
5 I can&;t go home
5 It was not easy to create
5 Returnee status
5 I almost screwed it up.
5 I won&;t deal with you well.
5 You thought I was a vegetarian
5 Who messed me up?
5 This can fall
5 I don&;t know how to come in
5 What do you do?
5 clever
5 You are wrong in saying this.
5 You came in through the back door.
5 It&;s different
5 maybe
5 What are people like?
5 What about the big shot?
5 Yes
5 Aren&;t you afraid that she&;ll tell you?
5 Scare you to death
5 alright
5 Haohu is new here
5 We can&;t be too bullying.
5 Si Mengqing
5 You pick up this file.
5 Then
5 Go buy me some coffee.
5 I invite everyone
5 Drink coffee
5 good
5 My sister is generous
5 Jingru is very generous
5 Thank you very much
5 Hold back
5 You are here to work
5 I&;m not here to cause trouble.
5 Be patient
5 Fang Yu
5 I asked you to say hello before
5 Have you been to it
5 Not going yet
5 Oh, that&;s right.
5 Now this time
5 You buy something to drink
5 Send it to Mengqing
5 yes
5 Didn&;t I say
5 Let Ling Huaicheng keep it a secret?
5 You&;re not here to find me, are you?
5 Didn&;t I say that Ling Huaicheng
5 Is it confidential?
5 You&;re not here to find me, are you?
5 Hello Your Coffee
5 Come come come
5 Which one do you want?
5 This one, right?
5 okay
5 Secretary Fang
5 Mr. Ling
5 Give you today
5 What did you tell?
5 what
5 President&;s Wife
5 In our department
5 you say
5 Can you
5 The new one today.
5 one way or another
5 Just treat it well.
5 President&;s Wife
5 Surname: Si
5 total
5 President&;s Wife
5 In our department
5 I heard his last name is Si
5 Our department can
5 Two people with the surname Si
5 This one is called
5 Just one called Si Mengqing
5 There is another one called Si Jingru
5 Definitely between the two of them
5 one of them
5 I see Si Mengqing
5 Not at all
5 Could it be Si Jingru?
5 She came back from abroad
5 Miss Qianjin again
5 Superior status
5 The president is a perfect match.
5 I think
5 Jingru
5 What&;s wrong
5 Tell me about you
5 The president&;s wife
5 Still working so hard
5 What are you doing?
that is
5 President&;s Wife
5 Just stop pretending.
5 Everybody knows it.
5 When Mr. Ling came
5 But they all brought cakes.
5 right
5 It&;s not for you.
5 yes
5 Before Ling
5 Didn&;t tell us
5 You will become prosperous in the future
5 you want
5 Cover us!
5 These idiots
5 Treat me as
5 The President&;s wife
5 That&;s right
5 I am the president&;s wife.
5 Coffee is coming
5 President&;s Wife
5 Lots of support
5 It seems
5 I didn&;t expect my identity
5 Still known to everyone
5 What is your identity?
5 Open your eyes
5 See clearly
5 Si Jingru
5 The President&;s Wife
5 Si Jingru
5 She is the president&;s wife.
5 That&;s right
5 it is me
5 What&;s that look in your eyes?
5 Put the coffee in
5 Share to everyone
5 ? Six cups in total
5 one hundred and forty-six
5 WeChat transfer me
5 Even if this time
5 You invited everyone to drink
5 You just entered the society
5 Learn to build relationships
5 You can&;t, I can teach you
5 No money
5 I&; ll give you a chance
5 Let you buy everyone coffee
5 You should thank me
5 Instead of asking me for money
5 Who are you?
5 a cup of coffee
5 How much can it cost you?
5 You are new
5 Should I buy this coffee?
5 Come honor us
5 elder
5 no
5 elder
5 How old are you?
5 Seventy or Eighty
5 Stepping into the coffin
5 You dare to curse me
5 You actually fought back
5 Who is born to be
5 Bullying
5 You are allowed to hit me.
5 I&;m not allowed to hit you.
5 Jingru bullied me
5 You can decide for me.
5 Tell your supervisor now.
5 Let the supervisor fire her
5 Si Mengqing
5 I&;m not wrong again
5 What are you apologizing for?
5 Give me the money now.
5 Otherwise I would say
5 This president&;s wife
5 Just one hundred dollars
5 Can&;t take it out
5 Jingru , look at her
5 Wait until you come back
5 I asked Mr. Ling
5 Just fire her.
5 Jingru, you are so nice
5 do not forget
5 Calm down.
5 Where are you now
5 Jingru
5 Mom, this one
5 That&;s all the money.
5 Why is it just this little?
5 What&;s wrong
5 Is something wrong with you?
5 Don&;t worry about it.
5 Do you have eyes?
5 My shoes got dirty.
5 Auntie, are you okay?
5 Si Jingru
5 How do you push people?
5 She&;s a cleaner.
5 What do I want
5 So what
5 you
5 fine
5 thank you
5 Give, give, give
5 Your coffee money
5 Who is it?
5 Really
5 Aunt
5 Are you okay?
5 I&;m fine
5 thank you
5 Manager Hu
5 You should understand
5 I mean
5 understand
5 Jingru, don&;t worry
5 Clean up her business
5 Leave it to me
5 Si Mengqing
5 What&;s up, Director Hu?
5 You will follow me
5 Go out for a while
5 There is a cooperation to discuss
5 Isn&;t that a PR thing?
5 What does it have to do with me?
5 you say
5 Just go when I tell you to go.
5 I won&;t hurt you.
5 right
5 maybe
5 This cooperation must be won
5 You&;re corrected.
5 It&;s half past seven
5 It shouldn&;t be too late
5 okay
5 Then I&;ll go with you.
5 That&;s right.
5 I&;ll wait for you in front
5 Um
5 I&;m going to discuss cooperation
5 Don&;t wait for me at night.
5 time for dinner
5 coming
5 cooperate
5 Fang Yu
5 The company side
5 If there is a need for planning department
5 Are you talking about cooperation?
5 boss
5 Today is Hezhou City
5 Talk about business cooperation
5 However, the other party&;s intention
5 Not strong
5 today
5 Actively requesting to meet
5 I see
5 Drink this cup
5 Mr. Xu
5 But you can
5 The contract is signed with us
5 I really can&;t
5 clear
5 Ms. Si
5 Drink this cup
5 I signed this order immediately
5 Miss Si&;s hands are so tender
5 Like peeled
5 Like eggs
5 Mr. Xu
5 Please respect yourself
5 It&;s really not possible
5 I&;m sorry
5 excuse me
5 Miss Si is here
5 Not as good as
5 Have a few more drinks
5 Mr. Xu
5 Look, Manager Hu is here too.
5 Can you guys talk first?
5 I&;ll be back soon.
5 Just follow me.
5 Guaranteed to make you eat delicious food
5 Not being bullied in the company
5 That&;s it, Mengqing
5 you say
5 I found this for you.
5 you say
5 Our Xu Shao
5 In my hand, I hold
5 Millions of assets
5 If you follow him
5 Eat delicious food and drink spicy food in the future
5 That Mr. Xu
5 I have something else to do
5 I&;m back first
5 Um
5 Manager Hu
5 What to do
5 I like chaste women.
5 You can&;t run away today.
5 You dare to hit me
5 I warn you
5 do not come
5 Who are you
5 Mr. Ling
5 good
5 Go wait outside and don&;t come in.
5 Mr. Ling
5 Mr. Ling
5 I was wrong
5 Not good
5 Didn&;t I say that?
5 Do not look back
5 Dream clear
5 I am worried about you
5 I won&;t do that next time.
5 Dream clear
5 Meng Qing really did this time
5 Don&; t you want me to go with you?
5 What happened last night
5 I have no evidence
5 Even if I look for Hu Lin
5 He can also completely
5 Unrecognized
5 Wait till I collect him.
5 Evidence of doing disgusting things
5 I&;ll tell you
5 Have you forgotten something?
5 It turned out that the man gave
5 Supported
5 No, this is not the case.
5 how
5 Mr. Xu&;s mobile number
5 It&;s become empty.
5 no
5 You came
5 Manager Hu
5 After a while
5 Come to my office
5 What does the supervisor want her for?
5 Who knows
5 ? must be something going on.
5 I think something is wrong
5 Still a big deal
5 Your necklace is so beautiful
5 My husband gave it to me
5 Just over 10 million.
5 I&;m so envious
5 Jingru, you are so happy
5 But back to Lai
5 What did Si Mengqing do?
5 She&;s going to be fired.
5 Look
5 She is a mistress
5 Being kept by someone
5 Oh my god
5 I really can&;t tell
5 She looks poor.
5 Let me tell you
5 She did it on purpose
5 Just pretending to show us
5 Really know people well
5 She actually became a mistress for money
5 Jingru
5 Did you see clearly
5 The car owner&;s face
5 I didn&;t see the face clearly
5 Seems like some white hair
5 Estimated age
5 I see
5 It was bought by some old man
5 I like it
5 maybe
5 Greed for retirement money
5 Hahaha
5 Enter
5 Dream clear
5 You are here
5 Come and sit down
5 Manager Hu
5 What do you want from me?
5 Dream clear
5 Last night you and Mr. Xu
5 Manager Hu, what are you talking about?
5 I do not understand
5 Didn&;t I take you last night?
5 Did you introduce it to Mr. Xu?
5 Ask you to drink with him
5 Sign a contract
5 at last
5 There&;s no progress between you and Mr. Xu.
5 What Director Hu meant
5 Go drink with Mr. Xu
5 Where did I offend you?
5 Look at what you said.
5 I&;m not doing this for your own good.
5 Look at you
5 No power, no money
5 This is going to be with Mr. Xu.
5 You don&;t
5 Do you want to eat delicious food or drink spicy food?
5 That&;s so bold
5 Do I have to thank Director Hu?
5 Look at what you said.
5 What are we thanking each other for?
5 Actually
5 You just started working in the company.
5 when
5 I found you
5 That time
5 Although it is not worth the money,
5 but
5 This figure
5 Still has something to say
5 As long as you are willing to
5 And me
5 I can also give you a
5 Competent
5 Does it hurt?
5 Let me go
5 Don&;t forget
5 I&;m your supervisor.
5 You are not afraid
5 Do I fire you?
5 Expulsion
5 Then open one for me.
5 I warn you
5 Our company Mengqing
5 Not someone you can easily mess with.
5 A pest like you
5 Actually in the company
5 Hiding for so long
5 It&;s disgusting.
5 You, you wait for me
5 What&;s wrong
5 Si Mengqing
5 Although we have worked together
5 In a few days
5 But I can understand
5 Since you&;ve been fired
5 Hey, what are you doing today?
5 You have to buy us a drink.
5 Who fired
5 I
5 Okay you
5 Stop acting.
5 Our President&;s Wife
5 I have seen you from
5 Other old men
5 The car got off.
5 that is
5 Stop pretending to be innocent.
5 This must be
5 The old man gave
5 It&;s broken.
5 What about this photo?
5 We&;ve seen it too.
5 Do you want to take a look at it too?
5 See for yourself
5 Dream clear
5 The old man&;s kung fu
5 How is it?
5 You said you will
5 Have a son with him.
5 Si Jingru
5 We are women together
5 You actually made up a dirty rumor about me
5 You can do this kind of thing
5 Not letting anyone say it
5 People should know their fun
5 This is Ling&;s Group.
5 Like you
5 People with bad conduct
5 You don&;t deserve to be here.
5 I advise you to get out of here.
5 Si Jingru
5 Don&;t go too far
5 You really put yourself
5 Became the president&;s wife
5 I&;m not the president&;s wife.
5 Are you
5 That&;s right
5 I am the real one
5 President&;s Wife
5 It&;s really hilarious.
5 Si Mengqing
5 People should have self-knowledge
5 If says
5 I am the president&;s wife
5 Then my husband
5 I&;m so busy.
5 that is
5 Toad wants to eat swan meat
5 Where everyone&;s my necklace?
5 Please help me find it.
5 Jingru&;s necklace
5 But it was sent by Mr. Ling
5 Have you seen it?
5 what are you doing
5 Don&;t touch my personal belongings.
5 Personal belongings
5 This is my necklace
5 Dream clear
5 How can you steal
5 Where are my things?
5 Your necklace
5 How did it get in my bag?
5 You thief
5 If I hadn&;t wrapped you up
5 opened
5 You really hid it from me.
5 You even
Dare to steal valuable things
5 You really are
5 How audacious!
5 Jingru
5 Call the police right away.
5 Si Mengqing steals things
5 Can&;t call the police
5 My necklace is fake.
5 Call the police and you&;ll be exposed.
5 never mind
5 Same dream
5 You apologize to me
5 Then just quit your job
5 this matter
5 I can not argue with you
5 I didn&;t do anything wrong
5 Why apologize?
5 Still here with a stubborn mouth
5 Call the supervisor.
5 Fire her immediately.
5 I said it wasn&; t me
5 no
5 What do you do?
5 Everyone is arguing here
5 This is the company
5 how
5 Not afraid of being punished
5 director
5 Something big happened
5 Our department
5 There is a thief
5 What
5 I&;ll see who it is.
5 Dare to steal things in the company
5 That&;s her
5 Si Mengqing
5 Stealing the President&;s Wife
5 A necklace worth millions
5 Million Necklace
5 director
5 not me
5 We can check
5 Monitoring
5 What are you?
5 You also need to check the monitoring
5 Si Mengqing I am now
5 Tell you
5 You 5
5 Fired
5 Why?
5 You don&;t know the truth
5 Just fire me
5 I tell you
5 At this
5 I am God
5 I said you were fired.
5 You can&;t even take a minute.
5 do you know
5 Aren&;t you afraid?
5 Mr. Ling?
5 you know
5 Who did you offend?
5 The person you offended
5 But the president&;s wife
5 that is
5 Mr. Ling dotes on Jingru so much
5 Even if Mr. Ling comes
5 I will only listen to Jingru
5 Fire you
5 I&;m talking to Si Mengqing
5 You wouldn&;t think
5 Waiting for Mr. Ling to come
5 Will ignore us
5 President&;s Wife
5 Go help you an outsider
5 I won&;t reveal my identity
5 Just don&;t want
5 Makes my husband worry
5 Si Mengqing
5 Kneel down for me
5 Kneel down to apologize
5 I can forgive you
5 And it will also let the supervisor
5 Give you another chance
5 that is
5 I really do not know
5 What am I did wrong
5 So against me
5 Si Jingru
5 Since you said you are
5 President&;s Wife
5 OK
5 You should give it to Mr. Ling now.
5 Call up
5 I see Mr. Ling is here.
5 Will he
5 Not knowing right from wrong
5 Fire me directly
5 you
5 Jingru
5 Just call Mr. Ling.
5 Let Mr. Ling
5 right
5 Jingru
5 Just call Mr. Ling.
5 She is so arrogant
5 Hit one.
5 Hurry up
5 Hit one
5 good
5 I called my husband
5 what are you doing
5 when
5 And China Unicom customer service
5 Same
5 no
5 Jingru
5 this
5 director
5 You doubt me
5 I
5 My husband is so busy.
5 Earn hundreds of thousands per minute
5 It&;s you
Can you afford to disturb me?
5 yes
5 My fault
5 really
5 Mr. Ling is so busy
5 How can I manage
5 Such a small thing
5 Such a crude trick.
5 Only you will believe it
5 You don&;t want to say
5 Do you have
5 Just try it and you will know
5 enough
5 What are you pretending to be?
5 Am I the President&;s wife?
5 You know very well
5 I command you
5 Get me out
5 Initially
5 Secretary Fang said his last name was Si
5 Although their surnames are Si
5 But obviously
5 Si Jingru&;s
5 More likely
5 Si Mengqing
5 It must be a fox taking advantage of the tiger&;s might
5 Where&;s the security?
5 Visitors
5 Get her out of here.
5 I wonder who dares to touch her.
5 Mr. Ling
5 You are here
5 Someone is pretending here
5 President&;s Wife
5 Blind your eyes
5 Who is the president&;s wife?
5 Can&;t tell
5 no
5 this
5 What does this mean?
5 sorry
5 I&;m late
5 husband
5 Why did you come just now?
5 Si Mengqing
5 The President&;s Wife
5 this
5 We were all deceived by her
5 how so
5 impossible
5 Originally
5 I want to
5 The identity of ordinary people
5 Get along with you
5 Who would have thought
5 You guys are really snobbish.
5 That&;s OK
5 I won&;t pretend anymore
5 Showdown
5 Manager Hu
5 Didn&;t you just want
5 Fire me?
5 You let them take me away
5 without
5 Don&;t dare
5 That
5 Dream clear
5 Just now
5 I&;m kidding you
5 joke
5 Fang Yu
5 Call the police
5 Hulin
5 With the woman pretending to be Meng Qing
5 Catch it and send it in
5 other people
5 All dismissed
5 Not that one
5 Mr . Ling
5 you
5 Please give me another chance
5 you
5 You give
5 Dream clear
5 I
5 roll
5 What did you just call me?
5 Call again
5 I
5 I just did that
5 Just satirizing Si Jingru
5 I do not believe
5 I won&;t let you go
5 Who are you
5 Get out
5 Your work at Ling&;s Group
5 I&;ve heard it all
5 Don&;t you want to
5 Revenge?
5 What revenge?
5 I now have
5 Nothing
5 Then you&;ll be content
5 Look at that woman
5 After kicking you away
5 Enjoy yourself
5 Treatment of the President&;s Wife
5 Help me do two things
5 After the event
5 Give you a million
5 Why choose me
5 because
5 We all hate the same person
5 who are you
5 Our great Mr. Ling
5 Even wearing a tie
5 Neither
5 You give it to others
5 Wearing a tie?
5 You are the second
5 First
5 It&;s my dad
5 everything will get better
5 Hello
5 My mom is missing
5 Jingru
5 where you go
5 Do you care where I go?
5 I don&;t have any work
5 Of course, for an interview.
5 That&;s good
5 Jingru
5 You can do it
5 How can I have you like this?
5 Incompetent mother
5 work
5 Why are you still carrying a knife?
5 doctor
5 Where&;s my mom?
5 Unknown
5 I do not know
5 My mother was taken away
5 How could you
5 I don&;t know
5 The doctor on duty last night
5 I went to the bathroom.
5 The other party just
5 Took a loophole
5 Dream clear
5 Calm down.
5 I have already asked Fang Yu
5 Check it out
5 I tell you
5 If my mother has something wrong
5 Don&;t even think about your hospital.
5 Drive on
5 good
5 yes
5 alright
5 Don&;t worry
5 Si Mengqing
5 Your mother is in my hands
5 Who are you
5 Where is my mom?
5 What are you going to do?
5 To blame
5 You have a good daughter.
5 Don&;t hurt Mengqing
5 What&;s the matter? Come to me.
5 What are you?
5 Blame Si Mengqing
5 I&;ve been hurt in the whole city
5 ​​Can&;t find a job
5 She ruined me for so many years
5 All the efforts
5 How is it going?
5 mom
5 Don&;t worry, I&;ll do the job.
5 Si Mengqing, this obstacle
5 I will definitely remove it.
5 This looks like my daughter.
5 you say
5 If a while
5 Scratch on her face
5 Will Mr. Ling still love her?
5 don&;t want
5 You came
5 mom
5 Dream clear
5 Go away and don&;t worry about me
5 Go fast
5 Si Jingru
5 Any words?
5 Let&;s talk nicely
5 You let my mother go
5 Let her go
5 impossible
5 Tong Jingru
5 What do you want?
5 you can tell me
5 I&;ll give you all
5 But you have to think clearly
5 If you do it
5 What are the consequences?
5 Threatening me?
5 mom
5 Dream clear
5 Calm down.
5 Dream clear
5 Ling Huaicheng , that&;s my mother
5 She is injured
5 It&;s really
5 Touching scene
5 Want me to let her go
5 Can
5 Give me one hundred million
5 Then
5 Si Mengqing, come here and replace her
5 I&;ll give you two hundred million.
5 This money is enough for you to stay abroad
5 Happy and carefree
5 And it&;s enough for you
5 After the rest of my life
5 But you must
5 Let me go
5 Si Mengqing
5 Anyway, this old woman
5 I&;m sick and won&;t live long.
5 I&;m not as good as I am now
5 Send her to hell
5 don&;t want
5 Si Jingru
5 I&;ll replace my mom.
5 you are not
Is it me that you hate?
5 Hate me for exposing your identity
5 I hate that I let you in the company
5 Can&;t stay
5 enough
5 Si Mengqing
5 I&;ve changed my mind now
5 Kneel down for me
5 Knock three times
5 Then crawl over and beg me
5 maybe
5 I would consider letting her go.
5 Am I the only one kneeling?
5 You will let my mother go.
5 Then we have to see
5 Are you being sincere?
5 Dream clear
5 don&;t want
5 Can&;t kneel
5 Mengqing, you can&;t kneel
5 You, old woman, talk too much.
5 don&;t want
5 mom
5 I kneel
5 Si Jingru
5 You really want to continue
5 Stubborn
5 now it&;s right
5 Now crawl over here.
5 Climbing and begging me
5 enough
5 How come you are here?
5 You follow me
5 Jingru, you are kidnapping
5 It is a crime
5 You can&;t be so extreme.
5 Get out of here now
5 This is not your place to speak
5 Jingru
5 I know we are now
5 Life is hard
5 But you can&;t
5 Do this kind of thing
5 You used to be very obedient.
5 Enough Li Hongmei
5 Have you said enough?
5 do you know
5 Be your daughter
5 Makes me feel sick
5 How could you do this?
5 No future
5 My current pain
5 You brought it all .
5 yes
5 Mom is wrong.
5 Mom, I&;m sorry.
5 But you do this now
5 It is a crime
5 If you continue
5 The rest of your life is ruined.
5 Mom can&;t look at you
5 If you keep making this mistake
5 Li Hongmei, shut up!
5 Don&;t come here again.
5 Otherwise I will
5 Jingru Jingru
5 Mom, please
5 What are you doing?
5 Get up quickly
5 Mom, please
5 Mom will find more jobs
5 Make more money
5 Give you a better life
5 I beg you
5 Your money
5 What is enough for ?
5 Stop embarrassing yourself.
5 Get out of here
5 Whatever you say now
5 None of them work
5 She&;s already obsessed.
5 Si Jingru
5 Your mother is old too.
5 I can guarantee it
5 You&;re going to hurt my mom today.
5 The rest of life
5 Only spend time in jail
5 Do you have to be so stubborn?
5 Jingru
5 Li Hongmei
5 I don&;t have a mother as stupid as you.
5 Get out of here
5 mom
5 You all go to hell.
5 mom
5 Jingru
5 Stop it
5 mom
5 boss
5 Mom may never
5 I can&;t make what you like.
5 sugar
5 Sweet and Sour Pork Ribs
5 Ribs
5 Mom, I&;m back.
5 What delicious food did you make?
5 Hurry up
5 Sit down now
5 Sweet and sour pork ribs
5 This is so fragrant
5 Like it
5 mom
5 I will
5 Will definitely let you
5 Live a good life
5 You also eat
5 good
5 mom
5 please
5 Please
5 Please save my mother.
5 I only have her.
5 A relative
5 Fang Yu
5 Send someone to the hospital quickly
5 yes
5 sorry
5 If it weren&;t for
5 your mom
5 You won&;t be fine.
5 Stand here
5 I know
5 It was my fault before.
5 People in the process of growing up
5 There will be many things
5 Cover your eyes
5 Me too
5 Blindly pursuing vanity
5 And ignored
5 My mom&;s feelings
5 Still making the same mistake again and again
5 I&;m sorry for you
5 but
5 There&;s something I should tell you.
5 I hate you
5 Hurt your mother
5 It&;s a girl called Si Qianqian
5 And said that after the matter is done
5 Give me a million
5 You mean
5 Si Qianqian
5 What
5 Failed
5 I can&;t even do this little thing well.
5 What a waste
5 Keep on biting me.
5 Qianqian
5 The person you are looking for
5 How did it fail?
5 I was looking for someone
5 Kidnapped Gu Ping
5 To threaten Si Mengqing
5 As long as she can
5 Kill Si Mengqing
5 When the Ling family arrives
5 Definitely marry me
5 did not expect
5 That waste
5 It failed
5 The one who did it
5 Will they give you up?
5 She doesn&;t have the courage
5 mom
5 Let&;s go to Ling&;s house.
5 Go find the second branch of the Ling family
5 Sun Yan and Ling Ziming
5 Qianqian
5 Do you want to
5 Attack Ling Ziming
5 Since Ling Huaicheng
5 Don&;t like me
5 Then I can take a step back.
5 Ling Ziming
5 A very good candidate
5 Good idea
5 We&;re going now
5 Si Mengqing
5 What do you want to do
5 ah
5 Si Mengqing
5 You are breaking the law
5 Send someone to kidnap my mother
5 Si Qianqian
5 Your method is really low-level.
5 Si Mengqing, you are going too far
5 I am your elder, how dare you commit murder?
5 Be careful, I&;ll tell your dad
5 How dare you stare at me?
5 mom
5 You dare to hit me
5 You bad woman
5 What&;s wrong with hitting you?
5 I&;m fighting with you
5 You let me go
5 Si Mengqing let me go
5 Release me
5 I&;ll tell your dad
5 You bad woman
5 You still dare to threaten me?
5 let me go
5 You dare to threaten me?
5 ah
5 Qianqian
5 I didn&;t get angry before
5 It doesn&;t &;t mean I don&;t have a temper.
5 Don&;t blame me for being rude
5 Bad woman you you you
5 stop
5 Dad, you&;re finally back.
5 She beat us
5 Zhiguo
5 Si Mengqing
5 I really indulge you too much.
5 Last time I was at Ling&;s
5 When I was accused of stealing
5 You are also in it
5 A father like you
5 She is your daughter.
5 Am I not?
5 You hit
5 You have a kind today
5 You just kill me
5 If you can&;t kill me
5 From now on
5 us
5 Severing the father-daughter relationship
5 You think I
5 I really don&;t dare to do it
5 Mr. Ling
5 Huaicheng
5 He hit you.
5 Visitors
5 Mr. Ling, what are you doing?
5 Call me
5 Oh , Mr. Ling
5 I was wrong, Mr. Ling
5 continue
5 Ling Huaicheng
5 you can not do that
5 elder sister
5 How can you
5 How about this for dad?
5 My wife came back for the first time
5 I, the husband
5 Of course we can&;t just sit back and watch.
5 Mr. Ling
5 Don&;t be fooled by her.
5 Look at that hammer.
5 To trouble us
5 My pet
5 Do you have any comments?
5 I
5 Your family
5 If you want to go bankrupt
5 You can tell me directly
5 I move my fingers
5 Mr . Ling, we were wrong.
5 I apologize to Mengqing
5 Please release Zhiguo.
5 I&;ll listen to you
5 Release?
5 Let it go
5 My patience is limited.
5 If the company
5 Do this again
5 I don&;t mind letting the Si family
5 Direct bankruptcy
5 What happened ? I sprained my ankle.
5 I&;m fine
5 This deadly star
5 White-eyed wolf
5 You are hurt
5 Go into the house
5 Walk
5 Ling Huaicheng
5 I&;m fine
5 How do you know
5 My visit to Si&;s house
5 I have no idea
5 If I hadn&;t gone to the hospital
5 Si Jingru told me the truth
5 I really do not know
5 You went to Si&;s house.
5 You are awesome.
5 One vs Three
5 You are very brave.
5 You&;re really angry
5 Sorry
5 I promise to tell you next time
5 Do you want a next time?
5 No, no, no
5 There won&;t be a next time
5 Don&;t be angry
5 Don&;t be so stingy
5 I did not do it on purpose
5 What do you want to do?
5 That is to say
5 Ling Huaicheng has an ex- girlfriend
5 And the two of them were
5 Very good feelings
5 That&;s right
5 And at the beginning
5 But Jiang Chuyao
5 Abandoned Ling Huaicheng
5 Him
5 I was sad for a while because of this.
5 Si Mengqing definitely doesn&;t know
5 If she knew
5 My husband loves
5 Other women
5 That&;s a good show.
5 That&;s right
5 And now
5 The most important thing is
5 I have already
5 Please come back
5 You are so awesome!
5 How about it
5 Now
5 Can we cooperate now?
5 But
5 I want you
5 do what
5 You all have to listen to me
5 I listen to you.
5 The boss is not well
5 Secretary Fang
5 What happened
5 If you have anything, just tell me.
5 Don&;t make a fuss
5 If you are eyes
5 If you feel uncomfortable
5 I&;ll give you leave
5 You go to the hospital.
5 Huaicheng
5 Ms. Si
5 Give up , I can&;t hear you.
5 Secretary Fang
5 If I remember correctly
5 You and Huaicheng
5 It&;s probably been several years.
5 I have something
5 I want to ask you about this.
5 I don&;t know anything
5 I have something else to do
5 I need to go first
5 you go
5 If you want to leave, I will let Ling Huaicheng
5 Deduct all your wages
5 Know everything
5 Nothing to say
5 The two of them
5 What&;s the relationship?
5 Ms. Jiang
5 The boss&;s ex-girlfriend
5 Huaicheng
5 Separated for so long
5 Meet today
5 Don&;t even look at me
5 You have gone abroad
5 What are you coming back for?
5 After I studied abroad
5 I thought
5 You can let go of all this
5 But I didn&;t expect
5 I can&;t forget you at all
5 Jiang Chuyao
5 It&;s over between us
5 I hope you understand the situation.
5 Huaicheng
5 I came back for you
5 Let&;s make up
5 return to the past
5 You love me so much
5 I will never let go of you.
5 I am married
5 I hope Miss Jiang respects herself
5 No
5 I do not believe
5 You can get divorced.
5 Can&;t be a group, Si Mengqing
5 My ex-girlfriend is back
5 If you&;re not tough
5 My husband is gone.
5 I know
5 Miss Jiang, this is with my husband.
5 Long time no see
5 It&;s normal to be excited
5 I heard Miss Jiang likes to drink
5 bitter coffee
5 I specially grind it
5 Thank you, Ms. Si
5 You&;re welcome , Miss Jiang.
5 now that
5 You are my husband&;s friend.
5 Then just call me Mengqing
5 The same to you
5 It&;s not easy to come back
5 Don&;t invite her to sit at home.
5 Jiang Chuyao, you just returned to China
5 There should be many more things
5 No processing
5 You go back first
5 Good.
5 My new company
5 Next, we will work with Ling Group
5 There will be hundreds of millions of cooperative projects
5 We&;ll talk more about that later.
5 Ling Huaicheng
5 You dare to hug me?
5 Other women misunderstood
5 This is how it is.
5 At first, I didn&;t have an identity
5 When exposed
5 She hates me and wants to separate from me
5 Later, my identity was exposed
5 Come find me again
5 after that
5 You know I was in a car accident.
5 She&;s far away from me.
5 I can&;t tell.
5 Our Ling is still a
5 A love-crazy person
5 She returned home this time
5 I was also surprised
5 That was all a misunderstanding.
5 okay
5 Can see
5 but
5 You are not allowed to hide it from me anymore
5 Otherwise I will
5 What about you
5 I&;ll let you try it
5 Sandbag-sized fist
5 Do not worry
5 I&;m here
5 It&;s all you
5 Boss, I already
5 Fang Yu
5 I advise you best
5 There is something important to do
5 tell me
5 Boss, I have checked it.
5 Jiang Chuyao&;s profile
5 She has been back home for several days.
5 Currently employed
5 Ling Ziming&;s Company
5 It turns out he was the one behind this.
5 How about Ling Huaicheng
5 Are you shocked to see
5 I came here today to tell you
5 Our cooperation cancellation
5 Jiang Chuyao, if it weren&;t for me
5 You don&;t know at all
5 Ling Huaicheng has woken up
5 How to cross the river and then destroy the bridge?
5 in a sense
5 I just took it back
5 Something that belongs to me
5 Ling Huaicheng is my man
5 It is impossible for anyone to
5 I snatched it from my hand
5 why are you laughing
5 I laugh at you being too naive.
5 Si Mengqing and Ling Huaicheng
5 good relationship
5 You are not alone
5 It can destroy
5 and who are you
5 I am Si Mengqing&;s sister
5 Someone who can help you
5 Jiang Chuyao
5 Still don&;t understand
5 But we
5 It&;s different now.
5 so
5 If you want to get
5 Ling Huaicheng
5 We have to continue to cooperate
5 In a few days?
5 The capital will hold a
5 auctions
5 By the time
5 All the famous ones
5 The characters will show up
5 You said if Si Mengqing
5 It&;s not clean
5 Ling Huaicheng
5 Will you still want her?
5 Mengqing&;s mother
5 Auction the day after tomorrow
5 Mom plans to paint this
5 Donation Law
5 Take a look
5 Tang Bohu&;s authentic work
5 yes
5 You go and take yourself
5 Dress up
5 This is your first time
5 Attending such formal occasions
5 Can&;t lose face
5 Mmm
5 I see
5 This auction in Beijing
5 These two treasures
5 It will definitely cost tens of millions
5 By the time
5 Our Si family is now prosperous.
5 Zhiguo is so good
5 oops
5 My company has something going on today.
5 I can&;t accompany you
5 I&;ll let Fang Yu go with you.
5 Buy some dresses at the mall
5 Oh, don&;t bother.
5 I&;m just buying some clothes.
5 It won&;t be lost again
5 Give
5 My card
5 No limit on the amount of swiping
5 No need for the money my mother gave me
5 I haven&;t finished it yet.
5 alright
5 My mom gave it to you.
5 She gave it to me.
5 I give you something different.
5 Moreover
5 My husband doesn&;t make money for me.
5 To give flowers to my wife
5 Thanks husband
5 I am leaving
5 This lady
5 what do you need
5 I look at the dress
5 The kind that attends dinner parties
5 Oh, just watch it.
5 stop
5 Can&;t touch
5 How would I know if I don&;t touch it?
5 Are the clothes okay?
5 The dresses in our store are
5 High-end version
5 Hundreds of thousands for each piece
5 Even millions
5 Can you afford to pay for it if you break it?
5 Didn&;t you touch it just now?
5 Who do you think you are
5 I am the manager of this store
5 look at you
5 I don&;t wear any brand.
5 You said you came to see the dresses
5 Come to the dinner party
5 unknown
5 I thought you were attending something.
5 Informal banquet
5 I&;m wearing a custom-made
5 You do not understand
5 That doesn&;t mean they are poor.
5 You also customize
5 You&;re really staring at me.
5 right
5 Ah You
5 I&;m afraid this won&;t be
5 Your mother is looking for
5 A few pieces of cloth
5 I sewed it for you.
5 You&;re too much.
5 Okay, okay.
5 Stop talking nonsense
5 Let&;s go
5 Please stop disturbing me
5 Let&;s do business, okay?
5 what are you doing
5 Chanel bags for rich people
5 Hello, Miss
5 What can I do?
5 Help you serve
5 Dream clear
5 I didn&;t expect you to be here too.
5 This lady
5 You are friends
5 Yeah, we are friends.
5 What did she fancy?
5 Wrap it up and give it to her
5 Okay, no need
5 Miss Jiang, what about us?
5 Not that familiar
5 Mengqing, why are you leaving in such a hurry?
5 You&;re not afraid of me, are you?
5 how could be
5 Since Miss Jiang
5 Such a kind invitation.
5 Then let&;s watch it together.
5 Do you have anything else?
5 Dress
5 I don&;t like these.
5 Our store&;s private collection dresses
5 They are all worth hundreds of square meters.
5 This lady
5 Are you sure you want to buy?
5 How can I know if I don&;t watch it?
5 Buy it or not?
5 These are not pleasing to the eye
5 Go get the hidden money out
5 yes
5 sit down
5 Hello
5 The dress has arrived
5 This dress is nice.
5 I want this dress .
5 this
5 I&;m sorry, Ms. Jiang.
5 This dress is my first
5 Let the store clerk take it out
5 Mengqing, you also saw it
5 With my consent
5 The store clerk brought it out.
5 And Huaicheng will not
5 Missing a dress.
5 Why don&; t you give it to me?
5 What about me?
5 Not so humble
5 No habit of letting people
5 Mengqing, are you trying to snatch it from me?
5 The habit of fighting with others
5 What if it&;s someone else&;s?
5 It&;s someone else&;s
5 But if it&;s mine
5 I won&;t let
5 Dream clear
5 How long have you been with Huaicheng?
5 I followed him for three years
5 A woman takes the best
5 Time is given to him
5 You also said
5 That was once
5 The people around him now
5 it&;s me
5 I&;m not like some people
5 Abandon him
5 Then leave him
5 you
5 You just saw it.
5 Pregnant money?
5 Why do you hit me?
5 I tell you
5 Ling Huaicheng is not a commodity
5 It&;s not something that can make you
5 Things with a clear price tag
5 This slap
5 I feel bad for him.
5 I want this dress.
5 Credit Card
5 I double
5 I want this one
5 I&;ll pack it for you
5 you
5 See?
5 Some fires have their own differences
5 It can never be changed
5 Can you
5 This lady
5 Already packed
5 Dream clear
5 husband
5 How did you come
5 I&;m done with work.
5 Of course I&;ll come with you.
5 There is one thing
5 that is
5 Dream clear
5 We are friends
5 This dress
5 If you like it, just say it
5 Huaicheng
5 You should also
5 Take more care of Mengqing
5 Meet someone you like
5 This dress
5 Consider it my gift to you
5 Ms. Jiang
5 It&;s like this dress
5 I spent more than a hundred
5 Bought
5 You have to snatch it away
5 Give it to me now
5 Your loss
5 Is it too big?
5 This woman
5 Uncovered me
5 Ms. Jiang
5 I look at this dress.
5 Relatively ordinary
5 Not suitable for my wife
5 We don&;t want it anymore
5 Huaicheng
5 You have to do this
5 Hit me in the face?
5 Huaicheng
5 You have to do this
5 Hit me in the face?
5 My wife
5 Deserve better things
5 By the way, Jiang Chuyao
5 You just said something wrong.
5 You said you could
5 Bring benefits to Huaicheng
5 but
5 It&;s just material.
5 We are all human
5 Flesh and blood
5 If only material
5 That person
5 Living too failed
5 Si Mengqing
5 Hello Miss
5 Our dresses sold
5 No refund or exchange
5 Ling Ziming
5 This auction
5 I don&;t care what method you use
5 I must see Si Mengqing
5 Disgraced
5 Ziming
5 Wait until it is resolved
5 Si Mengqing
5 He Linghuaicheng
5 Let&;s get married
5 I said
5 The two of us
5 Don&;t push your luck.
5 The person in Ling Ziming&;s heart
5 It&;s Jiang Chuyao
5 Mr. Ling
5 Please come in
5 Ling&;s wife
5 It&;s absolutely gorgeous
5 Mr. Ling is so lucky
5 What a blessing!
5 Go take a walk
5 I&;ll talk to them about something.
5 please
5 Such a big occasion
5 My face is frozen with laughter
5 They really treat it as a treasure
5 So happy
5 You and Zou Qiangwei later
5 Bring someone along.
5 Go ahead
5 I thought about what you said.
5 It&;s not just about interests.
5 Ms. Jiang
5 I&;m not here to test you.
5 Comprehension
5 Ling Ziming
5 Why are you here too?
5 I&;m not looking at you.
5 All here
5 I&;ll come and take a look
5 Today is such an important day
5 I have to toast you.
5 Excuse me
5 I did not see it
5 Is this the lesson from last time?
5 You haven&;t eaten enough yet
5 ah
5 that
5 I have a spare dress upstairs.
5 I&;ll take you
5 You won&;t be
5 Are you afraid that I will eat you?
5 Let&;s go
5 Dress in the closet
5 You take it yourself
5 Do you think I&;m blind?
5 Those little messengers
5 I&;ll go to 302 first.
5 Um
5 Fake
5 How could my baby
5 is fake
5 You must be lying to me
5 I have been identifying for so many years
5 Is something real or fake?
5 That&;s two pieces.
5 Ordinary stone
5 There must be something wrong with your level.
5 I have this with me abroad
5 Take dozens of
5 I&;ll put my words here
5 Fake is fake
5 This stone
5 Worthless
5 There are many on the main road.
5 this this this
5 How can this be
5 This is clearly
5 The Ling family gave it to me.
5 Fake Fake
5 You&;re a rebellious girl
5 She must have done something.
5 Want my family to go downhill
5 Want to make my family miserable.
5 You ungrateful wolf
5 I am not
5 Kill you, you ungrateful wolf
5 Si Mengqing
5 Si Mengqing, come out here
5 Zhiguo
5 I just saw Si Mengqing
5 With a man
5 Went upstairs
5 How
5 Went upstairs with a man
5 No way
5 This Ling Group
5 President&;s Wife
5 Still having an affair
5 There&;s a good show to watch
5 Catch up
5 This kind of scene
5 How dare you mess around?
5 It&;s shameful.
5 Go Go Go
5 Open the door
5 If this rebellious girl
5 If you dare to cheat
5 Look, I won&;t kill her.
5 Rebellious Girl
5 You have no shame
5 You bad woman
5 You are already married
5 You haven&;t
5 Abide by women&;s code of conduct
5 stop fighting
5 The sound seems
5 Not Mengqing
5 stop fighting
5 Si Mengqing
5 You shameless thing
5 Have the face to do it
5 You still don&;t have the nerve to admit it, right?
5 You let us have a family
5 Lost all face
5 Oh, stop hitting me.
5 Ling Ziming
5 How do you follow
5 Si Mengqing got together
5 mom
5 I
5 Si Mengqing
5 You bad woman
5 and her husband&;s younger brother
5 Get it together
5 How shameless!
5 Si Qianqian
5 Jiang Chuyao
5 Why you?
5 Oh my god
5 It&;s so funny.
5 The adultery was not caught
5 Caught
5 My own daughter
5 yes
5 Ling Ziming is still
5 awesome
5 Man vs. Two Women
5 how come
5 It&;s you guys
5 Not them
5 Who should it be
5 Of course it should be
5 sister in law
5 Si Mengqing
5 How could you
5 It came in from outside.
5 My dress was spilled with wine.
5 Send a dress over
5 I didn&;t expect my mother to worry about me
5 I delivered it personally.
5 I did see
5 Si Mengqing&;s dress is dirty
5 I also saw
5 younger sister
5 Ziming
5 Ms. Jiang
5 How are you guys here?
5 On a bed
5 not
5 No
5 It&;s all your fault
5 You framed us.
5 Huaicheng
5 It&;s not what you think
5 Nothing happened to us
5 Dream clear
5 Where to go next
5 Remember to tell me
5 Don&;t let others sell you out.
5 Do not know at all
5 Ling Huaicheng
5 You don&;t
5 Don&;t you care about me?
5 enough
5 Stop talking.
5 Sun Yan
5 This kind of thing happened
5 You shouldn&;t give one
5 Is this a reasonable solution?
5 Although our family does not
5 The Ling family is so noble
5 But we are also high and low
5 A well-known person
5 Your son was bullied.
5 My daughter
5 Is that it?
5 Zhiguo your
5 sister in law
5 Our Ling family is
5 Wealthy
5 How can I deceive
5 This kind of shame
5 this matter
5 You must be responsible
5 How about this
5 bright
5 These two women
5 You choose one
5 Choose a date
5 Marriage
5 Ziming
5 I
5 no
5 Great Aunt
5 Don&;t be like this.
5 What do you mean I can&;t do this?
5 You did a good job
5 So many dignitaries are here.
5 You let us Ling family
5 What a shame
5 Lost the face of many dogs
5 today
5 You have to marry
5 Not marry
5 You have to marry
5 Of course
5 What road?
5 That&;s your second room.
5 Expelled from the Ling Family
5 From then on, he and the Ling family
5 No more connection
5 ah
5 Do not do this
5 sister in law
5 If we leave the Ling family
5 How to live?
5 Ziming
5 Just pick one.
5 this is the best
5 Solution
5 no
5 Ling Ziming likes
5 If you choose Jiang Chuyao
5 How to mix it up
5 Ling Ziming
5 You bastard
5 You said you would only have me
5 A woman&;s
5 She is here
5 Then what am I?
5 Qianqian and Ziming were caught
5 Even if I can&; t marry Ling Huaicheng
5 It&;s okay to marry Ziming.
5 Responsible for my daughter
5 Her Innocence
5 You&;ve already ruined it.
5 Are you crazy?
5 Ziming
5 you said before
5 You will be responsible for me
5 You made me spend the rest of my life
5 How to live?
5 Yes, Ziming
5 Just pick one.
5 Follow your heart
5 ah
5 Ziming
5 If you don&;t marry me
5 What face do I have?
5 Living in this world
5 I might as well die.
5 don&;t want
5 Ziming
5 I hate you
5 aunt
5 I married Si Qianqian
5 That&;s right .
5 Now that you have a choice
5 What happened today?
5 I hope you know
5 What should not be posted
5 otherwise
5 My Ling Family
5 Not a vegetarian either
5 Mrs. Ling, rest assured
5 These are all
5 knew
5 All right
5 All gone.
5 We&;re leaving too
5 Huaicheng
5 We really have nothing
5 Didn&;t happen
5 They are all Si Mengqing
5 She knocked me out.
5 Does it have anything to do with me?
5 Huaicheng
5 Is Si Mengqing that good?
5 Aunt Cui
5 You won&;t forget me, will you?
5 I am Jiang Chuyao
5 Of course I remember you
5 initially
5 When an accident occurs
5 You run faster than anyone else.
5 You thought I didn&;t hear
5 What about the wind?
5 You
5 I&;m afraid of your second half of life
5 It happened to my son.
5 I don&;t
5 okay
5 Full of lies
5 Now
5 My son has
5 I have a wife.
5 Please note
5 Your own identity
5 Besides
5 My daughter-in-law
5 Makes me very satisfied
5 She is kindhearted
5 Love my son wholeheartedly
5 I won&;t abandon my son.
5 Not like you
5 Share the blessings
5 Difficult
5 My son is alone
5 Huaicheng
5 Give me another chance
5 I know I was wrong
5 I really can&;t live without you
5 You are returning home this time*
5 It&;s Ling Ziming calling you
5 You&;re back, right?
5 do you know
5 Ling Ziming and I*
5 I&;ve liked you
5 How can it be
5 You are returning home this time
5 Is it because of me?
5 Or because of my
5 Hundreds of billions of assets
5 You can&;t bear to part with me
5 Rich Son-in-law
5 Huaicheng
5 Only I deserve you
5 You are really hopeless.
5 Ling Ziming
5 all because of you
5 If it wasn&;t you
5 Mantou Idea
5 Huaicheng will not
5 Treat me like this
5 Jiang Chuyao
5 Haven&;t you seen it yet?
5 Ling Huaicheng is simply
5 Do not love you
5 Could you please stop being stupid?
5 Who should I love then?
5 Love you?
5 I
5 You know it all
5 Car accident before pregnancy
5 You did it, didn&;t you?
5 What are you trying to do?
5 Get the company
5 Still got me
5 I&;m assuming you want to
5 Get me
5 But you didn&;t expect
5 I will choose to go abroad
5 I won&;t follow you
5 Be together
5 Jiang Chuyao
5 I
5 Don&;t call me by my name
5 I feel sick
5 Ling Ziming
5 A scumbag
5 With a bad woman
5 Perfect Match
5 what
5 I really thought I was
5 Rich Lady
5 So ​​noble
5 Look at her
5 idiot
5 You hit me
5 idiot
5 If you hadn&;t suddenly
5 Let me be responsible for you
5 I won&;t be with Jiang Chuyao either.
5 The breakup was so severe
5 How can I be blamed for this?
5 It&;s obviously you
5 The medication was unsuccessful
5 Si Mengqing
5 enough
5 Go back and tell your parents
5 I won&;t marry you.
5 I want to cancel the marriage
5 Ling Ziming
5 you dare
5 I warn you
5 It&;s better to say you&;re breaking off the engagement when you go back
5 Otherwise wait for you
5 Married into our family
5 Good luck to you
5 crazy
5 Ling Ziming, this madman
5 Thinking of Jiang Chuyao
5 how could be
5 I only have you in my heart now
5 Don&;t people say
5 First Love Appears for Three Days
5 What&;s the point of doing the current three years?
5 Who told you this ghost idea?
5 I was just thinking
5 If tonight
5 You didn&;t find
5 If they act
5 What will happen?
5 Forget it
5 Face them
5 I will keep an eye on it.
5 It&;s you
5 This time I took Jiang Chuyao
5 Also designed
5 you
5 Will you hate me?
5 If she didn&;t want to hurt you
5 How could it be designed by you ?
5 All of this about her today
5 It&;s all your own fault.
5 In fact, I just saw
5 When Jiang Chuyao
5 I&;m still a little scared.
5 but
5 Then I didn&;t feel it anymore
5 after all
5 I don&;t think she knows
5 Really love someone
5 What it looks like
5 Fang Yu told you
5 Not Fang Yu
5 Jiang Chuyao herself
5 Also said some
5 In her eyes
5 Only benefits
5 But
5 I think about it
5 I seem
5 Not that bad
5 How can you be bad?
5 You are awesome
5 of course
5 Ling Huaicheng
5 Huaicheng, don&; t hang up yet
5 I was wrong before.
5 I&;m going abroad
5 There&;s no place for me.
5 I just want to ask you
5 This is my last request.
5 OK
5 Ms. Jiang
5 I wish you a safe journey then
5 Ling
5 Ling Huaicheng
5 You are so cruel .
5 Killing people
5 If you miss it, it&;s gone
5 Jiang Chuyao
5 This time I return home
5 You have a good memory
5 Huaicheng
5 of course not
5 Ex-relationship
5 Just don&;t want to have any relationship anymore
5 Since I choose to cut it off
5 It&;s going to be completely broken
5 You have self-awareness
5 Dream clear
5 I am at the hospital
5 I saw Si Qianqian.
5 Hello
5 I want to ask
5 Where is Gu Ping&;s ward?
5 Who are you
5 I am her relative
5 Just came to Beijing
5 Visit her
5 She is in ward 708
5 Thanks
5 why you
5 You said why it was me
5 mom
5 Are you OK
5 I&;m fine
5 Si Qianqian
5 You are so stubborn
5 stinky woman
5 all because of you
5 If it weren&;t for you
5 I won&;t be ruined.
5 What nonsense are you talking about?
5 You guys are obviously trying to frame me
5 You are just
5 Just reaping the fruits of one&;s own actions
5 Si Mengqing
5 I will never let you go even if I die
5 I have nothing left
5 You wait for me
5 Waiting
5 You are crazy
5 Don&;t you want to follow
5 Ling Ziming is married
5 marry
5 He went abroad
5 Chasing Jiang Chuyao
5 let me go
5 you
5 What happened to your face?
5 Si Zhiguo called
5 You are satisfied
5 He took me and my mother
5 Hit on the ground
5 And scolded me
5 Useless things
5 Si Mengqing
5 Si Zhiguo has never been
5 What a good person
5 He only sees profit.
5 No family affection
5 stinky woman
5 you shut up
5 I am going to kill you
5 take away
5 Same dream
5 Si Mengqing
I won&;t let you go
5 mom
5 sorry
5 It&;s all my negligence
5 Mom is fine
5 Don&;t blame yourself
5 Dream clear
5 Let&;s take mom home .
5 I&;ll get a private doctor.
5 Is it really possible
5 Of course
5 This is our mom
5 Sweet and sour pork tenderloin is here
5 Come
5 Okay, enough food.
5 This is the last one.
5 Come
5 today
5 We congratulate our mother-in-law on her discharge from the hospital
5 at the same time
5 Thank you too
5 Give us Ling family
5 I gave birth to such a good daughter-in-law.
5 You&;re welcome.
5 As long as they are both happy.
5 I am a mother
5 There&;s no regrets.
5 What&;s wrong? Mengqing
5 I don&;t know either
5 At this moment, I suddenly felt
5 A bit disgusting
5 Dream clear
5 Did you have your period this month?
5 Could it be that he was infected?
5 Very good
5 It seems
5 Our Ling family is going to have a new baby
5 Dream clear
5 I want to be a father
5 Baby

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