YouTube : Le thème « chasteté » dans une nouvelle vidéo informative
Le thème « chasteté » par 666TV
Cette vidéo, réalisée par 666TV et mise en ligne sur YouTube (le ), est consacrée au thème « chasteté » et en présente quelques aspects.
La plateforme YouTube est propose des vidéos allant des derniers succès musicaux aux comédies hilarantes, en passant par des documentaires captivants.
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La durée (02:03:49s) de la vidéo, le titre (Cô Gái Nghèo Bị Xem Thường Không Ngờ Là Vợ Của Trùm Chủ Tịch Siêu Giàu Quyết Tâm Báo Thù Gia Tộc), sont à prendre en compte de même que la description publiée par l’auteur :« Tên Phim: Vô Tình Ngã Vào Siêu Cấp Tổng Tài | Accidentally Falling For The Super CEO
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Cô Gái Nghèo Bị Xem Thường Không Ngờ Là Vợ Của Trùm Chủ Tịch Siêu Giàu Quyết Tâm Báo Thù Gia Tộc
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De quelle manière une cage de chasteté fonctionne-t-elle ?
Le fonctionnement d’une cage de chasteté est assez simple, mais repose sur un principe de confinement sécurisé. Comment procéder à l’installation d’une cage de chasteté : L’anneau de base est d’abord mis autour de la base du pénis et placé derrière les testicules. Après avoir placé le tube sur le pénis, celui-ci est inséré à l’intérieur de la cage. Mise en place de la sécurité : Une fois le tube installé, les tiges de connexion sont utilisées pour joindre l’anneau de base à la cage. Le verrouillage du dispositif se fait ensuite à l’aide du verrou. Le verrouillage avec le verrou permet à la cage d’exercer son rôle de prison, empêchant son retrait à moins que la clé ne soit utilisée.
Comment déterminer la taille appropriée pour une cage de chasteté ?
Pendant l’utilisation d’une ceinture de chasteté, il est impératif de suivre des recommandations précises. Pour prévenir les risques d’infection, une hygiène stricte est nécessaire. Il est essentiel de retirer régulièrement la cage pour examiner la peau et permettre un nettoyage adéquat. Le bon déroulement de la pratique nécessite une communication efficace avec le coach, dont l’expertise aide à anticiper les évolutions.
Comment porter et utiliser une cage de chasteté :
Une fois que la cage de chasteté est fixée, elle bloque toute érection complète et limite l’accès au pénis. Cela permet de réguler l’activité sexuelle, que l’utilisateur soit seul ou sous la supervision d’un partenaire. Il est crucial de maintenir une bonne hygiène pendant le port de la cage. La majorité des cages sont faites pour permettre la miction sans retirer le dispositif, mais il est important de nettoyer fréquemment pour éviter les irritations ou infections. La cage ne peut être retirée qu’en utilisant la clé pour déverrouiller le dispositif et enlever l’anneau de base ainsi que le tube. Il est conseillé de vérifier l’état de la peau et la circulation sanguine après chaque utilisation prolongée. Malgré sa complexité, une cage de chasteté est un dispositif efficace pour les personnes qui choisissent de pratiquer la chasteté. En comprenant les différentes parties et en utilisant correctement la cage, on peut intégrer cette pratique de manière sécurisée et confortable dans sa vie personnelle ou en couple.
Quels atouts présente la chasteté?
La pratique de la chasteté, souvent accompagnée d’accessoires comme les cages de chasteté, offre plusieurs bénéfices, aussi bien personnels que relationnels. En développant la maîtrise de soi, la chasteté permet de mieux se concentrer sur d’autres aspects de la vie. Pratiquer la chasteté peut intensifier l’anticipation et le désir, ce qui rend les moments d’intimité plus profonds. La pratique de la chasteté permet aux couples de mieux communiquer et de renforcer leur complicité. En mettant en avant des formes d’affection non sexuelles, les couples peuvent développer une connexion émotionnelle plus riche, enrichissant ainsi leur relation.
Quels sont les composants d’une cage de chasteté ?
Une cage de chasteté est un appareil conçu pour limiter l’accès au pénis, souvent utilisé dans des pratiques de contrôle du plaisir sexuel ou pour renforcer la discipline personnelle. Voici les principaux éléments d’une cage de chasteté : Le tube, également connu sous le nom de cage, constitue la partie principale de l’appareil. Le pénis est enfermé dans cette partie du dispositif. Le tube est souvent conçu pour épouser la forme du pénis lorsqu’il est au repos, le gardant dans une position confortable mais restreinte. Les tubes peuvent être construits en acier, plastique ou silicone, chacun de ces matériaux ayant des avantages distincts concernant la qualité, le confort, la sécurité et l’hygiène. L’anneau de base joue un rôle crucial dans le dispositif. Il se positionne autour de la base du pénis et derrière les testicules. Il se fixe au tube pour maintenir la cage correctement en place, empêchant tout retrait non autorisé. Les anneaux sont disponibles en tailles variées pour un ajustement confortable à l’utilisateur, sans exercer une pression trop importante. Le verrou sert à maintenir la cage solidement sur l’anneau de base. Il existe plusieurs types de verrous, allant des cadenas métalliques traditionnels aux dispositifs de verrouillage plus discrets en plastique. Après verrouillage, il est impossible de retirer le dispositif sans la clé, assurant que l’utilisateur demeure dans l’état de chasteté souhaité. Les tiges de connexion, également nommées espaçeurs, relient l’anneau de base au tube. Elles servent à régler l’écart entre l’anneau et la cage, assurant un ajustement confortable et personnalisé. Ces pièces sont disponibles en plusieurs tailles pour offrir un ajustement personnalisé selon la morphologie de l’utilisateur. Pour garantir un ajustement adéquat, il est nécessaire de mesurer la longueur de la verge et les diamètres de la base du pénis. Certaines cages de chasteté sont munies d’ailettes anti-recul, qui empêchent le pénis de se déplacer vers l’arrière grâce à des extensions internes. Grâce à cette fonctionnalité, la sécurité du dispositif est accrue, rendant le retrait du pénis plus complexe.
Découvrez comment l’homme embrasse la chasteté.
La pratique de la chasteté chez l’homme est largement répandue. À notre époque, la chasteté se vit dans la discrétion.Cette pagetraite en profondeur du sujet de la chasteté de l’homme. Ce qui masque le fait que beaucoup d’hommes portent une cage de chasteté. L’homme dissimule une entrave à son sexe sous ses vêtements. La cage l’empêche totalement de se masturber. Il n’est plus dirigé par ses pulsions animales, mais par un coach qui décide d’autoriser ou non tel ou tel acte sexuel. Quand ses parties intimes ne sont pas contrôlées, l’homme se masturbe volontiers. C’est une réaction tout à fait naturelle. Dans le monde moderne, l’homme est en permanence en état d’excitation. Il peut se concentrer, mais les sollicitations incessantes de la publicité, du cinéma, de la musique et autres le rattrapent. Se soumettre à une autorité supérieure qui contrôle son sexe et la rétention de sa semence est pour lui la seule voie. La chasteté joue un rôle essentiel dans l’amélioration des performances et de la réussite masculine. Pour un sportif ou pour un étudiant, comme pour un cadre d’entreprise, le fait de sentir ses organes génitaux contraints dans un accessoire le place dans un état psychologique différent de celui de la libre masturbation ou de la sexualité anarchique.
Quels effets la pratique de la chasteté peut-elle avoir sur la relation entre partenaires ?
La chasteté peut influencer profondément la dynamique d’une relation amoureuse. Elle encourage les partenaires à développer une plus grande confiance et communication, tout en explorant des aspects innovants de l’intimité. Pour certains, elle transforme la sexualité en un terrain plus vaste et créatif, tout en augmentant la complicité et l’excitation. Une gestion adéquate de la chasteté peut en faire un puissant levier pour renforcer les relations et découvrir de nouvelles facettes de celle-ci.
Pour quelles raisons porter une ceinture ou une cage de chasteté ?
On peut porter une ceinture de chasteté pour plusieurs motifs. Elle peut aider certains à renforcer leur discipline et à contrôler les aspects de la sexualité masculine (érection, masturbation, etc.). Elle joue parfois un rôle dans l’excitation lors de relations sexuelles axées sur la domination. Elle peut être perçue comme un moyen de protection contre l’infidélité physique, renforçant ainsi la fidélité au sein du couple. Pour certains, la ceinture de chasteté représente un défi ludique, où la contrainte et l’attente amplifient l’excitation et le désir.
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#Cô #Gái #Nghèo #Bị #Xem #Thường #Không #Ngờ #Là #Vợ #Của #Trùm #Chủ #Tịch #Siêu #Giàu #Quyết #Tâm #Báo #Thù #Gia #Tộc
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: Hurry up and call your mother here. They’re just a dirty jobber. Why would you pay for this? Please kneel down for this young master. I won’t force you to pay. Who dares to make my son sad? It was them. I accused them of cheating in the exam and they immediately broke my watch and phone. Mrs. Truong’s family canceled their exam results and suspended them from school. Then the suspension was effective. What is the use of this phone watch that costs only one? Where are they going to get the money to repay these two children? You guys are so brave. Leave me here. Kneel down. I’m sorry. If not, just wait to be expelled . Say it again. What kind of apology? Who do you want to expel? Where did this come from ? Dare to worry about the financial affairs of two children of this name. Be careful, I’m not polite to anyone. My mother said that if you have a mother, V , you’re not a bastard. If you don’t have a father, you’re a bastard. We have This dad is our dad. That’s right. These two They’re all my children. You’re not going to be polite. If you have a father, why should you ruin it until we’re satisfied? Isn’t that why the money is overflowing ? But I’m more interested in the truth of the story. hey Send the surveillance camera to my phone, tell me the truth, the truth is that your child is a cheater and beats people, kneel down and apologize. So why did my child hit someone? Or should I look at the camera first and then [music] say it? Oh my god, it turned out to be Truong Thien Thien Tu who damaged the phone’s watch At such a young age, you can rely on your in-laws to bully your classmates. It’s too much and you should punish your son severely. If your son is not wrong, then how dare you make my son unhappy? You have to apologize. If he doesn’t kneel, Mr. Quy, go tell him. I know my husband is not easy to tease . He works at the deputy mayor group and is very close to Liu special assistant next to the deputy director. Just one word from him can make you all disappear from Hai Thanh. What a coincidence. I also You can work at the deputy mayor’s office just as well as me, but you can also work at the deputy mayor’s office Just like your wife, she’s just a smelly piece of trash . My husband is about to come. If you don’t kneel , you won’t have another chance. Dad, no, you can’t. Kneel. Mom said poverty doesn’t give up. Qu heroes won’t accept it. Don’t worry, Dad won’t kneel. Who is this unreasonable guy who dares to bully my wife and children? Husband, it’s him who makes my children unhappy. Your husband, a low-class person at the bottom of society, dares to suffocate my wife and children. You’re tired of living, aren’t you? Husband, quickly call Luu Dac assistant fired him. Did he do anything at the vice president’s office ? Yes, he and his wife are low-class, stinking Ta Vu. Agent Liu is a close person of the deputy chief. All you need to do is call assistant Liu . The call is that you have to Get out of my stinking business, now you kneel down and let me finish this or I will let you pack up immediately, Bach Thien Tu. If you get the best in the entire grade, why don’t you do it? What happens if you lose my watch ? Everyone is inferior to my family. They only deserve to kneel down for me. Kneel down. Kneel down and you won’t lose your job. Your children will also be able to get an education. There’s nothing to worry about. That’s right. Get down quickly. Otherwise, it won’t be over . The Four Heavenly Records.) Your mother taught you all correctly. I will teach you one more sentence. What is it? When the sky has a seizure, it will rain. People who have a seizure will encounter disaster. My voice is so loud. I’m really having a seizure. Rain is not a disaster. It’s not what I have. If you have money, you can bully trash people Why don’t you obey, who else are you? Or who else are you ? Dad, quickly get up. Your boss, you stinking trash . How dare you lay a hand on my husband. Your life is over, just wait. If you make a mistake, you have to apologize. I’ll give you one last chance. Why is this person so stubborn? His temperament is not like that of an employee. Is the previous deputy mayor higher than me? Why are you? What are you doing in the deputy town, someone at the bottom of the commune? What can a society like him do , let alone any successful person who would let his wife struggle to raise the children and take care of the children first? He is nothing more than a poor and miserable parasite. translation at the deputy town That’s right, those brothers at school don’t even dare to buy snacks and the cheapest school supplies. Our dogs live better than these two brothers. They wear only the cheapest clothes, cheap goods, I don’t know, I thought they were both beggars. Don’t talk nonsense. My mother is very kind to us so we can have a safe life. She also makes money for us. In this so-called luxurious place, waiting for her, this place, although safe, is safe , but the people are all greedy. The three money my mother earns is not much, but it is enough for us to eat, drink, dress, and study. We have a warm home and your mother is wonderful It’s true that you look down on the lower class [music], but expel Truong Dai Phuc and prosecute him according to the law. He impersonated the company and did illegal work, intentionally destroying the company’s reputation. You must be legally responsible. See the story. I have too many productions, why do I act so well and even dare to change my job with just one sentence? Thiet Minh and voice acting at Asian movies I thought I was the Vice President Why is my dad really a deputy ? That’s right, I’m the deputy chief. You’re the deputy, you’re the deputy I think you’re seriously delusional. The principal told me to treat this man well. Could it be that he’s the deputy chief? This isn’t good. I have to invite the principal here, you brat. You just said you wanted to fire me, but why haven’t I been fired yet ? Truong Dai Phu What are you doing, special assistant? What wind brought you here? See This is the gentleman next to the Deputy General. Only he has the right to fire you I was fired from my job, what is this? I did n’t do anything wrong. You didn’t do anything wrong. How dare you stand in front of Deputy General Mao, who is known as Deputy Thich Doan, and do something illegal, but still say you didn’t do anything wrong. Is it true? It’s really the Deputy Chief Deputy Chief The little master’s video has been handed over to the police for handling. I was wrong. It’s my fault that I have blind eyes. A dog’s mouth cannot grow ivory. Please be generous and forgive me this time. Please don’t fire me. How can this be possible? Could it be that they colluded to act together ? Kneel down, deputy chief. She’s just a woman and doesn’t understand anything. Let me help you vent your anger. You, too, quickly go to school and don’t study, so you’re just a human. It’s nothing. Hurry up, you two little masters, please apologize, husband. This is your biological child. If it wasn’t mine, I would have strangled him. Because he caused trouble, I just received a notice from the court. forced me to pay 500 for damage to my honor million and confiscate the company’s house . What? My husband lost his job , lost his house, and has to compensate them with another 500 million. Even if we work for another hundred years, we still won’t be able to earn 500 million [music] million. President, please don’t fire my husband and my son. I can’t be without a house to live in. I can’t be without food. Deputy President, I don’t want to be a beggar. I’m sorry. Bach Thien Tu. I shouldn’t slander you. Exam cheating Bach Thien Ky I’m sorry, I’m not Should I say that you guys are low-class people? Or let Truong Thien Thien’s whole family also work as an errand boy. Mom, if you work as an errand boy, they can give us a good life. They can definitely do it. Mom, say no profession. They should learn to treat everyone equally, they should know what to do, but we all will go to work as errand boys and do well. Mr. Sinh, are you really the vice-principal ? It’s just that this man doesn’t have the qualities to be an effective moisturizer here Principal, why did you hit me? You had to hit him, you rude person. I ‘m sorry. Deputy Director: It’s because I didn’t manage well. Principal. What are you doing? He’s just a miserable poor guy. He’s not Deputy Director. Yes, that’s for sure. I’m the principal of Minh Dang school. Are you really the principal of Minh Dang school? That’s right, this senior club and Minh Dang school both belong to me and this person is her. The entire majority of our school’s General Finance practice Deputy Mayor Huu Tham, is he really the deputy chief? What have I just done? Letting people who only know how to flatter, bully, and bully puppets around children not only harms them, but also corrupts them all. In the education sector, Deputy General, I will announce that the entire sector will permanently no longer recruit them, Dad. Are you and we so similar? Is it really our father? Actually, fifth sister is the same person as father Nhat Thien Ky Thien Tu Three, I’m sorry for making you all suffer so much. From today onwards, I will definitely fulfill my responsibility and will not let anyone Who’s bullying me again? Dad, you’re so good. Will you take our mother from us? If you don’t let us see our mother, we won’t accept you. Father, I’ll make sure you never let us be away from you . 10 years All of your youth. Bach Thien puts all his heart and soul into the children hey her sacrifice is a lifetime thing I can’t repay it all [music] the Vice President saved me [music] Ms. Guo your wine has arrived, please come here to sign [music] [music ] accept you guys Oh Chao this errand boy , why is it Miss Bach, Miss Bach Zen? I’m Quach Uyen Uyen, Miss Quach Thi Tu Comet, Miss What, Miss Bach, I’m the one who just got married now. My son Nhu Nhu told me about this good wine you can’t drink it You only deserve to drink this Come on I invite you [music] to drink If you don’t drink, then you’ll be fined if you do something don’t touch me let me go [music] [Laughter] ] [Laughter] so beautiful 9 years ago you’re so beautiful Today you’re so beautiful Wishing you and Thinh a happy engagement This is a special gift my family prepared for you. Thank you mom for lending it to my family . 50 million to help sweep out and pass In this crisis, no one says we are best friends. Oh my gosh, sister Thien Thien, your ring is so beautiful. This is the ring my son bought for Thien Thinh for her engagement. It costs 50 million, sister Thien Thien. Come in, Mr. Thinh. This scene is truly a match made in heaven. When the two of you get married, you must let me be your daughter-in-law. Okay, when you return to your husband’s house, good days will come . You will also come to congratulate me and prosper. Happy wedding scene. Oh Du, how can you laugh like that? I’m a white lady, Nhu, get out of here, give me a couple of prostitutes. Aren’t you afraid of retribution? Why are you talking about your children’s reputation? My son and Nhu Nhu are very happy. The property your parents left behind is enough for them to live. all your life, Bach Thien Thien, now you’re so bored with life, aren’t you? You can’t keep the property your parents left behind and you can’t keep the man your parents chose for you. You have no right to talk about my parents if you’re not your mother. If I give you 50 million, my family won’t have a financial crisis My parents didn’t argue at the cliff. Then they fell down. After all, you were the one who caused my house to fall apart. Your parents’ grave was even dug up. You still have the face to tell me this. What did you say? Brother Thinh Canh, it seems that sister Bach Zen still thinks that her parents died in an accident and fell off a cliff, right? Today is our day of great joy. Tell her the truth. In order for her to celebrate with us, she only needs her baby. I’m happy to listen carefully to your parents so you don’t have to lose them Wherever your parents fell , my brother Thinh Canh and I used rocks to hit them with rocks until they died. White Ngu Nhu Chu Thinh Canh, I want you to pay for your mother’s lives for treating me well, but they don’t intend to hand it over. Bach Thi Group gave it to me. Why do I need that goodness? Why should I marry you? Why do they waste my time? They don’t deserve it. Like Bach Thien, after all, your parents’ lives are still your fault. You would have caused it if it wasn’t for you and me and Thinh Canh Ca Bac I won’t know your parents, Bach Thien said that you’re a broom from another mother and father, it’s true, it’s all because I didn’t recognize the true faces of you bunch of pests, that’s what I regret the most. I used to be a father, mother, daughter who is not filial to the two of you. You still cry, man and woman, don’t be complacent, I know, I didn’t call your five illegitimate children to attend the wedding party, so you are not happy, so you don’t feel secure. Today This is a day of great joy that I will give to your entire family Let’s reunite together and don’t touch my child. If you dare to touch my child, just test me and see what you can do. In the next 10 minutes, bring those five Bastards to me. I’m very interesting. Great Miss. The person who loved and supported thousands of people has now ended up like this. [Laughter] Don’t rush. This is just an appetizer waiting for the year of that Bastard’s arrival before the wife’s good drama will officially begin, so let’s not worry. come to her too let’s start The last part of the wedding, Bach Thien, this was originally prepared for you , but now I’m marrying your sister. If you’re your sister, please be Nhu Nhu’s bridesmaid. Watch us exchange rings. Daydream. It’s not your turn to refuse yet. I wish Miss Bach and Young Master Zhou a happy wedding. Give birth to a son. Bride and groom Give [music] Sister’s ring. They’re all smiling. Why aren’t you smiling? It’s because you’re jealous of me because to marry Thinh Canh, my brother go to the grave then I laugh You dare to curse me then let’s see who will go to the grave first Vice President Deep to save me is the person who is the CEO Deputy Thi, the head of the corporation The leader is all about Deputy Huu Tham, what Deputy Huu Tham wants to come right? So Bach Thien just called a big person on your phone, we’ve never met a big person, have you ever delivered goods to him? To save your life, you really dare to say anything to me. Don’t talk nonsense. If you dare touch my child Just a strand of hair I will let you bury with me. If you don’t believe me then ask Cao My, you can’t tell Nhu Nhu. Knowing that the Chu family has offended the deputy chief and has gone bankrupt , remember if Nhu Nhu regrets, the Chu family will return. I’m completely doomed and this bitch is so flirtatious that the child she gave birth to doesn’t even know whose race she is, why does she have to care about the survival of her children or is this true? Tell me. There is no such thing, have you heard ? By the way, you dare to play tricks on me. I’ll send you to Bach Thi’s grave. The group that you will inherit will also die according to your wishes. This is the evidence I collected from Bach Thi. The group is useless, I Copy 100 more copies and I’ll go to my grave. This will be sent periodically to Bach Thi police station. The group you inherited will be wiped out immediately. This name 10 years ago should have eliminated you. I’m really sorry. Did you underestimate her? Don’t be afraid, honey Even if Bach Thi Group collapses, it will still be seen as its grandfather’s group as a group. That’s right, it is the group that is second only to Deputy Thi. The second largest group in the world has heard it and doesn’t want to threaten it. I’m useless and shallow, I signed this contract 18 years later, Mu Thi Group will be the one to try my stepmother’s stepchild, I don’t want to try this plan, Mu Thi Group, I just hope everyone is healthy since my brother died. When I was five years old, I got lost in the house and was the only child left Who should I leave the only property I don’t leave to my children? But why do I have to hide this from my father? That loser outside is so stubborn and promiscuous that he even took all the furniture in the house and left it to the woman next door. In addition to harming your mother, Mom, don’t cry. If you don’t have a father, you will always be with me . Mu Thi Group is the lifelong passion of Cong Bach’s grandmother. On what basis do you think you can inherit this power? After this situation, I’m not afraid to tell her grandmother Your husband has recovered and returned home. I’m looking for you to tell my wife. Unfortunately , today while running an errand, you accidentally fell down the stairs and died . Your illegitimate child will also be thrown down by me to kill the fish. After we eat, I will be honest and tell you one more secret on behalf of the heiress. In fact, I am not your father’s biological child. My mother and I deliberately seduced her brother and sister Bach Dinh Tu as well. because we intentionally kicked him out of the house regardless of how he lived until now I can finally push your whole family down with my own hands. Gold reunites white rice Nhu You beast, how dare you talk to Muc Thi’s future heir like that Chu Thinh scene white Ngu Nhu my child No matter what, even if you have 100 Moc Thi, you still can’t protect you. Why Alo Long Ca Nam Bastard Son? When he arrived, he picked him up in the car and immediately went to Dai Bao. I ran quickly to the C furnace. Thien said he was the father of some illegitimate children This is a big person that we cannot offend. Do you see any big person, Miss? You are the future heir of the Mu Thi Supreme Supreme Group, and there is no one that we do not dare to offend, you hear me clearly now? There’s no one I wouldn’t dare offend . Just wait until the year your illegitimate child goes down to the Golden Stream to reunite in white language. Nhu I beg you, just let my child go. You can do whatever you want me to do. That’s okay. That’s fine. Then you should run around here Give me a round while crawling and barking like a dog. Give me a round and I’ll spare one of your bastards. Go away. Bark. Bark once and I’ll give you a bone to eat. If you don’t crawl now, I’ll call you later. That child comes and crawls until they’re done leaving. I’ll squeeze each of them one by one. Long brother, why have you become like this? Those bastards don’t dare anymore. I really don’t dare [music] anymore. Nhu Nhu can’t finish it . Then quickly let go of Bach Thien, mother I’m so confused that the inheritance is about to come to me. Why should I let her go? What do you know? Hurry up and let her go or else we won’t be able to escape. Why are we going? Where are we going? I know right away. I’ll come and save you. Who was I talking about just now, whoever has the guts to roll out here and announce to go down and clean up the little gods [ __ ] call the second and third brothers to come here and see if you’re stupid. Everything was arranged by you, right? Don’t I thought just finding someone could save you Now you’re big and dark. I’m fine. How are the children? They’re very good. Don’t worry, my people are taking care of me . Thank you. Luckily, I have you. You’re a good mother to the children. I can’t be a bad father either. Okay now it’s my turn to do what I should do. What do you want to do? Protect the woman of [music] I said it well. It looks good. It’s a pity that it’s strange with Bach Thien. They’re probably parasites who are parasiting Bach Thien. Saying I’m a freeloader makes you happy, not happy. Of course, I’m not happy they’re just a bunch of idiots who don’t care about anyone [music] What do you want to do? You going with Bach Thien is like slapping brother Thinh Canh in the face, slapping brother Thinh Canh in the face is like slapping brother in the face The deputy mayor of the group can bear the consequences. She didn’t tell you that it was the deputy that caused the Chu Family to go bankrupt. Why did you say that the Chu Family went bankrupt? This guy is telling the truth. Why are you so hateful? How dare you trick me into spending money. The old man had no idea that he was a poor man My life is ruined. It’s okay. It’s okay, my dear. We just need to confess. And those Bastards will be eliminated. We will be able to rise up and say the right thing tonight. Hotel Prodigy will be cleaned up so that the Deputy President can watch the show or no matter what the price, Chu Dinh Tu, young master, Chu family , and unrelated people, immediately leave here, otherwise you will have to bear the consequences yourself . Why are these two people here so free to dare to cause trouble on the ground? Your table, we are planning to deal with them, but what you are holding in your hand is a wedding gift for our sister Nhu, why are you being too polite? You two are Hai Thanh, you can come to the party. My wedding I already feel very honored, no matter what status you are, you are worthy of me giving you a gift. Don’t say such harsh words . Your words are meant for people to hear. The animal’s house is worthy, so why am I not worthy? I’m not worthy, second brother. I just heard that someone wants to leave your body intact Come here, take my M5 and deal with this, second brother or my sword better be clean and neat, no blood on it. Who is this white-faced guy? Why do both Chu and Luc have to call him side brother ? Next to the second brother, when will there be another woman? So beautiful . Hello, what house is the movie translated? My house is so good, Bach Thien, even a wild boy 10 years ago was found by you. You really have a copy. She clearly told me the player Bach Thien was a man The old janitor , but this man in front of him saw noble Bu Phem, what should he do now? The Zen student had five children. Who knew that among the father of these children there was such a great figure? Vice Principal. Do you believe what she said? What is he really like? Is he such a wonderful man? I must take him back to you, young master, thousands of times. Don’t be fooled by Bach Thien’s appearance. It’s not like you Why is it so popular that foreign traders run errands? I might be selling my body, otherwise why would I have so many children? How can an indecent woman like her be the mother of your child? If you don’t know how to talk, shut up . My sister, how dare you do this without admitting that you dare to say that you are the father of five children Those children are all the Vice President’s. Of course, I dare to say that Pho Hu Tham’s children are children. I just can’t say it in front of Pho Hu Tham. Sister, since you’re a prostitute , don’t set up a chastity temple anymore. In addition to what is missing? The person who accepted you but the vice president gave me perhaps I can still spare your life, my second brother. I heard that you are married and have never heard that you have five children. My sister-in-law gave birth to five children at one time, right? I had to step on it with the weight of Ghost Gate, so why is this Big Brother’s? What’s being said inside is about Lady Bach, you don’t need to see it, I only know that she is the mother of my child. It doesn’t matter what kind of person she is. This FB is for my brother. Tell me to see it now . Put me with this type of person. No need to talk nonsense, directly attack the majestic second brother, it seems that the second brother is true love to the eldest sister. There is no doubt about it . Deputy General, we are wrong, please forgive us. Go and beg you to release us. Deputy General, please. Please let us go, I can swear to heaven, you and me and Bach Thien has never had anything . My dear aunt, sir, be generous. I have blind eyes. Please forgive me. My son . My teeth. My teeth are gross. I beg you to spare my child. CT Wait. Even though the killer is dead, the transaction records are still there. The police have come to the door. Wishing you a happy retirement in the closet. We’ll admit your guilt quickly. [music] Sister, we were just joking with you. Sister, please forgive us. That’s right, your language is soft Sister of the deceased Is the sister’s kindness worth fighting? Is it unfair? Is it worth fighting [music]? Unexpectedly, her sister -in-law looks like a kitten on the inside and is a tiger [music] so you talk to her politely. Just kidding. Just kidding, Second Brother is not angry yet, what are you angry about because she is [music] [music] so I am Bach Thien’s biological brother, I am the one who was criticized by mother and son Bach Thien more than 20 years ago. kicked out of Bach’s eldest son’s house Bach’s family Tu Thiet Thien has suffered too much criticism today and this truth should be left for later. Tell her [music] because she is Second Brother’s wife, I have to teach D you a little bit on behalf of Second Brother. I know I don’t respect my sister-in-law a bit. My second brother, Khuynh, is tired of fighting . I’m going to help her. Wait, now is the time for her to be a little angry. Get out. Quach Uyen Uyen. It turns out you and I are both the same. fake [music] pretend white poetry Rot What do you want to bring her down for me [music] I tell you what do you want to do? I am the future heir of the Muc Thi Group. Even the deputy mayor is also dreaming? The Muc Thi Group is your passion. What qualifications do you have to inherit my grandmother? When you pass away, I will have the qualification. But you can’t wait until that day. You really think I will be stupid enough to take your life. After that, for the sake of your life. It’s yours to go sit in the closet so cool, My Second Lady I’m sure to tell you what you like to do, what are you filming Bach Thien teaching others to do? So my boss told me to film it as a souvenir, saying I want to watch it over and over again, how can I watch it over and over again, but my boss is interested in Nhi’s women ? Brother like that will definitely not be filmed again. If you want to see it, tell him to come and see it in person, second brother. You’re right. Big brother said that if you and the white lady hold a wedding , he will definitely come. It’s really strange, big brother. So mysterious , not to mention he’s never even heard his voice After all that, I was looking forward to attending Bach Thien’s wedding. I have history to testify. It turned out to be true. Big brother, one word, nine peaks, second brother. Please quickly organize the wedding with Miss Bach. I was anxious to meet. Big brother Yes, you two are married. It’s been so many years. I already have one. Save some energy. She doesn’t have the right to let me publicize the two years I’ve known you. Big brother. This is the first time I’ve seen him. Bach Thien, who cares about other things besides making money, ended up hiding it from me Why are you making such a big noise? Second brother, you’re not right. Second sister-in-law, why are you okay? She knows how to glare at you. I look at your appearance and this tone of voice and say that Bach Thien is not worthy of your publication. I dare you. I bet it won’t be long before you fall into a state of stalking. [Music] Your wife is very suitable for you. Big brother also bet your second brother will fall into a state of following you. Wife, even if you have a vice president backing you up, you can’t do anything foolish. If I pass away, prepare yourself to go to jail. You really think I would be stupid enough to take your life for the sake of enlightenment. Why should you go to jail if you want to go to hell, but heaven has eyes for your mother to pass because of illness, but Chu Thinh canh ran away , but I will keep you, you are still useful, jump down from here, I will Let go of you or I will break your whole body like that into pieces I’m jumping You don’t play [music] anymore Let the tiger go home stop the ace there will be trouble You don’t understand me This is called casting a long line to catch a big fish It’s very late I have to hurry up and pick up my children from school and take them home to tutor them Here’s the exercise, Bach Thien, please help me. What is this? This is a USB with something inside. If you want to know who’s coming, you must [music] see Miss Bach. Wait a minute, big brother, I want you to answer the phone. Big brother, you definitely want to. What do you hear? That’s right. It’s you, what’s strange? It’s clear that the big brother just said that he had something to do and wanted to find the second lady. Looks like your girlfriend is very sought after . Pay attention. Hello, sir. Find me, Mom, it’s me. Mom, don’t let them hear you. I still don’t want to reveal my identity, Bach Khanh Khanh. What the hell are you trying to do ? How can you be the big brother of Fu Chieu Tham? Actually, he is my father. You know that. But he has to pass the test. I’m only qualified as your father to say that Dai Bao and the others are looking for Deputy Huu Tham and it’s also because of me. Mom, I know you’re very angry, but don’t be angry. Soon someone will come and find you to become the top female Phu Hao of the Muc Thi Group to lead us. You live in a big villa from now on and don’t worry about what you wear. Until then, even Dad won’t have the right to stand by Mom’s side. You have to obediently listen to Mom’s words so that Fu Huu Tham will obediently listen to what you have to say , Big Tieu Thu. What did my brother say to you, big brother? You said you would Instead of me, he said that only after he passed the test could he reveal his identity. He has no right to reveal his own identity. Are you mistaken? Of course I am not mistaken. Believe me, just try and see, it’s late. Wherever you want to go, I will of course go home to my children. Then go home to the people who know where my children are ? Vice mayor’s villa. Why haven’t you cleaned up yet? Are you already sleeping today? Thank you, kids. They all like you very much. If that’s the case, then you and your child should just move here We don’t need the place we live now, it’s very good , you listen carefully Thien Tu Thien Ky is the son of the Pho family. Only in the Fu family do we have the best resources. Do you want to win like you are hanging around in the market? Three Children That’s okay, but my child can only be in the village. Your child is also my child. There’s no such thing as wandering around in the market. Don’t look down on people and talk about your strength to make people respect you when you don’t have the truth. My children can only follow me and the other three are you Even if I take them to beg, I have no idea . We’ll just wait and see what Bach Thien Ngi wants to do. Don’t think too much. I just want you to explain a little bit about the five children. Why do we only see four Thursday children? The name you haven’t met yet is Bach Khanh Khanh, that’s your big brother. Do you want to know? I won’t tell you whether you finally said it or not. I won’t say what you can do. Besides, Fifth Sister is not your child. Where can I tell you ? Bastard Mom and dad, you two are kissing, three sisters, three sisters, four sisters , why are you both waking up quickly and going home to your mother? Thank you for taking me and the children home. We ‘re lucky to have you. I’m sorry I’m late. When I was sick, I can’t blame you for kidnapping you when I’m only three years old. In the future, we brothers must work together to make these bad people suffer the appropriate punishment. Let’s get in the car. Hello, you want to take my wife and children. Where are you going? You can make your wife and children leave you My family is gone and won’t even let me take my sister-in-law and niece home in the middle of the night like this. I’ll leave them on the side of the road to see if I can bring them home. It’s unreasonable. Four sisters, hurry up and eat. If you don’t go to school, you’ll be fine. It’s late, mom, only big brother can call that silly worm. Fourth sister, wake up and welcome their big brother home. It’s good, Third sister, don’t say anything else. Mom will be sad, so I won’t mention big brother anymore. We both have it too. You can take good care of your mother, samadhi, don’t be in a hurry. Mother has tried very hard to become strong. Soon our family of seven will be reunited. Hurry up and eat or you’ll be late for school. After school, mom still has to go deliver goods. Why is it cold today? Mom, remember to wear warm clothes, Tam Muoi. Very good, but today mom doesn’t have to deliver goods, but rather pick up a gift from the mother of Pastor Hong Duc General Tai. The group has been very petty and petty for the past few years You’ve suffered so much . Mu’s group almost fell into the hands of outsiders. Don’t say that. It’s good that Grandma can come back healthy . She still needs Mr. Bach Thien. She’s really generous and even coaxed my mother to accept the three children. Deputy Huu Tham’s illegitimate children Please say it clearly: My child is cute, everyone likes you, everyone like you is not in the right mind, just say they are illegitimate children, please say it again to see who is sane. Thong Deputy General Elder Looking at the old lady, it seems that Thieu really likes Bach Miss Cao My Lam has just been married for a while, we don’t need to match-make Miss Cao and Young Master anymore. That’s right, Cao My Lam Although she is my best friend’s daughter , to be honest, it’s ten thousand times more superficial than her. married without regard for fame and fortune, quietly raised five children alone and later on, he was petty and cruel, I would be the first to deal with him. White lady is truly great, but I heard that Mrs. Luu led Miss Cao . When I return home, I’m afraid I’ll immediately find her to discuss our Korean sister’s engagement Let’s talk about other things. No need to discuss. Hurry up and arrange the banquet. I want to announce the identity of Zen Zen and the two children from now on. I am the problem of Zen. Anyone who dares to cause trouble to Zen Thirteen is causing trouble. trouble me. Who allowed you to not ask my permission and dare to force me to kiss you? So tell me in advance when you will allow me to kiss you. Stop arguing with me. Do you believe me or not? I will tell my aunt right now about the fake marriage I can only shut your mouth like I did before, don’t my mother want to hold a party before the party to publicize the identities of you and the two children. I’ll come pick you up later and announce the identities of the two children but What did you say in the car just now? They are my sons. Can’t this be let others know? Why am I talking nonsense to you? Isn’t this Mu Thi? What are you doing here? You’re going to be late for work. Don’t tell anyone else, how can a small company like Muc Thi be comparable to a deputy? Please inform me, don’t arrange too many things for her. My mother has enough to keep her busy. The group ‘s boss, Mu, is the manager. What are you saying? The Deputy General’s woman wants to come to our department to work, right? Just now, the Deputy General’s special assistant personally came to give instructions, and the company’s general director, Mu, also told him to take good care of himself. It can be seen that this new employee’s status is not ordinary, it’s really strange, Mrs. The Vice President did not come to the top of the rankings, but came to our market We do n’t know where the deputy mayor is and the Mu wants to have a strong connection so they sent the Deputy General’s woman to survey us. Anyway, we’ll have to deal with the new person who dares to disrespect her [music] ] There comes My Lam Sister, the director, the person the Vice President wants to take care of is of course Sister My Lam, and she is the Deputy President’s first love. Marriage contract from the mother’s womb, Vice Principal’s first love. Marriage contract Since I was young, Giao Giao was a little more humble. I wanted to go to My Lam, my sister So humble, but the strength does not allow our manager Cao My Lam, Ms. Cao, to own the name of countless luxurious s. 10 years ago, she joined the Deputy General in the picture with the shadow of Ms. Cao. She is truly the master. Vice President’s wedding vow, why do I remember that it said to take care of the new person’s name? It seems like it’s two words. Correct, no need to correct me. I’m Huu Tham’s fiancee. His tendency to kill first and then strike later is really strange. You’re bothering everyone, you shouldn’t be doing that Yes, we have arranged everything for you. Surely she is not wrong. Hello, what am I? It was almost because of you that I missed the big deal. You have blind eyes and didn’t even hurry to get over there. For Miss Cao, I did the design Don’t come to serve others, newbie. You still dare to argue, newbie, you know how to be a little more reasonable. My sister My Lam is a golden lady. Being able to serve her is your blessing. That blessing. Can you let me take it? You have a relationship with the deliverer and I really can’t let the deliverer carry your things so can you have the heart to let a stranger carry your things Huh It’s okay if you don’t carry it. Don’t regret it later. I have a little tip for everyone, feel free to choose, Cao Miss My Lam is very generous. Thank you, My Lam. I’m sorry. I didn’t prepare it. I’ll give it to you next time. Okay, I have to work. This new girl is really rude. No problem, My Lam has already given her a gift, but she dares to come empty-handed and look at her dressed in a rustic way, so I’m sure the cable car is full of the latest brand name handbags, My Lam, I’ll follow you from now on, everyone. Countryman If it weren’t for wanting to record TNG’s Thi Thi section Lieu, you guys don’t even have the right to lick me like this and you don’t transfer money, don’t even call or listen. I have to go find my deputy, but I can’t, Mom. Since Huu Tham found out about me taking care of his young son, I’ve been warned. I’m not allowed to appear in Hai Thanh anymore. He hasn’t called me in 10 years. It’s okay. I’m afraid that Deputy Huu Tham is about to find me and then our whole family will be on the street. He How can we come find it? I’m because I’m about to become the female CEO of the group Thi Nhat Nhan spent the year An Nhan divided the upper one. That’s right, it’s me. The CEO Mu Thi suffered from dementia two days ago. He just returned to his country. I must be in a state of alertness and appoint Moc Thi’s successor using your tricks. This position as Moc Thi’s successor will definitely belong to you, daughter. Rest assured, I have made all arrangements. You can come to Mu Thi tomorrow. I already know what to do next, mom. Just stay still Tam I will definitely become the successor to Thiem Hoi Tam. Hello, Mom, let me tell you the good news. Does Deputy Tham Tam really still have an old crush on you? Of course he knows I’m about to start the job. In Muc Thi It’s special. Ask someone to take care of you. Deputy Mayor Han Chi wants to invite famous people to attend the gala, saying: If you want to announce important news, you probably want to publicly confess your love to your child. That’s true. Why is it so great? You know I still love you But I’ll give you this chance while taking care of the favor and organizing the party with such sincerity. Grandfather Mr. Bach works at my company. How do you feel? Grandfather, just call me superficial. That’s fine. How do you feel? At the company, it’s okay, there are a lot of problems, some words are hard to say, just let me investigate clearly and talk later. It’s not too late. It’s good to be able to adapt. Tonight, take the children to my house for dinner. Hey, I’ll give you my cooking skills tonight. I have work tonight. Or it’s me Let’s go tomorrow. See you tomorrow. Goodbye. Does that white meditation have any background? Why did a man drive such a luxury car come to pick her up? What background does she have? I’ve already investigated. Before, Ms. I’m just an errand boy, and I’m also the kind of person that thousands of people give birth to a bunch of bastards, none of whom know who the father is, but I didn’t expect this guy to be so despicable behind his back. Those two men just now must be Surely she was able to hook some of the rich guys and even the young ones I’m so busy, Giai Giao Giao, let’s go advise Bach Thien. After all, she’s a former colleague. She did that. Not only is it not good for herself, but it also implicates the company and brings shame to her. My Lam, you’re so kind. [music] white belly, where are the two tycoons who picked you up? Why did you walk all the way here? Are you criticizing the price for being too low? Truong Giao, who has a dark heart, sees everyone and feels dirty . Then don’t go anywhere. I picked up my child and now I’m coming to pick up my aunt Truong Giao Giao, are you crazy? You’re crazy. Letting five children be played dirty by men, you dare say I’m dirty with My Lam. See if I’m right. She really gave birth to five children, a bunch of children. This bad girl, how can Mr. Sen Sinh pay attention ? I must have misread Dao Goo. How can I casually look at such private things? Bach Thien, I’m on behalf of Dao Goo. I’m sorry, she’s just a scared You’ve been in contact with too many filthy men and regretted it. It’s too late, young lady. You just said I have a [music] disease. This has already been recorded and there’s even a video. It’s just a joke. Come on, there’s no need to be serious, don’t think that by knowing a good driver, you can back My Lam’s boyfriend, we are much more powerful. He just opened his mouth and she didn’t even know she was losing her life. No need to bother My Lam, I’ll report directly to the police Let the police handle her. She just called the police. Why is such a powerful lady having to invite hundreds of media people here ? Or maybe we can use this as evidence and give them the recording of How can you alone be as trustworthy as the testimony of the three of us? This thing can not only be recorded but can also be filmed. We are former colleagues. There is no need to make things difficult for each other, bitch. Dare to confront me and see if I inherit Moc Thi Group. Then I will deal with you fairly Just now, who said he wanted to report to the police? Do you need my help? No need. No need. [music] Bach Thien to make up for it. I invite you to my banquet. How about My Lam? Who is she? Why did she come to Pho Thi’s party? That’s right, My Lam, that party was to propose to you. Wouldn’t inviting this type of person ruin the atmosphere? It’s okay, everyone is yours. Group Section Thi Of course must unite Hoa Thuan to enjoy her happiness Do you think I’m right ? What you say makes a lot of sense, but I’m not free tonight. My Lam, you see, this type of person is basically not qualified to attend the banquet. That’s right. My Lam, we all want it. Seeing the Deputy Madam’s fate. If we can see the most noble man in the city, then it will be good, My Lam. Tonight you will be the Deputy General’s wife and from now on, don’t forget us. Bach Thien Tu, I don’t know what to expect. Tonight Now let’s see how I ‘m going to handle C [music], you jobber VT’s wishful thinking Who do you want to fire? I’m not. I said you don’t need to come pick me up. Why don’t you let me come? You want that guy from the office to come. You’re talking nonsense. You didn’t see me walking there. That’s right, Thien Tu, where are they? They’ve been taken home. If you want to meet them quickly, get in the car for me. [music] You’re taking my place, you know it’s crowded, so why don’t you sit next to me and drive? You think of me as your driver, you say driving is driving I didn’t tell you where to go. It’s your own business. What else can you do if you obey traffic laws? The Deputy General knows a lot. The Deputy General traveled thousands of miles to pick me up from work. Hey, I’m alone. I don’t dare set foot at the Deputy General’s house. The deputy general is the best, most gentle person in the world, the most luxurious car, too many people in the car. It seems like Bach Thien, Bach Thien, you’re dizzy, why is Bach Thien in a supercar that was changed to My Lam? Okay I remember there are only four supercars in the world, all owned by Pho I heard that recently there was a special order made for me by Huu Tham, which is full of diamonds and gold. There is only one in the world. I can’t hide it from everyone. This one was also specially ordered for me by Huu Tham because tonight is all over. Are you ready to confess your love to me? Surely that car will be given to me, too? [music] What is she hiding from her body? Is there a place I’ve never seen before? You were so drunk that night. You can’t remember , are you sure? Whatever you want, I remember you were as beautiful that night as you are now . Your tongue is so sweet. Did you drink wine or eat honey? If you taste it, you’ll know how much wine you’ve been drinking. I’m in charge. On a happy day like this, I can’t drink too much. What’s so fun about marrying love? When I first became a wife, my wife gave birth to two beautiful sons that really impressed me I ‘m a winner in life , my first love, that’s right. She’s my first person and my only person, so all these years you’ve been responsible for me, you know? You’re really nice to others. gave birth to three more children. Halfway through the night, I got into someone else’s car. Tu was not someone else Besides, you got married first, so I hid it from you. Whatever you want, I’ll say it again. I’ll only say it once. I won’t allow you to have the scent of another man. You can only belong to me. No, actually, I lied to you. Those five children are actually your children. It seems like you have kept yourself pure all these years. I will not compare your tyrannical terms that year and tell you all the truth. I know and there’s a corporation backing us up. He wants to rob us If you can’t take my child, Deputy Huu Tham, why are you sleeping? Vice President, we have to apologize. Deputy President, sorry, white lady. You two continue, old lady Tam Bao. Call your parents and children to go to Dai Bao. They are all waiting. Wait in the car, Tam Tieu Thu, the vice president and the white lady have something to do right now that’s temporarily inconvenient. It’s unreasonable . What’s so important that we have to hide it from our family? Mom and Dad are definitely kissing. It’s so wonderful. Mom’s about to give birth to us. It’s Friday, my sister. Is this really an important matter? If you’re allowed to be a special assistant, you must keep a close eye on this place, no one is allowed to disturb the shoes of the Three Jewels, Four Jewels, let’s go quickly. We’re about to hold our sixth grandchild. [music] Bach Thien This is Pho’s party. Why do you dare barge in here? My Lam sister invited me but you didn’t come. You just sneak in. You’re so shameless. A dog’s mouth can’t grow ivory. If you don’t know how to speak, then shut up and give me the piano. This woman still dares to argue with you, why do you really need it? Re-educating Bach Thien Dao Dao is just a good intention to remind you that if you don’t have an invitation, you will be kicked out. How about this? Be obedient. Please forgive me. If this matter is ignored, I will take you into this situation. Have you heard, our sister My Lam is happy and will take you inside. If not, with your poor appearance, you won’t be able to go to a high-class party like this for the rest of your life. Look at the way that girl dresses. It’s already very expensive. If you don’t want to work hard, then quickly kneel down kowtow and apologize to My Lam sister, Bach Thien. Today is my happy day. Just kneel down and apologize to me. I’ll make sure you’re okay, Bach Thien. Why aren’t you kneeling yet? Do you want me to help you? Don’t you dare hit Dai Dai? Her fiance is the CEO, Bach Thien, you’re dead, don’t run away, I’ll call my boyfriend to teach me. If you want to teach me, I’ll wait here. Hello, husband, please save my life. Someone is bullying me. I tell you that you really don’t shed tears when you see the coffin Today, as long as you kneel down and apologize to me, I can guarantee that you’ll be fine. What kind of thing are you here to teach me about my life? You’re so brave. Our sister My Lam is the future heir of Muc Thi. Group, a trainee from the lowest class dares to offend the future president of Mu Thi. Do you not want to live anymore ? The future president of Mu Thi already knows, so you should apologize . This is like ignoring My Lam sister, stop talking nonsense to her Who am I? I’m not even worthy of your shoes. Hello , Deputy Huu Tham, if there’s something wrong, tell me later that you’re calling Deputy Huu Tham. It can’t be. She must have seen the director Sun coming and was afraid. I mean to play a trick. We’re right, we’re definitely fake. Who doesn’t know that our deputy president and My Lam sister are a special couple? Preparing today’s party to propose to My Lam sister, who the hell is she? Deputy Huu I really want to propose to her at the party Who said it? Why should I use my fingers to hesitate? I know that the Vice President wants to marry, of course, the talented President Mu, My Lam. Why would he propose to a poor and miserable person like you, Bach Thien, I asked in my heart to remind you Although Huu has outstanding abilities, is handsome and thoughtful, he is the perfect man that every woman wants to marry, but with her status and status, wanting to meet him just once in her life is a luxury. But I am different. Me and him are just Phuc vi kiss plus I am The heir to the Mu Group, why are you fighting with me for men? Or are you saying you want to be the one who gets scolded by everyone? Is the third aunt crazy? Who doesn’t know how to be reasonable? Who dares to bully the heir? The director of the Duong group is the one who told me that she is done, and then she dares to bully me on the head and neck. Miss Cao, please calm down. I will call and ask the director to see how to do this. Teaching this woman who doesn’t know the heavens and the earth is thick enough to call your pastor to come here and see how he teaches me, Bach Thien, what are you that deserves the director to come here for a visit, Bach Thien? Now you must be afraid of losing your nerve, right? If you are already afraid, then kneel down and apologize. I can still respect Tinh. We are colleagues without telling the director what you did before. Are you blind or blind? Wherever you see me, I’m not afraid So, do you dare to let me call the director? I have nothing to fear. I’m afraid it’s you guys who are about to die. If you can’t keep your mouth shut, I’ll let you fulfill your wish, director. Later, let me call the director. President, okay, Miss Cao, just wait and see if you regret it this time. It won’t be long before I can talk to Mu Hong Duc. With this, the position of Mu’s heir will be none other than me. The story is like this, there is a person named Bach Thien and Cai Why do you want to talk to her on the phone but your status is noble How can that be possible ? Yes, there is no need. Grandpa really couldn’t help but get angry. She must not really know Mr. Mu. It doesn’t matter if you’re familiar or not , he’s almost here. How can Miss Gao really have the dignity to say that she’ll come right away? It seems like she wants to help Miss Gao, who’s a little angry. See, my sister My Lam. We are not only the Deputy General’s woman but also the General’s target caring and pampering Bach Thien right now you must be very jealous of sister My Lam, just now you pretended to know me and know the Deputy General now you probably don’t mean to say that the director came to defend you, are you right? I didn’t hear it right, you said the CEO came to defend you, why is that so funny? What people value is knowing that you know me. Even though you and I are both new employees , the CEO of the group is to you. the pinnacle, but for me, it’s a gentle starting point, she hasn’t yet Do you know why my mother and Mr. Mu have a very close relationship? Moreover, Mr. Mu has long promised me that he will hand over the position of heir to the Mu Thi Group to me. Do you hear me clearly, you lowly jobber? How can we compare with sister My Lam’s noble background? Moreover, sister My Lam is also the woman of the Deputy General, who was appointed by the CEO to be the heir to the Bach Thien Group. I advise you to Knowing my identity and destiny, now go down and lick sister My Lam’s thick skin. Let’s go Stop it , Mr. Mu, Mr. Mu, you’re finally here. If you don’t come, this bitch Bach Thien will be bullied by big countries on your head and neck. That’s right, Mr. Mu. Bach Thien dares to bully your Heir. Mu Thi Group must definitely notify the whole industry about her Bach Thien, quickly go find your electric motorbike and prepare to go back and continue working as a laborer, Mu Thi Bach Thien, she really doesn’t know the above or below. If you often disobey me, Miss Cao, you mean you want me to expel Bach Thien Without me, I just suggest giving her a lesson like this to build the company’s reputation, making the company more united and orderly to develop. Strong and strong, right? I said so. Make sure he is satisfied with this proposal, why should there be no one else but me? What do you think? I [music] think that if Cao Tieu Thu says the company is not healthy, then our department should just disband on the spot. Bach Thien, what nonsense are you talking about, Bach Thien , we have more parts thousands of people Download elite You said disbandment is disbandment, what are you? Mr. Mu and my mother have such a good relationship, why should you pay attention? This Bach Thien’s look, Bach Thien, you’re a scumbag if you dare to be more I was able to seduce Mr. Mu first. I will definitely marry Ms. Cao Tieu Miss. Who is your mother? Do she and I have any relationship? What is Mr. Mu and Cao Tieu Miss? I’m close to you. I’m the CEO of a busy group. Hundreds of thousands of jobs, why should I be familiar with an intern? Yes, this Mu Thien Bach Thien is also an intern. Why are you two so familiar? Why is it because Bach Thien is the one I appointed the successor to Mu Thi Group ? How could it be impossible? is a self-centered errand boy What is the way to be Mu Thi Group’s next person? I already know. Is she already your mistress? Oh my God, because Bach Thien wants to climb so high, she can sleep with someone old enough to be Bach Thien’s grandfather. TH is so disgusting. Could it be that she took advantage of Mu’s inconvenient limbs and forced her to stiffen her, but the young lady and her mother sent those sexy videos to my mailbox that are just as disgusting, please tell us. Don’t let this type of person affect my white lady’s mood It was me who was blind and deaf, it was me who looked down on people. It turned out that the person who asked me to take care of me was Ms. Deputy General. My heart took care of me. It turned out that it was also you. From beginning to end, it was Miss Bach. I was wrong. Please forgive me this time. Go away . Brother Duong, is it true? Vice President and Director Mu remember that you’re taking care of Bach Thien. What nonsense? Huu Tham and I were betrothed in the womb. He knows. I go to work at Muc Thi Group. How can I not let anyone take care of me? I ‘ve never seen a shameless person like you who harms a lot of people. Brother Duong, calm down first. Cao My Lam’s party tonight is for the Vong Toc clan’s gathering. As long as you can take us inside to get to know each other, How will we forgive you? Sister My Lam, I heard that the Vice President’s mother will announce a big story at the dinner party. I guess she definitely wants to match you with the Vice President to reunite. So even if she is not the heir to the Mu market She is also the world’s most respected wife of Mr. Mu. That’s right, director. Have you heard? Even if I’m not Mrs. Mu’s heir, I’m still the wife of Mrs. Mu. Don’t you dare disrespect me again ? If you want to come in with me, let’s go with [music] hello please present your invitation card invitation card I’m Cao My Lam I’m coming to Pho Thi’s party Need an invitation card no invitation card If you can come in here, it’s cold from your superiors. Please come back, what’s wrong with that white sheep? Bach Thien is a member of Bach Thien’s family. What kind of joke are you guys? How can Bach Thien be a member of Bach Thien’s family? Miss Bach is indeed the one the Deputy General specifically told Thuong Thien not to do. believe Cao My Lam said that Huong was talking nonsense. I don’t know her at all. Her so-called acquaintance is just that her mother used to work as my nurse and then she was fired. How cruel, you have to believe Mu Thi forever. It’s mine , my brother also thinks so, I know my grandmother and brother For me, it seems that the best thing to do is to publicly reveal my identity, otherwise it’s inevitable that something like this will happen again, maybe we should find time to organize a raid on Nham first. Announce your identity and I’ll send someone to prepare it right away Grandpa Look at this food, your mouth is full [music] Who was that person just now, why are you treating him so well, why are you so worried about it? As her husband, of course he has the right to quickly say a man ‘s name Who is that wild man just now that he dares to let you go and seduce him in front of me? You have no brain, don’t you just think that you are a wild man in the eyes of others? You are the man. That wild [music] I don’t care about your past, but from today onwards you are the woman of my Vice President, your children can only call me father, my three children are also their children. My biological child is considered my biological daughter. Please do it Tell me clearly, my children don’t need your pity. When will I say I pity you? I love you, I love your children . I want to reunite with your family. Is there any problem? [music] Dear ladies and gentlemen, Today’s guests, the Pho family, invite everyone to attend this important ceremony to announce two things. The first thing today, the Pho family, we have found two young masters who were lost outside. They are my nephews and relatives of From today onwards, our names will be recorded in the raia Pha The Vice-Governor officially took back the status of the Vice-Governor’s children and grandchildren, but he already had children, how could he still have three more children? This news is shocking. I heard that the Vice- Governor’s children and grandchildren received a large sum of money from birth. The real thing is that after a while, the three children are really compatible with the Vice President’s ex-girlfriend, the young lady who just returned to the country to treat her Am I the mother of the children? Next, I would like to declare that the second thing is that I am the mother of the three children. I am the only daughter-in-law of the Fu family. Her name is Bach Thien. She is a gentle girl. Easy and beautiful, what is your mother calling you? Just answer once. There’s a performance today, why don’t you tell me? How would I know? This is a surprise. Every bride of ours is surprised. If our family gives birth to a son, we will reward you with two billion. I want to give you a reward Let me give you a reward of two billion as a reward for the Vice President to give birth to a son. What about our daughter? I am your Fu family’s reproductive tool, why do we still have a daughter ? Bach Thien, tell me clearly, who said that daughters are okay? What is that, the deputy family? We give birth to a boy, get two billion, give birth to a girl, get four billion. Now it’s your turn to say, girl. What do we mean by [music]? Why does this child’s mother have such a sad face? It’s strange that in this world there are people who don’t like marital money son son, we love each other dearly , Tieu Tham has also determined that Bach Thien is the female owner of my house, the female owner of the deputy family. Is she also worthy? I am the first person to disagree with this. Tieu Hue, what do you want to do? What is it? My vice-lady once risked her life to save you and made you Kim Lan. Have you forgotten? Why did you promise to marry me from your mother’s womb, saying that when the little lady grows up, she will marry our family My Lam? I know the love story. She couldn’t force this feeling , but she couldn’t find anyone so she had to Looking for a product like Bach Thien, she’s not worthy of your family. Aunt Luu Bach Thien, she’s really not worthy of Huu Tham. If you know the truth, you’ll definitely regret it. Lam darling Hue, you all If you know what’s going on, why say it? I also want to hear why you guys are saying that I’m not worthy of being a deputy. You still dare to argue. Why look? This is the proof. Everyone, go see Bach Thien. How can being vile make people disgusted? Dare to do dirty things See Do you still dare to argue? Tell me who are the two men in this photo? Auntie: This is a normal transaction. One is my brother. One is me. Now these young girls have mouths. Then call me, call your foster father. At night, you climb up to stop people and have sex with men and women indiscriminately, and you say that communication is normal. You tricked the devil. Why do you think that the white bride in this photo is the CEO of the target group? I heard Bach Thien came out of his office the next day The errand boy suddenly became Muc Thi Bach Thien’s heir. Is this real? The meteor proof is all here, Bach Thien, don’t deny it anymore, you look at it. Why don’t you understand yet, you scumbag? It was in bed that she served others for pleasure, and then she saved Bach Thien’s three other children , all of whom were not adopted by her, but instead she secretly gave birth to a wild boy because she wanted to climb high and take over the family, even to the point of humiliation. Even though she was her own biological mother , she still didn’t realize how cruel she was, Bach Thien Ba That kid, is this real? Can you stop dreaming in the middle of the day ? This woman just doesn’t know how many hands she has passed through and is already a waste. I advise you to quickly sell the inheritance book . Come out here or I will let these photos be published for everyone to see. Bach Thien. How despicable are you, Bach Thien, quickly hand over the inheritance rights or wait until there is a fuss. The children don’t have any face anymore, what does it matter? And the children too, of course, aunt Luu Bach Thien, quickly bring out the inheritance rights, otherwise it will affect the children, Deputy Huu Tham. I also think so. Why did your mother know for a long time that those three children were not? But I love Bach Thien no matter what her past is, she’s still my wife, I’m confused [music] I can’t leave my family in the hands of a woman like that, mom We can’t let her step foot into the deputy family’s house like that I won’t climb your door any higher, little ha. You don’t really care if someone has a maid in your hand. Your family, Bach thiet, didn’t expect you to be that kind of person. You’re keeping me awake . Mom, what are you looking at? So angry that I fainted Then you vile bastard today, if you don’t announce your inheritance, don’t you dare step out of here . The old lady doctor has nothing to worry about for now, but everyone must pay attention. Let her be agitated and understand , Little Tham Nhan Tam, look at Bach Thien harming your mother like that. It’s true that Bach Thien did too much. She did something too outrageous. I’ll only explain it once. Let’s stop talking about the photo. They are slandering me. Do you believe this old lady or not? The province asked to meet you. You just wait here for a moment and I will tell you later. Believe it or not, this answer is difficult. Is now not the time to talk about this issue? I just need one question. If you don’t know how to do it, you should quickly hand over the Moc family’s inheritance. If not, I’ll make you never see your children again for the rest of your life, so I’ll try to see how you see the mother. If this or that woman refuses to hand over her inheritance rights, she must do so Anyway, it’s just an ah Dan Ba pretending to be polite. In the next few days, Mu will organize an assassination against Nham first for her. I’ve already thought of a way for you to take over the right to book the Bach Thien apartment. Don’t look any further. It’s late, go to sleep , Mom, this doll belongs to my eldest brother. Mom, when you sleep, do you think about Dad ? Tam Muoi Four Sisters, Mom forced us to live without Dad. Do you blame Mom ? Not only do we need Mom to love us. That’s enough, Tam Muoi, Four Sisters Ngu Muoi is also very good. In a few days, she will return home and no one will dare to bully us . Ngu Muoi is also very good. Hurry up and go to sleep. Make sure you cover yourself with the blanket. Deputy Principal, wait until I see you. Knowing that the person he respects and teases is actually my daughter, do you want to buy a piece of tofu and hit me on the head? You’re so hateful. She says she hates you, but that night you clearly liked it very much. What am I here to tell you? You said that I believe in you because as long as you’re not blind, you can see that I love Tu more than any other man. As long as I’m here, you can’t pay attention to anyone else. You’re such an idiot . Is everything okay? She’s okay but I’m not. What could be wrong with you? Are you okay? Asia I’m always thinking about the sentence you said to me. What sentence are we? If you give birth to a girl, you must remember wrongly, then I must have talked Just with my husband. Your husband doesn’t come home every night. Aren’t you afraid that it’s dangerous for you to stay home alone ? He’s about to come home. Watch out if he hits you. What are you doing? I want to show you my biological test certificate. TM sister and fourth sister They are all my children, aren’t fifth sisters also my children? They are all your children but they were all raised by me alone. You can’t just come and take them away like that. So do you know how much I have suffered these years? Do you know how much suffering and sin? Do you know? I know, I know I’m late. I’m sorry. Please follow me . Then you’ll know Dai Bao Nhi Bao, who brought us back to us. We have to return to you, not to us, they are our children, so if you don’t have a contract with me, that tattered contract, whatever harms others will also harm me, from now on it’s all null and void. Vice Huu whispered quietly. Don’t make any noise right We have to go back to our room [sound music] [music] yes I’ve given birth to five children and my belly is no longer as smooth as it used to be [music] anymore. In my heart, people are just such shallow people, why do we love people not just their bodies? but also your soul and your entire being [music] Pho Huu Tham I declare that now I also love [music] you spend the kids are late for school [music] Last night was hard for you people and my children have taken them to school and my company has finished its work I’ll be back soon, I’ll buy you a strawberry cake. You like to eat. [music] Why are you still here? Why aren’t I here? The children have been taken to school and breakfast is already prepared for you. What has happened? Whatever you lack, you will make up for it. What’s wrong? Is sick No, I’m not sick. I know. Let’s go get brown sugar water for you. That’s not actually what you’re doing , but you’re still running around. Sit down quickly. Deputy Principal Tham. Actually, last night was the first time in 10 years for me. I know that’s why I’m okay Okay, I know You stay at home and have breakfast I’ll go buy medicine for the people at home to be obedient Wait for me Go back to the shop and you’ll come back [music] then tell me that yesterday was the one who ran fast today Let’s see where you run to . You scoundrels If you do that, Vice Principal Tham will not forgive you guys. You are a promiscuous person who seduced your ex-husband into bed. If Vice Principal Tham comes back, you will die faster [music] than coming here? What are you giving me to drink? After drinking it, it can make you and your ex-husband happy. Slowly enjoy it. Pho Huu Tham will immediately come back and be reasonable. Hurry and let me go. Pho Huu Tham. How did you come to this broken place of yours? How dare you touch me. Let’s try to see if we can taste Pho’s woman What kind of taste is this? In this life, even if I lose my life, I still deserve to confess. Don’t you like filming the most? Why should you be happy for the positive side? [music] Hurry up and smile. You want to do [music]. music] what save my life save me with save me with save me with Bach Thien Vice Principal Tham he’s already like that You still want to let him go why am I drugged now it’s so hard [music] to bear Bach Thien What do you want to do I want to take revenge on my parents and get blood for blood You crazy bastard [music] I hit you with this cruel and meaningless attack. What do you want to do? Tell me I’m wrong. You want to kill yourself. Don’t let me turn you into waste. I’ll slowly thicken your shell. Let you slowly feel it. accept the suffering before sending you to hell, I will do as you wish, let him live in profound suffering. Thank you for taking revenge on my behalf. It’s not safe for my parents here. Do you and the children want to go home with you? I don’t need it, I still have a house in Nam Thanh Nam Thanh Trang The average price of 1 billion is yours. The Deputy President still hasn’t been able to find out your wife’s identity, but I’ve found out a few other things. I don’t know if the Deputy President wants to hear it. Don’t you want to work anymore , ma’am at Nam Thanh Manor? There is also a manor house with an average price of 1 billion which is her house. Yes, we investigated using better methods than the FBI but we still couldn’t get any other information about such a dear lady . It’s like someone deliberately hid Miss White’s identity Yes, sir, I heard that you know Bach Thien’s background . Grandfather is handsome, right? Tonight is my grandchild’s inauguration party. Grandfather will definitely make you look handsome. I’ll prepare properly later, too, okay? I can go pick up the kids after school. But I want to go before I take office. My parents can go home early. When I meet you tonight, please don’t be so angry that you will harm your family. If I soon understand what you’re saying . then Bach Thien wouldn’t have used his children to control me like that Look , I can’t blame you for this. If you want to blame me, then blame me. That woman is very malicious and clearly knows that these children are the Fu family’s flesh and blood, but she still refuses to return me and really cares about me. something like an ATM to withdraw money I heard that Bach Thien will attend the inauguration tonight to announce her identity. She’s trying to please you on either side. Don’t you see anything wrong, Bach Thien? Maybe it was the commercial message sticker that Mrs. Mu installed on her deputy If she dares to touch the deputy madam, I will punish her. Deputy General Tonight, the Muc Thi Group will hold an inauguration party for the [music] staff to prepare the car. Yes, your parents have dealt with the name Chu Thinh, who has passed away . I have betrayed my gratitude to my parents. Tonight I will take over the broadcast. Duong Quang Dai Muc, tell your parents, please rest in peace [music] Big brother will go back to the country without sending any pictures in advance. If you don’t realize it later, then Why haven’t I been delayed for half an hour? Why are you here so early? I don’t have time to rest anymore. You’re so pretty. How can you talk to me? If you’re a stranger, aren’t you afraid that I’m a bad guy? Little princess. Four brothers, look to see if she looks exactly like you. The more she looks like her, the more she looks like her. Second brother, look to see if she looks like you. Could it be that she’s you? My stepdaughter, why do you have to have a stepdaughter? Khanh [music] Khanh, so you’re Thien Thien’s daughter. Five sisters, two brothers, three brothers. You both know this girl. Why is the signal so weak that I just received the news? Big Brother’s message said he would be half an hour late If you’ve picked it up, then don’t be too happy too soon. If you haven’t passed the test yet , you can’t be my dad. Then you really are our big brother. Second brother, big brother is at the top of our mysterious hacker rankings . It’s really your daughter, why don’t you hear it? Why haven’t you passed all the challenges? I can only be Nhi [music] What’s wrong? So when you go back to your country, your mother won’t know about this. Is there any other bad experience ? Mom, something happened. What’s going on? I was install location software on mom’s phone, current location suddenly strays mom, something must have happened Sign this inheritance contract or I will punish you right now. I can sign but you must release me first. As long as you obediently cooperate with me , you and your mother will have the right to inherit the corporation. You caused Bach Thi to go bankrupt, your mother passed away, now you continue continue to harm the Mu Thi [music] That’s right, why do you inherit the Mu Thi, my mother and I have worked hard for so long ? The Mu Thi Group must belong to us , you . Sign it or not, I will not sign or not sign Okay, let’s wait for you to pass away and I can still get the money from the Mu Thi Group [music] Don’t dream that I’ll still have him after passing away. What? You lied to me. Hasn’t your brother been missing for more than 10 years? Then how come I found it a long time ago and it’s still you ? Bring him to my side, he is the Great Young Master of the Family . What is the reason? Why are you born with a strong and wealthy destiny? Why do your parents love you so? Why are you looking for it ? A man can also find a great CEO. You rotten bastard, go to hell. I have to punish you. Wait until you die and then I will have cosmetic surgery. By then , your brother will be yours. Your men will all belong to you. If we are concerned about what is going on, we should focus on whether we have found Zen I’ve been looking everywhere but I can’t find this, it’s a mess. There’s so many people opening tonight, everyone is waiting for me to announce the Heir of the corporation. You don’t look very happy, do you? Is your health not good ? I used to work as your nurse, but I was fired , but considering my old friendship, I can still help you with my health. You don’t need to worry. Besides, I advise you not to think too much. What else can you do with Mu ? Otherwise, I won’t be polite [Applause] [music] [Applause] Mom, look at this old man, he doesn’t care about you at all, why do you tell this group of thugs whether he cares about you or not? What’s the matter? As long as my niece Bach Nhu Nhu succeeds, wait until Bach Thien passes away and I will find a way for you to be my heir. Mu Mu, Mr. Mu. What’s wrong, quickly go find Thien Thien? I’m sure something’s wrong with you. So don’t worry about me yet go go yes [music] Mommy you poisoned him again he passed away why don’t you come here take his hand and press here press a few fingerprints and it’s good to go [Applause] that’s great yes This is it. Muc Thi Group will be ours. This time, see how deep the vice president still dares to look down on you. The work is about to start. You should go and put on your makeup, female translation. The Minh Minh will officially announce the Asian announcement. You are the heir. Mu Thi’s future is [music] No It’s okay Grandpa was poisoned , I’ll go call the doctor, grandpa [music] shortness What’s wrong with you, grandpa, you’ve been poisoned but the doctor has taken care of it, grandpa just need to rest well and you’ll be fine. Why, my dear, don’t worry about me, come to the hall quickly, sir. I want to announce to everyone that my status as your successor is no longer needed. The party ended a day early . Liu Ai Hue and Gao My Lam used the contract. impersonating your child’s identity, being hateful, hateful, and crude. It’s all because of your useless grandfather. Last time, they used the time he was in a coma to force him to sign [music], and he wanted to sue them so they could go to jail. Grandpa. Just go ahead. Take care of your illness and wait for your grandchild. I’ve already figured out a solution The Muc Thi Group is the lifelong passion of my mother and grandfather. I won’t let it fall into the hands of others. Have you thought of a way ? That’s right [music] must make those evil mother and son pay the price. Grandpa can rest assured that fifth sister’s eyes are exactly the same as when she was a child. So cute. It’s a pity that Bach Thien is not a good person. Thien Thien’s mother is very good. My children and I cannot live without her. What is good about her? But if she doesn’t let you see your father, it won’t hurt your father either When I met the eldest grandchild of the deputy family, she was the one who caused my father to die without closing my eyes. Mom, don’t blame her. It was because you wanted to fake a kiss with her that she was afraid of losing her family. She could only take me with her. Because of your child’s tyranny, she didn’t dare to let you recognize her. Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, it won’t be like that anymore. I assume you still have some conscience and know my suffering. He also understands my hardships and is definitely fascinated by her or then Cao My Lam is the one who has a marriage contract with you, moreover, she has become the person in charge of the Muc Thi group, which is very suitable for you, right? Cao My Lam’s mother used to save her mother when she was young, but these years We have given them a lot, so we shouldn’t use your big marriage as a way to repay our gratitude. If you say you still have any wish in this life, it’s to ask for a request for Bach Thien Cao My Lam for your sake. gain the status of Muc Thi’s heir. Why are you biased towards one? Why are you so stupid? Cao My Lam chose to marry the Mu Thi Group because of you. That’s right, Cao My Lam knew that the Mu Thi Group was very important to the deputy mayor, so she helped me win the Thi Bach Thi [music] item. Do you still have the face to come to the Mu Thi to work ? Why can’t I come and the Mu Thi fired you, not me ? Even young master Chu must stay away from you who dare to fight back Bach Thien, you are so brave. It seems like I have to teach you . Who do you want to teach ? Is it okay, Director Sun? What is this? I’m not a coward. It’s good that you weren’t injured . Bach Thien, why are you doing this? Pushing me so hard just because I had the position of the successor of the Mu Thi Group, why is it so absurd that this white body is still alive? White language The useless puppet still hasn’t been able to make a move and dares to take the money for nothing. I will not forgive her. Vice President, Mr. Look at My Lam’s hand She’s bleeding, you bastard, you must punish her. You’re teaching me how to do things. Listen to my explanation. What do you want to explain? Tell me again about our relationship. Vice President is really evil in treating My Lam. The injury is very serious, I’m fine, I’m fine, just please don’t cause trouble for Bach Thieu, Hieu Thuong, think about it, I know that if I become the heir, I can immediately take back his vice president and Cao Tieu. The letter is truly a match, yes, My Lam is Bach Deputy General Cam’s Moonlight has been translated with voiceover and voiceover . Don’t you want to go to the study room for a meeting? Let’s go deep and dizzy. Can you carry me down ? Bach Kien calls me. I only need you. I’ll call you right away. Put her down and carry you. Wait a minute. Woman. I’m finally used to it. Bach Thien. You have something to tell me . I’m sorry. I said it was the elevator. Wait a minute. Because I also want to go to the study room. Thi Bach.) I call you just for fun Let me help you press the elevator, Bach Thien. Why are you going to Muc Thi’s classroom, Bach Thien, you won’t be in Muc Thi’s classroom where there are few people, sorry. Ms. My Lam, don’t take advantage of the time everyone is here to directly kneel down and apologize to Ms. My Lam. That will be sincere and shut up . There are a few things I think it would be better for everyone to gather and talk. I called everyone to the classroom. What do you want to do? Miss My Lam. Everyone has really come to the classroom. Mu Thi, why don’t you dare go? Now she is Muc Thi’s heir, the paper is clear in black and white Why don’t I dare to take the elevator and wait for me and Miss My Lam? This woman still wants to seduce the Deputy General. You must not forgive her. Of course, if she likes the taste of hell like that, I will let her. She has tasted the taste of eternal life, preparing what I need, white corpse, what I have prepared, it will definitely make my loved ones lose their names, Bach Miss heard that the Mu Thi Group has shocking news, may I ask what it is? As the deputy president, why is there someone next to him who announced the President yesterday? Category Thi Tieu Thu Cao, why did I hear rumors that she and the deputy director were a couple? Could it be that the Good News is about to be announced? Why did you all guess correctly? The deputy director and Ms. My Lam Nhat Kien Loyalty for 10 years is like a day You guys wrote Let’s be kind and let the little Tam choys quickly give up who is the Tam Chou playing, is there any new news? Everyone be quiet. Next, we will announce the big news that everyone wants [ music] know everyone look at Bach’s phone Ngu Nhu, you’ve already lost your reputation, now all you have to do is listen to me tell Bach Thien to sign the transfer contract of Muc Thi Group. I’ll give you 10 million. If she doesn’t agree, I’ll punish her. I’ll give you 5 [negative] music] summoned me to see Cao My Lam again. Evidence that My Lam bribed the assassin turns out that the second person of the Muc Thi group is Bach Thien, Miss Cao is so cruel and even wants people to be dismembered, there is this video of her Sitting in front of Cao My Lam, she is a fake person Please let me see if I can handle you in your place. This video is old and cruel. Don’t be complacent. I will reveal your true face right now. This video of mine can make you disobey everyone forever. Look! Hieu Tham, you should quickly look at this little girl, Bach Tien, she hasn’t even mastered Vo Si yet. She’s been lying to you all the time . Try to think again about this lesson. Your younger siblings are still doing their homework next to me, come over there. Let’s look at the two children here obediently doing their homework Wait for mom obediently Yes, do your homework well Oh my god, what kind of fairy is this ? Working hard all day I accompany you to study and raise your children. Your mood is stable and gentle. Lady is truly my goddess. No. You’ve all been fooled by this, she’s just a slut, old aunt, her hair is broken, so are you a child or see how I can fix you [music] Bao Mom asked me what should we do if we meet bad guys? Call the police, they have been collecting evidence here for a long time. Cao My Lam, we suspect you of slander, please come with us to coordinate the investigation . Goo, you save me, and Goo, Miss. I’m innocent I’m Bach Miss. In the video, you can see that it’s all you taking care of the children, so where are the three babies? It’s so hard for the baby to be raised alone. The child’s biological father has passed away. Why is the child’s main father dead? It’s me, my father is the Vice President of the Group, and I have four Brothers and Sisters We are a united family that loves each other. Stop talking nonsense. You’re right. We are a family full of love. Mom, I’m sorry. This bastard called the police to arrest you. It’s very difficult. I can escape. What should I do now? This is such a useless piece of shit that even an errand boy can’t handle it. It also implicates Ngu Nhu’s sister who was captured. Looks like I still have to take action. Mom, what can I do? How can I translate? Minh In my hand, I still have that bitch’s weakness It’s such an honor. I didn’t expect to be able to take a photo of the Vice President’s family. That’s right, the Vice President and Bach Tieu Truong are truly a pair of children who also inherited their beauty. It’s so perfect. Heaven Born A Pair of Monkeys. Why Bach Thien is both the wife of the vice president Secretly moved into Nam Thanh’s manor, do you still know how to be shameless, Miss? Is what this person is saying true? Listening to this person, does it mean that Miss Bach is having an affair in her marriage ? Is this breaking news? Am I being killed by others? Save ai Hue, what do you want to do with my business? I’ll handle it myself, mom, come on. Liu Ai Hue, I’ve actually moved into Nam Thanh, the manor of the communal house, but I’m staying there for real. Everyone quickly looked and even Bach Thien admitted it I’m having an affair in my marriage. Why don’t you guys hurry up and get rid of Tran? I want to ask you, who rules that your sister can’t live in a house in your name? Why do you still call me ‘sister’ to this day ? Isn’t it really disgusting? It turns out Miss Bach is the type of person who eats from a bowl and looks from the crib. She is truly shameless. Chu Dinh Tu is my biological brother. I call him brother. What’s wrong with biological brother? You should see now. Even Pho Huu Tham doesn’t know about this and you still dare There, you’re talking nonsense if you say that the young master is your biological brother, then you show me the proof that he went to Zen and didn’t have an affair. I’m the proof that your brother is here. What’s wrong? You were deceived by bad guys before. What are you looking for? Tell me the truth. I know you have neglected your children. Can you forgive me, old lady? If it’s because I inherited the corporation, I’m sorry. I can’t forgive you. Because I can’t let my mother’s heart fall into me You deputy maids, Bach Thien, how could I attack the Mu group? Am I that kind of person? I love her, I love her very much, not because she gave birth to my children, nor because she has a group. Do you hear me clearly? Bach Thien and I are siblings. It’s just that we were lost when we were young and have only been reunited not long ago. Please make sure to report truthfully. Brother-in-law, you hid it from me too carefully. This is Thien Thien won’t let me tell you, blame your wife. This is impossible The deputy chief and the children are all my most important relatives. If you dare to treat them badly in the future, don’t blame me for being rude. Even if you are my brother, I will use my life. I guarantee that in the future, I will give them happiness for the rest of their lives . I only love you. If I change my mind, I won’t be able to say harsh words and tell you, you bastard, why did I lose everything? I have no money and no children. Girl, you still have a man who loves you, a brother who loves you I love you well I have to take your life. Call the doctor quickly. [music] What’s the matter? How’s my mother? The patient’s wound is very serious. We’ve tried our best, everyone, don’t rush to listen to me. After all, the patient’s wound was very serious, and before that, she had a tumor that needed surgery, so we did our best to help the patient’s surgery feel secure. The surgery was very successful. The old lady survived. It’s dangerous. Really. The old lady has nothing to worry about anymore Thank you [musician] Auntie, Mom, you scared me, it’s okay , it’s okay, it’s okay, it’s gross of those who harmed me Cao My Lam Luu Ai Hue, I sent them to prison and will never come out to harm me. If there was something wrong with me, would you treat me the same? Would you not let me see you guys anymore? Is that too cruel? I can swear to God that it’s not because of me. It’s because of you that you flatter me Seeing that you raised your children, you don’t know. You endured a lot of hardships before. Are you really confused? Do you want to separate the two of you? Or do you want to tell me to give you half of the Fu family’s assets as a bride price ? Can you forgive anything? Mom, please forgive your grandmother. I can’t accept half of Deputy Thieu Thien’s property. Can I still forgive anything? It’s not like I’ve forgiven anything, but I I can’t accept the property of the Deputy Mayor, but now I’m yours You’re busy enough , Vice Principal, let Deputy Principal Tham Lao take care of it. What do you call me? I call you Vice Principal [music] Tham Deputy Principal Tham What do you want to do? Wearing this heirloom bracelet from my mother on you is Your people will have to call It ‘s your husband, what are you and your parents doing? They’re kissing. You kids, you can’t look at us. Don’t look. Don’t worry, they can’t see . What should I call you, my daughter-in-law? Mom, I’m here. .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
0 Hurry up and call your mother here. They&;re just a dirty jobber. Why would you pay for
0 this? Please kneel down for this young master. I won&;t force you
0 to pay. Who dares to make my son sad? It was them. I accused them
0 of cheating in the exam and they immediately broke my watch and phone. Mrs.
0 Truong&;s family canceled their exam results and suspended them from school. Then the
0 suspension was effective. What is the use of this phone watch that costs only one? Where are they
0 going to get the money to repay these two children? You guys are
0 so brave. Leave me here. Kneel down. I&;m sorry. If not, just wait to be expelled
0 . Say it again. What kind of apology? Who do you want to expel? Where did this come from
0 ? Dare to worry about the financial affairs of two children
0 of this name. Be careful, I&;m not polite to anyone. My mother said that if you have a mother, V
0 , you&;re not a bastard. If you don&;t have a father, you&;re a bastard. We have This dad
0 is our dad. That&;s right. These two They&;re all
0 my children. You&;re not going to be polite. If you have a father, why should you ruin it
0 until we&;re satisfied? Isn&;t that why the money is overflowing
0 ? But I&;m more interested in the truth of the story. hey
0 Send the surveillance camera to my phone, tell
0 me the truth, the truth is that your child is a cheater and
0 beats people, kneel down and apologize. So why did my child hit someone? Or should
0 I look at the camera first and then
0 [music] say it? Oh my god, it turned out to be Truong Thien Thien Tu
0 who damaged the phone&;s watch At such a young age, you can rely on your in-laws to bully your classmates. It&;s
0 too much and you should punish your son severely. If your son is not wrong, then
0 how dare you make my son unhappy? You have to apologize. If he doesn&;t kneel, Mr.
0 Quy, go tell him. I know my husband is not easy to tease
0 . He works at the deputy mayor group and is very close to Liu special assistant next to
0 the deputy director. Just one word from him can
0 make you all disappear from Hai Thanh. What a coincidence. I also You can work at the deputy
0 mayor&;s office just as well as me, but you can also work at the deputy mayor&;s
0 office Just like your wife, she&;s just a smelly piece of trash
0 . My husband is about to come. If you don&;t kneel , you
0 won&;t have another chance. Dad, no, you can&;t. Kneel. Mom said poverty doesn&;t give up.
0 Qu heroes won&;t accept it. Don&;t worry, Dad won&;t kneel. Who is this unreasonable guy who dares
0 to bully my wife and children? Husband, it&;s him who makes my children
0 unhappy. Your husband, a low-class person at the bottom of society, dares to suffocate my wife and
0 children. You&;re tired of living, aren&;t you? Husband, quickly call Luu Dac assistant fired
0 him. Did he do anything at the vice president&;s office
0 ? Yes, he and his wife are low-class, stinking Ta Vu.
0 Agent Liu is a close person of the deputy chief. All you need to do is call assistant Liu
0 . The call is that you have to Get out of
0 my stinking business, now you kneel down and let me
0 finish this or I will let you pack up immediately, Bach Thien Tu.
0 If you get the best in the entire grade, why don&;t you do it? What happens if you lose my watch
0 ? Everyone is inferior to my family. They only deserve to kneel down for me. Kneel down. Kneel down
0 and you won&;t lose your job. Your children will also be able to get an education. There&;s nothing to worry
0 about. That&;s right. Get down quickly. Otherwise, it won&;t be over
0 . The Four Heavenly Records.) Your mother taught you all correctly. I will teach you
0 one more sentence. What is it? When the sky has a seizure, it will rain. People who have a seizure
0 will encounter disaster.
0 My voice is so loud. I&;m really having a seizure. Rain is not a disaster. It&;s not
0 what I have. If you have money, you can bully trash people
0 Why don&;t you
0 obey, who else are you? Or
0 who else are you
0 ? Dad, quickly get up. Your boss, you stinking trash
0 . How dare you lay a hand on my husband. Your life is over, just wait.
0 If you make a mistake, you have to apologize. I&;ll give
0 you one last chance. Why is this person so stubborn? His temperament is
0 not like that of an employee. Is the previous deputy mayor higher than me? Why are
0 you? What are you doing in the deputy town, someone at the bottom of the commune? What can a society like him do
0 , let alone any successful person who would
0 let his wife struggle to raise the children and take care of the children
0 first? He is nothing more than a poor and miserable parasite. translation at
0 the deputy town That&;s right, those brothers at school don&;t even dare to buy snacks
0 and the cheapest school supplies. Our dogs live better than these two brothers.
0 They wear only the cheapest clothes, cheap goods, I don&;t know, I thought they were both beggars.
0 Don&;t talk nonsense. My mother is very kind to us so we can have
0 a safe life. She also makes money for us. In this so-called
0 luxurious place, waiting for her, this place, although safe, is safe
0 , but the people are all greedy. The three money my mother earns is not much, but
0 it is enough for us to eat, drink, dress, and study. We
0 have a warm home and your mother is wonderful
0 It&;s true that you look down on the lower class [music],
0 but expel Truong Dai Phuc and prosecute him according to the law. He impersonated the company and did
0 illegal work, intentionally destroying the company&;s reputation. You must be legally responsible. See
0 the story. I have too many productions, why do I act so well and even dare to change my job
0 with just one sentence? Thiet Minh and voice acting at Asian movies I thought I was
0 the Vice President Why is my dad really a deputy
0 ? That&;s right, I&;m the deputy chief. You&;re the deputy, you&;re the
0 deputy I think you&;re seriously delusional.
0 The principal told me to treat this man well.
0 Could it be that he&;s the deputy chief? This isn&;t
0 good. I have to invite the principal
0 here, you brat. You just said you wanted to fire me, but why haven&;t I been fired yet
0 ? Truong Dai Phu What are you doing,
0 special assistant? What wind brought you here? See This is the gentleman next
0 to the Deputy General. Only he has the right to fire you I was fired from
0 my job, what is this? I did
0 n&;t do anything wrong. You didn&;t do anything wrong. How dare you stand in front of Deputy General Mao, who is known as Deputy Thich
0 Doan, and do something illegal, but still say you didn&;t do anything wrong. Is it true? It&;s really
0 the Deputy Chief Deputy Chief The little master&;s video has been
0 handed over to the police for handling. I was wrong. It&;s my
0 fault that I have blind eyes. A dog&;s mouth cannot grow ivory. Please be generous and forgive
0 me this time. Please don&;t fire
0 me. How can this be possible? Could it be that they colluded to act together
0 ? Kneel down, deputy chief. She&;s just a woman and
0 doesn&;t understand anything. Let me help you vent your anger. You, too, quickly go to school
0 and don&;t study, so you&;re just a human. It&;s nothing. Hurry up, you two little masters,
0 please apologize, husband. This is your biological child. If it wasn&;t mine,
0 I would have strangled him. Because he caused trouble, I just received a notice from
0 the court. forced me to pay 500 for damage to my honor million and confiscate the company&;s house
0 . What? My husband lost his job
0 , lost his house, and has to compensate them with
0 another 500 million. Even if we work for another hundred
0 years, we still won&;t be able to earn 500 million [music]
0 million. President, please don&;t fire my husband
0 and my son. I can&;t be without a house to live in. I can&;t be without food.
0 Deputy President, I don&;t want to be a beggar. I&;m sorry. Bach Thien Tu. I shouldn&;t
0 slander you. Exam cheating Bach Thien Ky I&;m sorry, I&;m not Should I say that you
0 guys are low-class people? Or let Truong Thien Thien&;s whole family also work as
0 an errand boy. Mom, if you work as an errand boy, they can give us a good life. They can
0 definitely do it. Mom, say no profession. They should
0 learn to treat everyone equally, they should know what to do, but
0 we all will go to work as errand boys and do
0 well. Mr. Sinh, are you really the vice-principal
0 ? It&;s just that this man doesn&;t have the qualities to be an
0 effective moisturizer here Principal, why did you hit me? You had to hit him, you rude person. I
0 &;m sorry. Deputy Director: It&;s because I didn&;t manage well. Principal. What are you doing?
0 He&;s just a miserable poor guy. He&;s not Deputy
0 Director. Yes, that&;s for sure. I&;m the principal of
0 Minh Dang school. Are you really the principal of Minh Dang school?
0 That&;s right, this senior club and Minh Dang school both belong to me and
0 this person is her. The entire majority of our school&;s General Finance practice Deputy
0 Mayor Huu
0 Tham, is he really the deputy chief? What have I just done? Letting people who only know how to
0 flatter, bully, and bully puppets around children not only harms them, but also
0 corrupts them all. In the education sector, Deputy General, I will announce that the entire sector
0 will permanently no longer recruit them, Dad. Are you and we so similar?
0 Is it really our father? Actually, fifth sister is the same person as father
0 Nhat Thien Ky Thien Tu Three, I&;m sorry for making you all suffer so much. From today
0 onwards, I will definitely fulfill my responsibility and will not let anyone Who&;s bullying me
0 again? Dad, you&;re so good. Will you take our mother from us? If you don&;t let us
0 see our mother, we won&;t accept you. Father, I&;ll make sure you never let us be away from you
0 . 10 years All of your youth. Bach Thien puts all his heart and soul into
0 the children hey her sacrifice is a lifetime thing I can&;t repay it all
0 [music] the Vice President saved me
0 [music] Ms. Guo your wine has arrived, please
0 come here to sign [music]
0 [music ] accept you guys Oh Chao this errand boy
0 , why is it Miss Bach, Miss Bach Zen? I&;m Quach Uyen Uyen, Miss Quach Thi Tu
0 Comet, Miss What, Miss Bach, I&;m the one who
0 just got married now. My son Nhu Nhu told me about this good wine you can&;t
0 drink it You only deserve to drink this Come on I invite you
0 [music] to drink If you don&;t drink, then
0 you&;ll be fined if you do something don&;t touch
0 me let me go
0 [music] [Laughter] ]
0 [Laughter] so beautiful 9 years ago you&;re so beautiful Today
0 you&;re so beautiful Wishing you and Thinh a happy engagement
0 This is a special gift my family prepared for you. Thank you mom for lending it to my family
0 . 50 million to help sweep out and pass In this crisis, no one says we
0 are best friends. Oh my gosh, sister Thien Thien, your ring is so beautiful. This is the ring
0 my son bought for Thien Thinh for her engagement. It costs 50 million, sister Thien Thien.
0 Come in, Mr. Thinh. This scene is truly a match made in heaven. When the two of you get married, you must
0 let me be your daughter-in-law. Okay,
0 when you return to your husband&;s house, good days will come
0 . You will also come to congratulate me and prosper. Happy wedding scene. Oh Du, how
0 can you laugh like that? I&;m a white lady, Nhu, get out of here, give me a couple of prostitutes.
0 Aren&;t you afraid of retribution? Why are you talking about your children&;s reputation? My son
0 and Nhu Nhu are very happy. The property your parents left behind is enough for them to live. all
0 your life, Bach Thien Thien, now you&;re
0 so bored with life, aren&;t you? You can&;t keep the property your parents left behind and you can&;t keep
0 the man your parents chose for you. You have no right to talk about my parents if you&;re not
0 your mother. If I give you 50 million, my family won&;t have a financial crisis My parents
0 didn&;t argue at the cliff. Then they fell down. After all, you were the one who caused
0 my house to fall apart. Your parents&; grave was even dug up. You still have the face to tell
0 me this. What did you say? Brother Thinh Canh, it seems that sister Bach Zen still
0 thinks that her parents died in an accident and fell off a cliff,
0 right? Today is our day of great joy. Tell her the truth. In order for her to celebrate with us, she only needs
0 her baby. I&;m happy to listen carefully to your parents so you don&;t have to lose them Wherever your parents fell
0 , my brother Thinh Canh and I used rocks to hit them with rocks until
0 they died. White Ngu Nhu Chu Thinh Canh, I want you to pay for your mother&;s lives for
0 treating me well, but they don&;t intend to hand it over. Bach Thi Group gave it to me.
0 Why do I need that goodness? Why should I marry you? Why do they waste my time? They
0 don&;t deserve it. Like Bach Thien, after all,
0 your parents&; lives are still your fault. You would have caused it if it wasn&;t for you and me and Thinh Canh Ca
0 Bac I won&;t know your parents, Bach Thien said that you&;re a broom from
0 another mother and father, it&;s true, it&;s all because I didn&;t recognize the true faces of
0 you bunch of pests, that&;s what I regret the most. I used
0 to be a father, mother, daughter who is not filial to the two of you. You still cry,
0 man and woman, don&;t be complacent, I know, I didn&;t call your five illegitimate children
0 to attend the wedding party, so you are not happy, so you don&;t
0 feel secure. Today This is a day of great joy that I will give to your entire family Let&;s reunite together and don&;t
0 touch
0 my child. If you dare to touch my child, just test me and see what you can do. In the
0 next 10 minutes, bring those five Bastards to me.
0 I&;m very interesting. Great Miss. The person who loved and supported thousands of people
0 has now ended up like this. [Laughter]
0 Don&;t rush. This is just an appetizer waiting for the year of that Bastard&;s arrival before the wife&;s
0 good drama will officially begin, so let&;s not worry. come to her too let&;s start
0 The last part of the wedding, Bach Thien, this was originally prepared for you
0 , but now I&;m marrying your sister. If you&;re your sister, please be Nhu Nhu&;s bridesmaid.
0 Watch us exchange rings. Daydream. It&;s not your
0 turn to refuse yet.
0 I wish Miss Bach and Young Master Zhou a happy wedding. Give birth to a son.
0 Bride and groom Give [music] Sister&;s ring.
0 They&;re all smiling. Why aren&;t you smiling? It&;s because you&;re jealous of me because
0 to marry Thinh Canh, my brother go to the grave then I laugh You dare to curse
0 me then let&;s see who will go to the grave first Vice President Deep to save
0 me is the person who is the CEO Deputy Thi, the head of the corporation The leader is all about Deputy
0 Huu Tham, what Deputy Huu Tham wants to come right? So Bach Thien just called
0 a big person on your phone, we&;ve never met a big person, have
0 you ever delivered goods to him? To save your life, you really
0 dare to say anything to me. Don&;t talk nonsense. If you dare touch my child Just a
0 strand of hair I will let you bury with me. If you don&;t believe me then ask Cao My, you
0 can&;t tell Nhu Nhu. Knowing that the Chu family has offended the deputy chief and has gone bankrupt
0 , remember if Nhu Nhu regrets, the Chu family will return. I&;m completely doomed and
0 this bitch is so flirtatious that the child she gave birth to doesn&;t even know whose race she is,
0 why does she have to care about the survival of her children or is this
0 true? Tell me. There is no such thing, have you heard
0 ? By the way, you dare to play tricks on me. I&;ll send you to Bach
0 Thi&;s grave. The group that you will inherit will also die according to your wishes. This is the evidence
0 I collected from Bach Thi. The group
0 is useless, I Copy 100 more copies and I&;ll go to my grave. This will be sent
0 periodically to Bach Thi police station. The group you inherited will be
0 wiped out immediately. This name 10 years ago should have eliminated
0 you. I&;m really sorry. Did you underestimate her? Don&;t be
0 afraid, honey Even if Bach Thi Group collapses, it will still be seen as its grandfather&;s group as
0 a group. That&;s right, it is the group that is second only to Deputy Thi.
0 The second largest group in the world has heard it and doesn&;t want to threaten it. I&;m
0 useless and shallow, I signed this contract 18 years later, Mu Thi Group will be the one to try
0 my stepmother&;s stepchild, I don&;t want to try this plan,
0 Mu Thi Group, I just hope everyone is
0 healthy since my brother died. When I was five years old, I got lost in the house and
0 was the only child left Who should I leave the only property I don&;t leave to my children? But
0 why do I have to hide this from my father? That loser
0 outside is so stubborn and promiscuous that he even took all the furniture in the house and left it to
0 the woman next door. In addition to harming
0 your mother, Mom, don&;t
0 cry. If you don&;t have a father, you will always be with me
0 . Mu Thi Group is the lifelong passion of Cong Bach&;s grandmother. On
0 what basis do you think you can inherit this power? After this situation, I&;m not afraid
0 to tell her grandmother Your husband has recovered and returned home.
0 I&;m looking for you to tell my wife. Unfortunately
0 , today while running an errand, you accidentally fell down the stairs and died
0 . Your illegitimate child will also be thrown down by me to kill the fish. After we eat, I
0 will be honest and
0 tell you one more secret on behalf of the heiress. In fact, I am not
0 your father&;s biological child. My mother and I deliberately seduced her brother and sister Bach Dinh Tu as well. because we intentionally
0 kicked him out of the house regardless of how he lived until now I
0 can finally push your whole family down with my own hands. Gold reunites white rice Nhu You beast,
0 how dare you talk to Muc Thi&;s future heir like that Chu Thinh
0 scene white Ngu Nhu my child No matter what, even if you have 100 Moc Thi, you
0 still can&;t protect you. Why Alo Long Ca Nam Bastard Son? When
0 he arrived, he picked him up in the car and immediately went to Dai Bao. I ran quickly to the C furnace. Thien
0 said he was the father of some illegitimate children This is
0 a big person that we cannot offend. Do you see any big person, Miss?
0 You are the future heir of the Mu Thi Supreme Supreme Group,
0 and there is no one that we do not dare to offend, you hear me clearly now? There&;s no one I wouldn&;t dare offend
0 . Just wait until the year your illegitimate child goes down to the Golden Stream to reunite in white language.
0 Nhu I beg you, just let my child go. You can do whatever you want me to do. That&;s okay.
0 That&;s fine. Then you should run around here
0 Give me a round while crawling and barking like a dog. Give me a round and I&;ll spare one of
0 your bastards. Go away. Bark. Bark once and I&;ll give
0 you a bone to eat. If you don&;t crawl now,
0 I&;ll call you later. That child comes and crawls until they&;re done leaving. I&;ll squeeze each
0 of them one by
0 one. Long brother, why have you become like this? Those bastards
0 don&;t dare anymore. I really don&;t dare [music]
0 anymore. Nhu Nhu can&;t finish it . Then quickly let go of Bach Thien,
0 mother I&;m so confused that the inheritance is about to come to me.
0 Why should I let her go? What do you know? Hurry up and let her go or else we
0 won&;t be able to escape. Why are we going?
0 Where are we going? I know right away. I&;ll come and save you. Who was I
0 talking about just now, whoever has the guts to roll out here
0 and announce to go down and clean up the little gods [ __ ] call the second and third brothers to come here
0 and see if you&;re stupid. Everything was arranged by you, right? Don&;t I thought just finding
0 someone could save you Now you&;re big and
0 dark. I&;m fine. How are the children?
0 They&;re very good. Don&;t worry, my people are taking care of me
0 . Thank you. Luckily, I have you. You&;re a good mother to the children. I
0 can&;t be a bad father either. Okay now it&;s my turn to do
0 what I should do. What do you want to do? Protect the woman of
0 [music] I said it well. It looks good. It&;s a
0 pity that it&;s strange with Bach Thien.
0 They&;re probably parasites who are parasiting Bach Thien. Saying I&;m a freeloader makes you
0 happy, not happy. Of course, I&;m not happy they&;re just a bunch of idiots who don&;t
0 care about anyone [music] What
0 do you want to do? You going with Bach Thien is like slapping brother Thinh
0 Canh in the face, slapping brother Thinh Canh in the face is like slapping brother in the face The deputy mayor
0 of the group can bear the consequences. She didn&;t tell you
0 that it was the deputy that caused the Chu Family to go bankrupt. Why did you say
0 that the Chu Family went bankrupt? This guy is telling the truth. Why are you so hateful? How
0 dare you trick me into spending money. The old man had no idea that he was a
0 poor man My life is ruined. It&;s okay. It&;s okay, my dear.
0 We just need to confess. And those Bastards will be eliminated. We will
0 be able to rise up and say the right thing tonight. Hotel
0 Prodigy will be cleaned up so that the Deputy President can watch the show or no matter what the price, Chu Dinh Tu, young master, Chu family
0 ,
0 and
0 unrelated people, immediately leave here, otherwise you will have to bear the consequences yourself
0 . Why are these two people here so free to dare to cause
0 trouble on the ground? Your table, we are planning to deal with them, but what you are
0 holding in your hand is a wedding gift for our sister Nhu, why are you being too
0 polite? You two are Hai Thanh, you can come to the party. My wedding
0 I already feel very honored, no matter what status you are, you are worthy of me giving you a gift.
0 Don&;t say such harsh words
0 . Your words are meant for people to hear.
0 The animal&;s house is worthy, so why am I not worthy? I&;m not
0 worthy, second brother. I just heard that someone wants to leave your body intact
0 Come here, take my M5 and deal with this, second brother or my sword
0 better be clean and neat, no blood on it.
0 Who is this white-faced guy? Why do both Chu and Luc have to call him
0 side brother ? Next to the second brother, when will there be another woman? So beautiful
0 . Hello, what house is the movie translated?
0 My house is so good, Bach Thien, even a wild boy 10 years ago was found by you. You really
0 have a copy. She clearly told me the player Bach Thien was a man The old janitor
0 , but this man in front of him saw noble Bu Phem,
0 what should he do now? The Zen student had five children. Who knew that among the father of these children
0 there was such a great figure? Vice Principal. Do you believe what she said? What
0 is he really like? Is he such a wonderful man? I must
0 take him back to you, young master, thousands of times. Don&;t be
0 fooled by Bach Thien&;s appearance. It&;s not like you Why is it so popular that foreign traders
0 run errands? I might be selling my body, otherwise
0 why would I have so many children? How can an indecent woman like her
0 be the mother of your child? If you don&;t know how to talk, shut up
0 . My sister, how dare you do this without admitting that you dare to say that you are the father of five children
0 Those children are all the Vice President&;s. Of course, I dare to say that Pho
0 Hu Tham&;s children are children. I just can&;t say it in front of Pho Hu Tham. Sister, since you&;re a prostitute
0 , don&;t set up a chastity temple anymore. In addition to what is missing? The person who accepted you
0 but the vice president gave me perhaps I can still spare your life, my second brother. I heard
0 that you are married and have never heard that you have five children. My sister-in-law gave birth to five children at one time,
0 right? I had to step on it with the weight of Ghost Gate,
0 so why is this Big Brother&;s? What&;s being said inside is about Lady Bach,
0 you don&;t need to see it, I only know that she is the mother of my child. It
0 doesn&;t matter what kind of person she is. This FB is for my brother. Tell me to see it now
0 . Put me with this type of person. No need to talk nonsense,
0 directly attack
0 the majestic second brother, it seems that the second brother is true love to the eldest sister. There is no doubt about it
0 . Deputy General, we are wrong, please forgive us. Go and beg
0 you to release us. Deputy General, please. Please let
0 us go, I can swear to heaven, you and me and Bach Thien has never had anything
0 . My dear aunt, sir, be generous. I have
0 blind eyes. Please
0 forgive me. My son
0 . My teeth. My teeth are gross. I beg you to spare my child. CT
0 Wait. Even though the killer is dead, the transaction records are still there. The police have come to the door.
0 Wishing you a happy retirement in the closet. We&;ll admit
0 your guilt quickly. [music]
0 Sister, we were just joking with you. Sister, please forgive us. That&;s right,
0 your language is soft Sister of the deceased Is the sister&;s kindness worth fighting? Is it unfair?
0 Is it worth fighting [music]?
0 Unexpectedly, her sister
0 -in-law looks like a kitten on the inside and is a tiger [music]
0 so you talk to her politely. Just kidding. Just kidding, Second Brother
0 is not angry yet, what are you angry about because she is
0 [music]
0 [music] so I am Bach Thien&;s biological brother,
0 I am the one who was criticized by mother and son Bach Thien more than 20 years ago. kicked out of
0 Bach&;s eldest son&;s house Bach&;s family Tu
0 Thiet Thien has suffered too much criticism today and this truth should be left for later.
0 Tell her
0 [music]
0 because she is Second Brother&;s wife, I have to teach D you a little bit on behalf of Second Brother. I know
0 I don&;t respect my sister-in-law a bit. My second brother, Khuynh, is tired of fighting
0 . I&;m going to help her. Wait, now is the time for her
0 to be a little angry. Get out. Quach Uyen Uyen. It turns out you and I
0 are both the same. fake [music]
0 pretend white poetry Rot What do you want
0 to bring her down for me
0 [music]
0 I tell you what do you want to do? I am the future heir of the Muc
0 Thi Group. Even the deputy mayor is also dreaming? The Muc Thi Group is your passion.
0 What qualifications do you have to inherit my grandmother? When you pass away, I will have the qualification.
0 But you can&;t wait until that day. You really think I will be stupid
0 enough to take your life. After that, for the sake of your life. It&;s yours to go sit in the closet
0 so cool, My Second Lady I&;m sure to tell you what you like to do,
0 what are you filming Bach Thien teaching others to do? So my boss told me to film it as a souvenir, saying
0 I want to watch it over and over again, how can I watch it over and over again, but my boss is interested
0 in Nhi&;s women ? Brother like that will definitely
0 not be filmed again. If you want to see it, tell him to come and see it in person,
0 second brother. You&;re right. Big brother said that if you and the white lady hold a wedding
0 , he will definitely come. It&;s really strange, big brother. So mysterious
0 , not to mention he&;s never even heard his voice After all that, I was looking forward
0 to attending Bach Thien&;s wedding. I have history to testify.
0 It turned out to be true. Big brother, one word, nine peaks, second brother. Please quickly organize the wedding with
0 Miss Bach. I was anxious to meet. Big brother Yes, you two are married. It&;s been
0 so many years. I already have one. Save some energy. She
0 doesn&;t have the right to let me publicize the two years I&;ve known you. Big brother. This is the first time I&;ve
0 seen him. Bach Thien, who cares about other things besides making
0 money, ended up hiding it from me Why
0 are you making such a big noise? Second brother, you&;re not right. Second sister-in-law, why are you okay?
0 She knows how to glare at you. I look at your appearance and this tone of voice and
0 say that Bach Thien is not worthy of your publication. I dare you. I bet it won&;t be long before you fall
0 into a state of stalking. [Music]
0 Your wife is very suitable for you. Big brother also bet your second brother will fall into a state of following you.
0 Wife, even if you have a vice president backing you up, you can&;t do anything foolish.
0 If I pass away, prepare yourself to go to jail. You really think
0 I would be stupid enough to take your life for the sake of enlightenment. Why should you
0 go to jail if you want to go to hell, but heaven has eyes for your mother to pass because of
0 illness, but Chu Thinh canh ran away
0 , but I will keep you, you are still useful, jump down from here, I will Let go
0 of you or I will break your whole body like that into
0 pieces I&;m jumping You don&;t play [music]
0 anymore Let the tiger go home stop the ace there will be trouble You don&;t understand me This is called casting a long line to catch a
0 big fish It&;s very late I have to hurry up and
0 pick up my children from school and take them home to tutor them Here&;s the exercise, Bach Thien, please help me.
0 What is this? This is
0 a USB with something inside. If you want to know who&;s coming, you must
0 [music] see Miss Bach. Wait a minute, big brother, I want
0 you to answer the phone. Big brother, you definitely want to. What do you
0 hear? That&;s right. It&;s you, what&;s strange? It&;s clear that the big brother just said that he had something
0 to do and wanted to find the second lady. Looks like your girlfriend is very sought after
0 . Pay attention. Hello, sir.
0 Find me, Mom, it&;s me. Mom, don&;t let them hear you.
0 I still don&;t want to reveal my identity, Bach Khanh Khanh. What the hell are you trying to do
0 ? How can you be the big brother of Fu Chieu Tham? Actually,
0 he is my father. You know that. But he has to pass the test. I&;m only qualified
0 as your father to say that Dai Bao and the others are looking for Deputy Huu Tham and it&;s also because of
0 me. Mom, I know you&;re very angry, but don&;t be angry. Soon
0 someone will come and find you to become the top female Phu Hao of the Muc Thi Group to lead
0 us. You live in a big villa from now on and don&;t worry about what you wear. Until then, even Dad
0 won&;t have the right to stand by Mom&;s side. You have to obediently listen to Mom&;s words
0 so that Fu Huu Tham will obediently listen to what you have to say
0 , Big Tieu Thu. What did my brother say to you, big brother? You said you would Instead of
0 me, he said that only after he passed the test could he reveal
0 his identity. He has no right to reveal his own identity.
0 Are you mistaken? Of course I am not mistaken. Believe me,
0 just try and see, it&;s late. Wherever you want to go,
0 I will of course go home to my children. Then go home to the people who know where my children are
0 ? Vice mayor&;s villa. Why haven&;t you cleaned up yet? Are
0 you already sleeping today? Thank you, kids. They all like you very much. If that&;s the case, then you and
0 your child should just move here We don&;t need the place we live now, it&;s very good
0 , you listen carefully Thien Tu Thien Ky is the son of the Pho family. Only in the Fu family do we
0 have the best resources. Do you want to win like you are hanging around in the market? Three
0 Children That&;s okay, but my child can only be in the village. Your child
0 is also my child. There&;s no such thing as wandering around in the market. Don&;t look down on people and
0 talk about your strength to make people respect you when you don&;t have the truth. My children can only
0 follow me and the other three are you Even if I take them to beg, I have no idea
0 . We&;ll just wait and see
0 what Bach Thien Ngi wants to do. Don&;t think too much. I just want you to explain a little bit
0 about the five children. Why do we only see four Thursday children? The name you haven&;t met yet is Bach Khanh Khanh,
0 that&;s your big brother. Do you want to know? I won&;t tell you
0 whether you finally said it or not. I won&;t say what you can do. Besides, Fifth
0 Sister is not your child. Where can I tell you
0 ? Bastard Mom and dad, you two are kissing, three sisters, three sisters, four sisters
0 , why are you both waking up quickly and going home to your mother? Thank you for taking me and the children home. We
0 &;re lucky to have you. I&;m sorry I&;m late. When I was sick, I can&;t blame you for kidnapping you when I&;m only three years old.
0 In the future, we brothers must work together
0 to make these bad people suffer the appropriate punishment. Let&;s get in the car.
0 Hello, you want to take my wife and children. Where are you going? You can make your wife and children leave you
0 My family is gone and won&;t even let me take my sister-in-law and niece home in the middle of the night like this.
0 I&;ll leave them on the side of the road to see if I can bring them home.
0 It&;s unreasonable.
0 Four sisters, hurry up and eat. If you don&;t go to school, you&;ll be fine. It&;s late, mom, only big brother can
0 call that silly worm. Fourth sister, wake up and welcome their big brother home. It&;s good, Third sister, don&;t
0 say anything else. Mom will be sad, so I won&;t mention big brother anymore. We both have it too.
0 You can take good care of your mother, samadhi, don&;t be in a hurry. Mother has tried very hard to
0 become strong. Soon our family of seven will be reunited.
0 Hurry up and eat or you&;ll be late for school. After school, mom still has to
0 go deliver goods. Why is it cold today? Mom, remember to wear warm clothes, Tam Muoi.
0 Very good, but today mom doesn&;t have to deliver goods, but rather pick up a gift from
0 the mother of Pastor Hong Duc General Tai. The group has been
0 very petty and petty for the past few years You&;ve suffered so much
0 . Mu&;s group almost fell into the hands of outsiders.
0 Don&;t say that. It&;s good that Grandma can come back healthy
0 . She still needs
0 Mr. Bach Thien. She&;s really generous and even coaxed my mother to accept the three children.
0 Deputy Huu Tham&;s illegitimate children Please say it clearly: My child is cute, everyone
0 likes you, everyone like you is not in the right mind, just say they are illegitimate children, please say it
0 again to see who is sane. Thong Deputy General Elder Looking at
0 the old lady, it seems that Thieu really likes Bach Miss
0 Cao My Lam has just been married for a while, we don&;t need to match-make Miss Cao
0 and Young Master anymore. That&;s right, Cao My Lam Although she is
0 my best friend&;s daughter , to be
0 honest, it&;s ten thousand times more superficial than her. married
0 without regard for fame and fortune, quietly raised five children alone
0 and later on, he was petty and cruel, I would be the first to deal with
0 him. White lady is truly great, but I heard that Mrs. Luu led Miss Cao
0 . When I return home, I&;m afraid I&;ll immediately find her to discuss
0 our Korean sister&;s engagement Let&;s talk about
0 other things. No need
0 to discuss. Hurry up and arrange the banquet. I want to announce the identity of Zen Zen
0 and the two children
0 from now on. I am the problem of Zen. Anyone who dares to cause trouble to
0 Zen Thirteen is causing trouble. trouble
0 me. Who allowed you to not ask my permission and dare to force me to kiss you? So
0 tell me in advance when you will allow me to kiss
0 you. Stop arguing with me. Do you believe me or not? I will tell
0 my aunt right now about the fake marriage I can only
0 shut your mouth like I did before, don&;t my mother want to hold a party before the party to publicize
0 the identities of you and the two children. I&;ll come pick you up later and announce the identities
0 of the two children
0 but
0 What did you say in the car just now? They are my sons. Can&;t this be let
0 others know? Why am I talking nonsense to
0 you? Isn&;t this Mu Thi? What are you doing here? You&;re going to be late for work. Don&;t
0 tell anyone else, how can a small company like Muc Thi be comparable to a deputy?
0 Please inform me, don&;t arrange too many things for her. My mother has enough to keep
0 her busy.
0 The group
0 &;s boss, Mu, is the manager. What are you saying? The Deputy General&;s woman wants to come to our department
0 to work, right? Just now, the Deputy General&;s special assistant personally came to give instructions,
0 and the company&;s general director, Mu, also told him to take good care of himself. It can be
0 seen that this new employee&;s status is not ordinary, it&;s really strange, Mrs.
0 The Vice President did not come to the top of the rankings, but came to our market We do
0 n&;t know where the deputy mayor is and the Mu wants to have a strong connection so they sent the Deputy General&;s woman
0 to survey us. Anyway,
0 we&;ll have to deal with the new person who dares to disrespect her [music] ]
0 There comes My Lam Sister, the director, the person the Vice President wants to take care of
0 is of course Sister My Lam, and she is the Deputy President&;s first love. Marriage
0 contract from the mother&;s womb, Vice Principal&;s first love. Marriage contract Since
0 I was young, Giao Giao was a little more humble. I wanted to go to My Lam, my sister So humble, but the strength
0 does not allow our manager Cao My Lam, Ms. Cao, to own the name of
0 countless luxurious s. 10 years ago, she joined the Deputy General in the picture with the shadow of
0 Ms. Cao. She is truly the master. Vice President&;s wedding vow, why do I remember that it said
0 to take care of the new person&;s name? It seems like it&;s two words.
0 Correct, no need to correct me. I&;m Huu Tham&;s fiancee.
0 His tendency to kill first and then strike later is really strange. You&;re bothering everyone, you shouldn&;t be doing
0 that Yes, we have arranged everything for you. Surely she is not
0 wrong. Hello, what am I? It was almost because of you that I missed the big deal. You have
0 blind eyes and didn&;t even hurry to get over there. For Miss Cao, I did the design
0 Don&;t come to serve others, newbie. You still dare to argue, newbie, you
0 know how to be a little more reasonable. My sister My Lam is a golden lady. Being able to serve
0 her is your blessing. That blessing. Can you let me take it? You have a relationship with
0 the deliverer and I really can&;t let the deliverer carry your things so can you have the heart
0 to let a stranger carry your things Huh It&;s okay if you don&;t carry it. Don&;t regret it
0 later. I have a little tip for everyone, feel free to choose, Cao Miss
0 My Lam is very generous. Thank you, My Lam. I&;m sorry. I didn&;t
0 prepare it. I&;ll give it to you next time. Okay, I have to work.
0 This new girl is really rude. No problem, My Lam has
0 already given her a gift, but she dares to come empty-handed and look at her dressed in a rustic way, so I&;m sure the cable car is
0 full of the latest brand name handbags,
0 My Lam, I&;ll follow you from now on, everyone. Countryman If it weren&;t for wanting to
0 record TNG&;s Thi Thi section Lieu, you guys don&;t even have the right to lick me
0 like this and you don&;t transfer money, don&;t even call or listen. I have to go find my deputy, but I
0 can&;t, Mom. Since Huu Tham found out about me taking care of his young son, I&;ve been warned.
0 I&;m not allowed to appear in Hai Thanh anymore. He
0 hasn&;t called me in 10 years. It&;s okay. I&;m afraid that Deputy Huu Tham
0 is about to find me and then our whole family will be on the street. He How can we
0 come find it? I&;m because I&;m about to become the female CEO of the group Thi Nhat Nhan
0 spent the year An Nhan divided the upper one. That&;s right, it&;s me. The CEO Mu
0 Thi suffered from dementia two days ago. He just returned to his country. I must be
0 in a state of alertness and appoint Moc Thi&;s successor using your tricks.
0 This position as Moc Thi&;s successor will definitely belong to you, daughter. Rest assured, I have
0 made all arrangements. You can come to Mu Thi tomorrow. I already know
0 what to do next, mom. Just stay still Tam I will definitely become the successor
0 to Thiem Hoi Tam.
0 Hello, Mom, let me tell you the good news.
0 Does Deputy Tham Tam really still have an old crush on you? Of course he knows I&;m about to start the job. In Muc Thi It&;s special. Ask someone
0 to take care of you. Deputy Mayor Han Chi wants to invite famous people to attend
0 the gala, saying: If you want to announce important news, you probably want to publicly confess
0 your love to your child. That&;s true. Why is it so great? You know I still love you But
0 I&;ll give you this chance while taking care of the favor and organizing the party with such sincerity.
0 Grandfather Mr. Bach works at my company. How do you feel? Grandfather,
0 just call me superficial. That&;s fine. How do you feel? At the company, it&;s okay, there are
0 a lot of problems, some words are hard to say, just let me investigate clearly and talk later.
0 It&;s not too late. It&;s good to be able to adapt.
0 Tonight, take the children to my house for dinner. Hey, I&;ll give you my cooking skills
0 tonight. I have work tonight. Or it&;s me Let&;s go tomorrow. See you tomorrow. Goodbye.
0 Does
0 that white meditation have any background? Why did a man drive such a luxury car
0 come to pick her up? What background does she have? I&;ve already investigated. Before, Ms. I&;m just
0 an errand boy, and I&;m also the kind of person that thousands of people give birth to a
0 bunch of bastards, none of whom know who the father is, but I didn&;t expect this guy
0 to be so despicable behind his back. Those two men just now must be Surely
0 she was able to hook some of the rich guys and even the young ones I&;m so busy,
0 Giai Giao Giao, let&;s go advise Bach Thien. After all, she&;s a former colleague.
0 She did that. Not only is it not good for herself, but it also implicates
0 the company and brings shame to her. My Lam, you&;re so kind.
0 [music] white belly, where are the two tycoons who picked you up?
0 Why did you walk all the way here? Are you criticizing the price for being too low? Truong Giao, who
0 has a dark heart, sees everyone and feels dirty
0 . Then don&;t go anywhere. I picked up my child and now I&;m coming to pick up my aunt Truong Giao
0 Giao, are you crazy? You&;re crazy. Letting five children be played dirty by men, you dare
0 say I&;m dirty with My Lam. See if I&;m right. She really gave birth to five
0 children, a bunch of children. This bad girl, how can Mr. Sen Sinh pay attention
0 ? I must have misread Dao Goo. How can I
0 casually look at such private things? Bach Thien, I&;m on behalf of Dao Goo. I&;m sorry, she&;s just a scared
0 You&;ve been in contact with too many filthy men and regretted it. It&;s too late,
0 young lady. You just said I have a [music] disease.
0 This has already been recorded and there&;s even a video. It&;s just a joke. Come on,
0 there&;s no need to be serious, don&;t think that by knowing a good driver, you can
0 back My Lam&;s boyfriend, we are much more powerful. He
0 just opened his mouth and she didn&;t even know she was losing her life. No need to bother
0 My Lam, I&;ll report directly to the police Let the police handle her. She just called the police.
0 Why is such a powerful lady having to invite hundreds of media people here
0 ? Or maybe we can use this as evidence and give them the recording
0 of How can you alone be as trustworthy as the testimony of the three of us? This thing
0 can not only be recorded but can also be filmed.
0 We are former colleagues. There is no need to make things difficult for each other,
0 bitch. Dare to confront me and see if I inherit Moc Thi Group. Then I will deal
0 with you fairly Just now, who said he wanted to report to the police? Do you need my help? No
0 need. No need. [music]
0 Bach Thien to make up for it. I invite you to my banquet. How about My Lam? Who
0 is she? Why did she come to Pho Thi&;s party? That&;s right, My
0 Lam, that party was to propose to you. Wouldn&;t inviting this type of person ruin
0 the atmosphere? It&;s okay, everyone is yours. Group Section Thi
0 Of course must unite Hoa Thuan to enjoy her happiness Do you think I&;m right
0 ? What you say makes a lot of sense, but I&;m not free tonight.
0 My Lam, you see, this type of person
0 is basically not qualified to attend the banquet. That&;s right. My Lam, we all
0 want it. Seeing the Deputy Madam&;s fate. If we can see the most noble man in the city,
0 then it will be good, My Lam. Tonight you will be the Deputy General&;s wife and from now on,
0 don&;t forget us. Bach Thien Tu, I don&;t know what to expect. Tonight Now let&;s see how I
0 &;m going to handle C [music],
0 you jobber VT&;s wishful thinking Who do you want to fire? I&;m not. I
0 said you don&;t need to come pick me up. Why don&;t you let me come?
0 You want that guy from the office to come. You&;re talking nonsense. You didn&;t see me walking there. That&;s
0 right, Thien Tu, where are they? They&;ve been taken home. If you want
0 to meet them quickly, get in the car for me.
0 [music] You&;re taking my place, you know it&;s crowded, so why
0 don&;t you sit next to
0 me and drive? You think of me as your driver, you say driving is driving I didn&;t tell you
0 where to go. It&;s your own business. What else can you do if you obey traffic laws?
0 The Deputy General knows a lot. The Deputy General traveled thousands of miles to pick me up from work. Hey, I&;m alone.
0 I don&;t dare set foot at the Deputy General&;s house. The deputy general is the best,
0 most gentle person in the world, the most
0 luxurious car, too many people in the car. It seems like Bach Thien, Bach Thien, you&;re dizzy, why is Bach Thien in a supercar
0 that was changed to My Lam? Okay I remember there are only four
0 supercars in the world, all owned by Pho I heard that recently there was a special
0 order made for me by Huu Tham, which is full of diamonds and gold. There is only one in the world. I can&;t
0 hide it from everyone. This one was also specially ordered for
0 me by Huu Tham because tonight is all over. Are you
0 ready to confess your love to me? Surely that car
0 will be given to me, too?
0 [music]
0 What is she hiding from her body? Is there a place I&;ve never seen before?
0 You were so drunk that night. You can&;t remember
0 , are you sure? Whatever you want, I remember you were as beautiful that night as you are now
0 . Your tongue is so sweet. Did you drink wine or eat honey? If you taste
0 it, you&;ll know
0 how much wine you&;ve been drinking. I&;m in charge. On a happy day like this, I
0 can&;t drink too much. What&;s so fun about marrying love? When I first became a wife, my wife
0 gave birth to two beautiful sons that really impressed me I &;m a winner in life
0 , my first love, that&;s right. She&;s my first person and
0 my only person, so all these years you&;ve been responsible
0 for me, you know? You&;re really nice to others. gave birth to three
0 more children. Halfway through the night, I got into someone else&;s car. Tu was not someone else
0 Besides, you got married first, so I
0 hid it from you. Whatever you want, I&;ll say it again. I&;ll only say it once. I won&;t
0 allow you to have the scent of another man. You can only belong to me.
0 No, actually, I lied to you. Those five children are actually your children. It seems like
0 you have kept yourself pure all these years. I will not compare your tyrannical terms
0 that year and tell you all the truth. I know and there&;s a corporation backing
0 us up. He wants to rob us If you can&;t take my child, Deputy Huu Tham, why
0 are you sleeping? Vice President, we have to apologize. Deputy President, sorry, white lady.
0 You two continue, old lady Tam Bao. Call your parents and
0 children to go to Dai Bao. They are all waiting. Wait in the car, Tam Tieu Thu, the
0 vice president and the white lady have something to do right now that&;s temporarily inconvenient. It&;s unreasonable
0 . What&;s so important that we have to hide it from our family? Mom and Dad are definitely kissing.
0 It&;s so wonderful. Mom&;s about to give birth to us. It&;s Friday, my sister.
0 Is this really an important matter? If you&;re allowed to be a special assistant,
0 you must keep a close eye on this place, no one is allowed to disturb the shoes of the Three Jewels, Four Jewels,
0 let&;s go quickly. We&;re about to hold our sixth grandchild.
0 [music] Bach Thien This is Pho&;s party.
0 Why do you dare barge in here? My Lam sister invited me but you didn&;t come. You just sneak
0 in. You&;re so shameless. A dog&;s mouth can&;t grow ivory. If you don&;t know how to
0 speak, then shut up and give me the piano. This woman still dares to argue with you, why do you really
0 need it? Re-educating Bach Thien Dao Dao is just a good intention
0 to remind you that if you don&;t have an invitation, you will be kicked out. How about this? Be
0 obedient. Please forgive me. If this matter is ignored, I will take you into this situation.
0 Have you heard, our sister My Lam is happy and will take you inside. If
0 not, with your poor appearance, you won&;t be able to go to a high-class party
0 like this for the rest of your life. Look at the way that girl dresses. It&;s already very expensive. If you don&;t
0 want to work hard, then quickly kneel down kowtow and apologize to My Lam sister, Bach Thien. Today
0 is my happy day. Just kneel down and apologize to me. I&;ll make sure you&;re okay,
0 Bach Thien. Why aren&;t you kneeling yet? Do you want me to help you?
0 Don&;t you dare hit Dai Dai? Her fiance is the CEO, Bach Thien,
0 you&;re dead, don&;t run away, I&;ll call my boyfriend to teach me.
0 If you want to teach me, I&;ll wait here. Hello, husband, please save my life. Someone is bullying me. I
0 tell you that you really don&;t shed tears when you see the coffin Today, as long as
0 you kneel down and apologize to me, I can guarantee that you&;ll be fine. What kind of thing are you here
0 to teach me about my life? You&;re so brave. Our sister My Lam is the
0 future heir of Muc Thi. Group, a trainee from the lowest class dares to
0 offend the future president of Mu Thi. Do you not want to live anymore
0 ? The future president of Mu Thi already knows, so you should apologize
0 . This is like ignoring My Lam sister, stop talking nonsense to her Who am I? I&;m
0 not even worthy of your shoes. Hello
0 , Deputy Huu Tham, if there&;s something wrong, tell me later that you&;re calling Deputy
0 Huu Tham. It can&;t be. She must have seen the director Sun coming and was afraid.
0 I mean to play a trick. We&;re right, we&;re definitely fake. Who doesn&;t know that
0 our deputy president and My Lam sister are a special couple? Preparing today&;s party to propose
0 to My Lam sister, who the hell is she? Deputy Huu I really want to propose to her at the
0 party Who said it? Why should I use my fingers to hesitate? I know that the Vice President
0 wants to marry, of course, the talented President Mu, My Lam. Why would he propose to a
0 poor and miserable person like you, Bach Thien, I asked in my heart to remind you
0 Although Huu has outstanding abilities, is handsome and thoughtful, he is the perfect man
0 that every woman wants to marry, but with her status and status, wanting to meet
0 him just once in her life is a luxury. But I am different. Me and him are just Phuc vi kiss
0 plus I am The heir to the Mu Group, why are you fighting
0 with me for men? Or are you saying you want to be the one who gets scolded by everyone?
0 Is the third aunt crazy? Who doesn&;t know how to be reasonable? Who dares to bully the heir? The director of the
0 Duong group is the one who told me
0 that she is done, and then she dares to bully me on the head and neck. Miss Cao,
0 please calm down. I will call and ask the director to see how to do this.
0 Teaching this woman who doesn&;t know the heavens and the earth is thick enough to call your pastor
0 to come here and see how he teaches me, Bach Thien, what are you that
0 deserves the director to come here for a visit, Bach Thien? Now you must be afraid of losing
0 your nerve, right? If you are already afraid, then
0 kneel down and apologize. I can still respect Tinh. We are colleagues without
0 telling the director what you did before. Are you blind or
0 blind? Wherever you see me, I&;m not afraid So, do you dare to let me call the director?
0 I have nothing to fear. I&;m afraid it&;s you guys who are about to die. If you can&;t
0 keep your mouth shut, I&;ll let you fulfill your wish, director. Later, let me call
0 the director. President, okay, Miss Cao, just wait and see if you regret it this time.
0 It won&;t be long before I can talk to Mu Hong Duc.
0 With this, the position of Mu&;s heir will be none other than me.
0 The story is like this, there is a person named Bach Thien and
0 Cai Why do you want to talk to her on the phone but your status is
0 noble How can that be possible
0 ? Yes, there is no need. Grandpa really couldn&;t help but get
0 angry. She must not really
0 know Mr. Mu. It doesn&;t matter if you&;re familiar or not
0 , he&;s almost here. How can
0 Miss Gao really have the dignity to say that she&;ll come right away? It seems like she wants to help
0 Miss Gao, who&;s a little angry. See, my sister My Lam. We are
0 not only the Deputy General&;s woman but also the General&;s target caring
0 and pampering Bach Thien right now you must be very jealous of sister My Lam, just now
0 you pretended to know me and know the Deputy General now you probably don&;t mean to say that the director
0 came to defend you, are you right? I didn&;t hear it right, you said the CEO
0 came to defend you, why is that so funny? What people value is knowing that
0 you know me. Even though you and I are both new employees
0 , the CEO of the group is to you. the pinnacle, but for me, it&;s a
0 gentle starting point, she hasn&;t yet Do you know why my mother and Mr.
0 Mu have a very close relationship? Moreover, Mr. Mu has long promised me that he will hand over
0 the position of heir to the Mu Thi Group to me. Do you hear me clearly, you
0 lowly jobber? How can we compare with sister My Lam&;s noble background?
0 Moreover, sister My Lam is also the woman of the Deputy General, who
0 was appointed by the CEO to be the heir to the Bach Thien Group. I advise you
0 to Knowing my identity and destiny, now go down and lick sister My Lam&;s thick skin. Let&;s go Stop it
0 , Mr. Mu, Mr. Mu, you&;re finally here. If you don&;t come,
0 this bitch Bach Thien will be bullied by big countries on your head and neck.
0 That&;s right, Mr. Mu. Bach Thien dares to bully your Heir. Mu Thi Group
0 must definitely notify the whole industry about her Bach Thien, quickly go find
0 your electric motorbike and prepare to go back and continue working as a laborer,
0 Mu Thi Bach Thien, she really doesn&;t know the above or below. If you often disobey
0 me, Miss Cao, you mean you want me to expel Bach Thien Without me, I just suggest
0 giving her a lesson like this to build the company&;s reputation, making the company
0 more united and orderly to develop. Strong and strong, right?
0 I said so. Make sure he is satisfied with this proposal, why should there be no
0 one else but me? What do you think? I
0 [music]
0 think that if Cao Tieu Thu says the company is not healthy, then our department should just
0 disband on the spot. Bach Thien, what nonsense are you talking about, Bach Thien , we have more parts
0 thousands of people Download elite You said disbandment is disbandment, what are you?
0 Mr. Mu and my mother have such a good relationship, why should you pay attention?
0 This Bach Thien&;s look, Bach Thien, you&;re a scumbag if you dare to be more I was able
0 to seduce Mr. Mu first. I will definitely marry Ms. Cao Tieu Miss. Who is your mother? Do she and I have
0 any relationship? What is Mr. Mu and Cao Tieu Miss?
0 I&;m close to you. I&;m the CEO of a busy group. Hundreds of thousands of jobs, why
0 should I be familiar with an intern? Yes, this Mu Thien Bach Thien
0 is also an intern. Why are you two so familiar?
0 Why is it because Bach Thien is the one I appointed the successor to Mu Thi Group
0 ? How could it be impossible? is a self-centered errand boy
0 What is the way to be Mu Thi Group&;s next person?
0 I already know. Is she already your mistress? Oh
0 my God, because Bach Thien wants to climb so high, she can sleep with someone old enough to be
0 Bach Thien&;s grandfather. TH is so disgusting. Could it be that she took advantage of Mu&;s inconvenient limbs
0 and forced her to stiffen her, but the young lady and her mother sent those
0 sexy videos to my mailbox that are just as disgusting, please tell us. Don&;t let
0 this type of person affect my white lady&;s mood It was me who was blind and
0 deaf, it was me who looked down on people. It turned out that the person who asked me to take care of me
0 was Ms. Deputy General. My heart took care of me. It turned out that it was also you. From beginning to end, it was Miss
0 Bach. I was wrong. Please forgive me this time. Go away
0 . Brother Duong, is it true? Vice President and Director Mu remember that
0 you&;re taking care of Bach Thien. What nonsense? Huu Tham and I were betrothed in the womb. He
0 knows. I go to work at Muc Thi Group. How can I not let anyone take care of me? I
0 &;ve never seen a shameless person like you who harms a lot of people. Brother Duong, calm down
0 first. Cao My Lam&;s party tonight is for the Vong Toc clan&;s gathering. As long as
0 you can take us inside to get to know each other,
0 How will we forgive you? Sister My Lam, I heard that the Vice President&;s mother will announce
0 a big story at the dinner party. I guess she definitely wants to match you with the Vice
0 President to reunite. So even if she is not the heir to the Mu market She is also
0 the world&;s most respected wife of Mr. Mu.
0 That&;s right, director. Have you heard? Even if I&;m not
0 Mrs. Mu&;s heir, I&;m still the wife of Mrs. Mu. Don&;t you dare disrespect me again
0 ? If you want to come in with me, let&;s go with
0 [music] hello please present your
0 invitation card invitation card I&;m Cao My Lam I&;m coming to Pho Thi&;s party Need
0 an invitation card no invitation card If you can come in here, it&;s cold from your superiors. Please come
0 back, what&;s wrong with that white sheep? Bach Thien is a member of
0 Bach Thien&;s family. What kind of joke are you guys? How can Bach Thien be a member of Bach Thien&;s family? Miss Bach
0 is indeed the one
0 the Deputy General specifically told Thuong Thien not to do. believe Cao My Lam
0 said that Huong was talking nonsense. I don&;t know her at all. Her so-called acquaintance
0 is just that her mother used to work as my nurse and then she was fired.
0 How cruel, you have to believe Mu Thi forever. It&;s mine
0 , my brother also thinks so, I know my grandmother and brother For me,
0 it seems that the best thing to do is to publicly reveal my identity, otherwise it&;s inevitable that
0 something like this will happen again, maybe we should find time to organize
0 a raid on Nham first. Announce your
0 identity and I&;ll send someone to prepare it right away Grandpa Look at this food,
0 your mouth is full [music]
0 Who was that person just now, why are you treating him so well,
0 why are you so worried about it? As her husband, of course he has the right to quickly say a man
0 &;s name Who is that wild man just now that he dares to let you go and seduce him in front of me?
0 You have no brain, don&;t you just think that you are a wild man
0 in the eyes of others? You are the man. That wild
0 [music]
0 I don&;t care about your past, but from today onwards you are the woman
0 of my Vice President, your children can only call me father,
0 my three children are also their children. My biological child is considered my
0 biological daughter. Please do it Tell me clearly, my children don&;t need your pity. When
0 will I say I pity you? I love you, I love your children
0 . I want to reunite with your family. Is there any problem?
0 [music]
0 Dear ladies and gentlemen, Today&;s guests, the Pho family, invite everyone to
0 attend this important ceremony to announce two
0 things. The first thing today, the Pho family, we have found
0 two young masters who were lost outside. They are my nephews and relatives
0 of From today onwards, our names will be recorded in the raia Pha The Vice-Governor
0 officially took back the status of the Vice-Governor&;s children and grandchildren, but he already had
0 children, how could he still have three more children? This news is shocking. I heard that the Vice-
0 Governor&;s children and grandchildren received a large sum of money from birth. The real thing is that after a while, the three children
0 are really compatible with the Vice President&;s ex-girlfriend, the young lady who just returned to the country to treat her
0 Am I the mother of the children? Next, I would like to declare that the second thing
0 is that I am the mother of the three children. I am the only daughter-in-law of the Fu family.
0 Her name is Bach Thien. She is a gentle girl. Easy and
0 beautiful, what is your mother calling you? Just answer
0 once. There&;s a performance today, why don&;t you tell me?
0 How would I know? This is a surprise. Every bride of ours is surprised. If
0 our family gives birth to a son, we will reward you with two billion. I want to give you a reward Let me give you
0 a reward of two billion as a reward for the Vice President to give birth to a son. What about our daughter? I am
0 your Fu family&;s reproductive tool, why do we still have a daughter
0 ? Bach Thien, tell me clearly, who said that daughters are okay? What is that, the deputy family?
0 We give birth to a boy, get two billion, give birth to a girl, get four
0 billion. Now it&;s your turn to say, girl. What do we mean by
0 [music]? Why does this child&;s mother have
0 such a sad face? It&;s strange that in this world there are people who don&;t like marital
0 money son son, we love each other dearly
0 , Tieu Tham has also determined that Bach Thien is the female owner of
0 my house, the female owner of the
0 deputy family. Is she also worthy?
0 I am the first person to disagree with this. Tieu Hue, what do you want to do? What is
0 it? My vice-lady once risked her life to save you and made you Kim Lan. Have you
0 forgotten? Why did you promise to marry me from your mother&;s womb, saying that when the little lady grows up,
0 she will marry our family My Lam? I know the love story. She couldn&;t force this feeling
0 , but she couldn&;t find anyone so she had to Looking for a product like Bach Thien,
0 she&;s not worthy of your family. Aunt Luu Bach Thien, she&;s really
0 not worthy of Huu Tham. If you know the truth, you&;ll definitely regret it.
0 Lam darling Hue, you all If you know what&;s going on, why say it? I also want to hear why
0 you guys are saying that I&;m not worthy of being a deputy. You still dare to argue.
0 Why look? This is the proof. Everyone, go
0 see Bach Thien. How can being vile make people disgusted? Dare to do
0 dirty things
0 See Do you still dare to argue? Tell me who are the two men in this photo?
0 Auntie: This is a normal transaction. One is my brother. One is
0 me. Now these young girls have mouths. Then call me, call your foster father. At night, you climb up to
0 stop people and have sex with men and women indiscriminately, and you say that communication is normal. You
0 tricked the devil. Why do you think that the white bride in this photo is the CEO
0 of the target group? I heard Bach Thien came out of his office the next
0 day The errand boy suddenly became Muc Thi Bach Thien&;s heir.
0 Is this real? The meteor proof is all here, Bach Thien, don&;t deny it
0 anymore, you look at it. Why don&;t you understand yet, you scumbag?
0 It was in bed that she served others for pleasure, and then she saved Bach Thien&;s three other children
0 , all of whom were not adopted by her, but instead she secretly gave birth to
0 a wild boy because she wanted to climb high and take over the family, even to the point of humiliation. Even though she was her own biological mother
0 , she still didn&;t realize how cruel she was, Bach Thien Ba That kid, is this
0 real? Can you stop dreaming in the middle of the day
0 ? This woman just doesn&;t know how
0 many hands she has passed through and is already a waste. I advise you to quickly sell the inheritance book
0 . Come out here or I will let these photos
0 be published for everyone to see. Bach Thien. How despicable are you,
0 Bach Thien, quickly hand over the inheritance rights or wait until there is a
0 fuss. The children don&;t have any face anymore, what does it
0 matter? And the children too, of course, aunt Luu Bach Thien, quickly bring out
0 the inheritance rights, otherwise it will affect the children, Deputy Huu Tham.
0 I also think so. Why did your mother know for a long time that those three children were not? But
0 I love Bach Thien no matter what her past is,
0 she&;s still my wife, I&;m confused
0 [music] I can&;t leave my family
0 in the hands of a woman like that, mom We can&;t let her step foot into
0 the deputy family&;s house like that I won&;t climb your door
0 any higher, little ha. You don&;t really
0 care if someone has a maid in your hand. Your family, Bach thiet, didn&;t expect you to be that kind of person. You&;re keeping me
0 awake
0 . Mom, what are you looking at? So angry that I fainted
0 Then you vile bastard today, if you don&;t announce your inheritance, don&;t you
0 dare step out of
0 here .
0 The old lady doctor has nothing to worry about for now,
0 but everyone must pay attention. Let her be agitated and understand
0 , Little Tham Nhan Tam, look at Bach Thien harming your mother like that.
0 It&;s true that Bach Thien did too much. She did something too outrageous.
0 I&;ll only explain it once. Let&;s stop talking about the photo. They are slandering me.
0 Do you believe this old lady or not? The province asked to meet you. You just wait here for
0 a moment and I will tell you later. Believe it or not, this answer is difficult.
0 Is now not the time to talk about this issue?
0 I just need one question. If you don&;t know how to do it,
0 you should quickly hand over the Moc family&;s inheritance. If not, I&;ll make you
0 never see your children again for the rest of your life, so I&;ll try to see how you
0 see the mother. If this or that woman refuses to hand over her inheritance rights, she must
0 do so Anyway, it&;s just an ah Dan Ba pretending to be polite.
0 In the next few days, Mu will organize an assassination against Nham first for her. I&;ve
0 already thought of a way for you to take over the right to book
0 the Bach Thien apartment. Don&;t look any further. It&;s late, go to sleep
0 , Mom, this doll belongs to my eldest brother. Mom, when you sleep, do you think about Dad
0 ? Tam Muoi Four Sisters, Mom forced us to live without Dad. Do you blame Mom
0 ? Not only do we need Mom to love us. That&;s enough, Tam Muoi, Four Sisters Ngu Muoi
0 is also very good. In a few days, she will return home and no one will dare to bully us
0 . Ngu Muoi is also very good. Hurry up and go to sleep. Make sure
0 you cover yourself with the blanket. Deputy Principal, wait until I see you. Knowing
0 that the person he respects and teases is actually my daughter, do you want to buy a piece
0 of tofu and
0 hit me on the head? You&;re so hateful.
0 She says she hates you, but that night you clearly liked
0 it very much. What am I here to
0 tell you? You said that I believe in you because as long as you&;re not blind, you can see that I love Tu
0 more than any other man. As long as I&;m here, you can&;t pay attention to
0 anyone else. You&;re such an idiot
0 . Is everything okay? She&;s okay but I&;m
0 not. What could be wrong with you? Are you okay? Asia I&;m
0 always thinking about the sentence you said to me. What sentence are we? If you give birth to
0 a girl, you must remember wrongly, then I must
0 have talked Just with my husband.
0 Your husband doesn&;t come home every night. Aren&;t you afraid that it&;s dangerous for you to stay home alone
0 ? He&;s about to come home. Watch out if he hits you.
0 What are you doing? I want to show you
0 my biological test certificate. TM sister and fourth sister They are all my children,
0 aren&;t fifth sisters also my children?
0 They are all your children but they were all raised by me alone. You
0 can&;t just come and take them away like that. So do you know how much
0 I have suffered these years? Do you know how much suffering and sin? Do
0 you know? I know, I know I&;m late. I&;m
0 sorry. Please follow me
0 . Then you&;ll
0 know Dai Bao Nhi Bao, who brought us back to us. We have to return to
0 you, not to us, they are our children,
0 so if you don&;t have a contract with me, that tattered contract, whatever harms
0 others will also harm me, from now on it&;s all null and void. Vice Huu whispered quietly. Don&;t
0 make any noise right We have to go back to our room
0 [sound music]
0 [music] yes I&;ve given birth to five children and my belly is
0 no longer as smooth as it used to be [music]
0 anymore. In my heart, people are just such shallow people, why do we love
0 people not just their bodies? but also your soul and your entire being
0 [music]
0 Pho Huu Tham I declare that now I also love
0 [music] you spend the kids are late for
0 school
0 [music]
0 Last night was hard for you people and my children have taken them to school and my company
0 has finished its work I&;ll be back soon, I&;ll buy you a strawberry cake. You like to eat.
0 [music]
0 Why are you still here? Why aren&;t I here? The children have been taken to school and breakfast
0 is already prepared for you. What has happened? Whatever you lack, you will make up
0 for it. What&;s wrong? Is sick
0 No, I&;m not sick. I know. Let&;s go get brown sugar water for you.
0 That&;s not actually what you&;re doing
0 , but you&;re still running around. Sit down
0 quickly. Deputy Principal Tham. Actually, last night was the first time in 10 years for me.
0 I know that&;s why I&;m okay Okay, I know
0 You stay at home and have breakfast I&;ll go buy medicine for the people at home to be obedient Wait for me
0 Go back
0 to the shop and you&;ll come back [music]
0 then tell me that yesterday was the one who ran
0 fast today Let&;s see where you run to
0 . You scoundrels If you do that, Vice Principal Tham will
0 not forgive you guys. You are a promiscuous person who seduced your ex-husband into
0 bed. If Vice Principal Tham comes back, you will die faster
0 [music] than coming here?
0 What are you giving me to drink? After drinking it, it can make you and your ex-husband happy.
0 Slowly enjoy it. Pho Huu Tham will immediately come back and be reasonable.
0 Hurry and let me go. Pho Huu Tham. How did you come to this broken place of yours?
0 How dare you touch me. Let&;s try to see if we can taste Pho&;s woman What kind of taste is
0 this? In this life, even if I lose my life, I still deserve to confess. Don&;t you like
0 filming the most? Why should you be happy for the positive side?
0 [music] Hurry up and smile. You want to do
0 [music]. music] what save my life save me with save me with save me
0 with Bach
0 Thien Vice Principal Tham he&;s already like that You still want to let him go
0 why am I drugged now it&;s so hard
0 [music]
0 to bear Bach Thien
0 What do you want to do
0 I want to take revenge on my parents and get blood for blood You crazy bastard
0 [music]
0 I hit you with this cruel and
0 meaningless attack. What do you want to do? Tell me
0 I&;m wrong. You want to kill yourself. Don&;t
0 let
0 me turn you into waste. I&;ll slowly thicken your shell. Let you slowly
0 feel it. accept the suffering before sending you to hell,
0 I will do as you wish, let him live in profound suffering.
0 Thank you for taking revenge on my behalf.
0 It&;s not safe for my parents here. Do you and the children want to go home with you? I
0 don&;t need it, I still have a house in Nam Thanh Nam Thanh Trang The average price of
0 1 billion is yours. The Deputy President still hasn&;t been able to find out your wife&;s identity, but I&;ve
0 found out a few other things. I don&;t know if the Deputy President wants to hear it. Don&;t you want
0 to work anymore
0 , ma&;am at Nam Thanh Manor? There is also a manor house
0 with an average price of 1 billion which is
0 her house. Yes, we investigated using better methods than the FBI but we still couldn&;t
0 get any other information about such a dear lady
0 . It&;s like someone deliberately hid Miss White&;s
0 identity Yes,
0 sir, I heard that you know Bach Thien&;s background
0 . Grandfather is handsome, right? Tonight is my grandchild&;s inauguration party. Grandfather
0 will definitely make you look handsome. I&;ll prepare properly later, too,
0 okay? I can go pick up the kids after school. But I want to
0 go before I take office. My parents can go home early. When
0 I meet you tonight, please don&;t be so angry that you will harm your family. If I soon understand what you&;re saying
0 . then Bach Thien wouldn&;t have used his children to control me like that Look ,
0 I can&;t blame you for this. If you want to blame me, then blame me.
0 That woman is very malicious and clearly knows that these children are
0 the Fu family&;s flesh and blood, but she still refuses to return me and really cares about me. something like an ATM
0 to withdraw money I heard that Bach Thien will attend the inauguration tonight to announce
0 her identity. She&;s trying to please
0 you on either side. Don&;t you see anything wrong, Bach Thien? Maybe it was the commercial message sticker
0 that Mrs. Mu installed on her deputy
0 If she dares to touch the deputy madam, I will
0 punish her. Deputy General Tonight, the Muc Thi Group will hold an inauguration party for the
0 [music]
0 staff to prepare the car.
0 Yes, your parents have dealt with the name Chu Thinh, who has passed away
0 . I have betrayed my gratitude to my parents. Tonight I will take over the broadcast. Duong
0 Quang Dai Muc, tell your parents, please rest in peace
0 [music] Big brother will go back to the country without sending
0 any pictures in advance. If you don&;t realize it later, then Why
0 haven&;t I been delayed for half an hour? Why are you here so early? I don&;t have
0 time to rest anymore. You&;re so pretty. How can you talk to me?
0 If you&;re a stranger, aren&;t you afraid that I&;m a bad guy? Little princess.
0 Four brothers, look to see
0 if she looks exactly like you. The more she looks like her, the more she looks like her. Second brother, look to see if she looks like
0 you. Could it be that she&;s you? My stepdaughter,
0 why do you have to have a stepdaughter? Khanh
0 [music] Khanh, so you&;re Thien
0 Thien&;s daughter. Five sisters, two brothers, three brothers. You both know
0 this girl.
0 Why is the signal so weak that I just received the news? Big Brother&;s message said he would be half
0 an hour late If you&;ve picked it up, then don&;t be too happy too soon. If you haven&;t passed the test yet
0 , you can&;t be my dad. Then you really are our big brother.
0 Second brother, big brother is at the top of
0 our mysterious hacker rankings . It&;s really your daughter, why don&;t you hear it? Why haven&;t you
0 passed all the challenges? I can only be Nhi
0 [music] What&;s wrong? So when you go back to your country, your
0 mother won&;t know about this. Is there any other bad experience
0 ? Mom, something happened. What&;s going on? I was install location software
0 on mom&;s phone, current location suddenly strays mom,
0 something
0 must
0 have happened
0 Sign this inheritance contract or I will punish you right now. I can sign
0 but you must release me first. As long as you obediently cooperate with me
0 , you and your mother will have the right to inherit the corporation.
0 You caused Bach Thi to go bankrupt, your mother passed away, now
0 you continue continue to harm the Mu Thi [music]
0 That&;s right, why do you inherit the Mu Thi, my mother and I have worked hard for so long
0 ? The Mu Thi Group must belong to us
0 , you . Sign it or not, I will not
0 sign or not sign Okay, let&;s wait for you to pass away and I can still
0 get the money from the Mu Thi Group [music]
0 Don&;t dream that I&;ll still have him after passing away. What? You lied to me.
0 Hasn&;t your brother been missing for more than 10 years? Then how come I found it a long time ago and it&;s still you
0 ? Bring him to my side, he is the Great Young Master of
0 the Family
0 . What is the reason? Why are you born with a strong and
0 wealthy destiny? Why do your parents love you so? Why are you
0 looking for it ? A man can also find a great CEO.
0 You rotten bastard, go to hell. I have to punish you. Wait until you die and then
0 I will have cosmetic surgery. By then
0 , your brother will be yours. Your men will all belong to you. If we are concerned about what is going on, we should focus
0 on
0 whether we have found Zen I&;ve been looking everywhere but I can&;t
0 find this, it&;s a mess. There&;s so many people opening tonight,
0 everyone is waiting for me to announce the Heir of the corporation.
0 You don&;t look very happy, do you? Is your health not good
0 ? I used to work as your nurse, but I was fired
0 , but considering my old friendship, I can still help
0 you with my health. You don&;t need to
0 worry. Besides, I advise you not to think too much. What else can you do with Mu
0 ? Otherwise, I won&;t be polite
0 [Applause] [music]
0 [Applause] Mom, look at this old man, he
0 doesn&;t care about you at all, why do you tell this group of thugs
0 whether he cares about you or not? What&;s the matter? As long as my niece Bach
0 Nhu Nhu succeeds, wait until Bach Thien passes away
0 and I will find a way for you to be my heir. Mu Mu, Mr. Mu. What&;s wrong,
0 quickly go find Thien Thien?
0 I&;m sure something&;s wrong with you. So don&;t worry about me yet go go yes
0 [music]
0 Mommy you poisoned him again he passed away
0 why don&;t you come here take his hand and press here press a few fingerprints and
0 it&;s good to go
0 [Applause] that&;s great yes This is it. Muc Thi Group
0 will be ours. This time, see how deep the vice president still dares to look
0 down on you. The work is about to start. You should go and put on your makeup, female translation. The Minh Minh
0 will officially announce the Asian announcement. You are the heir. Mu Thi&;s future is
0 [music] No It&;s okay Grandpa was poisoned
0 , I&;ll go call the doctor, grandpa
0 [music] shortness
0 What&;s wrong with you, grandpa, you&;ve been poisoned
0 but the doctor has taken care of it, grandpa just need to rest well and you&;ll be fine.
0 Why, my dear, don&;t worry about me, come to the hall
0 quickly, sir. I want to announce to everyone that my status as
0 your successor
0 is no longer needed. The party ended a day early
0 . Liu Ai Hue and Gao My Lam used the contract. impersonating your child&;s identity,
0 being hateful, hateful, and crude. It&;s all because of your useless grandfather.
0 Last time, they used the time he was in a coma to force him to sign [music],
0 and he wanted to sue them so they could go to jail. Grandpa. Just go ahead.
0 Take care of your illness and wait for your grandchild. I&;ve
0 already figured out a solution
0 The Muc Thi Group is the lifelong passion of my mother and grandfather. I won&;t let it fall
0 into the hands of others. Have you thought of a way
0 ? That&;s right [music]
0 must make those evil mother and son pay
0 the price. Grandpa can rest
0 assured that fifth sister&;s eyes are exactly the same as when she was a child.
0 So cute. It&;s a pity that Bach Thien is not a
0 good person. Thien Thien&;s mother is very good. My children and I cannot live without her.
0 What is good about her? But if she doesn&;t let you see your father, it won&;t hurt your father either When I met
0 the eldest grandchild of the deputy family, she was the one who caused my father to die
0 without closing my eyes. Mom, don&;t blame her. It was because you wanted to fake a kiss with her that
0 she was afraid of losing her family. She could only take me with her.
0 Because of your child&;s tyranny, she didn&;t dare to let you recognize her. Now that the misunderstanding has been
0 resolved, it won&;t be like that anymore. I assume
0 you still have some conscience and know my suffering. He also understands
0 my hardships and is definitely fascinated by her or then Cao My Lam is the one who
0 has a marriage contract with you, moreover, she has become the person in charge of the Muc Thi group,
0 which is very suitable for you, right? Cao My Lam&;s mother
0 used to save her mother when she was young, but these years We have given them a lot, so
0 we shouldn&;t use your big marriage as a way to repay our gratitude. If you say you
0 still have any wish in this life, it&;s to ask for a request for Bach
0 Thien Cao My Lam for your sake. gain the status of Muc Thi&;s heir. Why
0 are you biased towards one? Why are you so stupid?
0 Cao My Lam chose to marry the Mu Thi Group because of you. That&;s right, Cao My Lam knew that the
0 Mu Thi Group was very important to the deputy mayor, so she helped me win the Thi
0 Bach Thi [music] item. Do
0 you still have the face to come to the Mu Thi to work
0 ? Why can&;t I come and the Mu Thi fired you, not
0 me
0 ? Even young master Chu must stay away from you who dare to fight back
0 Bach Thien, you are so brave. It seems like I have to
0 teach you
0 . Who do you want to teach
0 ? Is it okay,
0 Director Sun? What is this? I&;m not a coward. It&;s
0 good that you weren&;t injured
0 . Bach Thien, why are you doing this? Pushing me so hard just because I had the position of
0 the successor of the Mu Thi Group, why is it so absurd that this white body is still
0 alive? White language The useless puppet still hasn&;t been able to make a move and dares to take the money for
0 nothing. I will not forgive her. Vice President,
0 Mr. Look at My Lam&;s hand She&;s bleeding, you bastard,
0 you must punish her. You&;re teaching me how to do
0 things. Listen to my explanation. What do you want to explain? Tell me again
0 about our relationship. Vice President is really evil in treating My Lam. The injury is very serious,
0 I&;m fine, I&;m fine, just please don&;t cause trouble for Bach Thieu, Hieu
0 Thuong, think about it, I know that if I become the heir, I can immediately
0 take back his vice president and Cao Tieu. The letter is truly a match, yes, My Lam
0 is Bach Deputy General Cam&;s Moonlight has been translated with voiceover and voiceover
0 . Don&;t you want to go to the study room for a meeting?
0 Let&;s go deep and dizzy. Can you carry me down
0 ? Bach Kien calls me. I only need you.
0 I&;ll call you right away. Put her down and carry you. Wait a minute. Woman. I&;m finally
0 used to it. Bach Thien. You have something to tell me
0 . I&;m sorry. I said it was the elevator. Wait a minute. Because I also want to go to the study room. Thi
0 Bach.) I call you just for fun Let me help
0 you press the elevator, Bach Thien. Why are you going to Muc Thi&;s classroom,
0 Bach Thien, you won&;t be in Muc Thi&;s classroom where there are few people, sorry.
0 Ms. My Lam, don&;t take advantage of the time everyone is here to directly kneel down
0 and apologize to Ms. My Lam. That will be sincere and
0 shut up
0 . There are a few things I think it would be better for everyone to gather and talk.
0 I called everyone to the classroom. What do you want to do? Miss My Lam. Everyone
0 has really come to the classroom. Mu Thi,
0 why don&;t you dare go? Now she is Muc Thi&;s heir, the paper
0 is clear in black and white Why don&;t I dare to take the elevator
0 and wait for me and Miss My Lam? This woman still wants to seduce
0 the Deputy General. You must not forgive her. Of course, if she likes the taste of
0 hell like that, I will let her. She has tasted the taste of eternal life,
0 preparing what I
0 need, white corpse, what I have prepared, it will definitely make my loved ones
0 lose their names, Bach Miss heard that the Mu Thi Group
0 has shocking news, may I ask what it is? As the deputy president, why is there someone next
0 to him who announced the President yesterday? Category Thi Tieu Thu Cao, why did I hear rumors that she and
0 the deputy director were a couple? Could it be that the Good News is about to be announced? Why did you all guess correctly?
0 The deputy director and Ms. My Lam Nhat Kien Loyalty for 10 years is like a day You guys
0 wrote Let&;s be kind and let the little Tam choys quickly give up
0 who is the Tam Chou playing, is there any new news?
0 Everyone be quiet. Next, we will announce the big news that everyone
0 wants
0 [ music] know everyone look at Bach&;s phone
0 Ngu Nhu, you&;ve already lost your reputation, now all you have to do is listen to me
0 tell Bach Thien to sign the transfer contract of Muc Thi Group. I&;ll give you
0 10 million. If she doesn&;t agree, I&;ll punish her. I&;ll give you 5
0 [negative] music] summoned me to see Cao My Lam again.
0 Evidence that My Lam bribed the assassin turns out that the second person of the Muc Thi group is
0 Bach Thien, Miss Cao is so cruel and even wants people to be dismembered, there is
0 this video of her Sitting in front of Cao My Lam, she is a fake person
0 Please let me see if I can handle you in your place. This video is old and cruel. Don&;t be complacent.
0 I will reveal your true face right now. This video of mine can
0 make you disobey everyone forever. Look! Hieu Tham,
0 you should quickly look at this little girl, Bach Tien, she hasn&;t even mastered Vo Si yet. She&;s been
0 lying to you all the time
0 . Try to think again about this lesson.
0 Your younger siblings are still doing their homework next to me, come over there. Let&;s look at the two
0 children here obediently doing their homework Wait for mom
0 obediently Yes, do your homework well Oh my god, what kind of fairy is this
0 ? Working hard all day I accompany you to study and raise your children. Your mood is stable
0 and gentle. Lady is truly my goddess.
0 No. You&;ve all been fooled by this, she&;s just
0 a slut, old aunt, her hair is broken, so are you a child
0 or see how I can fix you
0 [music]
0 Bao Mom asked me what should we do if we meet bad guys? Call the
0 police, they have been collecting evidence here for a long time. Cao My Lam, we
0 suspect you of slander, please come with us to coordinate the investigation
0 . Goo, you save me, and Goo, Miss. I&;m
0 innocent I&;m Bach Miss. In the video, you can see that it&;s all you taking care of the children,
0 so where are the three babies?
0 It&;s so hard for the baby to be raised alone. The child&;s biological father has passed away.
0 Why is the child&;s main father dead? It&;s me, my father is the Vice President of the Group, and I have four
0 Brothers and Sisters We are a united family that loves each other. Stop talking nonsense.
0 You&;re right. We are a family full of love.
0 Mom, I&;m sorry. This bastard called the police to arrest you. It&;s very difficult. I can
0 escape. What should I do now? This is such a useless piece of shit that even an errand boy
0 can&;t handle it. It also implicates Ngu Nhu&;s sister who was captured. Looks like I still
0 have to take action. Mom, what can I do? How can I translate? Minh In my hand, I still
0 have that bitch&;s weakness
0 It&;s such an honor. I didn&;t expect to be able to take a photo of the Vice
0 President&;s family. That&;s right, the Vice President and Bach Tieu Truong are truly a pair of children who also
0 inherited their beauty. It&;s so perfect. Heaven Born A Pair of Monkeys.
0 Why Bach Thien is both the wife of the vice president
0 Secretly moved into Nam Thanh&;s manor,
0 do you still know how to be shameless, Miss? Is what this person is saying
0 true? Listening to this person, does it mean that Miss Bach is having an affair in her marriage
0 ? Is this breaking news? Am I being killed by others? Save ai Hue, what do you want to do with
0 my business? I&;ll handle it myself, mom, come on. Liu Ai Hue, I&;ve actually moved into
0 Nam Thanh, the manor of the communal house, but I&;m staying there for real. Everyone quickly
0 looked and even Bach Thien admitted it
0 I&;m having an affair in my marriage. Why don&;t you guys hurry up and get rid of Tran?
0 I want to ask you, who rules that your sister can&;t live in a house in
0 your name? Why do you still call me &;sister&; to this day
0 ? Isn&;t it really disgusting? It turns out Miss Bach is the type of person
0 who eats from a bowl and looks from the crib. She is truly shameless.
0 Chu Dinh Tu is my biological brother. I call him brother. What&;s
0 wrong with biological brother? You should see now. Even Pho Huu Tham doesn&;t know about this
0 and you still dare There, you&;re talking nonsense if you say that the young master is
0 your biological brother, then you show me the proof
0 that he went to Zen and didn&;t have an affair. I&;m the proof that your brother is here.
0 What&;s wrong? You were deceived by bad guys before. What are you looking for? Tell
0 me the truth. I know you have neglected your children. Can you forgive me,
0 old lady? If it&;s because I inherited the corporation, I&;m sorry. I can&;t
0 forgive you. Because I can&;t let my mother&;s heart fall into me You deputy
0 maids, Bach Thien, how could I attack
0 the Mu group? Am I that kind of person?
0 I love her, I love her very much, not because she gave birth to my children, nor
0 because she has a group. Do you hear me clearly? Bach Thien and I are siblings.
0 It&;s just that we were lost when we were young and have only been reunited not
0 long ago. Please make sure to report truthfully. Brother-in-law, you hid it from me
0 too carefully. This is Thien Thien won&;t let me tell you, blame your wife.
0 This is impossible The deputy chief and the children are all
0 my most important relatives. If you dare to treat them badly in the future,
0 don&;t blame me for being rude. Even if you are my brother,
0 I will use my life. I guarantee that in the future, I will give them happiness for the rest of their lives
0 . I only love you. If I change my mind, I won&;t be able to
0 say harsh words and tell you, you bastard,
0 why did I lose everything? I have no money and no children. Girl,
0 you still have a man who loves you, a brother who loves you I love
0 you well I have to take your life.
0 Call the doctor quickly.
0 [music]
0 What&;s the matter? How&;s my mother? The patient&;s wound is very serious. We&;ve
0 tried our best, everyone, don&;t rush to listen to me. After all,
0 the patient&;s wound was very serious, and before that, she had a tumor
0 that needed surgery, so we did our best to help the patient&;s surgery
0 feel secure. The surgery was very successful. The old lady survived. It&;s dangerous.
0 Really. The old lady has nothing to worry about anymore Thank you
0 [musician] Auntie, Mom, you scared me, it&;s okay
0 , it&;s okay, it&;s okay, it&;s
0 gross of those who harmed me Cao My Lam Luu Ai Hue, I sent them to prison and will never
0 come out to harm me. If there was something
0 wrong with me, would you treat me the same?
0 Would you not let me see you guys anymore? Is that too cruel? I can
0 swear to God that it&;s not because of me. It&;s because of you that you flatter me
0 Seeing that you raised your children, you don&;t know. You endured a lot
0 of hardships before. Are you really confused? Do you want to separate the two of
0 you? Or do you want to tell me to give you half of the Fu family&;s assets as a bride price
0 ? Can you forgive anything? Mom, please forgive your grandmother.
0 I can&;t accept half of Deputy Thieu Thien&;s property. Can I still
0 forgive anything? It&;s not like I&;ve forgiven anything,
0 but I I can&;t accept the property of the Deputy Mayor, but now I&;m yours You&;re busy enough
0 , Vice Principal, let Deputy Principal Tham Lao take care of it.
0 What do you call me? I call you Vice Principal
0 [music] Tham Deputy Principal Tham What do you want to do? Wearing
0 this heirloom bracelet from my mother on you is Your people will have to call
0 It &;s
0 your husband, what are you and your parents doing? They&;re kissing. You kids, you can&;t
0 look at us. Don&;t look. Don&;t worry, they can&;t see
0 . What should I call you, my daughter-in-law? Mom, I&;m here.
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